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(!)month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds is pay such premium to [he Secretary of Hotisin~ sod Urban Development pursuant m the <br />*:ational Housing Aet, as amended, and applicable Regulations ihtreun9cr or <br />(II) If aad so long us said note of even date artd this mstrmnrnt arc hekt by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a murtthly charge jirr fieu rr(a mortgage ?rtsurance' premirunl +vhich shall be in an <br />amaunt equal to one-twelfth (l;l') of one-halt (1;'_) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note aomuuted +vithoat t :king into accowtl dclinquer,cies ur pnepavments: <br />('n) A sum equal tp the ground tents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and parable on <br />policies of fire and ether hazard insuran t cacrrine the mortgaged property, plus taxes send assrsimenis nest duc <br />on the mortgaged pmprrty~ !a71 as estinrat+°:? Itr :i:e Jf:+rrgagc,ir less all sums already paid therefor di+'ided by the <br />number of months to clap-sr before nt;e ;nonih prior to rite date when such ground rent,, pr,;nitnns. [:axes and <br />asse>;mrnts ++~H bee ,rte delisrquent. >uch sums to 6e held by ~tongagce in [rust tv pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums. taxes and sprdal assc~antrnts, and <br />t,;d :UI na~~atenis meauonrd in the two prcced:ng substrtions of this paragraph and all payments io be made uadrt <br />Htr note secured hereby shall br addr.: m:~ther-and thz- a~regatr amaunt tbrrezlfhall ba psid b} the 1t.,rteagar <br />Q each ntamh in a sin,*le pa~'ment to br anphrd by rhr Atort,ager to tht following items in the order set forth: <br />tH ;?rrmium rn.-arges antler the contract of insur.:n.r +ruh the Srtrr*.an of Housing and l7iaan Drvclopnttnt. <br />or nonihly chase fire liar o,j wort-€cYC iu~,<rcrn•r ;,rcrrrirnrt i a. the ::u2 may be: <br />l li! en+ur.d rents. leers. assessments. !:-,~ and ,,Ater hazard :nsurauce pn'tniunrs: <br />t l!l) interest ,=n t :e note >:urr,i l?rreh+ :and <br />{}\%1 atnurtu.ation of the txin:ina! of sari note. <br />Any drfiie;tcy tr, ti^.e amr,unt -f anc sur'r aa:aeair n;nrthh oa+~;;itnt she!!. notes. made gaod by the Mo~t- <br />gagor ;cr to tlx Sue date of :he oat such :_, .._ .. , .stitu:r a!t [cent of defatdt under this mortgage. The <br />liongagee may tailed a "left clratgr' not t, ater,i f:n:r ants t~rl f=,r caclt dollar (SI } of each pavmtnt store <br />than tifttyan t! ~1 days ~. ~:ess :, ....- .:,: a;r, ;,.,;ru.~ nrr,,i+cd is iurrdbng driinyuent pa+ntents. <br />:'a. That sf the tet9l of the ps+~rrents made 6+ the \ton~a~~or under r ! of gara~r:tgh '_' pn•redin~ shall esceed <br />- ana;Fnt ref gac~+rzri~ ac:ttaiiti Katie n. lire .iort;;a`ee far .=mood rtvti~, [aces .utd a~ses~ments or in=uranre pre- <br />miums. a_- the came ma+ be, such esrccs, if the itt+n i. current, et the nptitut of the ~hxtgagi+r, .hall he credited be <br />the ikm~~a.;ee on ~u6=egaent pat mint- t„ bx• made h+ th+• \}ort, a•~or, ur refunded to th+• \lort~*a~or If, hn++ +er, the <br />~santhl~ pacmentr trtatle by the Uc+rtgrxgcv under of p3ragrtpit . larere+iing shalt not he sufficient to paq ground <br />rcvtL [.sae= and terse..=moot- nr insutsrtra• premiut*_~, as tha• case may' he. ++hen the -ame ,1ta11 become due and paa~- <br />sSle. shen the \itxtr;aQor .haH gs+ to the 1ton:a;ee an+ amount nece=s:.n' to make up the deficiency, on or before <br />the date oboe. pat'mi=rtt of such nx:und rents. tase~, a~-es-moots or in,urance Premiums shat! be duc. if at am' <br />brae t}te \lrtnga~ati shall tender to the }k,rt:=she. in ai'cord:i*rre ++ith th.= pr<r+ision- of the n,~ie -cured herebt, <br />toil payment of the entire indelxedne=< r+•pri=rented tltereh+. the \kstt':t.;ee .,hall, in comgutin the amounx of such <br />indebtedne~>. credit to the ac.+xtnt of the \icrtgsgnr .sit t?_++ment5 male under dre provi+tcau„ of of panagraph , <br />}tc~t+# u}tich the S4nrte~ee ha< ~,t :x'cun:e• oSls_ated t„ pa+ ti, the ~,=rrr•tai-y of }}nu=ina and l than Develt~unent <br />and sot 5aianee remsinint* in the funds srcumulated under the pn,+t-tans of of para~'raPh _' het+><,f. tf there <br />-hal! ~ a defsult under :an+ •,f the ;,m+i-tones „f this mort_'a~e rx•,uiting in a pubSio -,tie• .,f the premi~e~ in+ered <br />her~b+. or if the \l+ir>t;ati=e argots-- hr- pnip+•rty other++i-+' aita•r default. the 1i<lrt~.r~+•F• .-h:t1E a}:p1i.:tt the time of <br />the rnmmeneement of sttefi prnrea•drnt>-. .,r st the time th+• propen+ i- then+i-+• :aquin'd. the halancc• tiles mmain- <br />int in the fitnds ar:-umulated under „1' psra~=rapt[ = pn•,'i•din.,..t- s cr+~drt :asain-t th,• .r,•auunt of ftnn+•iPal then <br />trmxining enpaid under -aid nnta~- artd -hat! o:,±p+•r!~ dju~t anv pa+m+•n;- „herb -hail i,:tt:~ b+•a•n made under-o' <br />of par~ragh '. <br />7t;;:I ihb ",f ort~gor ne+ Cr,a, r:~ :. nt,_ :a+r~.. ,=,mrr,t.. alrr ra[e,..:r,d other ~...~.. _ai .,r srumcrpul <br />_,,^:~rir- _.. • im ..on,, -: r x ^.r, h -r: + s,,t rt :x,,. ,. ! ±,n^. 'Maur hrrrt.:hr,. r.. ,;nu :n ;rf.,u!t ,i+rrrt .... `-i,vtgagtr .^.ia} <br />.:hr v"r„ ,~ :n.., ri:e'+ior . • .:.': , it +?t- rr -nr -.+ti;cra? tr~riD , therr`:rr :'• tot lfnrt;, <br />..: tYr <br />"hr \!orrgsi t x na,,..:.i.• ~htC^r ^::f t; ,ird uF..,n the :3oriizgrr . leer,[ r-, ,r::! r, ate and imnro+r~ <br />men[..=nd -+, firth m:, ~, i,r ,r,tr.; u; ,•n the, ^.:.~t;.mgt .*~ ,hr ur~t v.tat4 S:;tth+ :but .,t•.1+ ; , tht r=::n+. t;r~Er ,nth i, not pr,=hihit- <br />ril r+ la - ~ tti ,,-_ ,- tnr r+t,•=t rt:wt , ~1 - nt rr. 1. ,nr, ;•tvn :.•ur..~a;, .. i rd;rg :.n+ ! . • ;rt. >tt .;: rc'z-*rral. <br />, <br />:.;,~ nit - - ,.,.,ire - - '` , z .. .... .::.. ..:r:pi h --w;,.+: ~u--' {=:i+.:z.. nr ,, :.U ;hr ij ;i..>,ze i r. r, ,,,lf.rtri+n .,i ihic under <br />nc;, a 37x `ri,u;g.:e,~ ~ . i,t;;tr... , • __ ~ _.. - nrtr ar rs,•tsn, ....? ; aua~ ti.c ,, n,=.r, . a;l+ p,•r..on ofthe afore- <br />.. .n><r~.:_- u;+e=-, ~rre ;_. c~;.1st , t :., , e., .r. ,, _ ..n,raeng the ;-.y ?rent , i rite :i.,rt ,~. ..i.h tars. .,r it ,u:h ;au <br />., ~_.trr .,r,~. f,;r~ that ., r:, ar+,. an; - , _, - , :hr c1. rt - . ,n., n .--... , ,.n ~,,: r - ,4.._ .:r^..:ht \itvtgagcr ,hall ha+r <br />'nc~ aeAt try ar~+r 2mrt+ d::, - :, ntic: ~',,=use ! str,~ ru :,rr „ tnr m:~rt ~,agrJ rrrm,.r,. retiatr?r:g tnr p.n mr:a .=1 Ihr m.=rtgaxr <br />,tent !i-c: ,. r,, .t::r l+r .,,rr,'~hr,.,'~.; Jrht-h.;.: hc. o~r.~Ue. ;.::+., .r:.rd:.'ir,-,,ir.:t'. ttc~pu :!,,:., „r mrtet+da+5. <br />.~ trot ,tsoulu fie Earl to pa+ win ,=r seep an, :,"en .-;:,; rrr,e,;,d f.,1 ,r ;pr 1t,v rea~•c. 'f+rrr the lt,>rtu:grc'. ai rt<,,p- <br />tl~,r; :'; tiyt ,ter r.T?,!im !lr[ ~_mr .~; 1i1 .tit YlPr YY(il':UIYa ,., 1.I{ ,rt:t.? h: .c,7.:r.1 1,' !ill ^r: ~i~fr,~: ,u ni .`,l tnl ,~n the :121[9[ t n,T[r. <br />I t+r 'Ur_ nrrrt+t ant[ ~..... t,r-~S .': tr. ,.? itK' ..,., r l' ;f: ... t[s: ..,,, ,.. t.nlfi n,f lu <br />- Thai ter tir:rt++ a±,aa.n, .. ~ ,tr~t .,na ct. , rt~., rhr '+i.: ,: ~t _ ^:rr., , .._...:rrr , , [[tent „t the note anti ::l! <br />,vin+.c; urtw hatei++ sn .....,t a .trf.,t ..;,; . ..; rn:n:. , ---nc .,. -. hr ._. ~ ;c,,; ., ,.w. , n .~i •:[i, :i.v;.;,:er „r the .aid <br />-r_Wri ;~ •..... ,. .,. ..... tic ., .-~ , .. .. c _...r .._.-.,, ,c r. : rthuac irdcbied- <br />nr,s .it f:! rrrna:3 u^ .av- ter,;, ',h A1~ t7. .r ,...,t ...,c , brr .. ... ,,' .... ,., . -,., ,t_ , .... .hr purpose ,,t <br />r.-->~"iFi:$ ~; n, 4.rra,.,t::.:;3 .~f rc rt.n. the - .ur .,ear ., : c.~ - _-ru ,v, .mr .~'r, t . f.;, i+„ „u; nt std ta- <br />".:mrs art .+.},en5:s t,f rep=~'rtH; ,aro nremr,c, and sir r -_ _ ~,,n ,r.+n. .:rJ : +., e*t+c, „+: ,rriru n rrs;; s:tti ,,nd managing the <br />`'rr aad „i .;,,ik.ti ~ arnt:~l-.,; herrf;.,m. tar hatan.r •r Fxmrng, et ar+. t:~ ~ ., plu,1 ,-a a:s ;nr d?,, barge .n ,atu r,ortgegt <br />tndrt!tet+nea,. <br />t 1~h-*1 hr ~a:;i! k:ep E:ti :mpr--: srmeris n,~a r.t-ttr,~ ,•t ~irrr::t tr: .•n rhr tr., rtt:arcU pc,=rrrt: ;,soled .,, ru:t+ far <br />-:aunts f-.rm nine to [sine ,. rhr Aiortgc;_cc ,m, ^e rue .:nu .=;ne. .,_,_.~,. _ .-~...z ,, ,~, .. rr;.,ncnisr.:n wth <br />arn.,urt~ artti f;n ~.u~t+ }seroa. a, *na` t+e trctur.t.d f>} t-,_ .S.;t};a, cr ,:n.i w,-i , T, r ..:. r,cn :-..t ..,.,ti ; , ,t,m, .>n .u:h <br />rr~,w7h-r>vc p>.r,n rsri>n t`t,r ;1alttet Hi :. uitsch ha, m+t *,ern ~;; ndt ix::rmtxiorr ji sneur_r.ce rs.ti. s•r . „r.r..' .~- ,.'•, :, <br />:ao+ei fi> rhr 'zi+vttsgrr ono rhr poiux~ .:nd tcrx.a.,t, :hrrrs,i -na~1 ter nci.. - . t3tr ii „r?ft~t;cr n.:..,. c .,tts, t;r,l there[[, it,,, <br />«~ c ~,.,t- ,., ,~_,~, ..i a .*r ,,,>~;, v._-. }.+:,r,.c ~., Ue sivn•.,t~cz !n c rni t.i i;•,. \i.,t t+::..,,r w ~i ; ..n ~nrdt:nr ;nutir ~, <br />~u },#s [fix 4(urigager..;sa, ma} atakr per f _,t {cw, t! n+r, mad[ p ,:mpti,+ r,+ Alct2ktgrr .tnd c:, - ~-ew~n.r .,,rst•arn .,nt- <br />:~rxted ,+ dxreh± aur:+-ri~d a,na dtrr.'tra trs mr:r pay,atem `.•r such i+•+~ dsrcw!ii tt+the S9tsrtgagrr ;n,;rUU .,t t„the \1+rrtgagui <br />arni iht \l.-vagagrt r~lrti+. loaf rhr ansur,tnlt r -, _rrd, .tr ant par t t}krra~t. mat be nnplird ;,, rhr \i,•rt~;ahrc .,t tt, .+pre,m rrihrt <br />io the rc;ictcta~+ut t3+e trufehtednrss #terrfit. ~r.utcat ur iz: ihr -eatatanon +at rr(,hit ,'f the [•rtt,}+ers, ,Sanaaprtt In r,rni ,+i t.,r r.i,•. <br />+vrr ~:f t#t3 !aux ar .+i}ret ttans`ftr t+f ttt,e tai rhr munj:ixgcd grtrpert', is r+[ingur.hmtnt of rhr ,rdri•re,f re,. ,r.:,rc,i hrrrh~, <br />~'? ri{t#t. tit,sxoa .sr+:rr.t ;,; rhr ~z+rga~7 'n an+1 tct at + sn-.urars~c F<.,;.1r, •hea rn f,.:rcr n ~ -...: ins nf,r, ha t. ~, ~r,antc. <br />T ;,: s.f4tt.c*nnt arut rv??atrts! >r~ax,3j i,.r tftx , a}mete :.d rhr n,itr .ir+crrnc,i. - a~ r~ .an - ,• brc•'•_ .: _._ ,..:o, r sir:. <br />m+.rt~a~t. t.r At:.7t(Ytrrrnc~ a,,.gn+t.+rlsc \lt+rt~:agce eat {+rifnr; .r.r: r.. ---..:~:tir:. -:rt:t, _-f;1 . ,r-i~,..,..f-,.,iu: t„:fir <br />;ss Under ~n> am! at1 auf ate Ras itase, ?n +.riz },rtmrse.. uith t[:e- -rgi,t i,~ rr.rnt ;,n..' re~a:pl f,•r the .,,,ne .,a.t „ppl, <br />:-`-rem to wnA t+airk'tez3ms, a> ~rl! ~:r+rc s..~irt dr;o-u!t rn the nxkhu„o--.-+ a , .-rr{:aur ., +t tl:r 4i '_ •y:rr ~•+' ~ -,,.,<,~j .,:, <br />fi,=r ~at€a: ry,::^+'cr an?: -uch ges!ncat, when si,le;eo+7 {++aFabie t+ui-trn!r n:'.: r+r .~vt.'-..,: .. t. ,.,. ;h:.: ,,,:;t,.;;,, ,. --.-i!~,~i•~,t:: <br />anti 1•,t:en,: nut! .ltd '.'.i+t6 u7r.,rt 'tte~,.r =f ,t!t~ mt>r;~a~Y <br />