sQ~.. ,,~~ 1~-~iGI~~GAG~
<br />(Participation)
<br />This mortgage made sad eaiered into thin 28th day oC January
<br />14 gp , by and between B C;, Y BLTIIDINCT SUPPLY
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and g'flE (K7gIj,At~ N.ATIC~AL BANK OF C33AND ISLAND
<br />(here%nafter refemd to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintain an ollSCe and place of businete at L'Zi'altd Island, Nebraska
<br />Wtrvessi:'tH, that for the coaaideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the
<br />aortgagor does hrreby mortgage, xll, grant, assign, and convey unto the mortgager, his successors end asaigtu, all
<br />of the folbwing described property situated and bring in the County of Ifall
<br />Suu of New
<br />That part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (SANE}) of Section mil, Township 11
<br />north, Range 9 best of t~ Sixth principal !deridian, Ckxmtp of Hall, State of Nebraska,
<br />de5csibed as fo33ows: Begintaing at the center of the intersection of South Lincoln
<br />Ave~» and PISOEnix Ague (as shown on the plat of South park, new re~vt=d}; thence
<br />Southeasterly,along the tinter line of said South Lin~laa Avenue to a point distant
<br />976,25 feet Ntut:hwesterlp of the intersection of said South Lincoln Avenue and Nebraska
<br />~a
<br />APP,IItle; tharce .~3-Ut'2i6~5LES'i~ A-'i-C a iii ~a.t'a:tiai wii::n iue ~iicr iiiic vi ~u r~n.av.,i.+
<br />Ataent~ (as shotpn on said plat of South Parka,~1&7 feet, more or less, to the inter.~c-
<br />tiaa with the tester line of Btzrlingtaa Northern Inc,'s Track No. 33; thence Northerly
<br />aleesg said 15ratk heater line to the intezsection with tfae center line of said Phoenix
<br />Avenue; the NarLheasterlp aleetg said center line of Phoenix Avetaue to the point of
<br />Ijpgi mai tro_
<br />Tagird[er wsdt sad iaeLd~ all baildiags, all ftXt41'k'_* iael4dtag hal col lipitrd tp aII plamhiag, heating, lighting,
<br />Tseatiiat~af, tx#rigztatiag. itteiarrating, air euttdit:miag appsatas, sad ele.ntors lt-e mortgagor herehy declaring that
<br />it iw i:teta~+d drat tie itetas Lrrrin esemetatrd c6a11 be derterd to ka.r here pettsanratly installed as part oI [he reap+i,
<br />and ail ia~ravrseats` sow or hrrrafter ccistiag thryrxm: ihr hereditsmrat~ asd appnneaaaee« and all other righ[« then•-
<br />aato briwgiag, at is aa;-u.isr appeHaiaiag, sad for rr.ersiaa sad retrr«ioa«, remainder and retsaiaders, all rights of
<br />rrdeaptioa, sad ale real+, isxars, and profits of tlx abn.a• druribrd proprri~ 1 providrd, ho~.e.•er, that thr mongagor
<br />sLsl} k eatitfed ~ tlr possrssioa of said proprrt. and to eallrc•t sad rrtaia tfre cysts, iswes, and profits until drfanlt
<br />berrawderi_ 'fo i:.r sad to cold tae Mme aafin t6: >,xtgsgrr sad for ,~nccrssnrs is iatere«t of thr mortgagre fort wer
<br />is fre ~S ar satS~ odtrr estate, i# say, as ix, stated herein.
<br />1'he t~rrarmta thu he is lawfully aeiped ai{d posaeasrd of :ad has thr right to xll and tronvey said
<br />pip'; ibal the same is fret !rope all tscttmbraaoea earept ss hereinabove reritrd; and that he hereby hinds
<br />h a~ hip ttaeoeeaws is itttetaR to warratti atad de#ead the utk aforesaid thrreto sad curry part thereof against
<br />dte rdsi~att a[ ~ pre ~v~-
<br />'l1Li~ itsst+'paoptt a ~~ u aK+etta alas pa+utrst of a prr.aniasory note ~tatrd January 28, 1980
<br />iat Rke~asaa cif ~5,ODfl.flE3 , siepaed h} John A. Boren
<br />h3 ' ~' B !! Y 31sIG
<br />59A Rafad 9ia 12-733 PQE Vt0 t35 EDtT IDNS •nE ~6S DLETE
<br />