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!' <br /> <br />VV~~ W~~ <br />INDIVIDUAL <br />DUE ON SALE <br />OPTIONAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br />SAVINC35 FUND <br />FIRM Ma ~ztr-47s <br />__. <br />Loan Number__4 80 - 1 1 <br />Typ! Branch <br />M O R T G A G E <br />'1'rII3IkfORTGAGE, made and executed this ...._2~Lb ............... day of ..F8hfiII8ry..........._.... A.D., <br />19___~Sl_, between the Mortgagor, ....John-.R,__Higgins,~__Jr,-,.and.. Karen-*i.- Higgins,,,husband_and_-. <br />caiFe~ _,joini_,jy,_axtd eacll_ in_, their, own right-, . <br />of .--.---. Grand..island.,._, Counh• of ...... Hall-„_._ ............... State of .. Nzbraska--.-,---, hereinafter referred <br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST' FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LINGOI.hT, 1235 "N" Street, Linrnln, Nebrasks 685{11, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to <br />as Lender. <br />Wrr.resst:rrt: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of ._Fifty-, Seyen, Thousand <br />S'~_Lfitndred..and_ xoj1~0-.---------.------~._.-------.-----'Dollars (US a.57,6Q0.04_...._....- - ) <br />paid by said lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and ironvey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the <br />following described property located in the Counts of ...._._.tia11 _, ._ .., State of Nebraska: <br />- -- - _.. <br />izat Ten {10) Block Four {5) Olde Mill Subdivision City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, 1lebraska <br />TocErt~ea with all the irnpmvemenLs now• or hereafter erected an the property, and all easements, <br />rights, appurt~rances, rents, roraliies, ruineral, oil and gas rights and profit;, water. water rights, and <br />water stock, and all futures now ox hereafter attached io the property, all of whrch, including replace- <br />ments and addiLion-+ therein, shall be deEmed to be and remain a part of the property co-reed by this <br />luiartgage; and all of the foregoing, together with ;aid pmpem tnr the leasehold estate in the event This <br />9iortgage is on a l~aehold) are herein re#ermf to as the "Property.. <br />Borzowe~r cxrc~enatrts that Borrower is lawfully seised of the e<•tate hereby come}-ed and has the right <br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Pmpertv, that the Property is unencumbered, and that Borrower will <br />warrant artd defend generally the title to t;:e Property against all .laims and demand;, subject. io an}• <br />e+sserrren~ and restrictians listed in a schedule of exceptions to arovezage in any title insurance Swticy in- <br />sauittg Lender's intertst in the Property, ar ('?) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of title certified <br />b3' bonded abstracter. <br />Paor~rsra Ar.wars, and these pte"ents are exerutz~ri and delivered upan the following cond'etians, agtre- <br />memtn and of+ligaiaans of the Borrower, to-wit_ <br />The Borgx+x-er agrees to pay to the Lender, ar order, the principal sum of ~ifty_ Sven. Tlaousai;d <br />_-._ _~is..l3uardzesl.assd.Na~ifl9-- --.----_--- _ ------'Dollar. tL'4 ;;- 5?,6tz0.0~- 1 <br />i+nyaide as ius+t.iidod in a note exeented and delis znxl, ct.ncumntly herewith, the final payment of prinrilral, <br />if rat aooaier paid, an the . _. 1s,~, , day of _ .parc?t 1R 'tyl,~'1 <br />UratM ~avsx~-xzs- Bormmer and Lender covenant and agree as fnltows: <br />1, ~Y~t a3 artd Lslarast. Borrower shall pr[rml7tly pa}• w-hrn due the l}rincil~al of and in- <br />t oa fire itulelrtedness evidettt'f+d by flee Noze, prepayment and late c}zargrs as pnr1 ided in the Nate, <br />and the principal of and interest an wy Future Advan:tsa srtvred b}- this \1nr4gage. <br />2. for Tmcaa surd iearumace, Subjes4 to Lender`s option antler paragraphs t and 5 hemvf, Hor- <br />rxiw'et' gall pap #o i.~eader on the day rnanthly instalituents of principal and interest are papahle under the <br />Note, unLt1 the Note is paid in full, a seem {herein "Funds" l equal to one-twelfth of the yearly' taxes and <br />which ma?r attain pr*ority over this Aion£age, and ground rents on the Property, if arty plus <br />oars-twelfth ~ Bey tx~ernitrm tasfallmerrts for hazard insurance, plus are-twelfth of }-early premium in- <br />ats for mortgage irranrrance, if anti, all as reasonahiy etimdtcd initially and from tune !a lime by <br />'L o$ the basis of aaaertts and #+r31, aged reasonable estintat~s thereof, Lender shall apply the Funds <br />~ icy aaud razes, marts, znstrrance pmnriauns and ground rents. Lender shat! make no charge for o <br />sad apgdS'mg fire !`ands ru verifvirrg and compilitrg said aa~e'caaznents and hills. `Ctrs bender shall <br />afnce iu the ifaaxo+etx, withwt ~ an annual mounting of the Fonds showing credits and debits fo the <br />and the purpose for which >.~ debit to the Fzmdn wan made. The Funds am pledged as additional <br />qty to+' the soma aazrtad fry this Afor:~r~ Tlu Bnrraw~er agtec~ iltat the Funds zzta> be held by the <br />' and c~aomingled with otl~r funtlls and the Lender's ow~rr funds and the Lender may pay such item-s <br />i i#a o~rn bends afld the Lrzrder .algal! not be !sable #nr inten°at or di}idends on such Funds. <br />if the amount of flee Irtmda held by Lender, together with the future monthly installutents of Fund, <br />3+Ry~ Feita' to rigs due dates of Eases, ta, insurance premiums sod ground rents, shall exceed <br />tiraamount required to pt~v said tales, amts, inattranee premiums and ltrvund rents a:, they tall :luE~, <br />e al+gr8 ba, at Bnrscriver's optian, either ptompijy repaid to Harrower or crerlitetl to Rarrowrr on <br />rrtunthlT mrttartrr of Irunda. if ibe amount of tha Funds held by Lender shall not he iutlicienl to has <br />tastes, itrsursuti^e pramrutns and grazmd rerrta as They fall due, E3orrtrwer shall pay° to lw-ntli•r <br />arry aurouurt aeafs~ary Uo make np flee ~y within thirty' days after ratite from Ixnder !u ISnrrawer <br />r~egrrestitrr pa~rmeat tltermt, or iiortewer shall, by an sncrra.3: in monthly irr~tallnrcnts ut 1~'unds rznquiretl, <br />try tire delic~ierrcy within tare Fund amounting period. <br />i't piaynxsnt in /uH of ail sutra tcex aged by this 1~7ort.gage. lxxuler xlrall aptdc f'vnzls held a= a credil <br />agairsxt all rstrm>s doe. <br />