<br />~~ ~`~!'~
<br />Lender's wrstten a;mttttnt w appbr;abie law. Borrttwtr shad pay lice ttttaamt of all irwrtga~e tnwrantt premiutm in the
<br />manner prondcd under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Atey amtxmts disbursed by ixrWer pursutuet to this paragraph 7. whit imtrest thereon. shalt -become additionai
<br />irtdehtedrxss of Borrewtr tacttred by this Mme. Unteas Bottsswer and Calder agme to other terms trl payrttettt, such
<br />amounts shall he payable uptxe txxice frerts t etufts' to Borrower requesting paymeFSt thereof. sad shad hear interest from the
<br />elate of disbtrrsestKrrt at stet east payable from time rp rune on esxustartdiag printipat tsreder the Note unless paymeai of
<br />interest at uxh me would be cotHrarp to appiicabie taw, in which ewmt stsch ttmoonpt shag bear interest az the highest rate
<br />pttrrrrisaibk under applicable taw. Nothatg rosttaitted in this pangraph 1 s6at1 reyttitt Lttteder to ir~us arty eF:petne or tales
<br />ane_ action hercustdn.
<br />8. ltt~aa. (a"nder max make or ca»te to be made reasonahie eturics upon and int~tions of the Property. provided
<br />that l.treder shalt give tftorrowtt notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable rattse therefor related to Lender`s
<br />interest m the Property.
<br />9. Caatewttrdan. 7'ht pr[+ieeds :.f any award tx claim for damages, tfirect a contcquentia#. en connection with any
<br />eoredemnatinn nr outer taking rsf the Property. or part iteereof, or for conveyance in lira s:f coruferrrnation. are herohy assigned
<br />and xhall fze paid to i.ttukr.
<br />In the e.•enr of a total taking of i1K Propety. ttx preseoesyt shalt be applied to the cams secured by this Mnttgage.
<br />with the excess. it any. paid ro Borrower In the event of a partial raking of the Properly, unless Borrower and Leader
<br />otherwise aEree in writing. ttsere shalt tst applied : 'hc cams xttuted by this Morrgage such proponion of the proceeds
<br />as :s egos! zn [hat proportion which iht amount rye :he xirms secured by this Mettgage immediattiv ptisx to the date of
<br />!skint !Kars trs iht fart market vate~ ref the Pmpem• smmediately prior to the date of tale"sng, with the tsalance of iht proceeds
<br />paid in Brsrrowet.
<br />If the Pmperry is afrandoezed by Borrower. or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the z;ondetattor offtrs to make
<br />an award or ettit a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond ro Lender within 3(t days altar the date such notire is
<br />ensiled. Lertder is ainhotized to collect arsd apply the proceeds. at t.ettda's option, tither to restoration or repair of the
<br />Prnperry •.,c ro the sums secured h thix !{•tongagt.
<br />L'n#exs Lendtr and Borrower othetwix agree in writing, any sui.h applicators-of proceeds to ptincipai shalt nest estrnd
<br />nr postpone nc~ due date .,f the monthly installments rtferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change tht amount of
<br />s«eti ~nstallmettis.
<br />f®. Barraseer tint Rekaaed. Extensrnn of the trine cot ^avtrrcnz c*r rnodifryat..r„ of amortization of !tie sums ses~urcd
<br />by this Morreage granted by t.trrsfcr rt~ any successrr ,n interest r=f 3k,rrowcr chat! not operate to release, in any manner.
<br />the tiabttity ~f ;he ,~rigina! Botrtswtr and Borreiwee's xuccesxrrs in interest. Lender shall not he regteired to rnmmenre
<br />prnecedings against >zrch sticcessnr nr refass to erend same for payment nr otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured fry thisRinttgage '.*y reason of any demand mad! by the origins! Bormwer and Born-:wtr's successors in interns.
<br />31. Foriearapce fly laterder Nxet a Wttfvtr. qnr f:>nc~arance by i ender m exernsing any right nr rctnedy hereunder. or
<br />otherwise atForded by apphCahte taw, shall not t;c a waiver a+t nr prteittde the exercise rf any such right nr remedy.
<br />Ttse prn:urettmnt of insurance nr the payment of taxes ar :,!her fEens rsr ehargts tsy i:enderhalt not ht a waivtr rat lender s
<br />right rn ac;;eluste the !naturity cWf fist :ndehtedntccs :ecured by thiv ttnrtitage
<br />32. Rtatedks Cutattlatlvt. ~ti rtmeriirs nr,~vidrd its this if.,rtgage are distinct and cumtsiative to stay other right or
<br />remedy urtdtr tht, Lit+tEgar: rsr atm.:srdad by law .:r equtzr..me1 may >,e c°terciscd cc*ncnrrently. indepenelemly or s«ecessiveh'.
<br />t3. ~cessors r~ .isaiftas Betmd; lerint sad Sesenf IaabFlity: i'apilrstw. T'hr :nvenantx and agreemeots herein
<br />.>ntansui shaft hin<!. and the nigh±, hcreuttder shall tours to. the rrspt~tivc succrcxors and axsigns of [.ender and Borrewer.
<br />saber=t to the pr^vivirtns cf ttazagraph i? t;rwaL tti covenants and agreements of Bnrmwer shalt hr !rant and several.
<br />71te ~aprre,nx anJ hredtngs +'f the paragraphs of stets ~•torlgagc arc for ~c,nvtnirnce ±saly :sod are not to S+e used to
<br />mittnret .'r defir~ rht provisions hereof.
<br />14. 'Vrstire. Except tar any ttt)hct rexitsirtd utsskr appiicahfc tau to tsc green ir, another manner. sal any notce to
<br />$orr,+wtr pmvzdtd :`Or rn this 'bfnngage shalt he x:vsy, !,} mailing ~u~h mince by ccrttfied mail addressed to &xmwer- at
<br />t!~ Pr i->=-- s - ~~-r£ ---- .+ r -t - -her -:driress ,s tinrr.:wrr »ati .iesr}znate t!v n3rice to tender ar poivided herein. anei
<br />tht anti -rn.ct tot Wrier sna~t F,e geven h; cerrrf~,l =nail art: rrv ,r;c,pt reyursted. to ! ender's addrtss stated herein or to
<br />stxh :ether addres+ .n t.emlei rsa~ rie.ignate by nowt !n tinrr:,uer as provided herein. qny notice poividtd for :n ittis
<br />!Hortgsgt ha' hr =termed ;; -~a.c ' c`;n .teen to Horn=wet ~,r t endtr lento }teen to T?tt ;~Anttet_d~t~[t~et~d ?t~Tt~l. .
<br />ti. Utriform =+laass i;mrraiag [.aw: Srxrrat~ify. ~r'~- .,,, „r rs-,r.r?gsg;: ,. ~tt$ines ttaifct[tta Cs3vCnanfE €GC naGona:
<br />sale ant =r. - :HtC tr..,=sts9aty, ~~ rrh ',inn -t s gr: aiiofla by Ixi isd,cton to Cc~nsU t-rte a uniform stcurity 1rysVl«ritlDt 3;f.'rvtMg
<br />eta; ~?+ *+t . t = *~ ;red '~- F - ht rers;f;:t,or. unich tt^e Ptaper(y is tura~d. Fn the
<br />event `h e .+„ _ -'. '. , a x •_, ±h - H?gags .Pxa "+~c... _:. trdt:~t, mirth apphcahir feu. _«cn onflict that! not affect
<br />other iin„sr„n,l:,i ;nr. ?+•inttg:sKr :`~r rhz V„t:• ~r'h~.h .an he ;seven >s°tft~t uithnut the Confifcting ;!envision. and let this
<br />tttd rhr pr"-.isiun, ;:! the 4~nrtgagr rnJ the 4,xc .r re .feclared to he .rverahle
<br />t6^ Barrawtr's Copy. F3ornrwer shall he furnished .e cc,ntortnrti .:.*pv ..t nc~ Vote =,n,i ;,t tin< Mortgage at the time
<br />of e±cxuh=Fe a..dtrr ree_,rdrtuun hereof.
<br />IT. T'raaefrF eFf rite PtepaAy: Assamptlroa. iF alt +rr an} ;part ::l the Property t+r an interes[ thereto is .ofd or transferrtci
<br />ba Boer*srer wtthentt 1.endCr's xr,ur wrsrtcrr c?sn^,ent, es:fading ;a; the ~reaGo~ of .a Den ,ter . cumhrani~ uttx,rdioate u.
<br />lists Mongage. Ih1 the . reatron :,(, purchase muneq sc:rrr~t~y ~rxtrrcnt t:,r huusehufJ appliances :::r a rransier by devise.
<br />dtsetnt or by ~ryxrauon of fag upi.:n :tae dtatti .+f a i~nnt tenant <•r
<br />. ltrtder may. at t lodes-s rpt,,,n- titctarc alt the aunsv ~rne.d h.• ihts 1longage to t!e
<br />:maxlrateiy due anti tw)abte. i ender ehali have uarveJ ,r~~n a{,!tan s; aeteteratc cf. prior t.+ the safe or transfer. !ender
<br />and the Qcr,.><, t„ xh>+rt the Pr+~rtv is t=, tee ;oEJ c:r lean+ir-==t- a.~,,;h agrcensent :n wnt:ng stags the .re..tt of such pen..+n
<br />is set atatt.rs to lxa,ter ^,nd ~a, the tntcrc,t pavaht -n -s a - ,red i r •i, Mortgage shad hr at i t rate ..s I cr«1tt
<br />shall !°eyue t tf 4 Crecter ha, wa+ved !hC :~ptt.=n tr• .,,vicre~.~ r ?sided : , .his fvwragraph :' .r~rd rf Rorn-wet', succtssur ~n
<br />:nurrst has x^ac,::s;ed a wr;ittrr assunzpt,on agreennnt a.ceprcd in .,cn„tE l,y ! cttJer. t.cnrlrr ,h.sll rtleuse Ht,rrowtr from ail
<br />otrirgat:ons undtr rhea Mrvrgage glad the Vtste-
<br />it Lendtr ecersst~ .,hh cps ton '.+: acie3erair Lender .h:Jl tae;! H.,rru-=wet n„t;x ,a a..:eleratron : , arcordancr with
<br />paragraph ;a herc:sf. Such rw,+t:~r ,hail pr,sv,dr ,, f2r,: hl ; t st::; le+, ttian ?p :ta,. 'r:.rn the Bate :hr n.xit~~C is mai{ed within
<br />w h.ch Drs r wcr nsal aa^ ti,t an±s sec+u -a ~~ur t' !toter..., ,•r .: :., }, t-•,h -. ~.nus e*r,.,r u+ the exptratmn .:t su:h pen,ul.
<br />!. :rr- sr~.. ;. =:h:..-.., -t. ,. o~:r ., ....: ;~-r-.,~:tSa.N ~+_ -r;..; o.. ~:.. --,.-.c ::,t-. -,-rredr~-, ,,cttt;.t,:~.j ^_. pat;zgt apt, iF here+.=(
<br />tit,=. l:!a ioa ll C+xvF*+aw r, Rorer="~~ei an>r 1 tndtr Inv; tae.€ c; ~.. ens=tt anti ag: zr a. h=!fr,w~
<br />ttt, AcFtieratian; Remedies. Farepr as provided in pax+etraph t7 hertuf, agua Beerrowrr's #xeach of any coveteant ur
<br />apeetarai at Burrower is this 'iiartgage, tmsitt 1He rnteawu_, to pa} when due say snens ,:ecured by this 1}ongage,
<br />!a'•ader prior to aectisrwtkra stab maU eatlce to Borrower as provided in paragraph fi Mescal specifying: !11 the hrewh:
<br />42! the aeiloa ragviesxi so state each ?xtnrch; tit a data, sat !em lira 3tt ttaFa fFlt(F; Ehe date the eKefict is utaiied to Bnrrowrr,
<br />~ trMxi h tmetr.b tassel ire coved; rwd ids tAxt failure ire .tree aur$ htcach nn ar before the date specified !n the ttnlfce
<br />stagy rtwit is atteieeatfun of tare stsaau strured h} lhks 4/xtrtgage. forecMsare by jaditial pea?:~ecdiaq sad cats of the PnrprHy.
<br />Tits aotitr fwtteer iafarna Bwtrorer of tit right 4o reirafate altar acF^rferatioe sad flue right ks assert in the fortciasurt
<br />Peoseed'ttt8 +hs nars..rsiaease of a dsdaaB w' sat other delenst of 1lexrowet to aectierat&w sad ~or~eftusute, if ttte bcearb
<br />to set etsttetl era tar heists the elate -stt~Nled to the as3t}ee, 3 xnder at i.eader'a nptioa may derfarc ail of tie seta, +eawred by
<br />tits 1t}rxe to he fatts.cE3LStsir ttpt seal payathk witjtaMt lwtier dttWStta! sad may fureciseee by ~udlt'iW praceedinti. f-cedar
<br />sAeafif Ew eatitfesf w .:r.~st ~ xatc'h ~x:ra@iag aR rxptrst~es of farstctersnse, mx'ltttHag, bxn r it fimhed tn. aos;s of daeemsrrtary
<br />erWraxe, afthtratcas tat! risk reomb.
<br />t4, lrunotrstre tiilgltt Ga RaitWrgs. ti;,tu nnxiae;ding tezyek, ae=%crar, ~:; ..:t .t;c ...,.., ;ceased hs in„ ~t=.€tsaEe
<br />k :.
<br />lk=ttttn -€ ~-.tom :o--.. -.tzc mist r., hay; sax ..rt?ix~s.t, t+t te•} h - - .
<br />~ tt-, :.ter ......_ r-. vi;`~~aat di.«,<, ..,,cu ,.,, -:c;~-
<br />