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<br /> <br />g0-r~f59'73 <br />1, UPnn an) failure by the Rfungagor to comply with or pn(on.•. any of the trrrn s, rovenanb nr nrodiGnn2 of this Mort- <br />gage requiring the pagmcnt of any amount of money by the Mortgagor. ~~thrr th::n tl,< principal amount of ti ~,e loan evidcnaJ by <br />the Note, interest and nti,rr .hu•r,cs, s pn,vidni in Ox Nntr, ti:c A4rctF:agrc ,ay at its option make mrh payment. Every <br />payment so made 6y the Dturtgagrr (indu.img rasnnabk seen; nry's firs im urrcd t]¢rchy), +vnh intrust thcrrnn from the date <br />of such payment, at the rate of :ix psrtcnt (G c) per a :m. rzerpt :ny pn,nrnt h•r ,ahkh a J,flcrrnt r.,tc n( interest is <br />speri6cd herein, shall be pay.;61e 6} the Rior+},gar to thenRiart eagce „ dcn,.:nJ .wd sb.~il he so<urrd by this Rhutgagc. This <br />Rfortgagt with respect In an} uuh ,mount and the iutrrest therruq .hail +umdtu is a l,rn , a the mortgag<J property prior to <br />oar other lien attaching nr a,.rmn}; anb.cyucnt h, rhr lien of thn Mmtg,gr <br />30. 17re Mortgagee, by say of ., agents or r prrsrntativcs, shall h.+rr the right 4, inspect the m,:rtgagcd property from time <br />to time at any reasonable hoar ai tls }laY. S;rouW ti:r m,rztXagad pogo ay, or any p,vt ihcrnd, at any time require insptttion, <br />tpair, tare of attaminn , ( any kin.i o. natuu rot prorideJ by this Afnn Sage a dctrrr.:innl Ly the Rfurtgage•c i its tole dis• <br />Clr;iun, the RLxrgagce may, ire n•a„e t+, the hforgagnr, enter nr u„sv entry n. t,e upon, d,< mr,rtgageJ property, ^nd <br />iaspr#, repair, protest, ra rr i,v ar ::.,intain such prt,pegy, as the Mortgar ~, nuy m rts sole ,iisc: ction Jeem necessary, aaJ may <br />pay al! amounts of money t::etcf r, ns the htortgagce may in ih s,•Ic diannon term necessary. <br />Il. :hc principil amount •sw . n d,r Nntr togcthr with intrust rL^,cnn and al} other rharg<s, at therein provided, <br />an3 sli ether amounts of monc, ',..ant l,y the Riongagnr m the M„rtgaS+e pnrs:unt to and se<ureJ or intem!ed to be :tented <br />by this Muttgagq sha^ ssn.e..a.r , bc.,, n,c due nnJ payable with„nt n„ti,c nr drman;l up,m the appnintmrnt of a receiver or <br />liquidator, .-hcthrr vu!unWrr .,.. ,.I r:r.ta ry, by rhr Riurtgagor or , ,f q,< pr„prrtY u( ;he MnYgagor, nr upset the filing of <br />a petition b) m against tlu tit:at„SOr un.!rr the provisions of any ~tatr ,..aolvrmy lax, or the pmvisi:,ns of the Bank- <br />mpta~•• An of 1848, a ammdrd, .•r :.rym the m~tmg Ry the ,lfortga Sot ~•f an asv};mnrnt for rhr benefit of the Ah,rtgagoi s «editon- <br />T}x Aforigagcc is authnriard :., ,cs Lr,. ,t ,ts „pG+,n, s!f , r any p.vt ,•f ,,., ., m3eMnlness immr.liat elY due anJ payable upon Ilse <br />happening n! any of aheJ::i;or•-ing rscnr, <br />js) Failure to par tkr am,•xnt of anq mst„hncnt of }>rinripal anJ intrrcv, or other chugs: payable on the Note, which shall <br />have become due, print in <he due dnr of dta arc wrh irntallmrnt; <br />jb) \onprrformanrc by ;h< AL.:rt,g,,r cf my rovrnant, ag ttmrnt, !. r condition of this Mottgagq of of the Nate <br />(r:ccpt n otfsrrw nc }•r,., ,.., ,, ,r. sulwrs. v-!nn (a) hrrrufl ur of any^nthrr agutn ;nt htrnufn:q herewith ar hereafter made <br />by ttu Martgagar worth thrr Rt,:ngagrc in ,Donn lion xrtis amL in !r hteG. .ts; <br />je) Failure of the \S,•rtgag.x tor. pert ,rm an: ,osrmnt, agrecmrnt, trnu or amdifinn in am znalrummt rrntin[ a lien ut_aon <br />tin murtgsgrd rs_ .• an+ pa ri thee. 1, wh+:h shall ha.r pen •r rtq nvr, It:t lien ut thin M,rtigage, <br />(•~) 27x liatlg>.gecs dos .,-r:y ,d ..,r Murtgag sz'a i,dmr in any apps„stn,n of ihr Mnagagor to the RL•rt gaga to Jiulox <br />my rase deemed hi t!:a~ M,.;:g,R:c to !•r nutcr:al, ar of the m.,kr,:g Iheum or in any n( the agrumarts entered iota <br />by ti,r Afa»gac~^ ,.,t!s a„ ~ Rf.•z tFagrr (m..udu+R, b:,t rt.d lmutnl r,•, Ihr \ntr anJ t},a Rfortgagc) of any rniarepresen• <br />orlon by, on behalf , ,. ~ .. ; ti:r l.cnaf.t ,.i, Nrc Dt. atgagw, <br />jr) The lair, lease ,: otl:cr tr,;,sfrr ,.f any unJ r; nature „f the us,ntcag,~d prnprrty, nr any put Orcrtnl, without the prior <br />w-rittrn cansrnt of :.+: \t..;ga~tr~ . <br />#f) The crosmcnt ai err r. r ..,.c ,•f-:bu }l~~;tpgr of any law „f the Starr cd tichraska dcJua ing from rh.r value of <br />•hr znualeaRrd pmprrb {.,r a,} ;a.;; rl.r: a,f )- for t!-r }•,:rp„se ,•f taraa,.n, cry lien thrronq nr rh_ngmg in any .ay <br />its tsars fors the taaausn .. ,.nutgage, -.. d.h~: sr. urrd by r,nrtcagc for state or lu, a1 put .,=srs, nr t!m rnannrr of eolleo- <br />tinn rt any an,lr tors, :., a t., atfoc; fb,s `.1 ~.,nja;q ro! if aft<, au,h rn. mrnt nr :!+a ngr the hold:r of the \ute and this <br />Mortgage gores w~r seen n.+.ur to the Ainnr;ag,~r ,!cJa:rag else Notr an,l a!! other m!rlstr:!ness se: ureJ by this Rl,.rtgagc <br />Io b< .!nr mid pay,` f,r:a,.« ni any <vJ, rnu tm<nt or clunRr, n.:nrdiatrly up,•n t!,r npita lion of that} (i0) days <br />after au:h Warier. <br />1`at ldaragagct~s failure to nee: ar anp of its rig'rts hruunder >ha?i not umstrtr.t< a ,waiver thereof Ail the x.mts m this Pua- <br />graph erwmrraed upon for happ.-n+ng ,d am of ., bleb tfi< N.,;< shall t+n on.r, or may hr dedareJ to bq immrJiatrly dot and <br />i+a?able, ate in t#,is Riunrai;r ,atlas: ' s<nt> ..f ,lr!.u::.. <br />2=_ The Mortgagee may f:,,m ri:t,r rtn tiasr :ur< <arh ,lrfa ult uadrr auq covenant nr ag~cnscnt in sot instrumtnt crratin a <br />tern :ipso tfsr rrnrtgagrd Crn;srt}. c•t any ,-are tl+ern ~t, which shall h.rat }+r,orixp over the isen of this Meng,gt_ :.a such eateai <br />as des Rtattg:grc may nor:usi~el s' Jeicrar::-c, and ta.h arnaunt pail js! an}) fy~ t:,e M.•rtRagcr w core any such d;fauit shall bt paid <br />tai the Rf *rtgsR„r to rhr At. :t.,gcr, an.i the \#orrga8rt shall also ;,c,„m< suhr,:gatrd to whatesrr rights tht l:,n!:irr of the Arias <br />lice awgAl have uadtt such in*•rur,.rt <br />!I. ja) Afar the sa n, rc:au¢ ,. ar; arsauti f~.rzrasdt-., r:rt Mrr2};a gc,r sha!? uprn demand ai the Mortgagee s rrmdcr posaes- <br />s--ea n# eke .mrrgsgr,i p: „;.try ;n zls; Ri..rtfa~rr, and six Rintlgag<e ma} :nzrr such prn,•xrt., anJ 1ct the ume soul tt,lkrt all rhr <br />mats slu-a<4atsat w~}sx is a:- .f-.,r . + t-r t,r.umr Sur. a a a}-piy She sa::;r. att.-r ;.ayrnrnt of all thatgas sod rsprru.. nn atrount aF <br />Ilx ancteluedrns isricby st•y~zrJ an.! all sorb rrntx and ail {rash raixt+nt as rhr time e;f asah dr#auit art isetthy assigned to for <br />Marlyasrt as furth:r sec uri:y i.~r tier p.rvvntmt of rise rndrhteJtxss sr.urrJ h:r,-~l,y; and Ihr Mortgagee may also Jis}+osstss, by the <br />moat ssmrexar} ;uo.mhngs a:~.s •.-n.nt S: lath rng is rhr payment of an} rant ,,, rIK Mortgagee. <br />tbl la test rsnot tt ai ti.r i+1•,:tgar;, r ....s ,,:rs tht martitaFrd prnprrty nr any part thrrrnf, the Martga8nr agrees to surreradu <br />postnaisao a{ as..R pr,y,r: tr t,, r;:r Ai. ~;rp;S<r a:,„nrJ,a2riy after am s.:,h ,1: to nit t,rrnmdrr, and rf r}.e Mnrrgagox remains in pw- <br />snsaa.n alter ..i. !sole, ,_.. Fi {,.+s.,~,,, u, :!sail :~e ax ,: t. Want ,-t the M„errs}~ar n.i :!,t Ainrtgx~ r shall pay in advarre, upon <br />dr'naa*i I'J' list tf.utgsgrr, as a „ „_ _: u:.,,,tlsly rants{ lair test pun,., x .n~,.{~,; ,lal,y the a1~~rigagr,r, an amount : t Icast ryuiraleat <br />tor; rsrx-tiayrrffifs asf Par age:<Fatt ~:...•, r. ,.Want;,ly inst., i'irncvta p_, •t`ir re th. aurrrnt ra ire, lac year, plus the usual amuuot of <br />tlx assawi graueJ rrnL •i a,.r, t;ar. ~zsxe,vxnrs, water riles, ntlxr .:aa: rav,rnhl eharRrs an.l insurance premiums psy:ble in <br />taxsaxv t:xus worth ;;x n.otzg~ }:rJ p, u},xz ty Juri~g s:;.h wear, anJ up,m the tar7urr of the Mortgagor tr, pay such monthiY rental, <br />ibc lt:lntr¢a}t,:r nuy a.x, ?,c 1„p."snsrl by nc~ uswl aum:wxy proctrJitsFs aF•Fdu abk to rtmanh. This ttrcnant shall betumr <br />a3tsalivt imme.'..a;rly'upnn t!,c lu i+}",.i„g •,# soy sue!, dr1au12, as drt<rnw:r..l .es the sn tr J,s, utnm e7 six R[urtgaRre, who shall <br />grvr nma.r xu sv.}, dcic::;:.crun„^ o, tha is1 ,;igag=:r, ar.J ra i}rt :au of fora insure usJ Orr appuinu::rot of a rmiv<r nE Ihr tea4, <br />afar vitkia raaraaaz abaSi in~e 2.. ~!„ hrnctz2 ..i su.h u.rzsrr <br />ii 73u M,rrtga;rc in cry acrr,•n z„ f,nnimc ihi- Atw t;age shall Sr <nt,rlyd ;,, rhr apporntrnrnt of s r<ceiv<r witl.c.ut aotitq <br />u a trotter of sigh! ar.J w;th„uz r<gax,s to ttse saf ur „t rhr mnrigagr.i pr, ~l.rrry, or rhr sulvrn,y nr insulrency of the Rigr[gagor <br />ar athn p_+rty liah}c fur tlrc• pay nu nt of rhr Nutr anJ other ralrfsttdnrss ,,,,.,r-{ hq this Rinrtgagr <br />!I. The Ai~atga<vsr, ..:thin t::: stir) Jays .p.m request in per s,m or withi:s twenty (:p) days upon request by mail, will <br />#ussush proa+ptiy a written uatrurnrt xn lnrm s,irsia.twy r.> the Murrgaher, •ignrJ try the Mrrrtgagat and duly arknuwltdged, of <br />i}x arswunt rises owing an ibt :ti.rtr and „thee inJebttduesa sec us rJ f+y rota Riartpgt, and whHher any o(ixra or defrnset <br />raise ajainyt sorb ierdebthinrss nr say p.,rt xhru,af <br />ib. 19sr Idortgagnr will gim tmma,lute raticc by rrgmnrt :,r rertdrr.l mail ;n the MnrtRagn of any (ire, damage nt atket <br />nsuahy aft„ring tlx mertgagcJ pr ui,rrty oz of as.} :Waste}once, transtcr or .iwnR, in awnrrship of such prnprrty, or soy part <br />thereof <br />I7. Natr<r and drrrund ar requnt may 6t made in v ~'=ng and mar h< «rsrJ in person nr by msil. <br />]D. !p cox a! a #areilasurr sale of tkr mortgag.s property it may Le tulJ in one parcel. • <br />i4. The Mortgagor rill not a. iSa rbr rents, if soy, in .wlu,~c nr in part, f.,.tn ihr n;ortgagrd properly, of any part thcrco(, <br />vithauI efse Drior wrrilro ccroscni cJ rhr Rforty;a Scc. <br />