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<br />9. Upon any fsitu;e Sy the Afortgag„r In [omply with or p<rforu any of the terms, mv<nants or cun<)itinns of this Mort- <br />gage requiring the payment of any amount nt mun<y Sy the Mortgagor, oih<r d, ~n the principal amount of the Inan <videnred by <br />the Nott, inter<st and other ,hat rrs, as pnsvidcd io [be Natq the Mwt};rgr-c at its option make such payrncnt, Every <br />paymrat so made by the Mortgagee (inrL:.iing rnsnnahle attomcy's fPcs imurrnlr'~tbcrchy), with intrrest thereon from the date <br />of such payment, at the rate of s x prnent (C> a) prr annum, tarps .u,y pry mrut hrc cvbirh a di(ferem n,te n( interest is <br />specified herein, shall be payable by the Ainrtpagor to the Atortgagee ar demand .:ud <h.,^ 6c secured by this Mortgage. This <br />Atortgagt rich respect to any sm6 amount and the iutcrest Ihcrcon, shall :onUitntc a tun on for mortgaged property prior to <br />aor other lirn attaching or uauing cn!scqucnt to the lien of this Martgagr <br />iD, 'Ille Mortgagee, by any of ns agents ur rrprcccntativo, shall !u re eery right W incprrt the mortgaged properly from time <br />to time ai any reasuaablc hour n( the day. Should the mortgage) property. .•r .,nr Cart thereof. at any time require inspection, <br />repair, tare or attcntian of any kind or nature not provided hr th,s binrtcagr >s dctuminni i,y the h{ettga~cc in its sole dis- <br />tretiua, the Afonaagrc may, .:ftrr n..tirc t.-. the Mongagnr, entry nr o::+r .r;vy t,. !.e made ::pan, t6r mnrtgagrd property, and <br />irtsnect, repair, protect, ore f,-r or u,ainu in such property, a the Mortgar, ruy~ ut rts sole dish Cion deem necessary, and may <br />,~ p:q as amounts of money t'.:cr<h+r, as th< Atortgagcr :nay in its ud. .ticu e:,,,a alecm necessary. <br />tl, Thy principal amour: on~ing :n the Nnic tngcsh<r riBr inter[<t tir,nm and all other rh:rgcs, as therein prarided, <br />aed all other :mounts of money ,:,clot by the Mortgagor to the MnrtgaF,r pursuant to and secured or intrndn! to be secured <br />$' by ibis Mnagage, sha?! immeai:amk brrun:c due and payable without notirr ..r demand upon the appointm<nt of a rretirer of <br />.1ur7 liquidator, ahether ra?untary- or :n+:,lurury, for the Afongagor or any of the property of the Dinrtgagor, or upon the filing of <br />a prtitiau Sy nr agsinst the AL:rtgagar under the provisions of any ~:ate insnlrcncy law•, nr under the prmilions of the Bank- <br />. tuptt7 Act of iD98, ss amrndrd, or Upnn the m: kmg isy the Afurtgagnr „f an assrgmncnt for the benefit a( the Mortgagor's tredito`rs. <br />~ Tlu A[wtgngre is authmuc.i ;, doalarc, at eta opium, all a anp part .,f eu,h in,IchRdnns immediately due and yayahk upon~iht <br />happening of aay of zh:~lo1!orting rs-cot. <br />(a} caiiu:c to par the amount of any costa llmrnt of ycinciyal and intrrest, nr other rhargrc payable an she Note, rhie6 shall <br />hzYt become duq pr;ar to the due .'.are of the n<rt such imtallmrnt; <br />(b) Nanprdormanrt Sy the Af:•rtgagnr ut anq <nrenaat, ageermrnt, :rem nr rontiition of this Mortgagq nr of the Mote <br />(rzrrpt a otlrcrrisr pr„vidcd in sulsdisi.;arr (al h;rrrt) as of any other agrrtmrnt heretofore, hererith nr hett:fttt made <br />6y the A2a:tjagar rich the Mortgagor in [onnn tins aith su,h htedness; <br />a) €ad!~ °,.t .?' ,n, - . ,,, qr= ,, R ,,- -~ -- agrrtmeni, rent, .,: coniltiwm in any instrument [rnung a lien upon <br />the maetyaged pr ~~cY. s~~•'., any part tAcrc of ~a filthy shall ha.r p:,rnty nrcr tf,t lien of this Mortgage; <br />(.!) 7]ae Alnrtg~gee's disco+-;:v a! ISe Rtnslgae.,r's ililare in any appi,,atuan n1 the Mort;agnt to the M:rttgagee to dlKitste <br />aay fa.t deemrJ br t',r R6, ,g>Fer to f+c msirrt.d. or ul ;he nukutg ihcrrin ur in any of the agreements entered into <br />ty t!,c MartF:gs with :nr Man igagce (srrluJ, ng, Sot oat limart! m, the Note and :fin Mortgage) of any Inisrepresea- <br />fatinn by, an bc!:aif :f ~.- I:~r itx !+crx(rt oi, the M.+rtgapr,; <br />(e) The utr, talc ar other +r:asfrr .,E aay krnd nr nature nt shy m.:rty-ag.~d props ip, or am p>rt tirrrrnf, ri!hout the print <br />srri«ta ranxat [af tiac Rh rsgaere; <br />ff) T7,e caa rtment art:: ,..r .'..t< ..: thu ?tvtgagr of any laaa r•I it:< Starr of Nrhrnska d-lusting from the slut of <br />she m+=<tgagtd pro-acrry in fart thn:af), tar the pureosc ..{ raaahnn, any lira thcrm.n, nr rhanpng in any .ay <br />;:a tars far tfx uaavon of r,. rsga;es +,r d.fin sn urrd }ry i. nsa;agr Inv state nr 3ora1 prr: p,•sn, nr tLe r.:mnrr of calk[- <br />t.;.n W any sn,!: faz, s. as t., stir,; :.u< Mnagagr. an.i it after s,uh en..,n+ent ., :hangr for holdu of the \ote aad t2xis <br />Atortgagt Fi.rz rr,t!,n n,,.,rc to the Ri.:rsisXa.r 3<. faring th< \s,te :nd alt other :-e-labte,lnes. scvr<d hr this hluttga±e <br />si Sx .!.:c a.:d ;aya'-:c, hr aa.a of any su.h rnaameat art Qunge, ir.nnediatcly Yp.m the rap:•ariun of thirty (?b) days <br /> soar aati:r. <br />17sc A[aargagrrs #ai!urr so rzct: isr ary of its light: hrrrundtt shalt Host ,onsdfute a vsvivcr thrtn E. Aq the rants in this Partr <br />graph essurerattd upon tit !:apprnrnF ..f any ai .. filch nc~ Notr shall hraan:e. or may hr .lecfarrd to hr, immesliatrly d+u and <br />gayahtt, arc an :leis A2utSa};r .atic.i ":. rots ::' Jr•,.ul:.. <br />!3 ilsc Mortgagor may trr:m to time tort nth drfaula under ar:y tuvrnans o; ag:nrnent in an} inztrumtal crratinj a <br />Lra upuu the rrsattgaged prnncny, or any fart Shermf, :filch shat! },aye priaritr- nvrr the hen of tSis Atortgagt, io svth taint <br />as tl.r Atottbagre :nay n;tus, s-rly drtrrrn:^.r, sad rah amount poi.{ (if az,y3 1~y rite Mortgagor to tort ary such default shall be paid <br />3y the A7 artFai>+ to the Rf.:: tgager; an.! il,r 1.iorigagn shall aisn Lc,nmr Buhr. g>ta! to afutr.ct rights the l,nldrr of the prior <br />lira tnigAt four undca surly :,,s ..,,ra-nt. <br />3}. {:? Alter rest 2upprr.tng .,f a^.s driault ix.cuadrt, 4ht Mongag<.r sf,a!! arpnn dcma+sd csf rise Mortgagoe surrender posses- <br />tioa at aht rrmrtGsgtd peapr:ts :.t efa,~ Afvas~arrr, an3 riu ,{.~:igaxct rr s :.,,rr cr.,h prnprrty, and !ct the tame arsd crlleet alt the <br />nuts thvdtam r2ri.h ar: .1ru +~ t.: her l.nx dw., and apply rise z::or, a,.er pa ranrnt of all ihugrs end raprtisn, nn account of <br />Llse indr3stednrss isrirby sr.urcd. and ..I! su.h rents and al? lr:ses raiNrnt ar the time of inch default are herc!+y assigned to the <br />Mtat~agrc u furtixr sr.-u?.ry ire t!:r }+.,r„arnt s,f th+ indchtr.imss s<a urns h::, try, and ti>t Mnrt[ag<c may also dispossess, Sy the <br />ua:u1 wmttury pr:,crn?ings, ,*,s •~ n.nt ..fault,ng an sbr par,u:nt uF any r~. of t„ the Horlgager.. <br />16) 1a ttu nr~t t!u A!.~•t};ac.~t .•,. , its ±ir m.•ttgaFrd pi,=p<rh or ary part th<rmf, the Mntfgtgor agrees to sutreatkr <br />pazussi+sn ssf su,h {rol+c:;s' .,: tL: M,rrsg,r;rr :.,.::u~d:atrh afmr any s.~,h ,...,aaat f.ra.n.f<r, aed d she Mnrsgagat remains io ptia <br />srsaia.e attrr soar J.:au!t ...., 1; s.. .,.., shaft .'-e a, . ., a;st ,~f the Ai:.rt,cay., r' amt r},r Ainri s}:a11 <br />drm>aiby :lx R'..:rrgagrr, as a a.-,.~.,.. .. ,u.:urhiy r: u't.rx ti:, scnns,s,K::.. g>~ r Cay in advance, upae <br />• f r :'d l+q trio Air.rtg>gr+i, an Lmrilinl at !tall r YlYafrnt <br />tv mrrarlfrh of nhr ate,:cKa:r : ,!,: :. _. ...onthiy nins;a!lrnrnts p., •htc :n the currrnt carry. {ar year. plus tiro actual amuuat of <br />t}rr aaa,_a7 gs..amd ::n±, ;{ ::. _.__ .. _,<>,.n. ,. a>tr rat:z, or her r ,r , n::ntal .ha rgcs an.i inwunre prrmmms payable is <br />cona^z-stun ~,:h s!,r .nng~>,rTl , pr: ry slut:ng}sn.:,h v<zr, and up:rsi the la:lurr of the A{nrtgagor Ir. pay such monthly rental, <br />.rr 4mt;ag_:r trsa. alit ?+. , .,sr.i t,y t4,r usual summary proceedingv apl,lrcablr to serarts- This tnvreun[ shall beettme <br />rffrrtirc tryst-dis:r!y +:;rn '' i... ..~,,R :,# auy sorb do laver, as drtrxns,r„d au .sr se.!r .i;,: reti,:n of test Mrrt-a <br />a gee. rho shall <br />govt nntx.r t+l nu.,: lrtcs:~.::aa!,..n ;,,~;i.x Rf .:: rgagrr, and trz ttse cast u( fury:inxurrtaad !hr •ppnintmrnt of a rncirrr o{ the reatt. <br />fiat rrthia rarrrn: oat; in..;c s.: •..: firert.t of such rr. r:srr. <br />i1 3'he M,•rigagr in a.y auara en f,aca!rsc lfe,, Aiu::gagr a21a11 -`re vd;t lr.i t„ ihr appo,.vment of a rtctivrr wit!mut entice, <br />as a mater. at rghi an.l ,.:elx.,at rrgus to ffit +alue of the marigagr.i pnq•n iy. ,n the ,atrrmy ar insnlvrn:y of the Alar[gajot <br />w otircr pony 3iai.4r ter +h- y;n:c ca al r:.r ±:;=tr and .afar arrdldasrdocss .,:urri i•y ri:is Aiortgagc <br />t5 77ir Mon;agar, .ci3.+n t; ,; fta) .lays upon request in person or rithin tw~rnty (20) days upon request hF mail, rill <br />fvrasish promptly a a~rr:ern stasrn:nst ir. form sarista.ivey t.+ the Afott,gaKr <, .sgnrJ by the Mwtgagot and duly arknurltdgcd, of <br />the aasoauat risen aw•aog as the Nsrtr and aU+cr indebtedutu ururrd by :his Atortgagt, and whether any offsCrs ur defenses <br />raise agaitus s~ irsdrbtedness ar aq3 ?a:t 3hrrco2_ <br />15. 1'yse 2deatgagor +<iil girt ixnn:r.iiate notice Ly registrrrA ar [ertifird mail to the MnrtFagre of any {ire, damage at other <br />txsua3sy afi..tasg test styartgxgrd praprrty, m of auy cnnveyaMe, irandrr nr .ttanF, in arrsrrship u( such property, or any part <br />'therm[. <br />l7, hiotirr sad deauad ar request may be made in *--~~%ng and may ht urvrd to person or by mail. <br />ig- 3a tau of a forrrioswe salt of i'T; taortgaSr.t property it may be sold in vnr parch. <br />iA The Afortsagot rill not assign thy. rrnis, if any. in rho~r of in o~r1. ±r ua: die mortgag<d proper ty, or any part thereof, <br />v+thovt the prior rrittca rnnu~nt r:( s}x AfuriFa grc. <br />