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<br />~~ _ form I1tfD'No. 6238-Neb. _ <br />($ec. 312 Loan) <br />(Revixd Au;, 1970) <br />~Vw"" WVa7l3 <br />~o~;Trnr~ <br />Thin Nortp;e made as of tht 18th day nl Feb><trary t9 80 , bNwtreo <br />Frederick E. Meyer and Robert W. Meyer (nerdn,Ra ailed, and if mort than ont party ioiatir nand <br />arKttilr haHaafttr n1led ''Mort;aaoi'), rnidie; at 121 W25t 3rd Street H811 Cnuery, Nebrsska <br />and She Uaittd State of Amtrica fhercinaftn °Norep;ce")..rtGn; fir and throa6ls the Departmrnt of Housin; and Urbao <br />Dt.ttapmtnt tuvia; a RrsiaaaJ Officr at 911 North F)81nut Kansas City . and <br />Sate of Missouri <br />Q'ITNESSETH, that to xrurc the parmeM of se indtMtdnrss m tfie pnncipal amount o! One Hundred Thousand <br />And NU~1QO---- DolJan (~ 103,000.00 ), wiM intemst thrrer>n, which shall be parable in aaordance wig a <br />certain note htarin; erta date hucwith, a true and carts cap? of ..}ri;h, rnlusivr of fht signaturt of the Alnrt;a;or, matktd <br />"Sehrduit A" ii anarzed he:rm and rondo a part hereof, asad all othrr sn.irhtrdnrss which tht Nor[ppr is oblipted to pal b <br />the Narip;ee pursuant to tot provisians of the Neer and thin M„rtFY(Se, the Mart;a}tnr hereby ;raan, COO+C+! and teort;syes <br />to tbt Netejajtt: <br />I'he foilosria; described property situatt io ggjl County, Nebraska. <br />Canter Twenty-twa (22) Feet of the Northerly Eighty-eight (N 88) Feet <br />of Lot Four (4) in Block Sixty-six (66) in the Original 'Down, Now <br />City of Grand Island, Hall Cotanty, Nebraska <br />T()G>:TtiER, ~•itb all appurtr.,ancrs thereto and all the tatatr an.J trr!,ta c+i rhr A{nrt}ta Fnr rn and to such property of ip <br />anrwaae apy+rssainiat; ttatreto; alt burldiss;s and other straciurra now nz nrrrslter :hrrean <rrrttd nr inNalJed, and all fisttsea <br />:tul artxzJa a( persona! pmpttt+ naw at hcxeafrrr attaci+ed ta, or usrJ sn, nr in the npraarinns nf, aq7 such lanJ, building w <br />u: uciuzet whzh art nKnsan to t!x ~ompJtte ux atad txcupaax7 xaf suzh t+w,?Jrnics nr :xrnciwes (or the parpase fo[ whitb <br />.-err ¢,r are to isc ttrcted ac xeYia?Jtd. r*z tube;, hat not Jtmitrd +„ ail hr.,iinR, ptar,hin;, hatfirnom, li;htin;, rookie;, laxwdryr, <br />arnaaiaais;, rrtri~rasia;, in.:nrs:zan}t. and aay-ruaJitioesyt e~t<rpmrni any f,.txrn and a!} repiarementa :htrtuf and additinin <br />therria, xlather ar aoY tJre user arr ar shall be atgrn-d to an.h iand_ hu,1~l~nFa , r strazturrs rn am rnanaar; <br />TflGET#tPR. with am anJ aJJ awuds eaw tsr htrnfm made fn; t',r takxn}t td rhr praperry mertp;ed hettbr, et sq <br />Para xbnrof {incJudst~ anY raxmeni). Jrr t}st eattcix of tbt pn.,rr ..f .minent dnmaia, irtrlud~in; arr award fat clsaryt xaf <br />trade ad arty stmt at other :=uJa•ar, a-lris?: awards art harbr aui;xd t,~ rl:r 11langa;ee sad arr daewtad s part of •:.t pmperry <br />/std ±:nebr, and tbt hlartpa6e< issiectbr sathexittd to to}Jc.t : n.l raccivr tJ+r practtdt of atncb awards, 'e ;ire proper <br />xerritas and arspainaetn tbrrrEnr, aaJ to apply tht saatst toarard the }urmrxst of the itsd<bttdntu aec+red k'P thb Na:t;a;s, stat- <br />wisbstsadsta; Mt fate that t-sr amausu o>.-iryt tlsczeew aaq' aW thra he dur YflJ parablt; aRd the Morip;ot hertbr a;reea, tipatl <br />rrgaeat, to snaky. nerase atsd driiarr aeY aaJ atJ anipamrais sad a~N:cr teary i.a~:rnta sulfn tsar for the parpne d uaipsiy erfds <br />stasis arard to for Ntsrt~cr, fret, spar sad dix~hu;ra! ad aq rmumhr,r,rs ,:i aer kiUd at ptwr wlnstener; grad <br />Ti'fGEYiiER, with al! ri;Jst, titlr azal isNetrsi tsf tht NartpDa>r ;n Ynt , ~ the I,eA lria; in six sxreim awd reads ie fort d <br />.aJ adrniain,; the abuse drsaxihtd land {all tix abn+t dynes aced iand, 1,::,I.t~n;a, oUarr rtructarts, tiztwes, articlta of peerarnl <br />tar, ar~s:ds sad eghet tt>~ts anJ iater:sra kyle; hrrriaatert callr,tt,vly ~alleJ the '"tnettp;eri propsmr°). <br />Tt3 3lNVE l1\'D 'iY) HOLD !tr raxstefsaRed f.topertp assd «err prrr ehcrrnf uasn rlx Nert;sltet. ib saceeeamrs asad ataeu <br />fsareaet tat the pnrpoan sad uan hrrr+n art lrrth. <br />A?:D tlst Lttorip;tsr farsntt .darnaata and a;trrs .irk the Nnrt}tar;.r. as failowr. <br />I. TM 1JerzFaFar x~ril pr..,uprf7 }ter for pr+suipaJ of aed +ntrrrst nn rhr radrhirdnras r+idrnrrJ br the Nntt, and aJl othar <br />risaipea sod iadcfietdeess i+raridtd ibtrcia ar,d ie this Nart;a;e, at tt>e t::rra and in ihr manner rro+ided is Use Nate std is <br />stun 3Mtat;t~r.. <br />'_. The AS,art;a;ar will par a-hrn der, as hrncieaftn pmrided, nil prnunJ rrnts, if any, and •IJ rata, asae+areentt, water <br />rstzs sad ssstxc sa+rramenu? slux~<~a, i.ra:s aaJ irs+fw,s+iixsas, srf r*rts A+aJ afl.i nature whatsnevrr, now or lxrtaftrr imposed to <br />t4,e m;:zxp.,.{Fz•,l prsy>txtr, ar any N:x ibzzerd, and .~i1J tar whre uut rrcrt art,wnt „{ imlehtrJatss served 61 ear ties to whlcb <br />secs 4+ra ~ tisia AlortlRR is rzprrssiy sun{ect. <br />3.. ~asia isirur;a;e aa.i tiu Nnxr +vrrt tanastrd sad dtJieerrd in ar<nrr mnnres a~i+Yrrtrd. nr to ht td+arxttd. by tht Nerlytjet <br />as a csa acrwust of a lase <asdrrs,ay? i+Y the Nate, fry the perpuse ..i rvkuxR tot imptn+emrnu .ittcribed or referrtd to la <br />ma ,may-agtt dattd Decemlaer 28 Js 79 , to u N Wa <br />m"xt3,s18t~ FraMrtr, ate( for suds athtr pur7xsx, if aay, dtrrribd or rtiureJ in thntie, rhich impre•ttreen art bernfNr tolkC• <br />ti+tJr rafted "2nsprurrnrnes." The WnrtAa;ar abaJ! anakt ax raver tR he axadt ail the .mpte+etatenta. If rhr constrncdma or <br />ia.taJlasiffi sd. tot Smpr+*s~tauters sisal! nos be e.ergd art with rrvaeahfe diiuerate, or shall bt diuawtiaaed U any rivet fw <br />ear taasas. rather tJsae suika, Jnskouts, ants of Gad. fires, Qaeda ox artier sims4r caustrepbin, riCta, wxt of ituurtectittx, Uta <br />JaLatt~a;;ae star due tame is rise NartFa;or is Mnlq atapgritad (a) to toter e5~n rise mori;a;sd property sad tmpiar anf s+atda. <br />men to prated the 1'aryra+tesaNS fr.,m dcprr.Jatiaas as iatuq an.l to prrsrrrr and pretrxt tech property, (b) Ee nrry out aay <br />m ail Ikea esiriiaj ttmeraKS isnwe<tt t;.. Mart,p}µu sod aNna put,n fur rhr prrpoat oI makia; tar of tha.lmpro+esaaats, <br />'{cj ~ arsakt and rain lose additional ceatrain sad isacas e+bliptioets for tnc pnrpasa of compictin; the Improvements pnrswat <br />~ ~ isNiptiwp of rhr Noaty;or hrrrueder, tither ie tart aattae of one #oatg„+ee or else Martppr, assd (d) to per s+sd diatbarp <br />