<br />~~` ~'°` CONi1ITIbi3S FOR FORFE=TORE
<br />b. It is e*_~erstoad and agreed tt±at the Leeaor shall not *_ake
<br />advantage of say covenant ar coition far the forfeiture ar teraaina-
<br />t£an of the Lease until after !an fib) days fry [he mailing of notice
<br />by registered mail directed to the Leaeee ai his principal office at
<br />631 Soeth Locust, Grand Zaland, Nebraska, or ouch other place as
<br />Lessee may hereafter deaigcute, oaring xhich period of ten {IO) days
<br />aa4d Lessee shall boos the right to pay any arresrage az rent or
<br />ratify ang breach of covenant.
<br />7. if the 'vuildinq herein leased to Leaeee shall be destroyed
<br />or damagod by Eire or by the elements sad if such damage reanlce 1n
<br />a substantial reduction of the usability of the building by Leaeee,
<br />Lessor and ;.eases each shall have the option within ten fib) days of
<br />the dosage to terainate the Lease by mailing written notice to the
<br />other, if the lease is eat so termlaated, the Laeaar shall repair
<br />or rebuild the building. If the Leaean cannot reasonably use anp
<br />of the building, the Leaeee shall pay no rent unt11 the leased
<br />pr~isea have been restored to their former condition and shall have
<br />been fully aecuaiad by the Leaeee and fully reopened fox busiaeae,
<br />ion which crest the monthly rental ahail accrue from the date of the
<br />reopening of buaiaaas. If, haxever, Leaeee can reasonably use env
<br />of the building, then s ,just and proportionate sett of the moatttly
<br />roots a`Fal abate ar.t= the izase:, ramisas m, hens zaa cos-
<br />plately repaired and reatarerd by the Laeaar, at which [i.me [ha
<br />liability for the payment of all monthly repairs herein atlpulnted
<br />ataaii again accrue. Such repair yr rebuilding a""hall ba dons as soon
<br />as reasonably passible after such damage occurs.
<br />8. :neither Laeaar nor ',.eeaee shall be liable to the other for
<br />any loss or dameAe to property yr injury to op death of persona
<br />occurring an the deatiaed proaisea or the adjoining prapertfea, lido-
<br />~. ~, ~ va~aa, arrests. .vr all+tya: or in say eaanaer graw£~ out of or con-
<br />', netted xith Leases~s use ztsui aceunatian of said nresiaea. ar the
<br />'' ' coxw'iti~vn tharaaf, ar s>f sidevrai:ca, :streets yr aii.eys adjaininR
<br />ea'~-sea h _.~ :t~?,ge "-n ~. art; Fa4~t of i,aaaar cr '.asses yr €hsfr
<br />- - -- reYivsTagaatta, ~plov~, s=~bte~atsts, t:iuaaeess, ar aasigneas,
<br />to the eactent that Bch loaq or damage to the properly «r injury to
<br />or death of persona is coverer! by or indenmified by praeenaa received
<br />f +
<br />tom insurance carr_ed by the other party $sagardlena of yhether such
<br />insurance. is neyahle to or pro[ects Leaser or Leaeee or bath) or fax
<br />which such party is acherxisn rei_mburaaad: and Leaser asut Leaeee each
<br />hereby reapec[ively valves all right of recovery against the other,
<br />its agamte, e~aployesa, aubteiaanta, licensees and aaaigneea, far any
<br />such loss ar dawge to property oc injury to or death of psreons to the
<br />extant ttae ease ie covered or indemnified by proceeds received Eras
<br />anp such iasurrtee, ar for which rels6uraaZent is vtherviaa received.
<br />Nothing in this aeceion contained shall be construed to impose any
<br />other ar p;reater liah111ty upon either i.earor ar Lersae than would
<br />have exiatad In the aba+mtcn of this section,
<br />'tAbES
<br />S. TPA Leese starl,i pay all. real. gaexcs ca3cas regulac3y levies
<br />and assessed against said preaaiaea before the same 6ecoma dellnpnent,
<br />far ttae year 1979, and mach vrar tluirreafter during the Germ at this
<br />Levee, ar soy renewal or eaxeneion ttaereof, except that for the year
<br />19115 the.ta3caa shall ire prorated for the portion of [tsa year the
<br />tzremisaa are occupied by Leaeee. SBrild any of the i.mproveaent• ar
<br />fixtures ieuiuded ut-der this Lease be clasaifled ar [axed es Personal
<br />Property, Lessee agrees to pay such Personal Property Texas as the
<br />aaf~ becwee dos. Special aasaae=eata levied to the furors far nny
<br />iaprov~aata ead,e, will be paid by t,eaaee as additional rental. Leaeee
<br />et>a11 leans the right to easiest questiona!`le taxes in t.eaaae's ease
<br />or Lesaur`e nave, fnrthar agreeing to abide by the rarultr of say auah
<br />co$teaL.
<br />