<br />LFast,
<br />_ This Lease Wade this 1Qt day of April, 1980, by aced between
<br />i7ceodore 3~ason, °ill Psteraaa, and Fred Matrriag, hereinafter
<br />referred to as "Lessor", and Larry and Laura Olander of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, heralnafter called the "Leases":
<br />WITYf'S3Fi'}2: Leaser, for and fa consideration of the testa
<br />herein reserved and of the covenants and agreements hernia contained
<br />as the part of the Lessee to be kept, observed sad gerfarmed, has
<br />diaad and leased, and does by those preaeeeee~demise aced lease, to
<br />the Caress the followin8 described real estate situated in the City
<br />of Grand Island, County of Hall and Stets of Nebraatu, to-wit:
<br />Lot Sizteen {16) County Subdivision -- a part of the
<br />heat Half of the Southwest Wetter of Section 15,
<br />Township Eleven North, Range 9 hest of the 5th P,M.
<br />is Hall Count~C, Nebraska.
<br />To have sad to hold the above described pr~iaes, together with
<br />the buildings and improvements situated thereon and the riKhts,
<br />privil~es, and ap~rt~sancea thereinto baloaging ar sppertainiag
<br />unto the Lessee far aad during the term of trro (2) years coemencing
<br />an eha lac day of April, 1980, aad ending on the 31st day of
<br />'.'(arch, 1482 .
<br />Tha forma and conditions of this Lease era as follows:
<br />i. $1,340.00 pez awnth. The;rent shall be paid at such place
<br />as Lessor maq deal„gnats from time to time in writing delivered to
<br />Leases. Fred Metering, 2316 4t, Phoenix, Grand Isiand, NE 68801
<br />Rent is due in advance the first of every tenth.
<br />a. Option to Extend, Lessor agrees that if the Lesaea shall
<br />net be itt dafauit in parformlag any of Lessee's abllgationa under
<br />t3~r Laaee, Lesree shall have amd is heraisy granted two succeaaive
<br />axtaaeioas of this Lease, each such ectanaion to ha for a period of
<br />FSva (5} pears, such extended terms to begin Zpen the expiratiaa of
<br />this Learn and ali tetras, covenants, axe previsions aha21 apply to
<br />e~iet axtead~i' tare suaapt far rental. if Lessee shall elect to
<br />exercise the afaraaaid options, it ahail be done by zivis,r xrittan
<br />notice of such iateation to do so not icier rhea four (9} Botha -
<br />pr3oz to Lhe date ticis lease or any extenafan of would atherwiae
<br />expire.
<br />Far the extended terse of this Lease as amt forth 2n the above
<br />options, rant for the first five {5) year option shall be as fAllowa:
<br />(a) Minimuw Rent
<br />-''First Year - Beginning Apr 31 1, 1962 andaending March
<br />31, 198.3. Lessee agree to gay a minimum monthly rental of $1,350.40
<br />Second Yerr - Beginning April 1, 1983 and enditeg !larch
<br />31, 1984, i.eraee agrees to pay a minimum monthly rental in the saw
<br />of $1,nO0.O4
<br />- Thi_ r`_d Year - Beginning April 1, 19x4 and endxnA March
<br />3I, 1885, ;.eases a~;raer to pay a minimw monthly rental 4A the sum
<br />of $1.45{3. ~
<br />€aurt~ Year - Beginning Apr31 1, 1985 seal ending "torch
<br />31, 1986, Lsrsee aBreea to pap a minimum maathly rental fa the stew
<br />of $1,540.04
<br />- Pit't~_ Year - Bcginecir~ April 3, 1486 aad- ending March
<br />31, 1458. Lessee rgreea to pay a miuiwuw >wnthly rental in the aen
<br />of 91,550.40
<br />(b} t,E#rcanta a Rea - The Leauae a ras to ,,,r."~~-
<br />~,_ $ pay to the Leaser, ~#
<br />ae± additional rent sae wmesth during the term of the first five {5) _r~~
<br />yeaY aptioa a azrr spas! to oar aa~t one tulf percent (141 of the Wit' »- ,~'r.
<br />Leaser°a gross salsa in axyd from grid ptewiaer in suet; esonth. coie_-
<br />puled ar heraiawfter provided. Lerr the aRRregate awount of thw
<br />mie€ montt`.l,v rent ,'~R ~r- . ,. - ;a:. <af ..: a. ~ c~ ~,n:c
<br />