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~~ Form ItUD'No. 623a~Neh. <br />(Ssc. 332 Lwnj - <br />(Revixd Aag. l9yo) <br />~~ ~ ®~~ l eR ~ \11 ai <br />~1~~"a <br />This Mortgage made as of the 22nd d+y of • January t9 80 . bNwaea <br />Francis L. McLaughlin fr b{ary H. McLaughlin (hercins(ter called, and it mote than me parry jointly sad <br />scvuaity hrreinatter nUed "Mortgagor). residing at 1412 West Anna H811 County, Mebrastca <br />and the United Staten of Atnuira (htreinafter called "Mortgagor"), acting by snd through the Deputmrnt of Housing and UtMa <br />Dcv<toprarat having a Regional Oftire at 4I1 North Walnut, Kansas City . ~d <br />Serve of Missouri • <br />WITNfi55fTH, that to secucc the payment of •a indeheedness in the principal amount of Thirty-two ThtxtSand <br />and Fifty----------Douars {s 32,090.00 ), with interest thcmon, which shat! be payable is xcardanct rim a <br />certain note txasing turn dart hrrew-ith, a true and correct copy of whit!,, esrtusive of the signau:e of tlx Mortgagor, nsacks3 <br />"Snc~dute A" is annexed hert:o and made a part hereof, anti all other indchtnlnrss which the Mortgagor is obligated to pay to <br />. the Mot[gagrc pursuant to the provisions of the Nutt and this MertRage, the Dtnrtgagnt hereby grants, conveys sad toottgetpq <br />to the Mottgagtt: <br />The fallowing drsrtibed property sitwte is Hall County,Nebeaakr!. <br />Northerly Ttao-thirds {N Zf3} of the Easterly tine-third {E lf3} of <br />Lot Four {4}, Block Sixty-six {66), Original Town, Now Cit7 of Grand <br />Island, wall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. <br />TOGtTHER, wide al? appurtrnara.-rs tfarreto sad aU the estate and riah;s of the Mortgattnr +n atsd ~ such property a< la <br />aayrsac appcrtainiag iheteto::il bu:idinga acrd nthts 4racyarea mar nr hrrrafttr darrrnn ucrtrd or :naalkvi, and aU Fialetsss <br />sad act+rla rd personal prapertc raw ar !arreafur at4c3ed ea, ar rsed +n, or in the epratians of, an} Bach Wed, baildiap tat <br />sa'sxiLxn whicia an ssKtssary tea the iomplNe ax and actvpatary of saarh hut}diap car adructarea for the paeFase lee .hie6 <br />wcx na arc is be nt~trd at insta!ied, antla3iag, fart rat limited to elf hc,tina. pi«mtsing. Ivt?sraom, yightiag conking taatadsT, <br />rrnri;ating, trfr+grrasinj, ia. iarratintt and oar-r:mdisionisya ertaipmrnt anJ fisturrs aa.t ail rry+tzttrnrntr tbattuf aml addki#a <br />thtrrso, whether tar trod the same arc ur shah be attattsd to saxh land, hnel.iangs c.r strortam is soy rraaaee; <br />TOGETHFIt, rim any ahd a!1 wards sat r btttaf[K roads fnr the ta7tiag M the property asortpgrd bsttby, esi tsitj <br />;acts thamf (iar3adi.g sat rasntsrr;t3, by the rmrix d the yY+~•n ,,i arni-arnt domain, inclydirsg sty arard ftx rtmys of <br />tirade of nay str-: a: other r,ud><~zy, a~h+ih aa•uds arc herby auignr,! to the yderrgagte art ate dtsttaed a pct of the putt; <br />taartgsa;cd hrtehy, an3 ~e Ai,=t-trzagec .a hereby n-+:thariacd sa =n7=vet .,n„ rrcri=t Est paas~z:, ~ ~'r. aararda, to giss mat <br />serritns sad araaittaoces ;!:rrt7^r. and to apply the sssne toward the paymr•tat of ti+t iadrbudaesa secured ~' thif )iartgagtC tstrt- <br />r:i4staediag ;M fait }hat the am.*.=nt sing [herran easy imt then hr due and payahlr: sad tht Msat~rrpr bttre-y agrasst, apu <br />rrQaeat, m make. e'srtau sad dt; is rr any awl s!! assigaaacnb sad a,thrr ir. ctra,n:cats s+:ffic ierrt for the parpear of assigaia/ flak <br />wrfs crud to :lee ?dorigxgrr, fzrr, slcar sad dasrhargrd a{ aq tn: amfatanc cs of nay 'kind of aaHUt tsbatseeaer; and <br />Tl)Gi7HE&, a=it6 a;; z.ght, title and initttst of the Mortp{tsar in amt to the land lying ie the strettts awd roads q ftMt ff <br />and adiaiaing the above dta.arttrd lzad ;all the ah.,vc drs.ribed land, 1•u~l.hnga, ester: rtenrtares, fiarares, asfirles a( panaeal <br />px npetty, awards sad otficr zigls:s a:w interrus be+ag hsttinsfrix rollr.t,ca lc •atttd tfa "mortgaged ptap•rry"). <br />TO HAVE AND 'SCT htOlD the m+u:gaped praaprrty every pstr thrrraf ants+ t1+e Mortgages: its atsocataara assd <br />frutver fee the pssrptues and asav htrna set fe:[N- <br />AND the iiartssgor further ,~•vrnants and ag: cos wish she Mnrtgagae, as follors: <br />]. Tht lletis;aF,or w-iZl ~.r~.wp:1t pay the prraripal ad sad intrrest nn the +ndtl+trduns rridtaced by dre NeNe, sad d! tN-tr <br />il+azgn ttaad indcbttdaess pt,sridrd therran sad is this Mortsage, at the t;:c_.n and is the manner prodded is the Nate trod m <br />this Y~t+rtdate. <br />=. 'I'hr dlarrtgag[x viii pay when d>$, sa herriwites prnridrd, ati ttnund renH, if sny, and ati sacra, tasessseats, atNSt <br />rafts and oar}:cr ;ocrramenta! at,=rocs, f.rm sad ia+pari.troas, oaf r:cry kin.! ar+.i nature whatar+cver, rase at hereafter impassd ea <br />ttu wr:,ratt.-,jrd proxrry. os any part thrrrrai, and w-iN psy wMa .fee rvray sm.~unt +d iadehteJncss sectsrad by :n7 {idt to ritittk <br />the fret saf dais ]dnrigage is caprrssly suhjecf. <br />3_ x:s ti,:rtgair as: :'R i' arrrc raranx~ ar' dsfiv red :a srsrr na::;s.-y: s-traxrt, nr to br adsaaisd, by the ~ <br />as ru as suxaaru of a leas rc[Jra,s cx! i+y ;ht Nest, Irv tht parposc of a.akuaat s3:e improremt»ts detaibsd w refuted 1® fa <br />dsr dgree~eni dated Dect~ber 28 is 79 , to ar w tit <br />tnartgagsd ~raperty, sad fst saach alher purpnx, iE nay, deutibd er relrrrtJ to thertia, rhich improartmeata art berafter udleo- <br />ti.efy islkd `imps:mstats." Tbr ).fartgagor aball make srr coax to he made all the improcemersta. IF the constrnrNan u <br />a,ttl3atiaa ;d the imprwremeau shall ao: 6e carried eat .isle tnsoaahle ditigtaet, a aAaf) be discosttiraaed at any tfsna for <br />as4 rtaan3, riser than sirikca, iarkaatx. acts rd tiol, fuu, fleeda r athrt simi{ar ataNropbin, riata, wsr or iaaturertiaa, IAs <br />3/+utgagae after doe statue sa tkt )itartgager is hereby aaymtised {aj to rntrr aeon rtes taastgaged ptaperq sad employ any wattl~ <br />a+em to praect the Iapsaaemeats Irum .igarrdatiae of iajw~ sad H preserrr and protect carte property, (b) to carry ost! nay <br />mall than r:istisg ceMratb tsetrten tfu )dsutgagor sad rttfmt putirs tut the purpose of making nay of the. Impcoaemanta, <br />(t) to make snd eaitr tern additiona3 =_oatracts a.tsd iatsx obligseivos fnr the purposes of casnplNing the improvteatata parseaat <br />so the ebligaisms of the lfortgagnr httrnzadrr, titbn is tbt acme of the M,utgagre ar the Mortgagor, and (d) to psy and diasbatpi <br />