<br />r
<br />•11 Jebu, obligati„m anJ Inbilitics incur red by r wn of any cation taken by the Afortgager, as proridcd irz this Paragraph, dl
<br />of which amounts so pail by the Afortgagre with intrust thereon from the :U to of n:h such payment, at the rate of three percent
<br />(}7) per annum, shall be ; :yxhlr by the Mortgab.+c to the Mortgagee nn demand anJ shalt br srtured by this Mortgage.
<br />1. No budding ar o;hcr structure nr impro.~emen t, firturt nr prrv„real proprrry mortgaged i:errby shall 6r removed oe
<br />JcmoiisheJ without rhr pno[ wriRrn consent n( tfm Aforigag, :. The Aforegzgor wilt u.rt make, permit or suffer any attention of
<br />nr addition rat care builJing nr „dine •,.u:mrc nr imprnscm<nt unw .,r wh;<h may h<rea(trr be <rcrirJ or insulted upon !ht
<br />mortgaged property, or a r par, thereof, cpt :L< imprua -ms rr~uim.l t., hr maJr pursuant to Pangra ph 3 hereof, not
<br />writ the Morgagor axe. or per :.,t „ suit era the vu :,{, znT rut the .. ,atgay;61 propnq free a r purpose other flan t}se Purpox
<br />or purposes for which the same is raw intcndrJ t„ he us ,,, withnu: rhr pr „ ss siuon umarnt c.f rhr Atortgagce. The Mortgagor mil
<br />inxain rhr mortgage) property in gnoJ n.:,.btrun : nJ atxtr of rrpilr and ,+ill not suffer or permit any caste to any part thrrcof, :Ad
<br />w~R promptly <omplq srth aft rhr rcquirrmenes d Fcdc:ai, state anJ local gnvrrnments, car of any departments, dirisions or
<br />buruus thrrcof, pcrt:ining w such pu,pSay car any part thrcrnf.
<br />}, Thr Mortgagor rill not vo,untb ily create, nr permit or auf Rr h. br scored nr to eclat, on or against the mortgaged
<br />pen(--=<rty, ar any part th<rc.:i, any ,lien scar rc:nr m the lien of ihn Afor,4.,ty, czJucire of the lien or tiered, if any, to rhich
<br />dus Mortgage is opt nsly su'.,icrt. as set fnrdh in rhr gnntio¢ rlm;ar ahm~r, .and rill keep and maintain the same fcee from
<br />sw tSc claims of .;! p~rt,es a:pnly ing tabor er +:rat<ria}s rhich w~i{i enter im:• rho :,,nstructinn ar irtstailatinn of rhr improretsseAts.
<br />6. (>) Tlst Atnrtgzgor w ., k<ap oll huil.iing:, other atruchirrs .:nJ a,pr ,ecn;rnH, inrhsding rgnipmrnt, nor existing. ar
<br />, rhich may htrcafter he rrcc:r,i o. msraPeJ ,m tbt lure) mnr[F.agnl h.~rc h's. + care) zgxinst loss by five anJ other hazards,
<br />raswitirs anJ ct•ntirgcndn, in such a:..n•rnts and manner. anJ inr nnh per:=,.isl ail ax may he required from time to lime by
<br />the Mactgagcr_ L'nlcss nffietw-;a< roy,:ireJ h}~ ihr hinrtgag<r, alt <u.S insu:.m;r .lul( he effectrJ by Standud Firr anJ Eztevsded
<br />Garerape Insurance pnhr:c+, in :: aura not Ira= t!san nerraurr m , rely w,th the coinsurance clause percentage of ihr vdue
<br />aPpliraMe 20 the Lxation and r!sau.tr: of the pn,pn:v m Ae ,o+,r.d .111 w, h ii aunns< sf,ali M carried in companies approved
<br />hs the Af nrtgagre and all poll. ire t!msfor shalt hr :n am 1, form dal .haH hs.r au.. l.rd tl,r rem inac payable clauses in favor of the
<br />~,j Murtgarr; rrJ any :alter pxrticv as .,all :+< v;ASt,, i.::y h, d,r Afi,;rga;,- .111 u,: h p+dis and an.:. h:arnta ihnek, shall, ht ddivtted
<br />prom,ptfy to the Mortgagrq a...,c s chcy are x , rJ to he dr5au,,1 io d.< hc~l.l<r of > lien of a mortgage of similar inHru-
<br />rum to rsi.h this MorsRagc ;< mealy s.:bi•-. t, nn whnl: 1>u.~r esc„t .cst,fi:xtr. :bno.,i. sttiafar;ory to the Afuuxagee, shall IAe
<br />drlirere3 promptly :o the h{ottta err .,,r Af~axga~ w,ll pay pns:nrtic s, hen due, a },rrrinnftar prnrideJ, and anY and all
<br />pumiumt nn inch iasunncr, r:J in ra err use in srfi:.h rare^.n,t thn ~,~? a ,,,. ...,,,k En,m the Jepnsits rhr. rfor required 6y Mis
<br />Mortgage, promptly submit to ehr Aforl~xg rr :.., vminttion rt. rq~;• o ,aFrr rvidrncr of such payment as shat} he satis(actnn
<br />to the Mortgagrr -Ihe M, nRxerr mat n!+tain and paSrt!,r prrmimn an (!+nr rahzll hr render nn'nbligation to do sot ertry kind of
<br />insarar.,r require) hr: rby sf she a:ns a:nt ni au,h prrmir:m hn nth.:, ,}rp-..teal as rrquirtd by this Ltnrrgagr, in rhich event
<br />7}+e Atartgagor sill par to rhr Af:*aRagec rv<rv prrn,9tm sn paid by rhr Ai:,rrg.,gce.
<br />(b) Ia rhr cant o{ lass rr dzm.>gr :, .h,- mnrtgagr.f pn,nr:ty rhr A1.vtragnr rift Rice to the Mortgagee immediate notitt
<br />rl-xrmt f+y mad, and tae \f u:gacre m :,ate anJ rile peno# ni l,x< ,, m~t a,lc nthrr-.a i<r promptly by or nn behalf tsf the
<br />bt.xtragatr Fa:l: inxu;an.-e r, n:pxnr i-<.sng any au.h pnl:ry i< hrrrhv ,::xl,+.riac' anJ dirrctrJ in make paymrni hcrtundt+ for
<br />such Fuss drrr-t1y ir, the M..rtgagrr, nyrat ~f fn for AtortRagu and tL. AfnrtP, R*< i^sntly, snlrsa the amount of loss is pa)-
<br />abi< terse to :hr holder of a Len ender a mortgage nr s mi!sr inat:r:::c,.t to which N,is Afnrigatr is expressly suh;rtt; dad the
<br />inauramr pzn, rrda ar any ra rt ,fier_of resrixrd hp thetMnrtga¢re t.,.,r !.r spplic,i hY the Afnripgee, ti its aptian. siUftl
<br />m ra!uatina of the indrhr rcnr<a !,r-.rh'y~ xcerrJ. rat to the rcaa,n t.,:~ n: rcp.ur s( the mortgaged proprrry Jamsgrd. lD
<br />she errrt .d iorrdnxvrr of this At,utpage, n: n{ any trons{rr of title h. tL:~ mart Rt gcJ grope-'r is rrtingvithmrnt of such iAdebt-
<br />cdnns, all right, tide an3 inac:cs; :i t}se Diortgsgrv m and to c+cry smh m unn:r pnihr then in fort[, suSirct to the righU
<br />an. ..-tertst of rhr ho!dr: rf am <. zn },;io Lrr., shall pa« In rhr gem^cc .,cqw inr, trt ie t.. the n.or. g, ~_d property together rith
<br />sa,t: pre}:q' and appropri„e s,igomr:n elr web right, tiNe an<9 loon r,t whhhx<Is-ll tar n+tdr by tht Mortgagor.
<br />9- (a) in ordcs note fulls t.r pratrri the xrrur-ry <d ihn Mortga,rr, she Ah,rt Rag..r sfialf dtyrssit rith the Mortgagee to-
<br />grthrr sith, and is a3Jni;:a to, rhr pae;nr..; of principal ar.J in.n,,*, m.,ntfa!r .+ sr:nunt :,( else Nntr strurnl hereby, until
<br />ihr Nair is paid in toll, an amn-ant ;.# ::,rsnty t~ual to the ensue amount .~f is) gruunJ rcnt<, if ant, newt hemming due, (ii) the
<br />prrrsiums next Ix:aminR Jac ,~..... }~.•3irirs r.' ;,rr anJ all <seh<r }+a •ar.t insv..... require) t+y th:. Mn: sgzge rich rcspM to the
<br />asartgagrd prn,en}. , ++! t>:n. as,rs.mrnt<, w~atrr rates and .+shn c. r, meal cfu rRrs nr at hernm.ng clue on tht mnrtgagtd
<br />prrh+rt iv fall t}x irrrg,,int amnun:a :s car;,~-arc:' !,r tear Mnrtga fire anti sr. f,+rth m a ritt,~n nnti;e of each tstirnatt by the
<br />Rlnrlp>gre ra the htoaga gnr ,.. .....r i., t,mri. !es. all am:*unn t!ut n-,. al: cadv h.:ar horn p,iJ thrrrfor, divided by the nuraJses
<br />of r+,rnSar ssx,.aihs i., clap+r r}, ~.,rr .,ne r n.iat mn;sth pour :,, thr~.fstr wh:a s:,-.h ground rents. Premiums. aura, asstli-
<br />-rn~, + e sts an.} c;hn ga::cm.,rrt n;a,. a:gc, ;rape. Gxclr, wall l•rr,~:nc J+.r snJ pa yahic If any amount rrfcrrtd to is
<br />:causes (i) through fist? hereof ss .r ~,,:; rd to hr Jrp-ati;<J by lire Ms,r tc ,c'r ur.Jrr a m.,rtgagr or similar instrument having
<br />pxis;iry aver tlst Icrn of chin Ai:crxsr~ tl:r M.,ngagrv dead it m-,4r :hc .1: p.=a.-< n,lu, r,t by this Paragraph 7 only in she erml of the
<br />mminuian ai such :=hlipan,m can:ir: she , r nm:;xt mild; [.nrx,.n,r nx T7..- Mr, t -
<br />pei~ gage ~ <i - gagor agate giro prompt nonce in rrit-
<br />snR to tfrr gtnrlgaFtt a:;' the .,c.,;rr,n-r .,. rhr last-mcnti~-root ,. ,. !,i! s,. ,, an:„s,ntx sn Jrp„aste~i w-ith the Mur;gager shall be
<br />6rIJ by ih< AinnFagcr, car day agent JnicnatrJ h. H, in bust 6a ! erusxd „nl,s r, r tl.r payment nl tuna g:cwnJ rrnta, p;emiu:ns,
<br />razes, a>trssn net- water rates ant , ~hrr R.:+rin„sraat ,hasgn. N~, :rxru.t =ha!! hr pre able by the Dlnrtgagrt acre anY sun so
<br />Jrpesitr J.
<br />fb) AI} anounts rrouirrJ s., hr :rise) within t}re hlsntitagrc r,-•nrhir m atrnrdan:r rith Paragraph ?(a) hereof, and !be
<br />a,.,=durst rsf prir..spal dad i::ECrezt in .r pair ra,h mu,tis :sn demurer rat ihr *',~tr •.ha!I hr >J.Icd mgrxhn. and rhr aggregate a!nosaot
<br />t}srrrcd .ha=l be pa3J h} ±tr_ A{,.::;, r:.r r.. t}.t Ais:rtRattrt ins s,nR!e 1=asmrnt n• br appiir3 by tht Mnrigagec on acrnunt of Use
<br />iA.lrhsrJnras :si the Mn;:gag:i: , ...:ant i,. ihr ',, ~tr a .: thi< Af,:rtgagr (tn tlse tatcnt [fiat monies are available frost Use
<br />a..anani sa Jtpovird ).:n test ,adv. day p.r;,a ;v:•a .d C.r N<.tr m tl,e sort:.r.y notwithstanding, as (altars:
<br />~I1ST, fa rhr late cl.argn, +. any. ....,rrJ to is :hr Knte,
<br />SfCD'h'S), xn ihr amount r,t su.}, crrwswi rrnn_ it any, lire and c,thrr }sarazd i^.su:anrr ptrmiums, rusts, asstssmmts, later
<br />rsrts sod atl:rr Fovrrnmenial +} :gn t<quirri to he pat,} under the an:r.n< of this Mortgage, in rhatecer sequence the
<br />Mrsrtgagrr may e:slusivrly dzt<: nz::xr:
<br />71tig~, to iAittest clue an ;he Nntr; axed
<br />POUAT7 i, the rmaiAder, to [hr principal due on the Nate,
<br />trey drirciency in tht amnuri cd day sash aggregate navsthly payment s}:all, unlt<s paid by the Mortgagor pr+or in [he due date of
<br />the new! aACh Jepoai2 paya}+tr, rnnsiitatt an cs--rot of default under this Mortgage.
<br />fr) Any caress tutsJs that nay to urumulat<d by rraxnn of rhr drpnsir•. rrquir rd under Paragraph 7(a) hercot, remaining
<br />afire tuyma~a of xlst atsmunts dnsrihrd in damn {i), (iij and {w) the rc-,d. shall hr amJitrd to suh<cqu<nt rnpcctive monthly
<br />amnan<x of rhr saint Aatare rrquirnt xn Ise pail thttrandrx. If any <u,h arnonnt .abaft exceed the rtimaie /l+erefor, the Mortpgar
<br />shall lnrtbrith pay is ihr MortFaFrt rhr amount of such clef i,imry upon u•r:rirn notice by the b[artgagrt nl rhr amount thereof.
<br />F+i}urc se Ja sA below the <rue clue of sw-h amaurst shall br sn ,v :~f default under thds Mnrtg.gr. If the mnrtgagtd prop•
<br />tzty is scald sadder {arrriasure nr it otMrrisr acquurJ by the bfurtgagtq after default by the Mortgagor, anY ttmaining
<br />balance of the aaamabtiom under Pazagnp}t ?(a) hereof, shall ht crr.litri to tht principal amount na,ing on the Note at of the
<br />Jart rsf cammmc~eAt rat forr.lasure prateedings fat tix mortgaged pr,spcrty, car as of the date the mortgaged prapcrry is
<br />otbxrrist sa acquired.
<br />4. ?he impro.rruAu and ill plans and sprci{iaiiam thrular shall comply wi!h all applinlJe municipal ordinances, rega•
<br />}attain, and rvln radr nr pntrnulgatr.l by !ar{uf authority, anJ upon three .umplrtmn shall a,mpiy tbnrwith.
<br />