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<br />(6;' To use the loan evidtnced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government. <br />(7j To pay when due all tales, liens, judgments, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully ~ttachiug to or assessed <br />against the property, including al] charges and assessments in connection with wacer, water rights, and water stock <br />pertaining to or reasonably necessary to the use of the real property described abave, and all rases and assessments levied <br />upon this mortgage or the note or ape indebtedness hereby secured or against arty legal holder hereof or of the note or of <br />said indebtedness under the laws of Ntbraska, and promptly deliver to the Government without demand receipts evidencing <br />stch payments. <br />(8) To keep the property insured as required by and under insurance policies approved by the Government and, at its <br />request, to deliver such policies to the Government, <br />`9j Ta maintain improvements in good repair and make repairs required by the Government, opzrate the propart}' in a <br />~roo~ and husbandmanlike manner; temple with such farm conservation ppractices and farm and home management plans as <br />the Government from time to time ma}- prescabe: and not to abandon the property, or casee or permit waltz, lessening or <br />impairment of the sec~~urityv wverad hereby, ar, without the written consent of the Government, cut remove, or lzasz any <br />timber, gravel, oil, gas,tpal,~or other minerals accept as may be necrssar)° tior ardinaxy domestic purposes. <br />241 Ta compl}v with all laws, ardinarces, and rzGUlations affecting the property. <br />"??; To ply oz reimburse the Goarornment for expenses zeasonabl}' necessary or incidental to the protection of the lien <br />and prioriry• hercef ant to the enforcement of or the compliance with rite proazsions hereof an.i os the note and any supple- <br />mentary agretment ~ whether before or after default', inducting but not limited to casts of evidence of title to and sump of <br />{hr property, case of rorording thi and other instruments, attnrnecs' fees, trusrers' fees, coon casts, and rspenszs of <br />ad Yztising, Baling, and cony}°ine the arapern~. <br />;12? Neither Otte proptrty aor any paruon thereof or interest therein shall he leased, assigned, sold, transferred, or <br />rnctvtrbertd, voltuttarilp at othetuvr, without the written consent of the Government. The Gocerntnent shall have the sole <br />any uuusia=r rights as martgak'er ?terrun.: rr, including but not 1'tmiteci to t:te pou+er to Grant consents, gartial releases, <br />subardinatians, attd satisfactian, and no irsurzd holder shall have any tight, title ar interest in or to thz lien or anc_ benefits <br />ltczeaf, <br />13` At all reasanable tlrrtzs [ha Government and its agents may insaect the property to ascertain u+hether :he covenants <br />ana ag'.ztmtnrs cantuned'nrzrin or in aay suppiememart~ -a;*r.:n:ent are bring ptrtomtzd. <br />;1~1 Tire Geaernment mar a` cstend nr defer the maturity- of, and reneav attd rrschrdule the payments on, the dtbt <br />zz~=;cad - •hr ,.,,.r -' -- -rl,.a .; - ._ _ ..-.._... ____.ed },. .. -'-- ---- 1, -el.~ -- ana party ehn is <br />Jia"aie nndrr ~thr note{or~tar thr,.ie n..: n, ,iai dit ~'>, `i .rrn,n. -tt, r. p~.,:ti.~ns , t chz prop na~ and subar:iinatz <br />its lirn, and :.d', waive arc other ei tts nth is under this •Ytsrument..4nv and all this can and will be dent withou[ affecting <br />;ate lien ur the priurin~ aI this irstrumrn: n: Borr.+~ •rfs ,~r anc ;niter t+artv's liabiiin~ m the Gncrrnmrnt 'ior pacmrnt . f the <br />Wort ar debt srtured'av this instrument unless the Gocrrnmrnt .acs ~,thenvisr in writing, HU\\'EVrR, an} forbearance by <br />tht Goarrnmrnt-whether once or osiers-ir. rxrtcisin~ am~ right ur remedy under this instrumen[, or utherwist afforded b}' <br />agplicabL> law. shall net be a w-aisn-r ,for pzrciuie the exercise r: am such eight er rzmrdc. <br />';IS! If at acv t=,rae. it vhall appear :o the Goaetnmrnt teat Burrower may bz able [a ob[ain a loan from a productian <br />rrtdix assoriatian, a Federa3 Tani bank. or nthe: zespnnsi4lc : ooperativz cr prvatt credit source, at reasonable ra[rs and terms <br />ft+s loaZS for similar putpcues and perfects .+.:nnr, S.~r..~urr u-ili, upr.n t?tr t:ovrmment'; re.~uzst, apply far and accept such <br />fear. in sufzicizat amaurs tc pea t~,e not: an.i a:.a~ :..~ei~tedncs. se.-.:red hereby artd to i~ir _-t} s,ocl rrczssazy to br <br />putrhasrd in a caaprrarirr lrndin~, agcnn- n carne.=t-tn wtrh such loan. <br />Ib'; A^fauh heztunda s}:zl car,sntute ~eia",:?: u:tdrz .ana ether real estate, ar under any pe;canal praprrrs ...z oth•~z, <br />sect>sin~ itrstrursrnt Jtrld ;'r :nsrrri a. :;±r i.r.vr: rmtri: and rxrntted r,r usumed by Borreu~rr. anti ,iriauic under ana such <br />at?aez srcurin' instrument sJ:at? ronsntutt defaa!t i:rrrur,3rr. <br />".1'! SHOLIP D£F?L1T oc,-ur in tltc prrfatntan:r ~~ discharge of ana obligatian ir:.h;, uumzmer,r ,.,r srcurcd'n}~ this <br />instzwnrnt, cv shauld the ~aztie= named as Barrowzr ?ir ..r hr declared an incomprtrm, „r ,httu!,i ana .+rtr of the parties <br />named as iiarrcu^e: i>r urrlarcd a bank;ttpt, or an in>o{rer.t .>r male an a,aignmrnt ior the. ^rnetit .ti ,rr.{itors. rhr t;.,sern- <br />mtnz, at its ogtioa, u~th .:r without retie, may: -+- sr.isrc the rntia~ amount u::pai.3 under rhr ;:otr ,.;r3 ana i,t3eLtedness <br />to L'ite Gaverttmrnt bertha secured unmrdiatcia due .,nd payable. b' for rhr account .,t Rorr.twer incur artd pas' reaxmabie <br />tspense, ;or repair er matnrenanc: ak p- -e si.ut ;,t, .>prr t r .tnt tht ptonnr a .p., "r t• z - la tt and <br />producatZn .>t tlty instrumnnt, uit?tcv- ., ratdante ., :d u-ttl,:out n.•a.e .5 hear•.rg ,...atd app'.. ..,a..;,, a .,ieiver <br />appointed far tJte pt operty, u^th :hr usual pc+wrzs of rr:ticrzs in liF:r ;ales. ~.J , farcclc~x• *.his v't:trumrnt as t`t.+.ided htrein <br />tv by law, and z', rniatcc~ arse and all other rights and rrmzdirs provided herein or't--s' prrstnt or futon law. <br />i 18t Tht ~a-ttds aE~ iarrclasurr sale shall !+e ag~!ird in the fallowin ard:: 'tA the pu}-n:rnt s,i: ,a• co>ts and rcpzztsrs <br />iaCiilent to rntosung or camgiywg with rite prorisians Jrrrec+l, ;bt an} pria: lit.-- -:zquirru i,c law ur a .amperrn[ court to <br />i+c sea paid, :;cY the u'tbt evidentrd h}' tht note and aP i-sdzbudnrss to xhr Grn•rrnmrnt sr:ur:; hereby, ~,d; ir.r::rioz iiens <br />u rtce,rd rrgaiird by law ear a caznprttnt cntut rc. l r sa paid, r at the i:. vcrnmrnt's t,pnan, any ot::r: indebtedness o: <br />&m~ower asvsn~ to to insuttd i+y the Government, and :3-- any nuance *.o Borrower. At tit r.l:~s:,rc .n utitr: ,air 1t all or ..n} <br />part of the p~t tht Gtwtrnmeat cad its agents may 6ie1 and purchase as a stranger assd may nay tJzt Gavtrntnent's share <br />at tht purrl+aYepritt by trc: itirtg surf, am aunt on an}~ .iii+v of Borzawrr awing, to .+t in>urra ley rhr Goarrnmrnt, iu tl:r <br />ceder prtscribtd above. <br />19; Btvroy+er agrtcs t}wt rhr Government w•rli nut br la,uad ba any present ~,t tuturr Jra[r lzw, .,a, providing t'ar <br />a~lnation, apgraisal, hattusttad :rr rr,rntltti~xu ax ti,r pragrrty, b-. ptvhibit ing ntaintrttar.:r .,i an a~t..:n f~.: a drsiciency <br />jttdgmcut az Iiavriztg tJst azntrunt ttxtzrot az rhr tmic within which su.h action moat he rc u},h pr -ribm„ any other <br />statutt oY 1Hnatatiaas, td) a4a'wtng ear}- rif;ht ..f trdrm;>ua. -ar p::r6x-s,ic+n tulluw•utg a~.} iu.a~=~swrr , ~~:r . limning rhr <br />coadttinn-, wlauh rhr Government ma;- l.c t.,_auatratt irnpaat, including; tht intztes.:at. st mac ct~:aztir, as . t,:.n~iiriun a:: <br />apgrrovixg a trassftr of rite pzcperty to :: r~rw Borrower- Burou.r rsprrss!}' u~at.c> rite brnrtit ,~! ar.} su:h Mate iaav.>. <br />$irrzriwtr berth} rrlinquishts, waia~r s. and ...:ts:ys ..; txGh.s, inthonr or :c, rsurutn.a:r, .,f ,its. rr.t: ,!~~wet, .,nd currrsa. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />