<br />t
<br />8Q-
<br />(b} Lease=_ shall-•purchaae and Baintain fire and ecctendcd in-
<br />surance oz the building in the amount of $3~,400.~ with the proceeds
<br />to be pa;able to Geaaora in case of loss.
<br />Leaaee shall purchase sad maintafn ovbllc liability insurance
<br />naming Lessors ae co-insureds and providing for pezsona2 in}urp and
<br />araparty damage Liability coverage in Lhn amount of not leas than
<br />55±30,000.00 single Limit, and the limit of not Teas than $I,Odfl,000.00
<br />in raapect to any one accident.
<br />Leaaee ehail be reaponaibla For the replacewent of broken
<br />or damaged plate }Maas windows, but the decision as to whether to
<br />insure this loan shall be left to Leaaee.
<br />A1Z insurance shall be purchased from insurance companies
<br />approved by t.asaor and Lessor approves the United States Fidelity b
<br />Guaranty Company, which now carries coverage, Leaaee shall furnish
<br />Leaaor with a certificate showing that said coveragffi is in farce
<br />and that the sae cannot be cace!~e12ed witlwut prior notice to Lessor.
<br />(c; Ya maintain all outside lights sad keep the parking lot
<br />sad sidewalks clean and remove all ice and anew there€rast, Leaaee t~-r
<br />agreeing to coaeply with all laws, ordinances and regnlationa avf the
<br />public authorities with respect to the care of such walks, and shall
<br />i.-,3~:.ify a-a. ~,al.. :a ~.efl :e '.ens.,. :rte all 13a- daaaga &:~d
<br />claim arising aut,af Leaaee`s failure in Lhis regard.
<br />(d) Said store room having been leased Par thr_ purpose of
<br />Lessee's conducting therein a retail atone for selling groceries,
<br />meat, Fruit and vegetables, dairy products, sad for no other purpose,
<br />except for the sale of such other products as easy he incidental to
<br />the razmal operation of a grocery ~permazkot, it is understood to
<br />be a eoaditLsn o€ this !sass that said premises be used for no other
<br />~*paae, a~ t'.~t nF ether merctta~ise be sold ingrein, unless the
<br />written coasrnt of the Lessor be first had thereto, and the Leases
<br />cavenanis and agrees to at all times conduct and operate said store
<br />and :}ig buafnsaa therao€, as a high grade astablla?cwarat and ire a
<br />first clva~ ~nnsr.
<br />3. IC is nastualiy rovenarttad and agreed Ctxat 1€ default be
<br />made in the puactaaal- payaaiwat of said rent, ~+T say part ttxeTeoE, or is
<br />the observance or performance of any of said condltiena ar ogre®eats,
<br />ti:e Lsssot-may, without notice to the Leaaee, and withaur dmand for
<br />rent due, terminate t1:a Tease afareaaid, sad re-enter the. said preaises
<br />aaad remove all persons sad property therefrom, usfng such force es
<br />may hs atecesaaxy. ;.eases hereby waives all daoand and any and ail
<br />service c*f notice (in writing ar otherwise}, prescribed by and statute
<br />ar other lay r}laesver, of iatsntlon *_o re-cheer and ara.ivea all clams
<br />#or dawage~s that say be cauaad by the Lessor in re-entering and taking
<br />posaesaian of the premisers. It is also agreed thee Lessee shall pay
<br />all casts, expenses, coats of courts end attorney fees incurred by
<br />Lessor in waking, callaction of said rent or enforcing any of the
<br />said provisiana a£ this Lease. If Chia Leases shall be terminated
<br />h~tore its expiration, by reason of Lessee's default, ar if the !.asses
<br />ai`a*Il abaxsior°. or vacate said praaxisss ':efare the termination of this
<br />Leases, the aaaae say be relet by the Lessor, fat such rant and upon
<br />such terms as the Lessor slay sae fit, and if the full rental hereira-
<br />he~~tre parsed shall not thus be realized, the T.esaee hereby agrees to
<br />pay all deficiency, acs! say axpacasea facurred by such r¢Iatting. It
<br />is agreed by both parties hereto that if the Lasaee shall make an
<br />.~sa_,+¢~~t usr say insolvency act, ar in evsat haakruptcy proe~gs
<br />air$ troughs against Lha Lessea, or a voluntary peei.tion in brnkruptcy
<br />Filed by thew, or in the event at any praaeedinga in lay or equity
<br />to subject the interaat of the Leases in this t.eass, then this Lease
<br />shall cmt prsa, sxcfapt by ~+ritten coaaent of the I.easor, aead Sn such
<br />event the Leaser, may, at its option terminate Chia t.eaee.
<br />