<br />31-04-0362 ~ -. T}tis form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />~0~, ~~~ MORTGAGE under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Housing Act.
<br />THIS MQRTGAGE, made and executed this 1st day of February ,A.D.
<br />14 80 ,by and between tarry P. Callahan, a single person and Merilee J. Wiseman, a single
<br />Person
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of [he first part, hereinafter called
<br />the. Mortgagor, and ,
<br />Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />acorparationa~rganiudandexistittgurtderthelawsof ~e United States of Amezica
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee.
<br />WTTNESSETH: Titat the said Mortgages, for and inconsideration of the sum of Forty Four Thousand Four Hundred
<br />Fifty and 00/100ths---------------------------- Dollars (S 94 , 450.00 ), Raid by the Mort-
<br />gagee. ~e receipt of which is hereby acknow°iedged, has Granted and Sold and by Huse presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />' gala, SmU, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, ii; successors and assigns, forever, the follnwing-0escribed
<br />real estate, stttated in the County of Hall ,and State
<br />of *iebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot 1ltree {3), Parkview Second Subdivision in tYte C4ty of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />Also known and numbered as: 2524 Pioneer Btaulevard, Grand Island, NE 68801
<br />of the Sixth ~ Naidian, carttait~pt in all City Property awes accardittg to Govtm-
<br />Ttl HAV E AND Til Hf}LD the prcmisrs abovc described, witfi a8 the appurtenances thrrcunao he:anging attd inclttdittg
<br />all hrasattg, phanbstg and T~rt~ ftxt[mes and epuiptnent now or hereafter attaclaeri to or uud in carrnection w ith ~ real estate
<br />u~ the 2dt+z>~u, and to its snccessars and assigns, ftxever. The ilttngagar represents to, aad covenants with, the Mottga-
<br />Sa, that the MtrigAgar has good rift to sell and convx}' said premises; thu thcy are free tram encumbtance; and that the
<br />wdl •~attaati and defenni the same against the law#ul emims of all pcrstms wbomaxver; and the said Mortgagor hero-
<br />by tics ~ t3gh!, ~ Mead, artii all mares tins, eit~ in zaw t: an eG+~+ty, a~ al! :ve.-er c~fi.~ert i=eter_ sts •sf th_
<br />~ ~ amt tau the ah~ro-~ pretaises, the intention hti~ to ctutve} hereby an atfso3uu title, in ft,e simple, im'fitd-
<br />itt~ ~ tig#tu ~ It~esusd, and other rights and ittterests as aforesaid.
<br />PR{IVIDEQ ALWAYS, mfd these prtsents arc rxecttud and delivered upon the following caoditions, to w it:
<br />Thr I~ttrtgagar agncs to pay !o the Aitv~ager, or a`rder, the principafi strm of Forty Font Thousand Four Hundred
<br />Fifty ash OOjlt)Oths--_~~~_~~_DollatsiS 44,450.00 3,~ilhinterestfrotn
<br />dau at the rate of Elevea and one half per txntum { 11.50 5'c3 per annum on
<br />the unQuid brdanee trt>til paM.'t3x said prinapN and inurrst shall be payable at flit c i7i~icr of t~rtgaye Plus Incorporated
<br />is Fmgietaood, Colorado , ar at such other place as the holder of
<br />the nNe may designate is wzitittg, in mantisl} htstaRmests:~f Three Hrtndred Thirty Seven and 64j100ths---
<br />4~ ~ Dollars 15 337.54 ?,commending on the first day of
<br />itlarcl7 ~ ~ , 19 SO ,and on the first day of ea:h month [hereafter until the principal and in-
<br />urest are fali3* paid, erupt tlsat tlr finest payment of priraapa3 and interest, if hest owner paid, shall K due and
<br />psayat>re roes the asst day of February, 2014 ; alt according to t!x tams of a certain pramis-
<br />stxy noaar ~ eve8 thrte heaetcith etecutsd by the watt Mortgagor.
<br />Tiae >,lt in ortfer ~ €alty a protea't the ~curity of taus 31#arte, agrees:
<br />1. Thm he wi31 paY the mess, as hereslbcte~r ~ovidtd. Vtivilege is rrserved to pay the debt in wlta3e, ea in an
<br />amaru tt}nal to ~ mr mots Orly g~yatents oe the p3irscina3 that are rsest due on flit Hate, ,itt tltc ftrst des} of any month
<br />prier ~ matey: Arovidod. tttncsex, Zhu writtea nnticc of rat tnunt~tt to extrc°iat such privilege is given at least thirty 13t1t
<br />y days }ester to ptzpay'teemt.
<br />2. `that, myetiter with, urd is edduioa to, floe monody paymeats of principal and interest paya3dc under the arms of the
<br />nth sa"ured ho1'rlsY, ~e Irtatepjm svr~ pay tothe Mott~ee, on the first day of each month until ttu sail} mue is tu3ty paid, the
<br />fttiiowisrj atrms:
<br />ia- Amount wfCtcietrt w lsrtmde the htdt4r hereof frith ftutda to pay tlrt next rnartgage insurance premium if this
<br />atstrutnatt and tht rnue aecytted hereby are ttmtrcd, or a tnarrth#y charge tin tiro :,j a mrxrtptttr irnerancr mac.
<br />r~wnJ if they art hehl by t}x Secretary trf Htwstatg and t 3rDan Devtioptttent, as follows
<br />(l} !f atwl m long as acid note €+1' eraa date and this instrurnrnt are mauled x art rrinstned unfit, the p<<,
<br />viaernsa of the ?iatleral NmutttR As7, an amrwnt sufficient to accumulates in flit hands at the balder „rr
<br />hTA'T't:Of 'Vta1RA'.iif J
<br />hev+euc Ss#tbna are L1aaOrete . , :~ ~ a:,fd - , i> • ; r
<br />