<br />all debts, obligatium anJ h.,.ititics incurred by reason of any as Ann r+4 as by the Mortgagee, as provided in tfiis Paragraph, a!1
<br />of which amounts so paid by the Murtgageq with int<[est thtaon from the ct.+t< of each such payment, at the rate of thrtt peawt
<br />(d+ja) Per annum, shall be ; ayahk hp the Atostgagor lu the Mnttgakrr on domand and shall be secured by this Mortgage.
<br />1. No boil.ling or ether structure nr improvement, fixture rrt prnnual property mnregsged hereby shall 6t iemored of
<br />dcmoliahcJ without the prior «ritten conur.t of the AtnrtgaF+r. l7se A{mtFagnr will unt make, permit or suffer any alteration Of -
<br />oz aJdition to any bu;lding at nsh<r stru:'h+rc nr imprnvrmcnt uow ur which may htreaQcr be erect:J of inihlled uppa the
<br />moggagrd property, or any part t}senoi, rxs rpt the improvrnmnts required h, he made pursuant to Paragraph 3 hettw(, oaf
<br />will the Mortgagor us<, of prnn;t nr a:ffr+ tL< use nf, any n1 tlm mars F.zF„1 pr,,perry tnr any nurvr•~. other than the purpose
<br />ar purposes for which the same is now imrndeJ to hr uscJ, «ithnut the poor .ar;tR•n amsmt of the A{octgagee. Tht Mortgagor sriil
<br />maintain the martgagcJ prnpcrtr ;n Food nmd+Gon anJ sewer v( repair and mill not softer or permit any caste to my part thereaf,yad
<br />will promptly comply with alt the requirrmrntsref Federal, state asJ local Rmernments, or of anydeparements, divisions W
<br />bureaus thez+tof, pertaining to such ln.+p(rty ur any part ihcrrnf.
<br />}, The Mortgagor «ill not vnhmu,ily create, ^r permit ar <uffir t<, he crrxted nr to rxis6 on or agaitnt the mortgaged
<br />prolurty, or any pars there.+f, any lien «+, c:+nr to the lien of ti+s Afmtg.+gq e:+luzive of the lien nr lirn:, if any, to ttbieh
<br />Chas AfnrtRa}te is <aprrssly whiert, as xt fnah in the RnntmR +Intsr ahnvq and will keep and maintain the :wore (tee (rem
<br />the claims of all panics supPlyiog lahor ar ruterials which «iIl enter into the construction nr installation of Iht }mprovtmeats.
<br />6. (a) The A{nrtRagor a:11 lnp ill huilding+, other strucnurs an.l impmrrnrents, inclu•}ing equipment, nnr existing Ot
<br />which may Kerr.{scr hr erected o: antaJleJ .an the land mnnps c<J hereby, u,v+rrJ against loss by fire and athet hasards,
<br />r.Q nsuattirs ant mntingrnciea- in such .vm,unts end nunnrr, sod lot ussh periods, all at may l+e required from time to fitae k~
<br />yd the Mot tgagn. }'mess oth<ra-hr rn7 a;rrd h; the '•{nrtFaRec, a71 such inssu:rmr .Call fie tlfccteJ by Standard Fite and Extended
<br />Cuvera}te in«uanrt policies- in amounts nM lea, tlun nctc<aary to comply wsth the rninsunnct dapsc ptrcentagt of Ilse voce
<br />applirahtc tv t7se tontian and chars, err of et,e peeper*,y tv he..vcuJ .111 «:.h msunmr shall he carried in companies approved
<br />by the Mnrt}taRrc anJ ail Mdi.,rs tbr.,far shall hr in «nL form and +ahstl hsve ans. Led ih<rrtn Ins< payable clauses in favor of the
<br />M,wtFaF+r and ant other pa+Gra as Jutl hr vri•fa+6sty t„ the MnrtFa Frr. All w+h pul;r irs and atta+lnnenn thettto s1u0, },e delivered
<br />prompt}y to the Murtga}trq ,:alma t7scv arc +rysrirrd to he ,Irhvr+cd n+ tl:c hold<r of a }sera n(a nrottpape or similar inrtra-
<br />~r corns to which skis Ms,rtgaFe is ranrraQy a„b++~t. ;n ah;,h }attcr c•cnt +<rn!i~atc. t6en,.f, satis(artorY to the Mvrlgagtq shall be
<br />drlivrrrJ promptly to tssr ASnnFaetr Ttm A1.,rt Fa. +r a~i11 pay prnmpriv a°brn Jae, as hrrrinafirt pmvidnl, and any -ad all
<br />premiums nn suds insurance, an.i in -.cry tax in ,. hirh }+ayrsrnt thr+rni k not n..n!r from the depn,its fherrfor require) by this
<br />a,.tl k atisfau'ort
<br />Mortgage, promptly submit to the Afo*tFa ere for r:amination rr, rice. nr nth<r eviJrzcre of tuth pay°tlt as --._^
<br />to iht Mnrtgaere TTsc MnnRaccr maw r`htain anJ pa; the prcmimn nn shut shall he nmkr ro, nbliRatirn to do so) a+ery kitsd of
<br />inwramt rtgnireJ hereby if t},r amc~ssN of w:h prrnuum ha. rant bran drp~.+itr,! as rrgtnte+l by this Mortgage, in «hich event
<br />t7ae ManRagor wit! par to the At+•riRaFre every premium an paid h/ the A{,+rtlta}trt.
<br />(L) }n the ec<nt of low ar damage to the mnnFaRrd t-roprrty the ATnnxaFnt will Rirr tz, the MnrtRxRee immediate notitt
<br />tlxrrnf by nsarl, and t'se \{nrfcaFrr may :.uke and f;le pea„f of Ina. ;t n+.t ,nark neherv~i.e Prnmptlq 6y at an behalf of the
<br />M.aa~a}tor- Ea. }z insuzans t+•mp.+m is.uinR ant ~^ch paficy is h<rehv ,otb+.ri: ed and diratt+l to make paymrnt hereunder far
<br />such }nos dirnt7y in the A{++rtraFer, instead of in the Ainrtl[aRssr and the MnrttaRrc iointlr, nnlesa the amount of }ass is pay
<br />abic first to zhc hnldrr of a 3zrn under a monRacr nr a mslar snate,+r"cot in «hi,h this A{nrt}ta1,r is exptesslq suhiect; wad dse
<br />maurante pro.crds cr any Part thrrn+f is r<rr;rr.i by therMnrtRaerr m-,r hr applFrd 6r the MnnRagee, at its aptitm, tishet
<br />an rcdurtizan rf the indeMn}neaa i,crrhy x: na zd. of to the crassest n,n +.+ repair of the mortgaged proprrry damaged. 1n
<br />rise rrrnt +•f faze;laaure a'+f thrs M.+rtFagr. nr c.f a++y tranalrr rf t+s1r u+ th, m,.rtRrRed prnprrty in cxtinguisfimenf nI such iadeba
<br />rdtxss, all right, titre as inter rat of the MonRagnr m and to raze sorb + urancr policy then in furze, sublsrt to the tfgba
<br />a - +~trrs-st csf the },a1Jcz ~f aav a.,:}: print 1irrt, shall pass M th< granter arquirin}; title t+, the munRaged prnpe+ty tngrlMr rich
<br />sv+?, }ustuy anJ approp:;a:r as+iF-r,:mnt raf sash right, Iitlr and intn++t ,ahi+h stud he +nadr h} tfit Mortgagor.
<br />7. (a) In ardrz mote fu11v in prntrat the ar: uritr ..{ this A{nnFa Fr, she Alnrtts tc+t shall ,}epasit with tht Mortgtgtt to-
<br />Rrt}ser rir}s, and is additr.•n l.s, the }.avmrnt ..( ptinripa! and intrrr.t monthly +,n ar:nunt of iht Netr sttuttd hereby, rawest
<br />for Near ix paid is full, an amount of +:u,ney tgwl to the soul amnnnt +,f lit Fnwn+l rrm<, if anr, next betaming due, {ii) the
<br />}+rtmiums next ?t;aminR d.;r .+n t1~r poiirirs of i+re arssl aU rather tuaarJ inanranar required by revs MorfRafte with respect to the
<br />msnttga7ird proptrts, (»r} tsars, aavsamcnis, «attr rases and velser z„s rrnmrntal :}urg.n n+-st ;.ernms^R due on the tssnrtRagtd
<br />pr:•yv+ty fats the forrRaanR amounts as ntimatrd hY i}x Mnrt}ta ter and «-t inrth sn a western notice ai Sur': tsiimate by lke
<br />)3ur2RaFrr is the Ain;tRagt,c Irnm t:::-~r t., tirarl, 'less a1f amounts t},at n:av ahea.fy }+a,+r here p.,iJ thtretar. divided },y it+e wusnbtr
<br /><,f tafenJax m..sths u, elapse #arf,ur nnr calrn.lar mc,nal+ prior t„ the .late ah+n sv.h [a^usaJ trntx, premiums, ts:es, assess.
<br />mrnt., roars rates sari ^t}srr ywvrrn:nrntal a.sa+gr, teapeniarlr, wsll h+..,raze cl„r anJ payable. if any amount rtfetztd to is
<br />+lanses fi) thton.}}s (iei7 ymmf +. rrnuire+i ra tx dcpanitrJ by the M;-:sF,}•.+r unJe; a mustRagt et Simi}at instrurtaent baeing
<br />svi:uity carer [lsr lirn of r}:is M.+nts~r. t}.r MnnRaFnr s}ull mete she d:-p.•ana :+yc.i+rJ l.y this 7lragrapfi 7 unit' m the crrnt of the
<br />tsarnipatir+p of s..cia a}.IiRaiic+n und<r zhc nrinr n~nt7Ra}tr ar similar in+t*um+-++t 7~#u Mr•rtRaR+*r shall give prompt native in writ-
<br />inR to t6t Is{ssrittagrt raf ihr ..rcnrr.is.r J ilx last-m<minned r. rot ~}} «+.h am.n+nta +n dep++aitr:l r:th the Murtgagn .full be
<br />.. hr}a 3•t' i#ae Afaasgagre., zu aa; aFrnt drsianatrJ by it, in trust to is u«.1 .vsly i.,r the p:ymrnt rd anr6 gtawnJ tents, prrtttiums,
<br />bats, asatss+strnis, a'atcr talcs an3 ~tbrr R•~cna*r.rt+tat ,barges, N., sn}:rest sha'.I }+e pa}ahle hY the Mnttaagre can any worn m
<br />depnsirrd.
<br />ffsj Al} amnaats sxquirtJ to ht Jel ,asitrd within the MntlRaRtc mnnrhly in arrnidance «itfi Paragraph T(a) hereof, and the
<br />a:-,Hupp of priss.i=u} and i:surest to br paid raw }+ mane}s nn azmuat of the t\+•tr..hall ht a•}Jed eaF[+hrr, and the aggrgate ataoaet
<br />shored .hall he pail by a},e Ai,u t~.as:++r to :}K la{nzt}taRee in a araRlr yvymrm i:+ }+e app}:rJ bT the Mortgagee ors account of the
<br />'+ssdr}+tedrscis ,,-d Ilse Ai.=r:Rsg.^.r .--.--.an! to disc `:^tr anJ this Alnngagr (tn tier Herne that mnnin art available from fhe
<br />aanotafn ao ~depasited), in t}x ,ssdrr, an} y+tncis;nn rd rise Nutt as tl:r coon wry an: arith+tarniinR, as fotlors:
<br />F}1t5T, 1a rbe rate r}urgrs, ii aps, rriezreJ to is the Nnrt;
<br />- SECf?A+D, in tlir amount of sus}, 7trnvAd cross, 'if way, fire and usher ha>ard imurarue premiumf, tam, ssstssmeau, aala
<br />ra?rs sss:d at}: t foszsn.mtr,ta} tha:;trs zequixsd in },z },aid rmdtt the p::.via+nm of this MnrsRa Re, in ~Aatevtt sequeate Ute
<br />}tz~tgagrt scat' ra.}usiri}y drtrrnuar;
<br />TtiflBe to inters due rn+ the Nmr; wad
<br />FCSLs$12L ibe nwiader, in t.~ pritsripai dot as the Nme-
<br />!~ deli: isa.? in tAt asau+asr~ c.f any :.uc}+ aRRrrgair rzuapt}aly payrrKast shall. cantos paid by the Mortpgnr pziot to Iht dpc date of
<br />tl+r next sack +}s'Pes-1 pyabdc. +nan;tvte an crest of dt{apH under this MnrtFage.
<br />{i) Aey pros ftnsdt tfitl Huy tar arrurnulaird bi rearm of the Jrpnait. tequirtd under Paragraph T(aj hezto(, reauiaiag
<br />afirz yaay.saad of else smwvni+ Jcai riAr+} m ctanirs (r), (iij and fi++} there.), shad hr •rr.litrrl in subsequent respective meatlaly
<br />aanaupri t>i the Mme nature rrquirr.f to }u pail therrsmdrr. }t any <u+h ,nsunnt shaft rrcrrd the r:timate tfitrrfot, the Mortgagor
<br />s}sa}} fsatLvcidt yuy se #fae }iesrtFa~tt ihr a~Lat itf 3irCh drfi+IMfy upon wri+trn nnr~rt f.y 1be atwtR>Frr of the rmounl thereof.
<br />Failpre M aka so },elect i}r due Jatr xsi scar}, amount duet }se ao ++ . *,f dr/ault uesdtr this Mnrtgsgt. !l the mortgaged prop-
<br />ttty is said pader fare:lawre m is othera~iae arquirrJ by the AtnnRaFrr, after default by the Mortgagor, any remaining
<br />iraLape od dtt atrpmaalatippa unJrr }'a ra}traph 7(a) hereof, shall be err. J;ted to the ptinripsl a+aaunt owing on the Nott as Of the
<br />date s+f camateacrsnent of inrrclos«rr pratrrdirys fm rM mottsaRrd pruprrry, ar n of tF+r date the tnorttaaed property is
<br />rxbcrise ao artpsitrd, .
<br />th The {n>iuovtmeats and ati pans ar.d spe6fintinm thrutor shall rnmply with all :pplicablt municipal ordinances, regu-
<br />btiaaa, wad ruin atadr w promvlgaard try 1a«fut sorb^rity. anJ upon tl:r,r ~nm7lrtion shall comply therewxh.
<br />