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<br />- ~ 10. Thst [he Mortgagor will keen the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor ptnnit waste <br />upon said rand, nor suffer the said premises to bz used far any unlawful purpose. <br />11. ?hat if the premises. or any part thereof, bt candzn:ned under the purser of eminent domain. or acquired for s public <br />use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of. or the nmsideratian for etch acquisition, m the extent of the full <br />amount of indzbiednes upon this mortgage and the note which ii is given to secure remaining unpaid. are herehg assigned by the <br />Marigagar to the Mortgagee. and shall he paid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the latter on acainni of the next <br />maturing installments of such indeMedcess. <br />12. The ?viortgagor further agrees that should ,his mortgage and the note szcurtd heret+c not he eligible for in- <br />suranceunder the National Housing ;ct within Sixty Days from the date hzreof (u ritten statement of any officer <br />of the Department of Housing and urban Development ar authorized agent of the Secretary oC Housing and Urbar, <br />I?eveapment dated substquznt to the Sixty -Bays time from the date of this mortgage, declining !o insure said <br />note and this mortgage, being deemed conclusive proof of such inzligibilityl. [he Mortgagee or holder of iht note <br />may. at its option, declare all sums recurred hzreby immediately due and payable. <br />13. '!flat if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same become due. or Caiis to conform ti: and <br />carnpll' uith anc• of thz corsditians ar agreements contained in this mortgage, or the note a hich it secures. then the entire princi- <br />pal sum and scented interest shall at once becomz due and payable. at the election of the Mortgagee; and this mortgage may <br />thertupan tx foreclosed immediately for the whole of said money. intzrtst, monthh pacmenis, casts, ground ants, rases and <br />the cast of extending the abstract of title from the dart of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rza- <br />~ sattabk attorney's let. all of u°hich shall he included in the dzcrtt of ?torec8osurz: and the contract emM~died in this martgagz <br />(~1 and the tx,te secured htrehy, shall in all respects bt govtrntd, construed and adjudged h}~ the laws of Nebraska, where thz <br />same is made. <br />The cavtnants heron contained shalt bind. and the benetits and advantaCts shall insure to, the rtsptctive heirs, executors, <br />administratan. successors and assigns of the parties hereto. \l'henevtr used. ihz singular number shall include the plural, *.he <br />phtral the sit~tutar. and the use of any' gznder shsll be anplicablz to all Genders. <br />The foregoing conditions, all and singular, tiring performed according to their natural and legs) import, this conveyance <br />st~11 be r+=id arni said premises rz)eased at the tzg~tnsz of the 19artgagor: othzru isz tc he and remain in full force and effect. <br />IN ll'ITNESS U"HEREOF, the Mangagar(sl ha ve htrettnto szt their handtsl the day and year first <br />at~ive written. <br />In prestrt~ af: <br />~~ nn-~ (~}5[~~Y~SS I SEAL j <br />harry ~F. Callahan (SEAL j <br />} SEAT. } <br />~3~'~R~R-jts~~ W-~~ (SEAL j <br />Pterilee J. Wiseman <br />}SEAL} <br />.,. o sat•taa <br />STAT;r t1F tiEBRASf+A, <br />~5: <br />tY)tiA'T]' LlF Hall <br />f3s ~fis 1st day of gehryy~y A.D. Iq Btu btfart me, <br />a A&ttary Public to sad for said Ctutttty, pnrsanally came <br />Tatz'4' P. Callahan, a single person acrd flerilee J_, a single person <br />- . x*s:svtly i•+ •ns 'spawn <br />tc+ br t§t idestical gersan s ~$cise same s ~ affixed to the abora and fart- <br />~, y,~~y { t3tey hn~ aekrua ltdgeri the said instrument and the <br />exetutian tttivx td to 6t their s aluntan act sad decd. for the purports therein exprtssed. <br />is ust~tty wbtrraaf, ] iaYt hsrennta set my ftattd and a~xtd by a!y seal at Grand Island , t3ebraslta <br />an tie da}'goad tfate last above ,y ritten. ~~ (I <br />~~ R'atan t'"ubttt <br />Mt6~ORdttyi 1fY <br />Si'AT~tt)F'.vE$RASk.4 ss <br />1 tffi rocotd this day elf A.D. t9 <br />~ o-docit M., and enitrcd in Numerical lades, and <br />~ g~ of Mortgages, an <br />~ ~ <br />:,~ Register of Deeds <br />:) <br />r <br />i <br />i .ia : l i3M I iD ~ 1l <br />