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<br />If under paragraph I8 hereof the Property is sold or the Property is othern'ise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shall apply, no later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by mender, any Funds <br />held by Lender at. the time of application as a credit against the :tans soured In• ;his \,iortgage. <br />3. Application of paymeats. linhvs applicable laic provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender <br />under the lore snd paragraph 1 snd 2 hereof shell 1>e applied 1>y 7.ender first- in payment of amounts payable to <br />Lender by Borrower under l,~aragraph '2 hereof, t-lace to interest payable on the \ote and an future :ltlvances, it <br />sny, at:d then to t-he. principal of the Note and to the principal vi Future Adcapees, ii any. <br />4. Charges; Lieas. Aorrower shall pay all tuxes, assessments and atiter charges, fines and impositions attrib- <br />utable to the Property which msp strain a priority Deer this \iortgage; and grotnxl rents, if any, at Lender's <br />ogtior. in the manner provided under paragraph 3 hcreaf or by Borrower making p:tpn2eut, when due, directly to <br />the payee thereof. Barmwer shall grompth- iurnisi to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph, <br />and in the event Borroa°er si2sil make payment directly, Horrower shell praupth• furnish to bender receipts evi- <br />dencing such payments. Borrower shall prontptlg discharge any lien which has priority over 'this Mortgage; pro- <br />sided, that Borrower shell not be required io discharge any such lien sa long as Borrmver shaft agree in writing to <br />the payment ai the abiigstion secured by such lien in a manner acrepttbie to Lender, or shall in gaud faith contest <br />0 such lien by, or defend enforcement. of such lien iu, 3egsl proceedings which operate to precept the enforcement of <br />~ the lien ar forfeiture of the Property or any pert titereo:. <br />5. hazard Insuzosce. Barrowzr shall keep the rt. rnyements row existing ar hereafter erected on the Prop- <br />zrty insured against. loss by irre, hazsrds included withir, the terns "extended coverage", and such other hazards as <br />bender may require anti in such amounts tied for such periods as Lender may- rec;t;ire: pro+ided, That. Lender shall <br />not require that the amount of such oovzrsgr rxreed that amount ai coverage required to pay the sums secured'by <br />' this 13orfbsge- <br />The Snsursnce. earner proylding tltc irsararce shsP be chasm h}• Bnrmwe subjtYt to approval by Lender; <br />urocided, that suclr spproysl sl2all not lre tu2reasonsbh• withheld..111 premiums on insurance policies shall be paid <br />at Lender's option in tl:e msntter providrd tuuizr arsgrspi: ? hereaf ar by Horn~wer making psyn2ent, when due, <br />directly to the insursnce carrier. <br />In the ecen# an}• policy is not renatred on or before ten days of its expiration, the Lender, to protect <br />its interest, may procure insurance on the improvements, psy the premiums and such sum shall become <br />itramediatety due and payable with interest at the rate set. forth in said note until paid and shall be <br />secured by this \lartgage. Failum by Borrower to comply ma}•, at option of Lender, constitute a default <br />under the Terms of this 4inrtgage. <br />X13 in?uzsnce Ix~2ieiy sad mrewsl? titrr.~of >is;i i,o in ions accerttahlr to f.rnder end sha'1 inchtde s standard <br />mortgage clear. r in fever su and m form act'<•ptaldr to lender. Lender sha11 hsrr the right to hold the policies and <br />renewals tha^eaf, snd Barroazr shall 1+mntt+tly iurnisl: to L<ud,~r all renetysl noticrs an,i ail :tceipts of psid pre- <br />miums. in the went of lax, Barrawen- ~hsil 6:~e prompt narks ;o tits itrsursnrc csrrirr amt Lender, snd Lender <br />may reeks proof of loss ii not made promptly i,y Borm+czr. <br />I7nless Lender snd Barrowrr otherwise >gr:~c in writiu=, tn~ttranrc }sracee,is ttsll bz anpii~ti to restoration or <br />repair of the Pmpany dsrnsged. ;,ra»dt~ti sue?: restoratiatt or repair is eronomicaliy- %essibk ;tnd :hz. security of <br />tilts ~iuargsge ;; na thereby intpsired. Ii suet: r,°=tnrntion or repair i; not econunieaily feasible or if the ~YCUrity <br />of this \fartgage would be impaired, the tnssra;::e ltrocreds s..sll i,e :tnpiied to the :ems secured sty This Mortgage. <br />a-iih ills es~, ii arty, psid to Borrawer. 1: tlra Yralx-rtr is a;,sndoned by Harrower or +ii Borrower tells to respond <br />tol3ender tcitL~in ~ dsys sitar notice by Li-r,der to Borrawer that the insurance rar:ier oilers to .et:.r a claim for <br />iasuranoe benefits, Linder ~ autitanWed to ~aliact snd spply ti:r insunnre l,raceeds at l.ender'~ aption either to <br />tesutranon ar repair of the Prxr}.+am or to the sum: srcutrd t.y this llongagr. <br />Lrrle~ Lender snd Barronrr atitrrvist= agrer in ;writing, any suci::tltl,ii.•avu; of l:roct~zds to principal shall <br />utri ertenslarixa-tlwne the .due date of the moat}th- installments rrierrtvr to in ;,srsgrspi;s 1 :.n,i '? I;erYai or change <br />t}te amour3t of such irtstsllments. <br />If tutdarparagtsph 18herYai tl:e Yrapeny rs segwretf tn- I.ender.:t i rige,t. ti*,,,~ snd it:testst of Bazrawer in <br />snd to any insursnce }toliei~ snd in atxi to the rrarzrd: tl:rrtr,i to tier e~trt:=_ a% t%~,. stu2n serums rty tlsis ~lon- <br />gage imruediately prier to -such ~7r ur aryui=itxtn ~ rt=arhrt, in,w ,3ansc-r tt, ± ,~ Ymlxnv ~!ri,,: t.- the :ale or <br />scquiaititw shat? pees to Under. <br />~. ~ and Mmat~mmce of Property: I.easehalds; Coadominittms 1?orr~,n rr shall i;eep the Prop- <br />er#s irr gaud repair and si;sl' net penrst or tou2mit waste, itnpairtnent. ,, ~ietrnorst±o;; .,:.l:e 1'repeny .snd shall <br />comply mitl: the pnaisinrr:' ;,i sn}- tease, i9 thi, \q.,rtgsge v an ;2 !rssenolc. l % tiu> _llart;;age „ uu n candominium <br />t, I3arroa•es =sa?d p? all of Borrnay*'_ _~l,!agat_i:tt+- ~n_er -.._ _--------~_. ,. _,....-arutr!ctttt ,.. u2ssSer d`•'ad, <br />idle 'ay-19tlwn Hnd r2gGlat}artS 03 r:2r c'-0ndt'~m3tll 4".?I 1~Taj tC4't !i'.:c7 rl 3t isPP.t ~;at'nmc•Fn~'. <br />9. PratecYioa of i.~der's Secsuity- Ii Bttrnrwer tells to prrfr~+nn .- rnwct:ant. ~xn„ a;gmrurnts contsitred in <br />this yler.. ar if sny arr.ian ar pmre~ding is eanunrnred n•hic1: tnsterialh~ saPrt_, i_:•r,~ier'- u,tzrest in the Yrop- <br />eriy, laaiudiag, but not linrit~,d ta, i=uunert doutxtu, ur<ocrnry...t,ir rniortytn;rm.. .:rrst:geutenG or pmeeed- <br />iitgs ina=n]t~iag a twnkrultl ur ,3ecedtm, the3. Lender st 1_t•n,ier> optian. ul+oe; :,t+t;cr t+~ 33,3rre~wer, may leeks such <br />sppeaaaatxs, disbt.trse suez~ sums and Mahe such setinat !is is r,r+ti•san to nrotrc•: tn•n,,lrr s at;terrst. including, but <br />act lisaited tfl, d+__-t+~ *•~r~•* t of rnal3le sttonray•s ;ita< and rattrr t:pan rite Yrc+7,c•rt:• to mske repair..~n}- <br />ataenats dif¢butsed by i,extdrr pursuaai to tlxrs psrsgr~pl::, nits; intcrrst then•u:. ,i:a1: at°runte sdditianal indeht- <br />ettm~ ai BQrrow•er ~rut~d lty ti;is llayrtgag~a. IIrtless 8ormarr sad Lrntier agscti• to otltrr teens al payment. curb <br />st~st:rsta shell lee payable u;e,?L: *_,atic,r :rV:ta I nder •.^ Harr:+twer tr~u'~=ring 1>syrrsr::=° t_:r:etti. s.. :.i:ais ltesr inter- <br />~,fmm the date of dichursemertt ar tizti rate ststeu in thr \ot.e unles psymeat td srterer. at such rate +trouid he <br />twataty to applicable law° in nehirh ec°ent sect, autounts -:hail ?year ;rttem;t a± =,i:a inghm>t ratr I+ennissible by <br />applicable lea. Notlting rantsinrd In thin r5ar«grahh : ;t~tl: rrstutr_• Leiser ;t ;t,_.f arc esl~ansr ar do any act <br />hes~dtr_ <br />~. Impc6ao. La^zxuer ninny trtake or raux to i;2 rrsdr tra:-ttnsitir ,=ptne> rl:,un Yuri irsprenana ..f the I'trrp- <br />stttY, }trt:vidod thar Lender almll gix•a Borrmrar natttr wior to an}- =t+rit in-ptrtton spertlyute r,•cteorabie reuse <br />ttr~efor rated w Lender < interest. in the Pt•ttlrerty. <br />3. ~. 7'he pt~tteeds of sr:v ~wsrai ar claim for dsnsag==, +iire.t ~,r canse:luentrsl, en tauneetion <br />xFith ally e+>'ttdautrtaiion ar atlter txl,:rtrg ai the I'ri,Itrny. or {;an tGt•reai_ nr tar rwnersne..= ttr lieu of rundemna- <br />t y a+~gnxf and =halt ~ paid tc, Letxier. <br />~fieveut ai a rota.} tskiug ai the prr;},end'. thr i,r,.ex•e i= -tall !,r upl~hPrl to :ht ,-um~ .-.rrorrd 61' tbia Aiare- <br />gs~, with the sera n, if sny, laaid to Bata'ower. In the Brent oI s q,nntal tskirg of the 1'rvpercy, uufeso Barroa°rr <br />i.endedrtuii~iuY sgroz an urrttng, &lxKt= ~-ftxil br s;tl+liid to thr .ums ne~eurhi t,v ti~is _llortgsgr ,uch propor- <br />#aua oI tlrG prae•,~xte as is equal to that propon tan which the autoum of the sunt> <ccur,-d hi this \iortgage imme- <br />diataiy prior to flee slag of t'alang ttz-err to the Lair t,tsrke= rsiuc of w,• 1'ropertti' itnutediately prior to the date of <br />titkt, ~,h tits ltatart~ os" thaw praet*etl7 psid to Bortawer. <br />If .1'rgper4,y is altau+{Deed br Borrnu•er ar if xiter norca Ly Ls•t,di-r to IIorro+rrr that ti,e t•ouden:rot affer~ <br />to taxies an acrd ref settlta a claim for daza~zs, Borrower iatLa ,t, ref~tri to I_r~•udcr +crhin 3b days of the data <br />of st-th notice, 3~nde's is autltorirtwi to cwllett and apl+i}• tix• prut,•rs'1= ai 1. nder•~ opnou ,•it?+cr to n•st nratian or <br />t of tits Property or w the sums secured t,y this \I angagi•. <br />t3nk~ Lender and Borrower atltensi~ agrQx ip writing, spy swell application of praetiads to principal dhnll <br />