<br />$~- ~~~~
<br />SUBJFJCP to a mortrfage in favor of Un9,ted States of America, acting
<br />through the Famiess Hone At3ninistration, United States Departrnent of
<br />Agriculture, in the principal amount of $20,000.00, recorded in Book
<br />171, Fage 470.
<br />The Plort3'ta35t Quarter of the Nortt~ast Quarter (bid) of Section RWenty-
<br />eight (28), 2bamship YWe1ve (12) tYorth, Fame Eleven (l.l), West of the 6th
<br />P.M.,
<br />SUBJF7CP to a image in favtu' of The Federal land Banc of Qnaha in
<br />the principal aam~u~t of $33,000.00, reaatded in Doctsnertt #79-004954.
<br />trtgtthrr with all tights, interrsis, r~scments, herrditamenxs and appurtettances thereunto brlottging, the rents, issues, and
<br />profia thrsraf and reventus and income thercfrvm, all imprarements and personal properrv now or later attached thueco or
<br />txasonably nectssan~ to the use zhereai including, bur not limited to, ranges, retrigrracan, clothes washers, clothes dryers,
<br />rtx puxehased or firtaaerd in whole or in pa.-t with loan funds, all watu, uazcr rii•]sts, and avarer stock pertaining
<br />therru~, utd all payzntaLS at am time awiag to Borrowrr bt• rirrue oi' any nle. lease, transfer. c•nnvevance, ar candemnation
<br />trf any ;part tisexmi'. to utxrratt xherein-all of which aze hueia called "the prnputy":
<br />'PD HAVE AND TO HOLD rh= pprroperty unto the Gorxrnmenx and its assi¢ta forever in fee simple.
<br />BORROWER #t5r Borrowu'; sd€. Boxraw.r's heirs eircutars, administrators. succes.cus and assi¢ns WARRANTS TfiE
<br />TITLE to t6r property to she Government ay+ainst al] ]awful claims and demands whatsaev°rr raccpt any liens, encumbrances,
<br />easetneats, tesen'tians, ox tom•cyanccs speci~ied hereina6ove, and COVENANTS ANi? AGREES as follow.:
<br />i1) Ta pay promptly wires due arty indebxednrss to the Government hercbv secured and to vtdemnily and save harm-
<br />',ess the Gavers~xt+ea2 agairsi ang doss under its insurance of payment of *.hr note by reason of env default by Barrawrr.
<br />A[ all times wires the noie is held be an insurtd balder, Rerra:wrr shall continue to make payments an the note t:i':he Goyern-
<br />3tlcni, A; i{~letHt2n a~enL #rx t}tr ltOldet.
<br />i2) Ta pay to tare Government such ices and othu cna:~es as may now or hrreaftrr ~ rcquiced 6}' repttlaaions a2 the
<br />Farnsers Haatre Admit-isaaLioa.
<br />{i) if required by the Gavernateni. to make additional monthly payttxn+- t l d? vi the estimated annual tales,
<br />assessments, insurancr prrmiums and ~nthes chart,rs upon the martgagrd prrtnxsc;.
<br />~(d;, t~ tat rrat tdac nee u insurrd t+y tlrr lavrsxfinenr, thr Goternment mss- at ens ruse pap env othu atnaunts
<br />rr~tttretd herein to be paid by $arrower and not paid by- $onax°rr when due, as tc•r21~as any u:ets and espensra for the prr~
<br />s~-ataon, pr~xrrxiott, ar enforcement of this Iirn, as adyaa:.rs fez the account of finrruwrx. All such advances shall bear
<br />interest at the rate boar by tdtr rote which has the it;~*isrst interest tart.
<br />S} All adt-annes by zhe Governmem as descrtbed in this instrwnrnt, a~th interest, shall be immrdiatrly dye and payable
<br />by $tuttttvrr ttt the Gaverntnenx withauz demand at the placr desitxutod in the l:tcs[ nazr and shall be secured hereby. No
<br />szrc#i advance by thr Government shall relieve 8arraaver #ztvn bxracl7 of 3Sorrawer's covcaant to pat. Such advance>, vvi[h
<br />?nmrst, slradl be repaid i`rom the lust available .ollections rrceivrd froth Suznsw=rz. CTthrrwisr, ens paymrnt made bt
<br />~ ~ ~rttay be ,applitd tut the Wort o- an}~ in iebtrdnr>s to the Gotermm~n[ ,rc uzz•d h:rcht' in an+.- oz t#rr the C;ovrrnmrnt
<br />
<br />~J
<br />
<br />