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i <br />!. ilpnn •ny failure by the Rinrlga gut to comply .«ith or per(am: mty of u,. .;cans, cnvena nts nr conditions of Ibis Mort- <br />pgt requiriaj,the payment of any amount n! money by the Mortgagor, other th:ut the principal amount of the Inan evidenced by <br />the Note, interrst and other ahargcs, as pntvi.kd in the Notr, the Ator t{;agac may at its option make such payment. Every <br />paymestt so made by the Dfortgrgcr (in;lu,ling reasonable altnrn<y's fees inn urrcd Uicrcby), .vi8t interest thereon from the date <br />- of surd payment, at the ntc a+( c c prrwnt (67) Pc'r aitnnm, except any pp~n,rnt for w•hirh a Jif(crent rate n( itdtrcst it <br />sptri[icd herein, shall br payabtr hp the Mortgagor to the hiortgaga on dcat.uul .uul slydl be secured by this Ffnrtgage- This <br />- -ZcSortgsft with respect to anY such amount anJ the u,ternt ihttcnn, shall ,t.axtiuur a lien nn the mortgaged property prior W <br />nay other lien attaching or accruing <ut`cequcnt to the Jicn of this Mortgage. <br />lo. The Mortgagee, by anY n! its agents or rvprcxatativ<s, shall 6:,vc the right lu inapat the mortga Red property from that <br />- to time at anY reasonable boor of !hr day. SImuIJ th< mortgrgcJ pmpnty, ar .my part thereof, at ar:Y time require inspection, <br />repafq ate or attMtioa of any kin.l nr Wooer not p: ovideJ by this h£nrt,cagr as determined by the Aiortgagce in its sOlt dis- <br />uftiisn, the Alortgag<r may, orate n.nice ru nc~ Mungxgor, roar nr caox ,~utry m hr male upon, the mortgaged property, and <br />'~ iaspert, repair, protest, arc l:.r or waintain such pn,paty, as the A6xtga t~ ~,~ ,nap m tts aolr dicrcetion deem nrressuy, and tray <br />pay a31 arnaanis a( money tl:rrefor, as t!u hiarsgagre map in its tnI< disc rrti„n alarm necessary.. <br />I1. Tla principal amount uwin_c nn thr Nnte tngHhrr wide intrrc<t shrrrnn and alt Mhrr rhargct, as therein provided, <br />!"! and ail order amounts of mtwry nwinF by tics Aiortgagnr In the hfurtgaFre purswnt to and securcJ of intendal lu be secured <br />6Y this Afeutgagr, shall imrnaiiatcly bcca:ne due xnJ payable vuithaut notice nr Jemand upon the appointment of a receiver or <br />liquidator, rhether vuiuntary or mveluntuy, for the hturtgagor or any n( Qrt properly of the Afortgagor, ar upon the filing of <br />a petitioo by nr against d,r Mortgagor under the provizions of anY State in<nlvrn<y law, nr under the provisions of the BartJt- <br />taptry Att of 2898, as amendcJ, or upon th< making by Bic \furtgagnr of an assigmnrnl (nr the benefit of the Alortgagor's <teditets- <br />Tits Alottgaecc is authnrizeJ to ,lccl.ur, at its optiuq all o: any part of seed indrhtrdncas immnliately due anJ payahlt upon the <br />happening wr any of ahr fotioring cvcnh~ ' <br />(a) Failure to pap the amount uI any inrtalLtsrnt of Principal and interrst, nr other charges payable on the Nolq rbidt tJall <br />icon become Juq psiar to the due date of rite next such imtallment; <br />fb) Nonpnformanrc by the Mortragm of any rormant, agreement, :rem nr condition of thin Mortgage, at of the Nate <br />(ezrrpt as otlcrtnise pr..vidrd in subdivinino (a) hereof) aN of any other agreement hrrrtafurc, herewith or hereaRer trade <br />by ihr Itfarigagor wiib the Afnrtgagrc in connrrtion w•iih sn:h in;Jrhtedncss; <br />{r) Faiiurr d the \lurigagnr to prrlarm am~ wsrnanh agermrnt, true sir amdition in any inurumrnt creating a lien open <br />the tanrigagcJ prcpaip, or any part ilurrnf, achirh shall ha,r priority over the tirn of This Mr,rigage; <br />fd) 75u lifottgrgrc-t dixaar:Y r'f tier Mnrtgag.x"x failure in any appiuatinn „( the Afnttgagnt M the Mortgagee to diarltae <br />any fan dremeJ by the iclottgagsr w be nui.nal, or of the uukiag therein or in any of the agreements entered ialo <br />i'y t}sc Afarigagur aNh the Tf,wtgagct (inaiu.larR, but nut Iia~.+trJ u., :hr Nntr and this Morlgagt} of any miuepretM- <br />tatiua Jsy, am bclulf ,», ,,. fur the lu:nrfst .,i, tl,c MuNgagnr; <br />(e) The sale, lease nr other transfer e.f any ktad nr nature of rite mu,tgag+.i pMprttY. nr any part tlttrMf, rifhout the prior <br />- rrixica <tsasmt of the M,aigagrc; <br />(f) The eaatxmeat afore il,r .Jatr :d this At,+rigagc of any 3aca• ni Bu Stoic ,.f Nchraaka deducting from the value M <br />the raau tgagrd property fur any past thereof), for the purp,ur ..f ra::iron, any lien thereon, nr chars=ing in any ray <br />in lots far the iaaatinn of rnnr7gaRcs ,u Jrhts xrmc<t J+y nmrtgagc fns state nr local purposes, or tl.e Wanner of tO11K- <br />tum ni nay such a>, w as a. atf.n tloix Mnxtzagr, an.l i[ ahu such rnartmrnt sir change the holder of the Nate sad this <br />Xoritiage glean v+;.rtcn rnN,.r to the Alsxegari.•: Jc,la ring the Notr and all other indebtedness securaai by this Mortgage <br />to JX dvr and i,aya tile, hc,aa:ar at nay such eructmrnt sir change, tnurtrJiairly upcm the expiraliun of thirty (le) days <br />tf3er such aortae, <br />Zlte d~lartr;.lrr'i izilriyr to nrrrise an}' of its riyl.fc hereon ire alto!! m+t annsritulr a craiver thereof- All the CvMtt in thia Pata- <br />graph euuzarrsttd opnti the ad any of which the Nuir shall bnr'-rte. nr may Jar JKtarrd to br, immrJiatcly dot acrd <br />ic+T+bit. arc is thii Sdortgay;e ,aiJr2, "ccrntx ni JrfavJl' <br />13. 7Lt #dmtgaget may ir,un rime to titter vrr each default andrr joy xovmant or agrrernrnt in nay instruaxnt «ating a <br />loco opoa tree rnrNa=a}sd }ynprrtY- -sir ace}' Pact tiacrrnf, rfsiah sluli leave l.:iurity nett tFt JiM of this Mortgage, ti such eirtot <br />as iiu 1ltartga;;cc aoy rarlttsivrly dttetm+nq sad tacit arewterrt fvij) (if my} l,q rite Ma•rigager to cure any such Jclau?t shall be paid <br />lay tlx 1lfnrtgaR.:x M near 1.S.~rtRsgrr; an,1 the DSarigagrr :bail alxo luanme suJ+rr•Ratcd in whatever rights the boleJtt o! the prior <br />lira ataiglei Jnvr a4wdet sar'h inst:uc:u~m <br />t9. fa) Alin tits happtMtiayt rd any drfauJr hrrruradrr, the Yt/aitxagnr slrafi upon demand rJ the Idortgagre surrMder pmses- <br />aitm >a{ Se rsmigaf;ed prtq+crty to rlu~ lfa~rt£aFn, sad lire Mnitgagec assay enter wth i,mperty, sad Icl the umt std cnllert all the <br />recta xittrrfrnao vfsi:b are :Fur .-.r so icrraau• dot- sad afgdy rise sa,nr, otter larymtrat rsf aU rharRr-, and raprrcrs, rm ar-taunt of <br />21st ituiei~daras LrrtL!r ary;xx,1- art,i all w,tt mau arui all leases caistmt at rite elate of suit driauk are hrrchY assigned to the <br />ai further serarity far the pav.urai ad ibr indrlNeJaess vturr,3 hrrr~i,y: and rite AtortRagtt may also dispassrsa, 6y tJu <br />arsotl saraaary f+xocrr~rinles, am ten..nt jlcfauiting is tree payrxtcat of nay rrni w the Nartgajre. <br />{fit) la t!e estat tt:at tier ]d.~rtlra;;.+i w.rn;.in the xrwr3gayrd prof+rrry sir anY fort tlsrrad, the Afartjajar agrees to wrreodn <br />potat4iw d sa+.h irw}mry to liar Murtgar;re :rnraas!urrl} alto nay sv.h ate fault hrrruarter, and if the Mnrtgafior nmaitu is pm- <br />aatiaixaa alto aauls .irfaa,lt., :.,air fasaa~~..u,a shad lcr as a tenarN ,'f the Mnrtaar•cr an,l the Alcirtgagrsr shall pay in advtnce, upon <br />drmrad by the !.!.-rnf~tn', as a reaxutal:;r au,.rNhly r:~nwi tut the prmr,<, s ,h~.,l•c.d by the MungaRrtr, an amnnnt at last equi+nirmt <br />#+ atrtessvrifth rsf xiae af~rc}:atr tsf r3rr~ xarlsr neon*aJy ~nsxailraavNS ,-_a -i.Jc to the .urrtai cairn tar Year, Plus the atiwi zmuuat of <br />'the' .e....,t rlt+. rated rerK, if oaf, t.+cr.. asvrasmrxotx, +attx rates. oB+er ruvrran.aata) sharztes sal itwuaace prstatuma payable io <br />¢anmc+9accp ..~iilt t}at ~>7ga,ir.i psul+a-:;y ;}amaa~ su:3t teat, aaJ op.ars tJcr }allure of tJx 7lnrfltagnr to pay atatfc rnnnrhly rental. <br />tier' fyaeegaFai tnay also ice ,Srs1,,,,vr,stJ by tt usaai sumatary FrarrrJwfs s,.;,Jas a§tx to rraaaa. This arortvrant shall hertsme <br />rdicstire atamc,SutrYY stfsxat t3:r }u,+P~ning csf nay sarL default, as Jetrxm.nrd m the sr,lr ,huretiun rd the Mort~agcr, rho shall <br />,t.+rt :rot+cr ref wad .Jr7na:arutecm a„ ifu Dl.u-tFa~u; assd sa dtt rase :rf fore. ensure anJ the a{+pmnrmrcri of _a ieecisrt of the rtata, <br />tree ~itl0ria aorcaaax shall :osier ar, +!:c #rnafrr xd sorb rr,rrcrt_ <br />i!- The 3l.atgatet ~ nay ant,-~ sat i.xrrlns, cls;s hiort;,tge aball 'vr rrt,t{eJ tr. the appe+rntmcnt of a rereivtt witlwut sorter, <br />o a asastn of ai;tsa aas3 aarhr:et rrt;ar,i to 3fK valor M else asutgxgef }+r,q,crty- sir the anfrcn.Y nr ittsulvrn:Y of the Mortgagor <br />• agar 1'ar+y litthlr fur the fasymazu asi tine .i+imr aa.i aalarr ia,khtc,lnrss +.,, tnnJ by this Merrgagr <br />is. '.Fhc gy+tat~, wtfasa tau fret) .,lays ag.,m rcgacst is prrutn or ritbio iwMtY d?O) days uiK,a request by mail. rill <br />'Jaaard, ~ a wirdcrm raatrvxtrai in fmm :attain. ta~ai to tJu Afnrtgagsr, .toned by nc~ Martflagar tad duly ackm,wlc,ised, of <br />Ire araloaae tf+at Qavgg on for Natt sad vNav iaJrbted;uas scrarrai Say this Mmtgaffe, sad whrttKr nay affxrts ar dtftnset <br />asiat ayititat netts i~a ~ nay part litcrrsd <br />iti- Tltt i4o*xli~Rar sn~il ;give imm.•,futc snvicc Sty trgtiatcrrd na rnti(trd mail to the idartft:grc oI anY Fire, damage or Other <br />sataalcy a#fr.tirtf rise raonttr#xd prolate+y, m of u+y arxaa,•-eyaacr, tcam(rx rN =-hang. 1n over-ship of surer property, or nay patl <br />aOaYttri. <br />' il. Jliaticr sad dttotad a rtaiaest nay be aside in *'-~'rng nerd may }•c caved in person ar by mail. <br />~, afar rate o(a leacciesrae ante a# site nwrt;agt.t fvoptrry it tnaY br sold in anc parcel. - - <br />t1-'yhe 71doK{;afau tilt am assign rise ra:sta, if sat, is whr>;e or in part, fr.,m the mmtgagrd property, nr anY part rhueol, <br />arisaaaa fhe paiar *rrittra roasrat rJ rite AlortyaRrc. <br />