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8Q--~~~~ <br />J'aid promissory note was given to secure a loan in which the Small Business Administration, an agency of the <br />United States of America, has participated. In compliance »ith section of the Rules and Regulations of <br />the StEall Business Administration [13 C.F.R. IOl.ltdl ;, this instrument is to be construed and enforced in accord• <br />ante with applicable Federal law. <br />1. The mortgagcr eovsenants and agrees as follows: <br />ss. He will promptly pay the indebtedness evidenced by said promiason- note at the times and in the <br />--°-- therein provided. <br />b. He will pay all fazes, aaseasmenta, water rates, sad other governmental or m;t;rj~ipal charges, fines, or <br />imps[stitiotis, for which proviaioa has not been made hercit~before, and will promptl} deliver the official recelpi> <br />therefor to the said mortgagee. <br />G He will pay such ezgetrses and fees as may be incurred in the protection and maintetwnce of said <br />property, including the fees of any attorne}- employed 6c the mortgagee Cor the collection of any o; all of <br />the indebiedneas hereby secured, or foreclosure by marlgagee's sale. or court proceeding., or in and other <br />litigation or proceeding affecting said property. Attornrvs' fees reasonably incurred in anc other way shall he <br />paid b}- the mortgafior. <br />d For better security of the indebtedness hereby secured, mpmx the rrqurst of the mortgagee, ire <br />atceessors or assigns, h. shall execute and deliver a supplemental mortgage nr mortgages covering any <br />additions, improrrments. or betterments made to the properh 6errinabo,c ,lrscribrd .uxd all properi~ <br />acquired by ii after the date hereof ,alt in form =atisfactora to mortg.xgee .Furthermore, shmdd mortgagor <br />fait to cure any default in the payment of a Pror or inferior rnrumbrancr uu the proprrtc described by <br />this instzuntent, mortgagor hereby agrees to permit rnortgagrr to rare such default, but mortgagee is not <br />obligated tsa do so; and such advances shall become }+art of the indehtedmc>< sr.rurrd he this imstrmsnrnt. <br />sub;trt to [he same terms and condition.. <br />e, The rights created b}~ this conveyance aha3! retuain in full force and rifest dmring arty irostponrturnt <br />or eateasioa of the time of the pa}~rsent of the indebtrdne:. evidenced by -aid pronrisory note or any part <br />thereof secured herelty. <br />f. He will coatinttously maintain hazard insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts ae the <br />mortgtagec mac from lime to time rrgnire vn the improvements nay. or hrrraFtrr ou -aid propcrt~, amd <br />wiB pay promptly wbea due ary premiums therefor, all iratrrance sl:alI be carrieal is companies acceptable <br />to mortgagee and the policies and rrpewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />laws pa+-abk clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of Iola, martgacror w ill give <br />immediate aotirx is writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may m.te proof of loan if not made promptly b}' <br />mortgagor, sad Bath insurance company troncerned is hereby tuthvri2rd and directed to make pa}-arent for such <br />for siimth- to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointl}, and the insurance proceeds, or any <br />part thereo#, ma be applied by motgagee at iu option either to the reduction ai therndebtedns:r hereby <br />t+ecr[red of to she rrslorazioa ar repair of the property damaged or destroyed. In event of fort-clwure of thw <br />n+aa-tgsge, or other traaslcr of tith: to said property i9 extirrguishmeat of the iadebtedncss secured hereb}', all <br />ri~t, title, tad iatrrt~ of the mortgagor in [sad to any inauraare policies then in fom shall pass to the <br />psrrltaser or mortgag;cr tu. a! flee opiimt of the ntortgagre, may lx• ~urrrndrrvd fur a refund. <br />~. $e will ktxp all builditrgs sad other improvement; on said property in ;w,d repair and eoudii[ote; <br />w-iIl permit eawrtmit, or suffer tto state impairm~t 3rteriorazivn of said pr,~I=•criv ar any hart ihereo#: <br />is ilre eyenr of failare of the mortgagor to krrp the buildia}ts au said premises and ihoee rrerted on said <br />preavistx, or irrtprovemeaL thereon, in gnoal repair. the mortgagee ntuy° mak:• such repairs as in its discretion <br />it may sleer+t rtrcesaar} for the paoper prrsenation thereat; and the full ante+unt of each and rvrrt such <br />payxaerst shalt be imruediateh~ due and pa}ablr: and shah be .rettm,i b. the lien of this nsortgagr. <br />k. FIe will set voluntarily cmaie or permit to be rreatrd against the property subiect to this mortgage any <br />Item or liens iafrrior or>uperior to the Ilea of this mortgage without the mitten consent of the mortgagee; sad <br />further, that he will keep earl maintain the .an+r Tree from ihr riainx of alt l,e r.vne suppls ing labor or <br />tatatczgals far tritialruetioa of au}' raid ail huiidiatts r+r iatpr>:vurn•mzs nor friut; +°rrrtrd or tr, he erected ou <br />said premises. <br />i. Ht wiU sot rrat or ax.-rign ens part of the rent of said mortgagod prupr rte yr demolish. or rrnx+ye. <br />err wlwLaniially alter an} building r~ithout the w-rittrn rc.nsent of ihr nwrtgager. <br />j. A[1 awazde of damages in rxaaeciion .rich an} condrmnatiott for public u„r of or injur. a:+ env nl the <br />Iuvprrty €ultject to this mortgage are Ir>relr}- assigned and :.1ta11 be paid to mortgagee, who may apply the <br />.acne tv pa}asrnt txf the ins;tallarettta tart due under said note, as.d nxurtgagee i }zerrb+ suthvrized, in ihr <br />same of the mortgagor, to ezectne and rklivez valid acquiilanms thrrcof snri in aplwal from env .uch ac.ard. <br />k. 7'hr tnortga~ tlral) bast th,r ri[titt to ir~peet the uxurtgagrd premie+•, at any rrasorrablr tisac. <br />L Iledutlt itt any of the cover:ants ar cartditioas ~ this iltstrtimeat or of the Hots or loan agreement secured <br />hsxeby aFia#1 terminate the mottgagmr's right to possession, use, and enjoymrn2 of the property, ar the option of the <br />mertEaget or his arms lit beilt~ al[reed that the mottgsg9r shall have such right until default 1. Upon any such <br />daftuh, the rn,irit~ec ah}t1l herntoe the owimr of all of >he rents and profits accrvinR after default ss security <br />for the ir~htedoass as!r+ct'ed hereby, will[ that rittt;t to eatsx tspen said property for the pnrprrae o[ collecting such <br />rents end praftu. This iastrumemt shall operatic a, tm sasSgnntrnt of say rentals on said property to that extent. <br />' .. r?w <br />59A fp nra 42a (2-71) <br />