<br />THIS MORTGAGE is tna~e this........... 5th ....... . .....dap of .......... /~ r. f I ........ , ... ,
<br />IfO... , betweext the Mortgagors. DALE. N...McMU.LLAN. ANA .NOEiN-A J , . McM1.LLAN,. husband .and. wi.i:e . .
<br />..............................{hettein "Borrotirer"), end the Mortgagee, Hume Federate
<br />$rtvittgs and Lose Associatfan, a otrrporatian organised turd exfatittg ntuier the farce of The United 3tate6 of
<br />Artnarica, whose address is 221 South Locttet Street. Grand Island, Nebraska {hm'eitt "Lender").
<br />WNBRFAS, Borrower is irtdehted to Lesdtr in the ;.ri,^.cip:l snm of. ~'!:.°.T'! . ;';CU.`,Arku .iyru.[dvi.'suut+----
<br />. ---------- ---- -----r------cc. r..:----Doitars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated.... AAr i. (. Z5,..i 9$Q , , .. _ _ , {herein "Note" }, Providing for monthly instaiiments of ptincipat and interest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, dur: and payable on ..... May..1., .2009 ............ .
<br />To SscuRt: to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Notc, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith a> protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, attd the perfoemanee of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and f b) the rcpaytnent
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon. made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {ham}rt
<br />"Future Advances"). Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />located in the Coutny of ...........................HALL..........., State of Nebraska:
<br />LOT SEyENTEEN : r 7) ! N uLrwl; ' ! b'~ {.~,: ! : dEL=A1 R AD^vi TiGN T^v THI= ^.l i r ~~F
<br />+-h brat the adelre~s of. . - t f(jtj ..c. sir ttrr,r r ,trtJ i ., I ~t++! -
<br />ts,...ri c.r,i
<br />.... . ......... (herein "Fiats,: sty Addrr3a")
<br />LS4N w+u t~ cap.1
<br />~Ttx:ert+aa with all the improvements now arc hrreaher rrrctcd un the prolxrty, and ail ca~tttrnte, nghis,
<br />appurtenao~s, riots, ruyatties, mineral, ari scut ,gas rights and I.rofits, water, water ripht+, an.1 water at.~al, and .iii
<br />haturcx ttuw tx hereafter attacated to the profs°rty, art cri which, indudmg rcptac,^nM1Znts arui addrti.rru thrrc°t,+, `halt he
<br />dmrmeti ifs be arxi remain a part of slx prat~rtr crw4rt=J ter thy ~}ortga~, and a!i wi the 1+~tcgt+ntg. tr,gc~ttur w~irh .ard
<br />proi,eny (err tl~ Icasehokt r9U1tG if lhis Mtutga~ r. an a ;4a+ehold) xn- herein re{erred t:, ue dtr "psis{,~ety.
<br />iimrower txrveriattta chat t3turatwr:r se iaaHuttt srrxed cif tlrc ratStr hcrrba .,atvefed t~rcd ha4 rtes critter :+r nu>rtC;a~r,
<br />grant and convey thnt Ytrtpunty, that rtes F'rarp,:ttY t+ urtatu:umtreraal, arras !hat i3etrn,aact wrfi .sarrunt and =teiend
<br />ttenerCrtly tltx title ttt rtes lrtuperty a;ainst ail alatnts and demands, +uhteei trt any .trctartektr.na, , ajC.ntc:ris .,[ ecstrt~t+rru~
<br />{tftrat in u »tcltr_.c~utr t~ e~:eptiwtt>; Af .rr~c_ra~ in ant trite irz.urana;e [x~tir~ e;tFUrtn~ t ender . +nt r ,t sir the F'rr,ik+t4
<br />~~ t rsitrwtr. p, !5 ittMbitlkMt IINItisAl fattaYlt6Nt
<br />