<br />3. The mortgagor covenants and agrees that iC he shalt fail to pa} said indebtednes. or stn part thereo[ when
<br />due, or shall fsiF to perForm any covenant or agreemens aF thls instrument or the prontissory rtatr secured hereby, the
<br />entire indebtedness hereby secured shall immediately become due, payable, aml eoHectible without nonce, at :he
<br />option of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and the mortgagee or his assigns may before or after entry
<br />sell said propert}' without appraisement (the mortgagor baring waived and assigned to the martgagee all rights n[
<br />appnieementl
<br />t t) at judicial sale pur.}teant to the provisions :rf 1$ li.S.C. 2t$ll i a ! ; uY
<br />1tt) at the option of the martgagee, either by auction or by w$citation of sealed bids, for the highest and
<br />heat bid complying with the terms of sale and manner of payment specified in the published notice of sale, Bret
<br />Riving four weeks' notice of the time, terms, and p?ace of each sate, h+ ad+ertisement oat te.s than once
<br />during each of said four weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the county in which said property
<br />is situated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor land said mortgagee, or any person on
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note t. Said sale ahtli be
<br />held a or oa the property to be sold or ai the Federal, county, or city courthouse [or the county in which the
<br />property is located. TLr mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute foz and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the purchaser at such sale a sai$ccient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall contain
<br />reeitaL as b the happening o! the default agora which the execution of the power of sale herein granted
<br />rlepmda; sad the acid mortgagor hereby conttiitntea and appoints the mortgagx ar nay agent or attorney of the
<br />mtxigagae, the sgent sad attoracc in fact of said mortgagor io make such rascitala and to execute said
<br />maseysox and hereby earraana sad agrees that the reeita4 so made shall be effectual to bar all rgttity or
<br />.:~ a r-evcmpu~, hmctemead, dower, aaa' ati omer exemptions of rite ntuAgagar, ail of wltir6 are hereb
<br />exprtxsk waived sad oatvn'ed to the atortga{rrc; or
<br />t;nit take nay otlaar appropriate actirtu punuaut to state or 1'edrral statute either in state ur Frelrral
<br />rvrart ar rst6rrw-iae Far the d'upoaitioa of the property.
<br />Ia the event of a sale u hereiabeFatr pt~cidrd, the mortgagor oz nay persoor m peraeaitsa anther the morn
<br />Ea{,or shall then become and lac tenants holding Dyer and shall Forthwith deliver po.+sessi;ut to the purchaser at
<br />we$ sak ar be anmmatily tlisposaeaerd, in attvrdaace with the proviaioas a[ law apphcabte to tenant: holding aver.
<br />The paver and agency he-rebv granted are raupkd with as inteteaY and aretrrevocable by death ar uthenrixr, and
<br />are ltratsted as enmulalive to the reraed.irs For collrrtioa of said indebtrdaexs provided by law.
<br />4 3be ptareeads ~ nay sale of said prtspmty is aKessdataa with the preceding pangnphs shall lx applied 5rat
<br />m pay the oasts aasd t d acid sale, the expenses inatrrrd he the mortgagK Inr the pta•paRe of protertia{€ to main-
<br />taining acid sraprrty, tad rr»msblr arioraeya' tens; secondly, to pay tltr indebtrdne;a secured hereby : and thinlt}.
<br />to pay nay a4ip~ ar rstxus Mt the person rsr perwns lrfalh rntitkd thereto.
<br />i Ia tt~ rvcmt said property v sold at a judicial €aareelasurc wk ar pursuant to tlx pourer of ask hetY:nahove
<br />graastrd, a~ the protx+eda ace not airiest to pay the total indebtednem secured by this instrument and eridraced b}
<br />ssid pmmiaeary arfu, the mattga€tee will he eatitkd to a deficiency judtement Far the amatwt of the defirienry reithrwt
<br />ram as srppreiassmsx.
<br />Fi la flee rant ihr mot••~taEar Fsils to pa} aa} Feeder at, urtr, w tarot tai as~,rsamrut, invonrr tan ar other tau
<br />lien, cbar~e, Fec, ur tathet ezprnK charged agaitast tlx property the muta{tattee in ltfrrb} authorised aE his option to
<br />pay the name. Asp corms w paid by the tuor•tltaprc shall be added to and betume a part of the principal amount of the
<br />iadeauedaeas rvidmend by said sou; stsbjtxt to the name treats sad tvaditiataa U the mortgagor shall pay aad
<br />diualsar~t flee ''-'.vvoe:~anr~ evidmoed by said gramisaar~t torte, sad shall psy stub cams nerd shall tlierbarge all
<br />farces rod ~ sad Ilse cones, fees, sad expenses of making tenttvreiag, and exeetttirrg dais mortga~ then thin mortgags
<br />.tag im e+ttata7kd xmd aa:mdtsed.
<br />7. 'The ertveaaats 6eraia axmtained alull bind aa~d the herteAts and rdv antagea shall inure to the rr..prrti+r suc-
<br />rtemsu aed aadgtaa a€ the paia+as bet~to. ~ hmever rued, the sittgttbtr cumber shall ialludc the plural, the plural she
<br />t~aty astsl the tee et ~r deader shall iselade aTi goaders.
<br />~. 14s tr~vrs at car eevastm! lameis ar rat tlae tshligatiaa recarrd hrrcby shalt at an} tiros therraher }x heir!
<br />m 19e a rawer at' the trams beeco€ ~ of the note aewted hereb}.
<br />~, 111 i daaaree. seder„ u t haldi~ as}' proYiataa ur purttuu n# [h4 tnattnrate¢[ tn+.Iid ur uuen•
<br />foa~asathae akt#11 trot ~ nay war ietpau ar prahtde the eatormesant aF the rdnatining proviairuxa or lrortions of this
<br />Rsf stalotteat attttipe tat 1t+e Frsne3 is tin a ptirsaaat m the provisicas of this instrument ahstl be ad-
<br />titwaia~t~eeeye~erat Post t3#fits~ 9t3x L''d7a, t3ra[td Island, ?~
<br />and car mitten ttotiee to be 6asued to the mnrigattee shall
<br />ba arWtaassd r rile atrtet~es u 3Oq WesC Thud, tlraad Islattri. ~:
<br />saw TOtaM !ra tY-rat
<br />