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V[71~ <br />M{3RTGAGE <br />THIS MURTGAGE is made this ....18th . . . ... .. . .. . . .....~ d. , ...... April... . <br />19..$0, between the Mrxt, ... NiFJ~1.J,_ rFBaOia,. a mss. perscw ..................... . .. . <br />... , ................ ............... ihsrein "Borrower"), attd the ~,.................... . <br />~-- <br />.C~RraPT~3eti .£t#er~i7l .Sa4it+i~s, a€t+d .Loan. Aaeacfaiittas ........, a oocpart>~ors orb arxi ettg <br />under thr' lairs oL....~Ta7#~k,d ...... . .................... „ whose a+ddrsatc ~. , , P.Dt...Bat.12t13 ..... . <br />.mMt?tV9rt-. S.'iati~.. Ut~a~a, . Ksswka .. 681A1 ... . ... . ................. (hexaia "Lxaded"). <br />Wtiaarets. Borrowwer is ittdebt~ to Lender in the pr9ttcipal atrm of. TI?i?TY. ~:~~4.i#¢}igrAx€d.$ix ht <br />and Na/1[!@----_-_---~._....---4S35,,SOb.04)... , . Drs#fars. whicft i~ is evidetrced by Borrower's ants <br />dates . , .AP~'~l..i8..198p......... ~ herein "IVnte" >, providing for mottrhty irsstallrsants ttf pri»cipa! and iauprsat, <br />F with the balance d the iradtbtadnesa, if tttu sooner Paid, due and payablo rrn...ltase .1,. 2D1fl ............. . <br />Ta Securt€ to L.tnder ta) the n:paymcnt of the iattebtednes,c evidetsced by the Note, with infenesx thetsoa, the <br />pttymestt of all rxher cams, with interest thereon, advanced its ~cardaru.~e herewit#t to artairtt the secaaitg of th>$ <br />t~. and the ptsrforataace of the cnverrants and agrecrnen~ tsf Strtmwer herein contained, turd fib) tht rat <br />of any fttturs advarsrxa, whh interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender ptusuant tta paragraph 2t hereof (httsin <br />"Fetare Advances"), Borm>3vrr does hereby rs~rtgagc, gram and convey trr tender the foltowiag deaen'bert pt[tpeft' <br />hzcated in the Gxmty ~.... Nal i ................................., State of Nebtasha: <br />'-~fvt Fottrteea i ltt) , its Black Fifteen (15 } , ltt scuff' a Adtiktitut to GTegt Lava, <br />in tree Cite of Uraad Ita,3and, Hall County, 'isbraska.--- <br />her, the ads af. , , .ifi3~. ~.. ;mss, . - - iarand. 1s.iaua,IslatxL - -, <br />'~'~i f=it7t <br />.~~>i~ _ ,(t$$~t~ .. .... (herein "Prrrlxrt} Address` is <br />- #atMe sad d~ Geari <br />Toesittlda wi61t all the imprureenunts twee ;n htr4af;sr erected e>n [h: Prt~txtty, and aEt casements, righp, <br />a€rpurterrttrs:cs, rx-nta, ruyaTtie.s, rnirtsra,`_ zn; tsaz+l F~ ~rghu <estd €,r~eFit;_ aster, watt:r eight_i_ end Rater xta>a~tt, agxi a9i <br />frs,~tea- now or tte€eafter atttr;hsd to tlv propcttt. all r+t whah, stuisx7ing rcl>i,ucruetats atrri aJditiottx ihcrttts, ,hall hr <br />3oeanat# to t+e and ruin a t~ rtt tine pru~rertf rasmetcd t+;s this hirxt};age:; acrd ail ci the Gsragtl.rtg, tar~tlx~t Kith rail <br />pnapESt} t.trt the ~ecr`1rtrld estate if tls~ *+ltzrtgag~ i€ t;st a l~~as~~h;slcll are hercirr rsatsrred tee as tise "Pro{sertt". <br />Bo+rrai-tcr ~~ shat $t~ras r .awtuitl s~isr=3 ..`d" th4 .:5iste htar~3vg .<rrr+et; if arsti ha: ttve ::ght €ar nurrtgrrg,G, <br />gE,tm sad sonvsy .thee f rerpr;ty, that the Przspr:rt~ xs trt~ru:anrbEreai, arui ;hat t3tHnaiuee Riit s:trstant oral delerai <br />gerr¢tslig t)ttr tt~ t3s the tt'rtp+rrty a~rittst ail ir#airps acrd s~marrcts_ atrtrtcat t,- Kroh ~ca:i~ratiz>ny, a:a~nrents eu raatrtctz~ns <br />EhtTZ~l ~! r #f:lf7~rr~` a~f [tFi'~~tirH!'E tea x-csrcr ir` 'rf#z' t~^=ars; v,.: T- -i:c, s.urrcat i ~;e.~r , ,~,t;: rr 4s ea, t?te f'r. r~M-ts~: <br /> <br />