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not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly insctllments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or <br />change the amount o{ such installments. <br />Ili. Borrower Not Released. Extensimt of the lime fm• p:tvatent. or modification of amortization of the aums <br />secured 6y this Mortgage granted by Lender to am• successor in interest of Borrower shalt not operate to release, <br />- in any manner, the liability of the origins! Borrower and Bnrrottcr': atecessors in interest, Lender shall not 6e <br />required io commence proceedings against such successor or refuse. to extend time far payment or otherwise modify <br />amortization of the sums secured try this .`,forfgaee h}• reason of ;utc demand made by 'the original Borrower and <br />Borrower's successors in inferest. <br />I1. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. anv iorbearanre hp Lender in exercising anv right or remedy <br />hereunder, or othencise afforded b}• st>pliesbic lsty. shall not ue a reef: er ai or preclude the exercise of any right <br />or reined}• hereunder- The procurement of insurance ar the pa}•ment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender <br />shall not be a waiver of Lender's riQiti to accelerate the ;nsturitc of the indebtedness secun:d by this i\4ortgage. <br />I2. Remedies Ctrmulative. 31i remedies pmz-idet# in this Jto-tgage are distinct. and cumulafice to anv other <br />right or tomedv under this lIongagc or nn`ariicd by ':arc or equip-. _uut may he exeroised concurrently, independ- <br />,°°~, ently orsuceessiveh. <br />13. Successors and r'1.ssigas Bauad: Joint mid Several Liability; Captions. The rot•ennnts and agreements <br />herein contsired shall bind, and t#:e right.; hereuutder shs#': inure: ta. the respective atceecors and assigns of Lender <br />and Borrower, subject to the pnivisions of paragraph t' hereai.:111 caveuants and agreements of Bormtt•er shell <br />. be faint and sevcra3. The calniot>;- and headings of thr• Pxragra;,I:s o+.' this Mortgage arc for convenience only and <br />are not ro be used fo interpmt or deF>ne t#te },ravisians hereof. <br />~ 14. Notice- ally notice to Born~wer provided for in this \l,r*tttae.• siisil be z;t:en by mailntg such notice be <br />certified tnsil addrea~r~d m Borrower at thr Pro}krtc 3ddt~•s. stated helot,. csreht for su}• notice requimd under <br />Iuiragraph 1S hereof to In gicra ;o Borraccrr it: ti„• tnar,ncr Pre,criimei +v aP, ;,rahlc ::ttt_ an}• notice Provided <br />far in ibis Alartgsgr:hs?1 be acentrd to lst <^ 3,<~t•n ~ ~, &srrotccr ,v hen _~ivet: in tl,< mam:cr designated herein. <br />13. Llaifotm Mortgage: Governing Law: Sevezability. Ti,_. torn:: _ :uarxst;c . mnbines unifarnt covenants <br />iornstions? use. and nor.-uttiiarr:t caz'erants ;riff, ;itn;t~ tsriatiot:s h~ iurisdictiun to constitute a uniiomt secu- <br />rity in-trun}ent ro~ering real proper±~- i i:is llorct's;: <.-i,;l i ~orerned i,t- thr iatr ai ti:e ;uris,i:ction in which <br />the Pmpeny i; faceted. 1^ the e': en; the; any- ,arotisior, ar ;~iause of t'+„is \fortga~i• ar the \uir condicts with <br />sppllrsiale law- such ranilirt shsii ., affi^c, other raciawr of ti:i- Alortox,~; _r tl?e \.,t~, z<~h.~.I, h.. <br />exert nathour_ thr ront~irzing },nor:ion-a;v7 to ;+::, enu the l:r, rtsions of the Alnrtga,,^ .nd the Aote~am declare;! <br />to be severable. <br />IS. Baatower's Copy. Bornau~r alai] i.e• inrnisi,r,i s .anformed coP~- of this \loriya>e at. the time of execu- <br />tion ar after reconiatiur. hem,! <br />39. Trmisier of the Propeziy: AssirQption. Ii sli or any hart of the Propene or an intetYSt therein is sold <br />arzrsnsferrc-•d by Harrower without Lir:,fer s racier arirter. carsent, excluding tai *,?te emstion ai s lien or encum- <br />bra~nceaubon:inate to tins Ala-ga;;c•, b+ t?,e rrf•3tioT, o. a purchase :Honer securin- in*.erc.t far household sppli- <br />ancx~, ae? a t.~ns~er by d~z-ise. ai=,xnt o_ :,~• u?,r:xtian :,i l;:z< u~,or. *.!;e death ai a joint tenant or td t the grant of <br />any leasehold interes: ai ti,ri•i• ~iat~ ar ;r..:,ot ~.~ntaintr;; .-tt: „>tion to }utrciaase. Le*.tder tuvi-.:tt Lender's option. <br />declare sil the some scrurcv bi- *..*.is lior,gagi^ to ix' in:enr,:;:.t,y dt:e sac, tsaysblc- Lrr,:tcr sl:ali have waived such <br />a~an IA ar~Iersze if. Friar to ; he :a;e or : rs,>;ier. Londe-r sn:i ;.,.^ lx=z`an to o lxom *--..c I'mnertr tc to h,^ >oid or <br />trsasfemeti mach agzeentetit u::~ritisg tist_l~ rrfdit of sorts }~er_=on i+ atisisrtart' to Lender and that the- interea <br />paysblean tJx sums srrtued ii this \3on~sg:- shs!; iK• a- ;uei~ =:vtr ss i~i•nderh33? n^,}ues:. Ii L<~nder has .caiz-c>al <br />toe upiian to sr>>^elerate pmt-3drd in ti: }tatxgrspi: l; and ;i IIerrawrr~s .urrr-mar is intern-t ha= ~serated a zvrit- <br />tenassuxnpzion agnxtaert aei,eptcx? ti; zrriting br I_<-n,ir~r. Lan<i:•r s+.~all ro#ea-=~ Borrower iron, aL' obiigapans uttder <br />tiffs lilartgage and t„•e \atr <br />if J~ender eaeni~ sucl, apttat: to arer:erate. Lendisr .hat? loaf; Harrower :o<.ieY ai arcelrratlan in arcatdanre <br />w~zh }srrsgra}m 13laenvi_ ~trrl. none, asli ;,r¢ytrrlc• s ;=truce ~,, _ ii-- than 3i1 ds~ < i:vn, tha• ~iwt..~ the notica> <br />tisailed within which $orrowrr tear },a. t_ Puri;` •_ ,-isrr„ ,.--: 1'~Borrawt-r iaii_ ,~ ;s}~ sur•1~ <uu:- :tror to the <br />espir$iitw ai such period, Lender n;ay. wnhmrt it,rthrr rmtir,• or ,irnrand an Herrow<-r. an.ak: anti- er~nedir- ner- <br />mitz~i liv Irtiragraph 1$ l~maf <br />;t:i~x-J`~t~x t,ur~v~s~. $ttrrt,u'e+' and 7xntle+r £ut•zltr-r i~_i,er:teent and s~r,^,- a~ tol3<,tv.- <br />1$. map; Remedies. Exttit>i i- provdivi in :iat'at:r.r}.t, l; __r~-?..:;~:,; Ba^^ae^I': hrirh ai anv <br />rot~rarsnf or agrormenx ai Barn~a er -rn tl t llartsa t i la f ,z_ t car .o loot- a ha•;, .ttt= an}- + m erurtl <br />hr tads ~lortg$ge Lendrr pear to s,-r.•i:tenon ~;al. .,a, ...,.,, _. , li<+r .u.,., ;,> ,,3-<+,;dr,l n, 1,.,r7u;ra1-:. id Isernoi <br />a~teci3}~ng: +Il the breaz-1,: ~2+ 4iae ariirat; n'<luam,i to ot1!< ~urh i,r-ail:- ,3~ ., ~-.::c. not lee, th+tn thirty dais <br />f i32e dale the natiae• i aitail~i Ao I3cum,rt~•,. 7+v a~iaria cavi: bn;yt•!, ,Host l,e ra,n,#. rni ,; ~ ]hat !evince to cure <br />itrr3i ttmatth tin sir Isritirr tie dale sjsrciAH,t >n t:~r nutx~t• i?ia}~ result :n arrelrratx~r. ni tt~, >:uus s<•cured in• this <br />ifaxt~atae and coals of t3te Prvlx;cy. If the brrnrlt is not eutrrl on or i,riam tine t}at<• ~}><•ci7rd in th.• natter. Lender <br />ar hr's t+~+tatm tiasy +~lx~• a,i of the ~tns,e :arum? i'r tins Alon;;a}:r =,,, r.K• ;tmn,tiiizt,•ix~ ,toe and ;sayable <br />a•itlrtrut itirtlierdeanarid and stta~l,~ iorrrlt~ tl,i~ :lln:t,gi;gr l+v ,u,iirral isrartt:•.t;n}; Lrr,.irr ai,ai: h~- cutit!r+d to collect <br />~ suck psmaex+ding rail espen~s e,i .sevla.urt~. t;;t~iu,laug, huz rat lirnttty# t<^. ~.x~t- rat ,inrumrsaun evidruce, <br />absuat~a acrd zitle rrparts. <br />~ ~ io B;ta• 5~~iri,.tandtn}; 1.,~•nder:- scerlerstian of thr sums securaii by this <br />~, L#orraatrc~r shall keys flee right to bare ativ l,rorevviings }k+gim by Ls•n,irr ±o :•uiorrc rl;rs ~iartgage <fis- <br />oaa#aaued a3 aav tithe prior tat t'>lttrM1• of a ?uri>;n,rni cniu3wins tlti> >lartga(;i• :i _ ,n ~ Iiurrowrr Iitevs 1.-ender all <br />'r seartild Le tlit~ xit~ trrati~ this '_!1€trra~•r titt• \ ~; at=,i natr; Yrunsr; } t,tu*t~ advances. ii anv, had no <br />oeeae~d; t6t $orrowckr rur~ sli t+mari,t•- o' and .~trzrnn3tt, or lire-:•rutnt- ai Borrower ron- <br />tsiaod in this ~; tf} Bzirrvx"er ~)r all r~-a~~,-rnl~3r rs;xri,rs ;nrurrz•,i E,}• 7,rr;=i,•r rn z nforrtng ihc= eovenanta <br />and adeoema~fe tfi Barma:rs r~tairietl in tore 1lurtga;;r sad u, ,-n; ur,^,n;_ l.,••r'< re•n,i•r~irs :~. provirieti in para- <br />~ ICJ. itxhidiaig, btri tim limitcxl ttr, rra=or,st,,'r attorney s irr. an.i ~ ~t ~ Barraurr takra such actron a. <br />'~3'-may ~{:r'.r~ is •r~ iha; U,e iirr, ai t#ar .#,rrtgngr_ 1.,-raic~r'r ucere_a m the Pro;serty and <br />3amr+~''r oh}tgat34s to Iwy t6r saws serur+ed ltv this 1l artgan,• >i:ai; runtutur uotrnPatr,.'- t•}'<,n ,urh payment <br />~3mn+e be 8axrottara, t~ lforlgege sod the obligazian-scrur~l ltenhp .bail rrnrsm m full iorrr and et7er[ n; if <br />~ had aGeittr'edI- <br />'~' d ;<~ J-ppagfamtgt aF R~emwrr: Leadwr in Poseeasion a, addrtiona! secunty hrn- <br />under, Sturaw?er Dtacbp aaci~ns to Lender life rants. ai the Yrape»}-. presided flier liarraetrr =hall, Prior to acceler- <br />atian wader ~ 18 her~enf ar alisadtsnment of the Yrti}terty. #:avc the rtKln to ,°alirct anri mtain Hoch rents <br />as they btxoaie doe atad payable. <br />j)~ •.wnlnra>r~ under paragraph i8 lmreof ar shandonmrnt o! the YroPrr*.y, l.rndcr. in },rrsan, b}• agent <br />+rr' by ]udie3tll~ appointed t•txx9ver alull lrr entitled to enter upon. take {ws-!..fine ai oral ntxnttgr thr PmPi•rtF <br />aasd to calico! the recta of the 3'roperty, irmltiding those past due. 311 rent> coflrcted i,r Louder or- the nreiver <br />aitallbeappliedfirattopaymentaf theotxtts of management of the Praprrty and collertivn of rents. includir,;;, but <br />sue. limit~I to, receiver's ft~ex:, pmmiums an receiver's bands and rcasanable nttante:'s fro-.. and then to the -um~ <br />secured by this INott{fage. Lender and the receiver shall M• ]!aisle la account only far those rem. actually rerrived. <br />