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<br />c30--~,?-.~~~ . <br />~IVtFna sx C'C)vEt:1N'rS Harrower and Ltssdsr covenant and a;rtx m folkxws: <br />T' Laayattestt et pririMt ra/ La[essst. Harrower shall prottspriy Pay when due the prirtcipai of and interest c»-the <br />+ntkt+[tdness a;vedenced by itx ,'rote. prepay[ttutt arsd Tate charges as provided to the tiote. and the pri[uipd of std interest <br />on any Fwure Advanm secured try tbn Mortp~a <br />E. @'estb far Tares ssrd isstnfstee. Subjat m applicable law or w o written waiver by[der. Harrower sha€4 pay <br />[s= [.ender nn rlu dsg nmrtthly t[axeatimerus of principal asd interest arc Payab4e under the Noe, unfit tLse Nau is paid in Putt, <br />a sum Rtercrn ''Funds"l equal to steer-trrelfrh of the vastly taxes, and assawur7ertts which map attain ptinrity over this <br />Mortgage. and g.~xavrxi rents on the Properly. if any, plus otao-twetfth of Year4y prt:mium insaaHttunts for haaarsd inst7rattce, <br />plus csree-twelfth of yearty premettm irystaHnsertb for treort~e istattrarect. it any, all as reasonably estimated initiel4y and from <br />tune to time by Larder nn the baan of assexsntenrs std bills and reasonable tssimatex thsueof. <br />71ae Funds shall l+e held in art irestittrttttre the deprssits or accounts of which are insured or gtnrarereed tsy a Federal or <br />state agency [:nc4[d[n; Lr:sdtr sf Linder is xuch an itzstitaniont. (.ender shaft apply the Fonda to pay said taxis, asseastteerets, <br />insurance premiums std ground rams l..endes may rta ctwrge tar ro hrsldrng and applying the Funds, analyrinq said accatni, <br />or venfytng and compdin; slid asseasmettrs sad bills, unless i.ender pays Harrower imerest on the Ftmds and appliubk law <br />permits Lender zo make such a charge. Borrower and Ixteder may ague in writing- ai tl7r tune of eteeeution of this <br />Mnrtgabte :hat interest on itut Funds shalt be pad [o Bnrrosvrr. and unless such agreetrenri is made or applteabk law <br />requires such interest ie Ixe paid, Lcteder shalt not tae re<mired to pay Bosrowcr any interpt or earnings on flu Ftrttds. Under <br />shall glue t.r Borrower. wititmtt charge, an annual accounung of the Funds stxtwtng crtdrt6 std debits trs doe Fords std the <br />purptvst :or urhrch Bach debit to ttte Funds was made ilia Funds are pledged as additional aecuritV for the sums t:ecure4 <br />t+y this No--(gage, <br />tF the amount of the Funds held 6y Lender. ttiPetMr wills the future monthly inxtallments of Funds payable prior to <br />flit drx dates of taus, a-4scsxmtnn, imuranc-e premiums and ground rents, stud exc>~ the atttount required to pay said taxes, <br />assrtamems. rnsura»a premium: and grouryd mats air they fall drre, such excess shalF be, a[ BorroweYs option, esther <br />promptly repaid to Borrower to credited to Harrower on mtmtltty irrstaihnents of Fua~. If the amount of the Funds <br />leetd by Ls7rt4er shaft rta( tx sufticitsBt to pity taxes, astxsx[etenu. insurance ptxtnivrns and ground ants as [hey fall due. <br />Somrywer shall pay to t_rtsder any amount necessary to makr up the deficteney wuhin 3C days from the date notice ks mailed <br />by tsrader to &srrnwcr rcqutstm; lxymtnt therrnf- <br />Upon payment in fu4t of all atmts se.-ared by flits Mortgage. Lender shall promptly reload to Borrmver anp Funds <br />held by Lender. It older oaraaraph 18 heranf the Property is ~»id ur tlx Property rs o[Isersvise a.:qusrrd Ly Lender. Later <br />strati apply, no tarry rhea imtnedisttty poor to ilse sale of ttsc Property ur its a.:yuts[tion t[y Leredet, any Funds held by <br />l.eodtr at zhe t[srre of application as a a:rrdif s;tirtat the sttrmr secured by flits !sftm;agt. <br />~- Appiicatioe of TtTatettb. Unless appixcabit taw pnw[akc ctherwi;e, all paymtms received by Lender udder tlte- <br />Nntt and psragr:Phs t sad Z hereof shalt b.: applied by Lender 13tst to pax-meat of amounts payable to Lender by Borrowrr <br />under pare;raph ; hertrf, thin to tnterrst payable on the \ou. !hen:,? the pntscspai of the tiote. and then to intereu and <br />pnrtetpal on arty Future :tcdvtrtcta. <br />_~ CLft;es; L3ess, Borrowrr shall pay alt tars, a,,sessments arxi c,rhe[ :barges, fines end tmpusutons attnbutabie to <br />[lye Property whech may attain a prrorny over [his ~4ort;age, and ltaschoid pagmems srr ground rents, if any. in the manner <br />Provided antler Pat'aSraph 2 Iterraf ar, li net pard to such manntz. 6y Bar:awtr making pavmrnt, when due, dtres:tiy to the <br />payce rhealet. Borrower shall pttmrp+ty fvrnrsh to Lander ail nooses of amtaunes due under ttns paragraph, and in the event <br />8orn>wes staall make payment d:rtctiv. Brrrromee ;half promptly tunt+sh !.+ Lrndtr receipts evtdencmk such payments. <br />Borrowrr .halt promptig dtachargc any ilea whuh has parr:ry ovtr flits Mcrcsgage; prnvlJed. that Borrower shall not be <br />rtyusred to dischar;e arty srt.h Iten xr long : s tY.:rrower shall sgrcr rr, rnnng to flit pa}-meat ul the c*hl[gaunn secured by <br />stu:h hen en a manner trcep[at3ir !u I.ttrder, car shall »r g.x+sf fa[eh suntevt stn:h lren hy, or Defend enforcement of such lien in, <br />le;a! pnacredtngv whrch ++ptrate to prrvtm flit enfur ~tnrnt e! tt[t [,en t,r furtaturr of zhe Property or any part thereof. <br />S, Ha+tard lswrs;atacs, Barrawv shalt kcsP flit tmpn:vemtnts n~+sr rtrst;n; nz taerextrer rrectrd an the Pr+,prrty insured <br />agausst loss by [ire, hatatds urcluded wtttun alto term "esttrsdrd r~oyer;agc ,ant such ++t her hazards as I.cndtr ma} reyutre <br />and m arrctt arm+unts anu for stab pertsxls a, ; crsairt may rcyuur pruxsdeJ, that lender vhah nut reyutrc that alit amount of <br />such coverage ca,reed that amount s±t .~>veragr rcytu[ed t;:, pat [hr +:,m, .r.nrrd h} thi., 4lortgagc. <br />Lbe tnsuran;•-t aarrrtr prav7dstig tart tt sur3xh-e shalf be ch astn by B +rrower s!rbrtct t+, arrprt a; by tenter, nruvidcd. <br />that suci; approval stall s[tt bt unrta.+onasuy waithrid- -3t1 prtmuutts nn tnsuranr lx.ucxs ;bah tx- paid ;n the mamter <br />pros°ts'~d utx':er paragrapt : hcresx err. tt [r.;t past in aueh mamser, by Ile=mower nttu:nx payment: whir. dot. sttrectiy to zhe <br />tnsura~x cornet. <br />.Y23 iittt:[a(KY psMiclC' ant rCnc'w ai6 ttrerrf>t •tlala` hr: tit ii)rtrl ..l ::rpfelt#4" tt+ t_t`Il:lr::,trJ +hall Irlc:tlidc' ,t ;tan tlnrtt tYtnrtitJge <br />l~eze ,.. flavor ++f and rn form aczr}ttat:it ;,, l.tnsfet. 1-c°;ttlti ettati ha+r. flit tight :r~ hseid [hc p life yes anti renew ni+ Ihttent. <br />sad Borrower +rta#1 promgtty` fusnssks to LarWtr ati renewal nattces nnJ oft ncctpts of I+att prertnunr. In the event n! loss, <br />Borrowrr shad gryt pn?nrpt natter t++ the tnstuare-e carrttr alxi t-ender l tnJtr tray make prsx,t „t loss it rs+t nwde promptly <br />by &~rruwtt. <br />I.'nftaa Ltndtr atkt Borrower uzhtrw:ae agree lea wnnng. tnsurancc pr,keets xhal# l±e applteJ to rc.u+rauon ,,;' repau oY <br />[tar Pnaprtty dattu;rat, grt`vrsted such rc5torateon or regale is c ~+nanmcaih' (rasshle and the st:cwvy at [bra 4ortgage s. <br />rwt thtteby tnipasrtri- li stxh testnrauon or rcpw[ u not e«+rxatnr<aUy tcasehle or rt Che serunty ut the Mortgage would <br />be tmgaucd. the viauran.•e prucrrda shaft tae appirrJ t=+ ttrr wms eecurea Bc- this A4ongage, i+lth [he a+.cess, it' any, paid <br />to &urowtt t! the Pnaprnc E aivattdoattd t+y Boric+wer, t+r ai Borrowrr rafts t respond to 1 cosier usthtn 30 days 'tram the <br />date nOttsY r: n;adtd t+e Lrryefcr .ir Hcun>wer that flit ,nsumtr,;c ~arrler ,.tlrn to s<•tt!r ,, c:lann I+:r tnsurautt benrtiis, lender <br />is atnltor+zrd to .allot:[ and appi} ttte uuura.s.e prt.+ct~rds a! l.ze=Jer~; i.ptr++n ctther tc res[orauan nr rcpayr rat flit Pn+ptny <br />nr to tl>a sunm sw.ured ray firm liaxrga;t. <br />tlnkss LetxH:r and Hvreow'tr otherwrse agr~ m wrstrog.:utx Luc#t applaatron <~t pnweeJa to pntxtpai shall nix e-stand <br />or postps.*ssc the Jar date at tttz monthly rnsiat#totnts aster reu t„ n; parattraphs 1 nnJ hrreot t-rr change the ,ustounl of <br />siwb ;nat.tlimenta. is under garagraph la htreut the Proptrt} s3 a..yuircJ E+. Lendtt. a;l right, t,!#c and ;nterrst of Bon~uwrr <br />to std la ant :awun:we Miiu yr. atxt u: arsi ?++ the prusc~ds therett t'rsu; rang front Damage tr. the Proprrq' poor to the hale <br />of aryuurlton shalt pass, to I_cadet [c+ flat estrut ut the soma xrcuret by ihta Livrtgagt ,mmralcatcly prix t:, .uch sale of <br />aiywaitruti. <br />a. Psaaarxutisw otad StatisaNtgntterr of property; LtseaelealQst l+rndomfeaiutas; Ptanntd ('alt (hsFloperettsts, Ei<trrr*-;<; <br />strati ketg iht Pittparty iu gcrsxt reparr and xhali not urttuttit waste cu peemrt stCipe:anent or dr[eriotatsou u the Pcupen. <br />sad sits., :.rsrrstsiy with ttre yrovrsiaaa et anp feast +t flits hfartgagr ee on .: leasch.>+d- It tat, .'siongagr s_ m .. :mt ir. ,: <br />s:E+ridya[nrutuue s,r a gkantsed unrt drs~risapnsrnt, Borrower ;!'wit peri~x'm all art $orr+,wrr-s ;+F.Lgauuna under the +iei.~iat auo^ <br />x <ovcy3rrNS czeafsrt; ixr gs+varnrng slit ~c-rtsfvm!urum at r: tanned n:tu cic4clnpmerot, flit Fv-laws e[iJ reg+slaunns 11l the <br />es7tt;iosairrxrisnt .,: plaanad unu s4cvetrprutnt. Brad constiturnr tlcr<urtrrn.. It a cwstommtum nr pianrzed +sn.t .~c+rlopnxnt <br />ruler .s c%Baikt4ri by Botrowar anti rr+:asdcd itlge[ttt[ with flits Mortgage, the :u,enar[is are! agreententt „s .t,.h slikr <br />aLaait tae. a[tcorptarattst tau. and strati antr[id arrd suppletnttx Else covenants anti agrtcmenis of tta,s Mortgage av ;t .fie ttJrr <br />wmrt a poi het's+uf <br />" phhseectlsat of t.rtsslst's 5spteMy. i£ Borraatver farts w prrlorrn flit covtnants aty+i agreements r,.rttauud m flier <br />f-frrrt,pt~. or tt any actssats ar prsxrealir~ is t:VirettienCrd wltufi nwtrrtatl} ai4ecra t rater s ~nts:rext m the Proprrts <br />i9lEttidfrl~, Paul nraS irnbtad tt), catair6Ati t~re~_ tte547tYrlK;}, .ta{~ s'ni:+fiarnertt, is urratta'rnrtnta r l+rsx;ceafi*tgs oat nlvmg <br />txuttr+ga rn deic.itiet. then icatder a[ i c[wkr a ~=gvu.=n, span o.,ar;,r t. Harr:m~cs, ma} r saki +uch '. prarana:c+. ,. vursr su<il <br />ssma arid- rail ne+sir ssiu;a as is ;:may t:= prusect L.eadtra :ntetcst. tse:i7tltng, 41cu acn t+.aue+i s,l, +tashnrsrottnt .'t <br />rttaauftt~s aEt3t#wq's leas aa[y entry ,rpw[ ifae P~roprtsp io make relsaie,. ii lfinder resluittd rv>.:r[gttgr gn.uranc;e a, <br />^usfrt+i-zr ~ iz_-riatsrt~yt '-- 3t wXVtra tfy t3ita -'+fortgaga. finer >w¢t chs,i #5ay [tFC prttn+uts'.s ~et~u+rrti t+s matnlaan su..h <br />*nta;<a~a rn ~t *-: ~st#t '~k`b !kr~ as :=~ r~Z~ L~ r-.~,:tt ,r ;e:r.iiz~~ .srr~s~rri~a ~r. a«r.reranir '~v~ttPt ~exr r+s;vzv:-; <rlai <br />