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8~7~3~~3~.'~ <br />T.eader's written agreement nr applicable law- Barrtrw~er shall pay the amutrnG of all mortgagB insurance prrrattiums in tfir: <br />manner prcvided under paragraph 2 her~f. <br />Any amnants disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indeh=ednesc n/ Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agm to other terms of payment, such <br />amamts shall be payable upon notice from Lender ro Bottower requesting payment thereof, and shop bear interest frem Efie <br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the (Vote unless paytnettt of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />prnnissihle under applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall requite Lender to incur any expense or take <br />anV action hereunder. - <br />g• hrspectbn. 1 ender may make or cause to be made reascmable entries upon and inspections of the Property, previded <br />that t ender ,half give Borrower notice prior to am' such mspectian specifying reasonable cause therefor related to I_ende:r's <br />inrrrrst .n the Prooertv. <br />9. Condemnation. Tht prr>teeds of any award or alarm (or damages, direct or amscquciYriat, i ..,., ^~?^^. +xiti± anv <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are lurehy assigned <br />and shall t,c pard to tender. <br />In the tutor of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds sha8 be applied to the sums scented by this Mortgage. <br />with the rxcccs. tf anv. pard «+ Borrower In the event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Harrower and under <br />otherwise agree in writing, them ,hall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such pmportior. of the proceeds <br />ax w equal ro chat pmponion which the amount of the sums. secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bean to the tart market value of the Pmprrtv rmmeaimely prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid ro &,r rower <br />If the Property is abandoned by Burrower, or if. after notice by 1_ender to Borrower that the condemnor oHets is make <br />an award or ,etth a Maim for damages, Borrower fail. to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />marled. Gender is authorized ro collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's optinn. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Propcnv' ;,r tc. the sums secured tw this Mnrrga~.e <br />Unless I enckr and &vrmwer otherwise agrce in writing, anv such application r+f proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or ptstpcntc the due date ,+f the monthly installments referred to in puragrapfix 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such ~nstalhnnnc <br />10, BOrfgwlf Not Rrkaeed. F.xtenwon of tht time for payment or modi8cahun of amortization of the sums secured <br />by th,s Mortgage granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner, <br />the liability of the urigrnul Borrower and Borrower's successnn m interest. Lender shalt not t+e required to mmtmnce <br />prttcecdings .rgamst such successor ,+r refltse to extend time for payment r+r otherwise mr+dify amortization of the sumo <br />soured by this Mongagr by reason of .env demand made by ;he original Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />t t. Forbearance br [atndtr >ot a Kdrer. Ant forhearancc by Lender in rxerrning anv right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwrse atfortled by applicable taw, ,halt net he a warner ,+t ,+r preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. <br />'The pnvcurement of imurarrce ar the pavrrtent of ra<es nr other funs or , barges by Lender shalt not he a waiver of 1 ender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the ~ndehtedncss arcurcJ hs th„ `iortgagc <br />t2. Relmsdiea CiuarnlaUve. 111 remeahes pm,rded ,n thrv .ti1orts;age are aistinrt and cumulative m anv +,i),cr right ~' <br />remedy under rhea Mortgage or afforded t+v taw or egwn..,nd rosy he r<trc,sed concurrently. independentlc or sua:cesslvely~ <br />I_l, Spccetisore and AsrtiKas Bauad; Joiwt'awd Several l.fabrNfY: Captiota. 'The .ovcnants and agri~ementx herein <br />rrwta,ncd shall hind, and the rights hercumftr shall inure to, the respectwe saccrsu,rs ;end assigns of t ender and Borrower. <br />vubied to !hr rnwisrom .~( paragraph !? hereof Ali .ovtuants and agrcemenn of Borrower .hall !,c n•utt ,end several. <br />'T'he captions and headings of the paragraph, of this Mortgage arc h+r :om'entence o+t1v .end .err not t,+ I+e used to <br />urterprct or define the pow slum hereof. <br />t4, Vo1ke. Fxeept for any nohct rryuirrd undkr applical+ie law ;,, hr g+ven .n another manner, '.n any ounce to <br />Borrower prt,v,ded fur m this Mortgage shalt hr ¢,vrn by marling ,uch nailer by acrhfied mail eddrev,rd t,* Horrowrr at <br />Sett Pr.+txtty Addrt+s ~» .at ,nit? .+tlte! addrrv, as Bs+rr=+wrr tna} drv,grtatr i+y rx+trc:r t.+ r rre<ltr as txovidrd t?er'rtn, and <br />Ihl anv nor,; e. R+ Lrnslcr ,hall he g,,en hs .eratird ma,i return rrir,pt ,tyuestrd. {=, { rnder'+ addrrs+ s:atrd herein or to <br />such other addre>s as 1 rnckr ma, ae„gnatr M m,rric to Borrower as prav,dtd hcrrm 1n\ notice prov«!cd for .n this <br />Mortg.rgr sh.tll fx :ktmid '., base hurt Mteen .a fiixrowcr . , f coder when y;,vcn rn the manner designated herein <br />IS, i'~aNarrrr '~iurttlrgte: tit..srwirt~; 4venbAgy. r7.,, t,+rm ,,i uturtgaKr ~,•m+irers un,forrn ;:~~vrnanrs i,•r Halts+nai <br />use And nomund.+rnr ~ ;.east, .vtr)r rein+trd =..reau++r;. by :ur„+6ctnas t„ n,uahtrtt , umta;rrn cis ,:r,~} inx[t'ururat aavering <br />teal t»upertt I-hn Mrrtgal;e ,ha=t f+C ;;:+terrxd !,e .hr 'ew ..i the „err-.clr.t«+n ~;, wlttr:h She Pi,3tKrtY +; I.ei seed to rht <br />tre.-,i rba ~,,. i,r -._ , ,ar,c . , , , + i,~~gaga.. th,- ~r,rtfta_rs ..ith rpp -_:i,z,c IAw, »s.h ._t r tt_ir ,nae- _,,,t at'itii <br />whet r•r.,+•+tt».+ .,t .h.,' M.zrtaage .,r lrhr 1=its wh:eh .:rr; P< =et« rt[ ~s. wttha it the <<,ntl,ittr~_ pra,tr,i.trt. ,uti t,= this <br />end the pra,s,srom ,» ,}x: Mottgagr e«d nc~ Lott .,rr ,Ir.iarrd t„ 'r,e .rvrrabic <br />16, dorrowrr'r Capp. BUrR„4rr ,h:nl tr- fur«ahtd a ,onformrd .op} of the tYutc and of thn Mortgage at the arm <br />o} excauttou .» at4•r niordation hcrcut <br />17. Traaafer of the Prsrpgir; \rirmpliaa. It all rr am part of the Pn,prrty or en interest therein is ,ukf .a trausterrrd <br />by &+rrowtr wubaut Lender's pr+or wrtta•n ;onsrnt, excluding ~.u the .rratiua of a hen „r enaumhrancr ,altx+r,hnate t.+ <br />thrv Mortgattt. +hi !hr .rcahon ,,t 1 purshax money uiuur} ~nrercvt for housthuid apphanar;, tci :, tranvfrr t+s drvisr. <br />desicnt or h} oi,erauou et !Aw ulx,n tfie death at a ~.urt tenant ,,r i.l, the grant ,•! ens Icaathold urttrrSt ai three scan .,r tcs <br />nix ionlatmng .,n option io pursh^st, lxtadtr nta}, at l.rnsirr , „puun..le:larr all the ,um, -e.urr.t by thu \tortttage !,• be <br />tmnitd,atri\ dot .urd payable. I cyder +hrll hoer waived , .,ptram to adarlcralt ,t, pen?r h, the ,ale .•r transkr 1 ender <br />and the lti rw+u to whom the Pn~rty ,s a, ht ,akl or transtrrrrd rcash ,rgrecmrnl m ,v ntong that the .rrdrt :d +u.h lx rs.m <br />rs xahsfeaon to Ltndcr ;end that ihr intrres[ pryahlr ,ar the +uun ,c.:utd by tarn ~{ortgaKe ,hail tk ar rueh rate s. I ender <br />shall ray nave tf 1 rltdcr Aar w^rvpl the uptram h, aiactei are ptu,rdid m thu ;W ragraph t'' .end ![ t#nuow tr s ,u.iessor tit <br />mterast ha. rxtiutrd a +vutfrn nssumpttou ugrrcmrnt as.cptrd .n „Hung by I coder. t slider ,haft ua<aw+ Bornreur tram ..I! <br />a+tllig.nuns under then Mortgage and the N Kt <br />It l Cridtt C1tt t ., ,uch apha^ R, siietCtate l cadet +h tit H7ad Br tl ,wet n.,l r. a- :d --tin at«,n , r auJan.r •+nfr <br />{vr~ralth la itcrrot gush House slurp puevtdt a iwnesl ut n r Itas :bah tU dap, from the slats the Hullos i loaded wrthu, <br />which )lotrowu mrv pas flit urns +lrxlalcd den !i Bun uwa falls 'o pas su.h ,ans. pn,+r h the .<)aratnn, +•tah per,. wl. <br />t rt!drr m:s1. w!!)it,llt rn?'rfhr na+i !+'Y „r .ftma-"cl •,.; }r=+, ~Erus*. -.'-t d -: rcattd:ga ~~ ^t:rt5.i ~ t,ara~;:it h - K tnz r~i:! 1 <br />h ter. t=R71=iYa>t t'i rv'-h xt:r Bc.+r++wrl and 1 trot, tutitrrr a,.+rnari ,utd .r ¢r ec as i.+iiows <br />IB, Acceltrrlbta: R^msdbs Except ar prurided is partgtrapb tl hsrsat, upon Rarrowsr's hrrash ut ^na iur riwut nr <br />a(tsraleN of Brrtrawtr in tfr4 wattsaae, ietMludirrli the ~urerwnta to p^} when due •n} sums w•cured by tba \torgtrrae. <br />I.eafsr peGrr to ^cc^MrWkra sb~t m^it notice to Ibrrowsr a pn,sided is parlrar^pd 1J hstraf spexif7iryl; itl the Mswh; <br />12) t-r actioa rrgaieed Ha saes rwb bleach; t3) ^ date, rqt lean that W dare cram rlrt dlMr lets mNirr is trtaiird w &wrowcr, <br />bJ whfcb web breach wnxt be r:arcd; sad id) that tailwe to oars sorb brrash as er trrtare ttte date epvsihr.l in the Imiiar <br />teray rscah to ^crskratioa rrt Itre sawrx rsiurrd b} tbi^ Rtaryaiic, furxrlrraut'e by )sw(ki^I prvxrrdinY end sak of ihr !'nµwrt}. <br />Tbs wtRier rbW ftrrebet iatwta Nsrwwer ref for rit{At to reiwuae afisr asiskratwra amt ihr ri>ebt ire asarrt is the furra4Nrarr <br />pteKesvtlteeg itrr nap-r>,kasa.r in a rtefauk nr ^a? aihsr drteaxs of $arrawrr fu nr.rlrratian ,tad tur~eaiunwe_ )f ihr Mr^rh <br />it sat cwsd rw w beJara firs Bats spaa'iPrcd to ilia iwtlt'r, i.tader at lriwisr's apikw ma} drxlace x11 al i1K ,nays sriurrd M <br />tbM bis^t*,ags to hit iwrtaa:dsatetf dos and pa_rtrbit witboirt further tkawnd tad Hwy turriMrt b} judirirl pruired)iq;. Lender <br />uiraN br t~tltlyd W collect is rwch prxrceadiap aN sxperpea at ftxrcM^ru^r, dactadfK, bat a+x )ranked n., asnt+ of dwirrusat^rv <br />sri~nace, ^batracts apd tpirt rtepur6r. <br />19, farrawet's RIaM to Raiaatats, `•:otwuhstar,drng }end.,',: _r•Serat=. ;, ,. r=;t ,. ,., ,..,,r.i "+ ..,. \t„ria_ax~ <br />tkrrrt+vvcr sha!! have ttpr r)aht to its-vt aey- praErrdrngs 4x;tur, t <.,str, ,, .,,i.~r..~ ..- xfi:, .s;r~ .,,,. .,..<.t .. .,-~+ ,.. <br />