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<br />8~;~~~q <br />USDA-r'mHA Position 5 <br />Form FmHA 427-I NB <br />(Rev. 5-SSJ9} REAL ESTATE ?~40RTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA <br />THIS MORTGAGE is made and entered into by,.)III._EIi1d~{ARFItl_1{...7~ZI,LR' k3.~f___._._.___ <br />hl]Sa`+oau dI1C1_W7f@_c..OaCh 121 h1S,(321a_Y3PS_ OW21 2].~t_~_~____~_~. ~--~?e_t___________________ <br />ztsiding in ._.__._~_________._._________. ~i_.____.______________________________ Counry~, Nebraska, whose post office address is <br />~__ RQnte 1,__Box 1?3, _ ------------ ----------_-Calm --- °- • Nebraska _..68824 ,__- <br />- -------------------------------- <br />herein called "Borrower," and: <br />WHEREAS Borro+w•er is indebted ro the United States of America, acting through tht Farmers Home Administraton, <br />United States Department of Agriculture, herein called the "Governntrnt; ' as evidenced by one or more promissory notes} <br />or assumption agreementis}, herein called •-note:' which has been esecuted by Borrower, is payable to the order of [he <br />~overnatent, authorizes acceleration of the enrire indebtedness at the option ot` the Government upon any default by <br />Botrow•et, and is described as follows: <br />Annual Rate Due Date of~Fiml <br />Date of lnsinrment Prixipul .^Imrnsnt o~ Interest InsfalGnsnt <br />i~x+ch 3, 1980. $33,000.00 10$ March 3, 2020. <br />(lf x3te iatutst rats is itss that, _a][A,___'v for farm ownership ar operating loan:;s± secured by this instrument, then the <br />eau nuv }st changed as proszdsd in the note.l <br />And the nou evidences a lazy to Boxzower, and the Government, at any time, may assiett the note and insure the gay- <br />naerrx riterrof pursuant m the Consolidated Farm and Kural Dsvslopmrnt Act, or -('idr ~' of the Housing Act of 1949 or any <br />othez suture administertd 11y the Famztzs Home Administration: <br />And it is the propose and intent of this insrvmrm that, amun~ othez things, at all times when the Wore is held by the <br />Gotixrtunent, w is the went the Gnixramrrt shna!d assign this instrument without insurance oC the note, this instrument <br />shall mutt payment of the Watt; but when tltr note u held be an insured hnlder, this insrnrmrnt shall not secure pacmrnt <br />of The note or attach to the debt r.7denced tlttrtbg, but as to the note and such debt shall constitute an indrmnits mergaGe <br />to secure t}re Go~seernmeatrgaitar lass under its insurance contract bs~ reason of stn- default by Borrower: <br />Ark rktis itrsxrtvnenx also secures the retaprure of any interest trrdiz or subsidy which may hr ~>ran2•d ro the Aorrowrr by <br />tht+Got+trnmenr prusw.m to 42 1'_S.C_ jl#4~a. <br />NOR=, TH£REFd)R£, in cavtsideration ni the loan' ° t and a; at all tints whrn the nuts is held b~- the t:ocernmrnt, nr in <br />the event the Got~rrunrnz should assilm this instrument without insurance of the payment of the rate, to secure= prompt <br />ppaayment of the nou sad any rrnewal~ and extensions thereof and any agrrrments canrairtsd thtrsin, includin any provision <br />4t:r the payment of an insurance or uthu charge, ~b; az all time_c ts$sn the note is held by as insured harder, t.~ secure pex- <br />iwma~s of Batrowei s agreement htrcin to indemnify and save hartnlsss the Gorermnrnt aGainst lea. s ; s insurance <br />cnnuact by reason of any dtiault by Borrower, and {c} in any event and at all times to secure the prompt payment of all <br />advances aa3 eapoaditurts ma.,c t.+~ tltc Government, wiuS interest, as hereinasxer ,lescribe.i, an.i t;:r per;arm anct of even' <br />cossnant and a@rsetntnt of Barntwrr ~anuinsd htzsin or in any supplementan' ar*rtsmrnx, Borrower dons hereby grater, <br />bat$aia, > tmveu and assi~m, with ~*caera3 warrants, unto the G ovemment the 1al~owing proprny situareci in *,hr State of <br />Wrh~r+~dca. C'+mtmty{iesj of _----_-- -_-------------- ------- -- - --- ------- - --- - - - ------ - <br />9~e Nartlaiest 4t~arter of the Abrtheast 4t1as'ter (3~t-i+A~Os) of Sectio21 7tiennty- <br />~, t28), 3tsap fisaelve ii2) Nart]7, Range Eleven (ll), West taf the 6th <br />P.IQ„ <br />to a n~ge i21 fawn of 1l1e Federal I,ixnd 8az1k of Clnaha in <br />the n=^^TM._+~? asa![~1t t~f $30,1~0.1~, z~nxded in Book I68, Pie I37. <br />Fnttl.A43;-I NB ;,Ksv. 5-15-79; <br /> <br /> <br />L <br />