<br />(i l month prior to its due date thc annual mortgage insurance premium in ordar to provide such holder
<br />whit funds to pat• such premium to the Sen~etary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the
<br />National Housing Act, as amended, and apptia:ahie Regulations iheremtder. ur
<br />Qil If atld so tong as said note of even date and this instrmnznt are held b}' the Secretary ut Housing and
<br />lkban Development, a monthly charge {(n lieu of a mortgage insuratce prenrrernrl which shall he in an
<br />amount eynal to one-twelfth (lil'_1 of one-half (l12) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on tL•e note computed without taking into account dzlinqurncazs or przpaymenis;
<br />{bl A sum cyual tq thz ground rents, ii arty, nzzt dt:r, p£us thc premiums that will next become due and payable on
<br />polirizs of tine and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />?~ on the mortgaged property tall as cstr>tatzd b+~ thc :ti,rr;;aycei less all soars already paid therefor divided by the
<br />~`~+1 number ai months .o eiapsx: before e*nc month actor tr, thz Date :t-hzn such ground rents, premiurns. taxes and
<br />assrssnlents wIli became drlinauer.t, such sums to he heid 6c Sfortgagee in trust to paq said ground rents, pre-
<br />nttunts, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />re) Ali parntent mzmionrd in the two preceding subsections of thc paragraph and all payments to br made under
<br />the note xcured hrrebc stroll 6e added together, and rhr u~regate amount thzrruf s}tatl bz paid ba~ the \#ortsagor
<br />` eacit~ month in a sin_3e payment to br applied b}' thc Atort,aeee ro the t~,ihnving treats in ttte ceder set Perth:
<br />Q ti} :rrmium charges under the contra of insmancc with the Szrretaty „f Housing and Urban Ivelopment,
<br />~ ` or .nonihlr @tsrnc?`in ilh. riF rrr~;rtza°a' Ir _cstm_u:-r premium i. as thc cox ma} be:
<br />iii? •ztointd ants. t3:rs- assessment:. tier and mltcr hazard insurance nre.mianls;
<br />1111) interest on tiro note sriured hr;zbv: and
<br />(Il`) antortzstion a:f the nrinural : f said itctr.
<br />Aar uetTcienrv in Lhr amount of an} such a•~c:~_atz monihh~ na,-meat shat] tntlrss made good by [he btort-
<br />sagor prior to the due dale of :he it xt such :;.~m_~~r.:.".;srttutc a,. event c,i derauit under this mortgage. The
<br />1#orrza_ee rta~~ rntk::r a"'late charge'- not to escc:-3 t~,at '_rn*,s {-i,~l ti,r each dollar fJl l of each payment more
<br />Chart fatrrn (i ~l dots ate areas to excel *.hr rzira ec ~;:~.~ ri,vnh~zd :;: ]tandlute dchnyu:nt pa}~mrnts.
<br />,e, ~r .bn n4,~r_ g~ 3.~ ,t,.. 1L rl~,>=*alr rsnd,v -- ! of vartLranh ~' nmreding ~hati exceed
<br />~_ '~ntu' if m'r z.=na, o... ~ fi.3...:~.,._ ,,,n... ,,, .-..- ---------- ----- ~ -- r - - - ..
<br />thc amount uF pa}~ent~ artuull} made h} the \kxt~a;;ce fur elvund rents. tsxe~ and a--cx~ment~ ar in~uranre pre-
<br />mium, a= the rx-e ma} be. =uch exrz., if the load i. eurrent.:l[ thc t,ptaalrt of the \lax[Kagur..hail hr crrdired by
<br />the \lart*aaec on ~ub.eryenl yaymrnt~ to ~ made b} the \klrt~s~nr. ur rcfunda•d tr. rho \klrt,**:+kor lf, huurta~r. !hr
<br />+tonth3~ parlarnt= made be ahe lklrtgayax utu3er ; ;, of cra;raeraph _ p.cr+~tne shni! not i,e suffteen! to ~t~ ground
<br />!~eltt, [axe, and xs~e~-=lrrent~ or ins!lra~rc premium=. a- rhr c:t e treat be. whavt the ,ame ~ha71 become due and paa-
<br />ah#e, then the 49ort^agor =hall pa} to the \furt:agee an} amount acre-=an to make up tha• detiricnr}, un or hefom
<br />the date >ihen pasma~lt of =uch slnund rrnt_=- tare-. s~-e=-menu or insurance pmntium.~ =halt ire due. =f at ttnr
<br />bate thc 13nn~°or mall ier_der su the \hlrraasee. in aa'•cordance with thF pmyi-inner of ilze note securc+d hrteh}~.
<br />full pa}mlenx of the entire indehudne~< mpm-erred tha-rrbt. the \longa:re -hail. in computing the amount of such
<br />iride~Ga}i1ec.;,, c. edis **-o the s::cantnt ., ti,~' \fa+rtesia,r a!1 ;zit ma-nt made urtdcr the }xnv r.i vt. of „~ of paroeraph _
<br />hemoi which the Alairtrxee ha- nuz tx•eom~ abli~laled ta, ,oati to thc mrretan of Mau~inr and t roan ik'velopmlent
<br />and ani balance rrmainin¢ in the `und< aa'. umutated under the pmyt-tunes of r of ear-a«raph '? hert>of. If [have
<br />=hall be a default unda•r an+ {,f tha• }coif.>;un- ui Chi- rtxrrt_•:t_~a• n-ultini in a public -ule aif the pmma-a•- a'olen~rl
<br />hernttt, ur if the 141n,sseer :+a'ytnrz•- lira- prupcrtt uthcrwi-a• lftrr default, thc \k/nFa~,ee =hat! sppl,, at she time of
<br />the a~ltmmenrement u5:uch pnccadine-. t,r at the time thc par}x•rta i= •uherwi~r aayurrcd, thc balartca, then n•main-
<br />in;= in thc funda aa-eumulata~ un~r ~ of psra:~.tph ' p. eca'dint•_ s s ~ n•dit tteata-t rhr amount of urin.'tpal then
<br />nveainin~ unpaid autdes -aid ncue, and -hat' , ,l,pr-rlv .,dta~r ant paymcnt~ oboe] -hat! f,saa• been made under r.
<br />arf pa[at;lsplt _'.
<br />>. T'r,: .irt \#.rrigt;ga+r u ~? C ~ - - 't ,. lc r -"'fr .,. w-i SIr. -nJ alhYr L _ rn n',r•:t'. ,,r Rttinl iy 33
<br />:h_~rz. hnr- ,,r rma.,,tin.,n,.., .,., r, . : t-.,.a r. h_ r.,, r'*r<:, , ... free-t+i,a•ir rr..:n.E n .,rt,.uli .nrrr„t :. \#crtgagrr :nay
<br />rat rile - mr~ :a;itt:at t..r S#t:r ~- : r! r -- t + -r c. --,r •tr' r _ e e y ~er~e .tr;.,,ne tiia,rt~ner.
<br />c 'f'he x# ~ i4:u:t,r t+,;i p.: i - arm *r -. ' ~+r - - - ', - i-- ~ .?ire . antrrr,t rn ,~ rr:al :. - to :inat rmpra*a e-
<br />-rrr..... area u#:i. h rnsi 'x .r. rr.. r, . r: the,. ' = r.i;:..a : , .'.:..eh. ,.. ~n u !?e-*eh, ,bur a,nl. t.~ rhr : aunt .pat ,u 3i i, nu ptt',itit+it-
<br />d ba taw ~n raa, ,., .tae t -,., ,:,a,...» ,.,...,„ .. =.*,n~• i , in qtr taa irate .v 3 edrrsi.
<br />.sr.+i,cz. -m \9 .gb c ~ - n - , i t e h n' - -g • - t --ut '• err 3a -- t. - - .» .,.ls nrzder-
<br />nelrg.. ar: a, ,be 'a#a' .~ia~r n r.. n,r+....i - t .-a .. ,,r.r.-, te.. ti t,,.r, , .~s} iri .nr -~ h., ...r _n~ ;,.,r-r n a,F tllc df4rie
<br />'aia *: art .x a,x,n tie -c ur*r'3i i - ~ .. ar -': rr t 'il - rr rrt t hr \L rte z ~ ~r r~. a i-; roar - r -t >uih law
<br />.,r d.crer pr .uie+ fi. t - y ~T wnt fi: 11 a. ~ e ^rir - ~ utr r' rg- .. uat`t .n ° \it,ttr gee ,+tarl hate
<br />llc .l:tl Lt r ltnr , a1~1, t t t,i ~ r° 7 < 4 } ~r~. -C Jir n. t r S' ar.,rn Ilte ntiltlga}r
<br />a, ht Ii u fi n,atct~ iK =even, tar -:~ t.t.r t,c ., r n ,a:i c, :uhrc .,"• h tp r r r , f ...t;i nmrt} da4,
<br />« ?nut ,tlouki he fat? to pay :.n} ,um :,r .t., .,n _. .. - ~t,,.,drJ 1+ r .n tlti, \i r .,:,ia titan rhr \i a, ic. gee. at its ~+p-
<br />ila,n. `.n:<! pat ift ,"C'x ttrm Lne ,aerie. _I n.3 :r~_ r nt r+..t1[L 'c • h«i-- err .:.rtirit :vv :!}r . rlai^:," ~.: r+t r=s, ,nl „rl rhr :ti4ltr.^.lttt.
<br />+nSit itr C nTCQ ntren\ :inn ,fl.'.i; [`Car :(1iC: c,1 .,f it;c ' -r 7 ~ rr • , t :l;tn r t -
<br />t±tai 3fe herrbt s..ign.. _r n,,irr• ,n^ .et, .•. r, •, .-~ ,i„ ...yr.- .. ~ .,,-p,,c.:.a _,J rhr aa,.,.r:x >>t thc na,.e and ai}
<br />- ..r..;rr:: tlrrea .,, .a<t . ., .. , an :k _. -';. t tht ter.--. >nv .•,rdnron, ,~f rhr, tfa.rtwer , r the +aiJ
<br />rn,ar_:ssi the septa, retrnur~ »n,t ., .... , . ,. .... ,..lsc :., rgxgc.: rr.:, ..cur-.,g au, h nine :;. rhr m t;,ag: mdrtttcd-
<br />l+Gis :hstl aemaia i..r}y:,u .~ .d nr :i• ,:ia ._ ,.... ,+rr , _;_S_-., . » - yet,' .,t - ern r .. ~ my urrtsr f,tr tar purpu,e arf
<br />ref,airing v;d grrern se- ,nd t, to - .g rhr r --nd ri. c th ~ r - nu ,. n - mr~ , n - i tnsti , v ul of Said tn-
<br />a~s~rr~ 3i; taperist, .,. rr...rnni .stu nre~u,c, sr,a: 7t..r..d=t .-,:m..,s5>,.... nu r acxn>r. -n.:un'ra r r.nnr -and managing [fir
<br />stlar and c=f ca,l4e.imt xetra}s ihrrrtr.+.^. ihr t-~'.::nae rrsnzrnirs<. +i an_+. t,~ it dnp;iza tc,ttar.f the ,siuh<rge n£ ,ntd mortgage
<br />tlaicl+teatncs.
<br />b. That he west lerp thc ±._mrmve_arrt, nc,w eae.[sne a,r hr7c3f*.er ere-red can the m.,ngaged property. ina red a< mai 're
<br />recurred trorc iimr xc. tir[mr ha free :ialrtta;crY .,u+n~t ,:.r »n.i .,thee ..,=led,. - ua'.tir, anu _. nttr, - rig, m ,uctt
<br />:ullaurlts ntld for .ixn }tYrads as into.- f+r re'a`}ulre[t t,} rixte, #i autgaer sn:; w ill ;. c - ntpt. ~ e. hen .tur.:,r:', ;rtmium, ..n ,u.:h
<br />cni.ufurar~'c ilsa,xrvzsn for taay~rlem of which ass n.,t tc '1 tatJt. }n~tant+rforc iil m,t.r n't -^a'£ br ~.,rrieai :n ;umpanlr.:p
<br />caeca to rice ?ti Tkagcr - ,d czse ~:. tce~ ~-W' - t-~r :. f - t t'x !+z -r r_ hN \f ~.t,tr ,r,1 b., r '-,t3~he,i tArteta• f,r„
<br />pat anie , tautieb rn !p.:x of acrd ;n ialrn+ aa.,.e}`.fr:e t.3 rhr \i-asrtgajr. !r: r,a t ..i ~r,:, M1i rtE~a, >s e t ntn r h' t t.m:r ht
<br />msiil 3aa thc !dc rigalre, what may ntaK2 nr r. f ta,;. i n Teadr }+- n}`:t, ht A4.,st~.' R r „rl., e -~- ur,ut:.r. -.-.npaut .:.~n
<br />earned ix i>,trnlr} autht~iir3 and drrcCtcu t< .. gar pat r,rnt _ r aaah .~ ++ u`trc t!y +u the "t#t rttsgrr rn,. read .~£ t rhr \f art~alTot
<br />amt liar 41i,rtga~•er }axnrly, atu# hr insut}ncc pr.>cet6+.. .v tin> ;tali ihrrtul may iti• app?oil ht rhrc tl: r;}ug.rc .tt rt• :•ptlnn c,thca
<br />~ tAea~~s~ the ituicbtedruaa hrrtb4'"~i'trrei txx, the rt,tarau.3n,v rtpauuf l{x iuoea•rev dam rye,: to r t „f £ r:}a=
<br />-*art a$ihn ma"ui$s9$t r!fi :+tAer?rtntifrr t,t tit3e f;3 fill m. rign~u3 tu'.r}+t: t - :n eaiin;;ui+hmrnt :,t :nc .,;ilrrtr.£;lr r urcd taeri:,t
<br />;rri rigfli laic ,Yuri :rue±esl+,i tTr'.4cattga.~** i-r' r , ~_r r: aearl--r ~ 7- - -. -rt r ! s, ,; t - ter. e s ,^ c.
<br />". That a. addnx+aaal ana# c~taicrai se..rrrx: £.: t~lr f aa. went a 1 .hr :tt-[r .ir,cr.£,rd . n.., , ..r., a,. hr',: ., .. ,» trt t t~~ -
<br />mnriRa+gr, tht Naa't~agau firrthp ss;gt» ta+ rhr 'd.x bsgec ai? : ' ht .r~rnur- *a., tr r .ght, t t f r: •r --,Lr g t.~ •nr
<br />3ltsrkg~a*r urx#ei any azuf ~i{ .al and ge, #rax, un ?.aid tsrtnn!.e v ~ti nc nk:a to re r t an f a 'rapt ~ t tr r- srd aPt+!,
<br />thts; rat vad imdrl+lriM,• as akrll hrfatrt t~ sfiet dr(a.:It in Cllr n ndn.;-.:.. :# •#:r. ~ ,rig yr ..,rte .h. tt ; rt.<.RZ-: r:.,t .,, ....... • ua
<br />#r an+trsy~~t ~{pa ,u:h psssne-nta +cheu due Attu i-a}~ah:e. but h?'. ,.+; ^+a ~.. , .-
<br />:.rrf M_..tne auH afYJ yk.~~ =n retre~.r eS th!•. m,>rrg:,gx.
<br />