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X30--~t~9'73 <br /> <br />,~. <br />e^ debu, obtigatiom anJ tiabilrtics ,naurrrd by reason of any ut;nn t.+4rn by the Mortgagee, as provided in this Parajraph, aU <br />of which amount so pail by the btortgagre, with int<rnt thereon from d,c of <arh such payment, at the rate of thrtt pere¢nt <br />(37e) Per annum, shall he ;•ay.,!•Ic by the htangag„r to the Mortgagee on Jrmand an•1 shall bt stewed 6y this Mongaj<. <br /><. No building or other s.ructurc nr improvement, fixture nr P<rsm,al property mortgaged hrrcby shall he removed of <br />JrmolishcJ w;thout the pn.•r r~narn conscet n( the Alnrtgag, ~. l'h< Mongagnr wi:J uot-fssake, Per tp;t or suffer any alteration of <br />nr aJdition to • r building nr .+thrr at~o.mrc nr r:nprnvem<nt now ,a wd,irh may hercaftrr he everted or imulled upon the <br />mortgaged property, ur any past thcc,~at, rnt A~e impruvrtn<nr, rrquirr•I hr hr made pursuant to Parajraph } hereof, not <br />wi11 the Mmtgagnc use, or pm:,v ,• a:f(crx tla u r of, any of ibe no,tgaF:C,I pr„perry for vrr purpose Mh<r than the purpose <br />or purposes for which the same i< nnwrintcnJeJ h, h<s u.eJ, without the pr , ,.Waco a,mrnt of 16c Afottjagee. Yht Moct[ajot will <br />maintain nc~ mortgage) praprrty ,n gou.I nmdrtiun anJ stat,~ n( ceps, anJ ,rile not softer or permit any waste to any part lhercof, aasd <br />will promptly [omply wrth a!! the r quiurnrnh cf FeJrol, state .nJ local governments, ur of any departments, divisirwi o! <br />6urraus ihaca(, pertaining to such t':,,pc: h~ or s part thereof. <br />S, The Mortgagor rill not vo!unta,ity rrnrq nr permit nr udfrr h, h< rented nr to exiu, an er aj:ins! the moctjajtd <br />property, of any paxt there„i, any ;ion n,prr:nr to the lien of dd, Vnrtg.,gr, n.laaire nF the lien nr urns, if any, to which <br />this Ainrtgage is expressly mh;ca, a< a<t fn;th io the gnnt:oG Jau,c ahncr, and will keep and maintain the same free Erom <br />tht cla ices of .?} panics s;:pplrmg laho: nr rutrria!s which mill inter int„ the nmatructinn nr installation of the lmprovttnrots. <br />e. (n1 Ttse Isfortgagnr a .. keep nli huikiingx, ,~thrr <trarturrs ..nd unprnren,rma, inrhtdinR rquipnxnt. nor existinj of <br />which may hereafter h< treetrd n. mat-r',,eJ on the Jan! mnnpsgnl hrrt6y, naure,i again<t hoc Fsy (ire and Mhtr haratdi, <br />casualties and [nntirjra<ir<, in such a.n, sins ,nd marwcr, anJ for n:,h pcroda, a^ at maV hr ctgaired from time to time by <br />:he Mextgagrr. i',ilcst othcrxia rc, red M~ the Mnrttagrr, ail su,h in. n,n,r .hall be rffat<, by Standard F:rc and Eztetaded <br />Corenge Inasran:c pn{trir< in o manta not :-<~ flan nn nary n. ,o •plv ,verb the tmimurance clause ptrtentagt a( the rilue <br />applitahle :o the Tocamn and, err ni the ~ roper tr to he ,.n< r.l .117 .;,, h :, ,uunrc shalt to retried in cnmpanin approved <br />hs the Mortgagee and a!I p„ti.+r<;l:c,Irr shat' M m u•t, for n,l <holl }s atta•hrd ti, <rcen Inas payable <Iauua in favor of the <br />Afurtgagrr anJ any ,..srr pu rive a< ,l..t Vl }a sali<fa, n, d,c ,yongar:rc .171`. ,.h pnL,rr. and anu,filrcnta thereto shall, he dtJivtaed <br />, umpAy to the MoetKa Crc, ,.n., s nc~v - r rr.i m be .!.qn, n.I w dm !.•d err nF a hc^ •,f s martg:ge or similas insttn- <br />,n<nt to a-hLS t.,ia Mor?gage+ ragzc<stc <;brr,t.r,.n rhnb latter r<a:,t •rn,t,.at;. !brrc.~f. s.viaLrnry to the b6rttgagrq shall Jst <br />d<L revel prnnpiiy 20 the bi meta err The Al .;±es a:, will par prnmpa R s•hr, la,;. he .m(trr prnridt.l, and any sad all <br />premiums nn wess insunnrr, an.l in c.rn~ cair which !•srmcat tl:<,.•n} ,+ ~,,. , !c from the drpn•.in therefor required by this <br />Maffeitt_ ~ .nxly _-.?}=m±r to cl,e J.f„:tr,~..n 'i- xa .......... .. ... .-. „ rr -_ _„ r - __ <br />nr, n, _ - ,_ ._ ,• ~+~+++_~+•+ r;. - -~a , a<nir r•r au.h Payment as Shall bt satiafatLOty <br />to the Ainr?ga ter ?l:r`!.7:.:ta err ma ,•hain and pal the prrmiu,n „n~ thin .hall he•vnJrr nn nbbtatinn to do sn) every kind of <br />. ran.[ required hrrcby ,t '1,r a,m rani of wr.h pt rn,iom hoes nor hr, ,1<p,•,itrd a< required by •his Mortgage, in which [veer <br />f,'rrr}.inrtgagox wit! pav to the M,~: tgat;cr rvrrv prrmi„m sn paid h7 Cie Df•,rtgagre <br />ih) Ja nc~ runt of lov +•r Jar..age ;a ahr mo:i¢aCni pn,prrtr the ;lfon ca Fnr wilt a,vr n. the Mortgagee immediate: tsoiice <br />theses( by mail, an3 :};e Jfozt€;, err :n.. ,sake and t,ie pr*ad of 3„sa ,{ m•t oadr nthen. S.r pu-.mpelr by or nn behalf of the <br />M,u t.a Cnr Fa.h :nsunn.r r rup_nv rs. [n; any ,n.h poli[s •< . rrrhv .,al~, ~ri: rd and dire trJ to make payment hereunder for <br />su:h loess dye, 7ly r, 2?sr Mor2.Fagcc, i.nrca.l of !o the Atut tgap>r n.l :fie Af orte•zrc ,.,ntlr unlr•s the amnaot of lass is pay. <br />.-hk fait to ;hr hn7Jrr .•, a rn ,:ndrr a :::,u'ga¢e nr ~,milar ,m.n.r.,n. .r: sh:•t:'+i,ia ltncegrce is expressly suhjrrt, and tht <br />suzan:< pm, rds ,;r a. ;art ~herr ,t ra ,.-.ern rd hs the Mn,t racer ,v,, h, apphnl ht for MortRagtt, a itt uptinrt, tither <br />.a redo;t,nn a! the ,n..n•c rdar.. ,.zr-bt a<. ,rd of •a the rvorat:,~n ,, trpart ,.f ti,c ~:nrtgsged property Jamajtd. In <br />the evrnr .•f fnre<losurr of :hu \l.:vtcagr. -. , , a,:y r-nsfr< ,•fxtal- m tl:, ,n. crgrS prnprrt7 m extinguuhmra: n{ such itdebt- <br /><dnna, a13 right- ti2k and inutrat .: nc~ F,{otteator ,a amt to r.<*v sax t, ,n ~ e pnl:.s rhea in force, wh;crt to the tijhb <br />a.,: :,nrrnt of the ::n}dcr of am ,::. 1: print Lrn, shah paa< to N,r Kroner. uquninF GA< c. t},r n;,,rtga Red prnpeep tnjether with <br />s...6 poi n-y anJ apprap:i.:c a.,:•, mr::' nl •u. }v rigt,t, tide and rntn,-t .. h;,h ,ha l7 br made by the Mnrtjajot. <br />7. (a) do order mnu fulls rs },z. .rct the '<nuria of thi+ Afottga cr. ...r AL,nta env shat) deposit with the Mortjagtt to <br />grthrr . ith, and in add,r:,~ ; h,, ihr vsm:nt ,J pre ..iry1 an.! irtrr.t m:•nt hls nn „aunt of the Nnte serurrd hereby, until <br />the Nave ; din fui}, ~a amount .., .nrs cGaal tariht uuaJ amount .=i {i} grew^.:!arrnn. it am, Wert becoming due. (ii) the <br />rrn,iums r,<alnc~cmm~R d..c ,•n n-~- }•.+i .its of f~rc anJ ail ntt,rr hn.,rd .n ur...,• requirrJ by r! „ Mon cage with respect to the <br />ruutzagr:} pr,:prrts, iiu) tsars as.cssmrnts watts races and .,thee c vr. n-urn±al :hard-c n, vt hr:nm,ng dot an the mortgaged <br />;rn},re ty (all ?hr forrgnia; amnunt< n rsfim.rr.+ by xh< Mnrtge err aa.. <rt inrrh ,. a r-rrncn nntirr of such ntimalt by Itsr <br />At art€a Cyr to ;..; t.J,.a ' .., ,~ . r „ umr1. n ail a names e,ut *•..,. aUradv h: re hern p,uJ therefor, di<idrd I•y the nurtrber <br />,.+ +a.mlar m~ Webs :n rtar<r z:`+c.,,.r , nr .ah-n.t_,r nvnnti, pnos t.+ ., Lkc sh,n su,h gnn+nJ err. n. premiums, tares, assess. <br />,sent, was rt ?ores an_? other eau rn nrnr,I ~..: rrspr<fe, <Is, sail !.,•,.~n.e .... aaJ payable If sat amoun• x<frrrr3 20 is <br />.!suss {+) thrangJs {iri3 hrcrnf ,s ,rJ !a'hrr ,!rr.•sitaJ by nc~ M,•.tg ~t.,c _::}c; .,,, ;;€s}tt at sir.-ti7a. nstrumrnt isarinR <br />t+c::.arty aver ?br }.ta ,ref shies }J;:;tr ;;,, , ti•t 3-i,:: tF,aF•,s .Aa.1 n=,kr t}+e dr p~,..t< r,yu:: r,i iy this Par:Craph 7 only in the cute.! of the <br />terenznati;.w ,.f w,tt t:hhgata.,n .,a : ;1•r p;,nr mnrtgaC< or <,:.,.lar ir,.tr,.mrnt Ti.r Mn;rgag•,r st.atl Rive prompt Hari[[ in wcit- <br />,na to tl,r IlflargaAee of the .-n,~rz,n., :{ the L,t r,rntinr.eJ t. •. .111 x„ . ,,,.,,. a .n Jrp+n;t<d with tlae Alur±Ra~ee sha11 bt <br />field M s~ Ainrtgaprr, ,v anv a rot .Ir<sa;narra h, a n tru+t to }xnv.; i ,.u!t !.a <Ler pavwem n1 sach grt,un.i xrnn, pxmiurna, <br />eases. assessnrnst wa1.<r :rtes _ai .°a t,<; c,+, ever roof +ha;ers_ N•• ,ntrxnt ,iuJ tc ~atah!e ht nc~ Alnrrgagrr ,.n am sum w <br />SrpaxrrcJ. <br />(L) A!1 anu+unh :rgnirrJ to t.r ;S <<im{ aithin :!,e MortRaRer ~ro•,nrhtr to arrnrdm,r w,th Paragraph 7(a) }.t;tv(, and the <br />a: nynt of fi+ifr~+paJ an3 i:,trrest to hr ; a,a <.,h marsh nn a.munt o/ +hr `:,.•r •h.,it F< n,i fr,t<'hrr. and the aRRrrja;t aenouet <br />tfusenf ,ha.l tx pa.J },} ::,c Ai. ~:•[-, a, ,: 2~= tt,r Ma,rtgaget rn s s+ng}c pan rnr+,r r-, };e appl=r3 t•t t?,< 14fnrtpgK on amnunt trf the <br />indrhreJness cd else Mnngag.:; ,, t,• +hr ` an.i ibis Af,•ne,c` itn the Herne t!ae mncrr: art av:ilab}t (rota the <br />.mouser so Jepavtri ), in day ,-t d:.: a,., p., sai:.n :d N.e Nnir by rte ,ann.rr nor. rrhstan,hnR, a fa!iaws. <br />FIRST, to ttsc• idr ctur ecs. ,} an7. rrfrtxr.i to re the hair, <br />SFtOND, to the amnunt of ss.t, ground reins. ii any, {ire and r~thn ftarard inwracce , rrmiums, tcsn, use:amrnts, avatrc <br />sates an3 ntl.r: gavrrnmrnUS ,iu rgn. :c<fuirrJ to hr pa-iJ unJer the p:~. a,u•~ns of thrs M:=rtgan-r, in vhat<. rr sequence eht <br />3.ira-tgaCrr ttu7 rx. }vaivriy Jrtri ms:-r,. - <br />T!!}Ri}, to intarrt due :.o t},< Nnsr, sad <br />HIURTlf, the tttauias,.lrr, tv the }^rin: ip~! due rn the Hatt. <br />Any JrLuen.y in nc~ amnunt :,t arsq ~n,h aggregate rtsrantfi}y payment slu}I. uae+a pa,d by the Monjagnr poor to the due date of <br />tt.e sera tu[it Jepnsit payatrir. :nau.tutr an .sent n( default under this Morrga gt <br />ftI Arty [seas futsds that cut h< sera molested Jry reason of the •}rl.n,+t. required under Paragraph )(a) hnenf, rtmaininR <br />ai ur i+aytnmt n{ tJ,r amounts dr<, rihnl ,a classes (i), {u) an.l /u.) rt:, r:,,f sh^ F.r ,rcditnl to suF+srqucm rrapatn•e monthly <br />. na,ounta ~af 4,r savor nature rrtuir r•' t:. br pail thrr<ondtr- If anx ,u•h ,m•nmt ah.,tl rnrcJ the enimate iherdor, ibe Moajajor <br /> fnttfswith ply to xhr }i:utgaFrr the amn-ant of such drti, ivory u},nn sneer-n n .~~ r hY the Is!orfgagre n( the amount thermF. <br />failure to des sa lsefarr rise due .Lrr r+i surlt amount shall be an . r •,( rirfauit smdcr this Mortgage. if the martgajcd Pro - <br />rnY is sold under { n. .; c:thrcw,sr a: gals rJ by the "-i.,rtg •FK• aft tr drfa~~it b the Morr P <br />t+adan[e of tJx at<umuJatinas under ]'augraph •.fa) hereof, ahal} l+r rtrJ,tri m tht pcinnpt3 amcturt nwinj nn the Natc rasnofathe <br />date of tomteencevsrm of famansurc p:a[rrJiags for the mortgaged pr„perry, or rs sf for date tht martpjed p: op<rty is <br />otherwise so atQrtirtd. <br />i_ Tbt Inrpta:rsamta and aJJ plans ar,J spr[ificatiom thrrcfar <hall ,nrnp{y rite ell app6oble muniripd ard:nusces, ;rju- <br />briryu, aed rues nude cr pu,mulgatcd },y lawful auth,:r ity, u,J ap.<n rhnr .~„npl. r~,•n <h+l! r:imply •6erowith. <br />