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iff. That the Atorig:igur ++~i?t keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair. and nei[htr commit nor pzrmit waste <br />upon said land. nor sutfcr the said premises to he used for any anlatcfid purpose. <br />11. That if the premises. or any pzrt thectof. 6e condemned under the power n(eminent domain, or acquired for a public <br />use, iht damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, or the cansideratiun for such acquisition, to the orient of the full <br />amount of indebiednes upon this mortgage and the notz +ohich it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned h}~ the <br />Mortgagor to the Mortgagee, and shad he paid for[itw'ith to said Mortcagtz to he applied b~ the latter on account of the nest <br />maturing installments of wch indebtzdness. <br />1'. The Mortgagor further agrees that should itr.s mortgage and the note secured hzrehp nut be eligible for in- <br />surance under the National housing Act uiihin Sixty Days from the date hereof (t+~ritten statement of any otlicer <br />of the Departmem of Hottsins• and lrban Development or auth+~rizrd agent of the Szcretar~- of housing and urban <br />f7tvdopment dared subsequent to the Sixty Bays time from the daft of this mortgage, declining to insure said <br />torte and this mortgage, bring deemed conc?tisivt proof i f ,uzh inzligihilit} 1. the Mortgagee or holder of the m+te <br />ma}, ai its option. declare ail sum. recurred hereb}- immediately due :+nd pad atilt. <br />I3. That if the ,\lortgagor fails io make an} payment, of monzv when the same beeomz due, or (ails to conform 0.t and <br />4';, eompl4 with am' c f the conditions or agrezments contained in this mortgagz. or the note u bleb i[ szcurns, then the entire princi- <br />pal sum and zecrutd interest shall at once become dot and payable, at the ziection of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage ma}' <br />ihtreupon he totes?used immediately for the sshoie of said monel, interest, monthh pat menu, zosis, ground rents, tares and <br />the cost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this ?aan to thz timz .V rrnmtrcirg such f xtzlosure soil, and a rea- <br />s,.nat+le atiorne>'s tot, al? of which shall bz inr?uded in the dzcret of !foreclonuz:.tnd the convact embodied in this mortgage <br />and the mue secured hereby. shall in all respects be governed, consented and adjudezd h} the laws of Nebraska, where [he <br />same is made. <br />O Tfre covenants herein contained sha11 hind, and the benehis and ads antagts shall insure to, the rzspzztivt heirs, execurors, <br />~ administratsxrs, succevors and asstens of the parties hereto. \1'henever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the <br />plural the singular, anti the use of an> gtndzr shall [,e arplicablt to al? genders. <br />The foregoing conditions. a?1 sod singular. [+eing performed acconiine icy their natural and lega; import, this corrvex•anee <br />Thal? ?~t vvud and said premises released at the cxpenre of the Mortgagor; otheru~isz to he and remain in full force and effect. <br />1N !i 1TNESS ~t`hEREt?F. the \iortgagorsst ha ce hereunta set their hsndisl the da}-and ~-ear first <br />alk:-s t r:ritten. <br />U prerratx of: <br />~-~ (SEAI.f <br />Will " J. Chadek <br />~SEALj <br />~SEALi <br />` i? F <br />~l~.s~: C%~ ~ ~ I SE.0.t i <br />Laurel 8. Chadek <br />I SERI-1 <br />cPC sstaan <br />h'T?iTE OF 4ERRA5I:A. <br />rr: <br />rnuNTt° aF rill <br />iAntlti; 33st da~a$ Janu3zy A.i3-fy80.txiaremt, <br />a NotaSy Pnb13r m and for sari Counit'. penonall, carne <br />fr;i,lliam S= thadek and laurel 8. C~adek, Husband and Wife <br />. f+ersortal?y tome know n <br />~ rx'~^ ~n*scsl ~~>~a ~~SSt a~,rrt_c a~ affixed m the atwve and tore- <br />ihrstruYaem r:s ~ _ they hays aiknoa ltdttd tiro said instrument and the <br />exctutitur tlttreof Yt+#+e t}keir xo7un~r> set and died, for the punsoses therein esprtssed. <br />in Yextitn.~ty wixru?f-1 have irtreunto set m> hand and affixed by ttn+ >eal st Grand Island, Nebraska <br />sw tiro day and date last atxrtt written. <br />yp~/.~ <br />°'"" ....i! ! r3 :titrtafl' 1'Lf>frc <br />~___.-_--_ ~l- ~'-Gi <br />STATE tlF NEBRASKA rs3 <br />Fi}ed ii-g trxtrtd Yhis dal of <br />at a',:1twk <br />~+cerdetf in Brxr: <br />~ ~ <br />A.D.19 <br />M.. and emoted in Numerical Index. amt <br />of Mcrrtgagcs, on <br />Rtgisterof [}reds <br /> <br />