<br />80-
<br />{c) Dafinitian of Grosa Sales. The term Grose Salsa as used is
<br />this Lease, shall mesa the gross amount received hp the Lessee for
<br />cash and Credit, regardless of collection in the cane of the latter,
<br />from all sales of merchandise, services, and frem i.rcame from alI
<br />ether sauzces derived from business conducted as said premises,
<br />including orders received an said premises but filled elaeahere.
<br />{d) Deductions from Grosa Salsa. There shall be accepted from
<br />the Leeaer.'s gross salsa, as said term !s used herein, the amount of
<br />all salsa tae receipts which are repaired to be accouate8 for by Lessee
<br />to any govezmaent or govermental ageacg.
<br />{e} Paymasrt. In the event of additional percentage :ent payments
<br />by Lessee to lessor said payments shall be due and paid quarterly and
<br />no later than the 25th of the month a; the following quarter.along
<br />with a correct atatennent of gross hales of all buaineas done ia, upon
<br />ar from said demised presalaes during the next preceeding gnartar (3
<br />soatha} as shown bg the I.eaaee's records. The I.esaee agrees to keep
<br />an accurate record of sales, which record, as well as all other accounts,
<br />hooks, and papers referrfng to such sales, shall be available sad open
<br />to inapectioa of the i.esaor or its duly aucharized representatives.
<br />The Lessor agrees to treat all such records and reports as confidential.
<br />Lessor shall grant to Lessee a second Five (5} year option ';
<br />bescirraimc April 1, 14f17 a>~ endi.;, ".arch .1 1342. Piawever, the
<br />grantieep, of said option shall he contiesgent~aerd totally dependent an
<br />negotiations of rent and other related matters to be agreed an by
<br />Leaeor sad Lessee.
<br />IISE
<br />2. Said premises are to he used as a grocery store, except as
<br />hereinafter set forth, and for no other purpose, without the written
<br />canaent of Lessor. All of the 'wilding situated an the shove de-
<br />scribed premises shall be occupied by i.easee, except a room aired
<br />23' X 48`, la<ae~ at the yorthwest corna3 of said huzlding, which
<br />ream is reserved to the use of Lessor. Said roam reserved by
<br />S,assar sag De use' by Lessor personally, ar mcry Pie 1$aaed to ether
<br />art-ies for an, ,*rarpoae. i,2nsor ;ice Ste t~.ant in mid room a:.all
<br />he erstitled t'c n~ the^-~rki~ lot locates as the premises. la Cho
<br />avant of dispute he[wean the t.eaaea serf the Tenant of said roam
<br />concerning the .faint use of the parking let, Lessor shall nroeaulgate
<br />reasonable regulations or rules for said parking let use vfeich shall
<br />be binding upon Lessee and upon the roan's tenant.
<br />.1SS It;NH E?tC
<br />3. It is a condition of this Lease that the Lasses shall eroC
<br />ssai$n this lease, nor let or uesder2et said nramiaea ar any part
<br />thereof, without xrritten coaaent a€ 7.esror, star make any alterations
<br />therein, without vri.ttan consent of the Lessor hsd or obtained, and
<br />that all additions. ficturea, except movable trade fixtures net
<br />attached to the malty, itnprnvements serf repairs shall ba made and
<br />paid for 6y said Leaaae, serf shall thereafter Ere the property of the
<br />Lessor. That say peraooal property in the daenised premises shall Ae
<br />at the risk of Lessee only, and Leaaor shall not be liable far any damagaa
<br />to ;aid paraatevl traparty, or to said pramiae:a, or to said Lessee,
<br />arising Ernes iruratie~ or lerkinit water nr steam pipes, ar tram
<br />any acre ar n~lect of co-tenants, or otheraccupente of the Du11d4
<br />ing, or anysvtfuEr persons, The provisions herein contained shall
<br />not apply ca any use of the room reserved by Lessor, Dut Lsaeee
<br />will hat be liable far any deusage nccneloned to any marchandist in
<br />that room by reason of Lesae~e'e use of the preaeisea. 'falntenaace
<br />of the twilding shall ba dens by Lessee at its own expanse.
<br />6. Leaaee shell in addition to other oD2lgatiana herein eat
<br />asst, da and par€ores the- follavirc[R:
<br />(s} Pap all utility !rills incurred Dg it, but not for the room
<br />reserved Dy P.aeaor.
<br />