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.. r- <br />Y HForm IIUL1'No. 623t~Neb. ~ ~ - <br />- (Sec. il; Lgsa) - - <br />- {Aeriaed Au;:,1970) <br />This Aiartp;e made as of the 18th daT nt February tD 80 , 6Kwem <br />Bents Drug $tOre, Inc. (heteinaiter called, attd if melt Nan oae partT joirHT nd <br />seoaaUT hereioattrr ailed "Adaetpywr"), rcaidia; et 123 West 3rd St, bell CnuntT, Na:braslca <br />cad the Uaited States e/ Anurira (herritufter ratted "Mortp;ee"), acting hT an1 through the Drpartmeat of Horsin; cad Uehsa <br />Develapmeat harm; a Re;ional Office at 911 N. Walnut i(an3aS City . sal <br />Stag o/ I~11sSCrilrl .-~ <br />V[3TNESSEI'H, resit is Karc the paTment d an iadebttdaess :n t.1re principal amovat d FOrty-four Thousand <br />And Fifty---- Dollan {= 44,OSO.flO ), with interest therraaq whkh shall to paTabte in acwrdance wilt a <br />reveals cote bearia; Brea date herewith, a true and correct copy of whialr, c:chasive o1 the aiRnatrre of the Mottp;or, saa(~id <br />"Schedaie A" 7s atmezed hereto and made s part hereo(, aed all other indrlste.lncas which the t+Fonpps is oblipted q pap_q <br />the Alotl;ayee parmaat to the provisions o[ six Note and this Mortgage, the Aiort;afar MtebT ;nMS, roaveTS and ttnorep,~Ri <br />to the ~+$artK: <br />73e followiatZ descia'brd propertT sitwte is Hali Couo1T,N:hsasYa. <br />s <br />Northerly Eighty (84) Feet of the Westerly Ttaenty-Two (22} Feet <br />of I,ot Four (4) in Block Sixty-Six (bb) Original Town, Now City <br />of trend Island, Hall Cotmty, Nebraska <br />TOGETllER, wiW all appartcnanccs thereto cad all the estau and rights n! the Mortgagor in cad to sash propertT or is <br />aaTxrise apprnaiausj Naerrto; x17 buildirt;s cad ntttet xtartatts now nr iterfa{ter therena erectni or iastalted, and al( liatwtn <br />cad artscks d prrsartal psopcaty oosv or hereaitrr attached to, as asrJ in, ar it the oprratinns d, aaT sash Iand, brildiya ssr <br />araauures which art wKesury to the anmpletr ass aai att#panc3 01 such huildiags er unrrtures tar the parpete Iw which ~ <br />#rn or air la br trreted K aastalled, aMladiap hrf rtM limited to alt lusting, plumbic;, harhrmm~, li.~tsiaj, rook;a;, Iarrdy, <br />rcaalatittA, refri;eratirt;, irsirtrrat+ctt. cad air-r~.iitioniryt epipmrn[ aaJ fixtures and atl rrFiarrmtan tbereu( cad :dditioes <br />rhrarso, #heNaer m cot the same acv ax shah )k atnrhrd to s«'h land, haiidregt nr atrrrtarn ie ssT matsra; <br />7+OGETHFR, wish aaT and x71 a+ratds cow ar brrea(ter made Inv the taking d the propertT mersga;ed htrtbT, a erT <br />part thetad fira9aditq say raarnten: ), by tfie emtise d the pox rr a,1 amittent damaia, jtxirrdiey ssy sward ter chaye a< <br />irrade asi a!T surer ar at(rer :.udwaf, :filch :wards are asaignr,3 to the AimtAa;ee sad see dettred a pact ~ rite prra}ectT <br />avrraspd irerei7. cad the aimtga;te is hereby aarlmrited to rnllcct .ra<7 rccri:t the proceeds ad cash awards, to J~ psaper <br />._ -_ aas, arrxiBascrs tla ;rl'.~r, cad to aTSd7 she same toward :hr SuTax~at rs1 the itsdtlatrdatn nrartd hT this atlR• <br />widevsadisg she lace Nat tAr aansaat u#ayt Narrawr saT mot rites 'lee duc and paTabk; cad the Alortppr herrbT ap.ea repro <br />aeyraa, to wkr, eacrgnr sad drli.aY aaT sa,d ail asaisaraaerra cad wtxr iauaumrats sutiiaiert for rite parpoR oaf aasi~risV twit <br />tatrM award ra rite Aters;a;cr. irrr, s'kar assd dinlw;cd d ~ rmaatdrransn at aaT kitai ar atwee whrdoetec: sad <br />3tJGITi1F.1„ wink x17 ri~6 tith sad iatrteat d tlrr Alaryrrfitr is aMl to the laml ilia; it the strrlta Msd reads its frert sd <br />asst adjoittist; cite abort alciira'btd load {ap site aho+e drstii-ed load. l.ual.iangt odor ntrcrrres, iiatrres, article ai panty! <br />pr.paexT, swards cad Odra ai;ltts cad isstsxeak k+ni hKriwahu cdlauvrtt +aited Ibe "mertpped prepert-')• <br />TO lh3AYE AAiD 373 >•I0133 tier maer;pTtad prwpKtT sad ernl pa+r tfirrrrr( rats. the Alert;a;ee, ik aaareaera assd sataipt <br /> (er ske pwrpwsea asd srsn hmist see lrreh. <br />A2~3 slx Alor#~ar (uxt#ars rnrrraamn card a;rsri with she }t..uttugce, as laltows; <br />7. The AicrtaaFru wi71 ptr.mpt7r T'+T shy psmaiTsal of cad anrrrrn nn tiu indriardaacss rriderued bT the NMe, asad ell rdta <br />r3uttiea sal iadc6tedaas paaridrd tha:a cad r Mix A[rrryaye, at the rium and :a the manner proaiied is the Nora saad is <br />this l;ar{;ye. <br />_. The Akut~os will pax rhea doe, as fineirtlter praridrd a1J Rroand rend, if aaT. acrd all tas~a, rise+smeMa, ttraaet <br />taus aar2 attwr eatal .laar,£a+., fates sad ia>rssitirmt, d errry iia.l cad nature whatsoever, testy at haeahcc impoad tm <br />t'he w+.arfn,;rd prc+pertT, a say part tfirrrwi. cad will paT wlwa ri.r err:t amaaunt +d iadrbtrslarst stenrstJ 1sT aaT lip to w(rich <br />for lac d dais Alort;ag is capes+sty subject. <br />}. This Atws;,a~ amd iAe iL'rat ~rrr ranatd cad deiiarnd to atratrr eanucri airasacrai, nr q iK adraared. b- the A/wrtyt;tr <br />as w tm xaasarst ssl s loco rs~,.4r?arc,l h; iht lalasr„ fsx drt pwrpase sd a~.akan; rbe iaapraveaansn dncribed or rrterred M Ir <br />tt.e ~t dated December 28 . 1! 74 . t. w r t1r <br />ra+sttRa,7oi-propery, atad tar sash other pvlwt, >~ as4, tiexrs3xd ate rdared to therein, which jmprevertewh to beralMe sstJMa <br />ti'-eP# raiird "iaclnrutraweass" She Aforl~asat tihall sarke ar carer tr he aside all Me lmproremrnn. B the condrvcNrtt os <br />vratailaiiwt ml Mt Irpsr.a4taoewxs tAati woe !rr eatrird pr wish mseaahlr diligence, ssr sluli 6e dncawtinard st any bass Iwr <br />asq t+epia~. rehtr Ntnt atrs'kes, 3xkunit, stn a( 3aad. lima. !lards or ether similar nkrsn,pbjn, rick, war os iuarrKtaea, the <br />airs dos wrtitr q the Aiwtlaypr is Meelr! awMwiard (a) to rater apse the wart;aM p*e/e+tT cad empbT anT watdt- <br />sasw q R*4tect ffie 7ayrta*esarwts ir..trs dcprrarheie~a a iojraT awl tm prrusee sad prelKt sorb proprrq, (b) to carry ou aaT <br />an all thus niatiaR costrarts hetrtrn the Mwrt;slpsr awd wtfies parties for the purpose aI makla; aaT of the Improrestaap, <br />ia) q stsakt cad eats iaq additiax+al raartssrta sad iaeae oWi;atioas ter the purposes d complrtier; the Improremsnb prarsaawt <br />n the tt-igatiewt ei the 7tiartRa~ar brrrP-.der, eidta is dte waaae of the Mortgage sr Nee MassrA+pr, sud (d) so q7 cad dischae;a <br />