31-04-0368 This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />A ,iO~r('(-'tA~''Lja under the one- to four-family
<br />GtO~"' g-~~~~ 1111''11 a ~s provisians of the National
<br />6d~ Housing Act.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 31st day of January •A-D~
<br />14 g0 ,by and between William J. Chadek and laurel H_ Chadek, Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America
<br />party of the xcond part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />1L'ITNESSETH_ That tlx said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum of Forty One Thousand Two Hundred
<br />Fifty nerd OOJ1~0ths---------------------------------- Dollazs {c 41, 250.00 ). paid by the Mort-
<br />ttagrr, the recupt of which is hereby acknoavledgtd, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />' gatn, SeH, (.atia'e4 nerd Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the follawing-described
<br />rr:al carafe, situateai in the Counh of Hall ,and State
<br />of Nebaaska, to wiL:
<br />Lot Stu {b) in Bloch Ten i10) University Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island,
<br />Halt County, Nebraska.
<br />Alsa known and numbered as: 222s ~i. She_~•taan
<br />Grazed Island, NE 68S01
<br />of xhe $sth Aincipat Meridian, containing in all City Property acres according to Govern-
<br />tneat sttrvey t
<br />Tfl II.ttV£ AND Tl? HOLD the prtmisrs atx3vr described, with all the appunenana~s thereunto hriortging and including
<br />ag ltestiug, plntedattg and Witting ftxtturs and suit tntnt nax ar 3rrrrafttr attached to ar uxd in canon tia>" with said real estate
<br />ut~ dte ~, and to its stscctsscvs and assigns. f.-rrevrr. The Mangagsx represents ra, and caattsant> w:§h, the Martga-
<br />get. ~u the Ida~,or has goM tigla to se#t atsd cavaveti said premixs; that tlxy art free from encumbrance, and that the
<br />',4ortr a~ avattaat and defend the;ame against the lawiui etaims of ail persans whamsotver; acrd the said Martgagor here-
<br />by trizttt~ishec all tuts of laontestead, and sL' rnattial rights, tither in law or in cguity. and all other contingen! interests of the
<br />~ a turd to the atwvt-dtsrrrt+ed premises. the intentiurt heiog h, :onve} hcrtb} an absolutr tick, in fet simple, includ-
<br />i~~>~s~h ~-=swtf,a~t.~::~?ssndi*screstsa•Ai+te-
<br />Plt£tl'ID£D 4L'DVAYS. acrd Chest prtsrnts arc t cetiutni and dtlivcred upan the #allowittg cortdifians, to u it:
<br />T>tte ataRidapar apracs to pay to the MortRaE,ee, ax order, tFr principal sum of Farty Orta Thausand Ttao Htutdred
<br />Fifty and DOf1DOths^----_-~r____Da*llarstS 41,250.00 ),avithintrrtstfrom
<br />date at the rats of Fleareu Aitd carte half Per centtrm t 11.50 `?r) pet annum on
<br />the unpaid (+alancr rated paid. The said pnn^ipal and mtrrest shalt bt, ayabk at the afftce of Hortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in Sagltyr.+cod, fblorado ar at such other place as the holder of
<br />the Hair sna} designate to aatttt~, is taom?tz installments of #acxx'ding to schedule A attached to sai3
<br />tmtel----------------~~~y_Antiurs t5 -------------------------t, commrrtding an the fast day of
<br />~~ . 19 t3Q ,and an the first day of each tttanth thereafter until the principal and in-
<br />aeer3•t are fatty ;+sid, exempt that the final paytnem taf principal and interest, if not sLw7}rr paid, shall Ix due and
<br />payalde oa the 4'sst day cd February, 2010 :all according to the terms of acertain promis-
<br />soryseer ai earn date htrrwith esrcutrd b}• the said Mortgagor.
<br />The hlaxtgagar iaardrr mate fully to protrrt the sr:.urity of this Mortgage. agrees
<br />3. That hr w%Pe pay the indebtatnrss, as hrtrisb~rfare ptvvidrii. Pnxiirgr is reserved to pat the debt in whale, ar in an
<br />~~~~* ~ to oaar ~ aotx irsontldy tm5'rnrats on the ptitt,-ipal that are ~xt due on the nett, am the first da} .tf an} month
<br />prim w tsawrity: f#taaiefrd, httwrvrr, That written notice of an imrniian m exer7se such priaikgr ix given at least thirty t?nl
<br />da}•s r b Ies;ts't~tnt.
<br />2 Tlatu, ~ +ciih, arstl ~ addi2ioa ta, the tnaanihly pa}°mrnts a# prin:ipal and inteeest pa}able under the terms of the
<br />taatt setrtt'W hrnel+y, ~ Matte wig pay w the Alortga~t. an the first da} of each manth until the sa111 natt is f ail}' paid, ihr
<br />ft~rtvritK stuns:
<br />{>rt Amaunt ~ilkaant to prvridr ihr huider Itrraaf with funds to pay the next rmtrtgagr insurance prerrdum tf thts
<br />i~+vtrmnt and tl~ ~x aarur€zi herrln• are instrtrd, ar a monthly charge !in lttt+ ::jQ rn~rrr~e tnsum+tre inr°
<br />miarx J rf Clay are hrSd by the, Sorretary of Hauling and Urhav I)evelaptnent, as futluws:
<br />{1) It a~ w long as said ~.ur ttf ra~xt date acrd this tntttutraent ale inrured ar ate reinsured under the n;a
<br />viaitatfi of the Tdatiazml Ho~usirt$ Act, an atntvant to#f`u;tent t,? accumulate in the hands of the balder ~tnc
<br />S'f ~TF. t}l% NEICRA!+l+.i
<br />Pravioua Eastana rent i r r+A , t aau (t a t ~
<br />