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<br />8Q-- ~U~` ~ ` ax ) <br />ail Jebts, obligafinns and liabilities incurred by reason of any action taken by the Mortgagee, as provided in this Pangraph, all <br />of which amounts so paid by the hfur!gagrr, with intrust thereon from the date of each such payment at the rate of theta percent <br />{3 rk) pct annum, shall be , ayablt by the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee nn demand and shall bt secured by this Atortgage. <br />~. No building or other structure or fmpcovemmt, fixture nr personal property ~rttortgaged hereby shall be removed or <br />demolished without the prior written conscrt of the Afnrtgagx ,. The Mortgagor will h.,t make, petpsa or suffer any alteration of <br />or addition to any building ar other Strurh+re or improvement now or which may hereafter b< erected or installed upon the <br />mortgaged property, or any part thnroE, except Um improvcmrnts «qui«d to he made pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof, ear <br />will the Martgagor use, or permit or softer the use nf, any of the mmegagiYl property for am purpose other than the purpox <br />or purposes for rhich the ume is now intrnded to br used, without the prior a-rittrn consent of tear Mortgagee. The Martgagor will <br />nuinu in ehr mortgaged , mprr*.y in g,>~-d rorditien art:! state of repair and will n,.t xu(ftr er permit inq waste to any part thereof, sad <br />will promptly comply with all tine roquircmentz a; Federal, stale and local gnvcrnm<nts, or of any departments, divisioes or <br />bureaus thereof, pertaining to such prop~rtq or any part thereof. <br />1. The Mortgasat rill not voluntat ily ttnt<, nr permit or suffer to hr created or M ezisL on or against the mortgaged <br />property, or env pars thereof, any lice supreme !n the lien of this Atartgagr, cxrlusive nF the lien or liens, if any, to which <br />this Afertgage is expussiy subject. as act forth in the granting clau<c ahnee, and wilt k<tp and maintain the same free from <br />the claims of all patUCS Supplying ar marrialz which wiH enter iota the construction M installation of the Improvemtnfs. <br />ti. {a) The Moagagar will kn~p all buildings, athrr strucn:rrs an.l imprnvrmrnts, inAudieg tquipersenL now czisting or <br />which mq~ hr: rafter l+c erected w metalled on :he hnd mnrtgagai hereby, iu<ereJ against Inn by tier and Mher hazards, <br />rasuaitin arad mntingrndn, in surh amounts a:ad manner. and for surh periods, all as may hr required Erom lima to time by <br />the Martgatet- I'nirss otherwise required hp the Martgagn, alt surh insuurt:r Thal! be efitctrd by Standard Fite and Emnded <br />Coverage lamran« ta,iicin. 7n anamts and tt<=. than ntcr<sarr to .nmp!y ~.-tth the minsutancr louse percrntage of the valve <br />applicable to dx luau,>n tad chars: xrr nF the proprrtr to be ,.wrrcd..ill <rch ;n<uran« <hali he orried in companies approvtd <br />by the Mor±gagre and all paHairs thrcfor shalt lse in such farm and shall have art,. he.i thrreta lass payable clauses in favor of tM <br />Martgagrc ind any other parties as shah hr utisfau,uy ar ehr SMrtgagrc All uuh polls its and attachments thereto shalh 6e delivered <br />pramptl; to ibr Murtgagrr, un!ns they art rcqui«d M be dr?irrrr.l t, ehr hafder of a lien of a mortgage or similar inSicu- <br />rntrti to wltirA this Mortgage is rzprrssiy s-~b+rrt, in wh+. is 3attrr carne xrrGfi,atr. thermf, satisfutory to the Mortgagor, shall be <br />drfivttrd ntaantir to ehr_ Mariasgrr The }+f,'?rrnag.>r will ,_, - _--nrt.• w~laen :lu. at hrre.t..txk via __ry _ rye _u <br />pctnaiums nn surh insurance, and is rrr•y case in which NvmrntnEhnrnf not o-.adc Tram the dcpnsih therefor «quirtd by this <br />Mortgage, p:amptly submit to the hfertgagee far caaminatinn ;r<eipts or ether rcidence nt such payment as shall be satiaEa~Mty <br />to the lalortgalyer. '71st Mortgagee mac rbtain and pay the ptrrttium nn {bnt shall !se andcr nn a6ligaainn to do so) every kited ~ <br />insunnte rtgaaiud hereby if the amount of surh premium has not h«n depnsiltrl as required f+y this Mattgage, in which eras <br />tht MmtgaSat will pap !a tM Martgagor every premium sn pail by the Mortgagee. <br />~) in ibc creaI Df lass ar damage is ibe mnrtgagtd plOprrty the h{n[t,ta~'af will trite ra L}fr MtKtgaglY Immtdlite n0fire <br />ilxrrxaaf by mail, sad th; Marignger may rmkc and felt prxsot of Inns if not made rtherw~i<r prompNr lay ar on belulf ref the <br />3darteaRor. Farla irasuraau rnmpaay izsuin; any curb pnlicS is hrrrhr autttarixd and directed M make payment herruadr. ter <br />inch tau dirtcxly fa the ?tarigaFcr_ taxies.] a! to the Martgagor and the hf,>rtesg*e jointly, unless the amount of loss is pay- <br />able #izst so ehr balder of a lira under s mortgate nr similar instrument to which this Mortgage is rzpmaly subject; sad the <br />inseraarr pre;: ra3x ar any part ihcrn;i is -rrrirrd tsy the Martga rte may br applic3 by the Mortgagee, at its a}-+,ian, rithef <br />in rnlacrion of ilu ixsdelstrdxss I,cuby xwrcd. of to the restnntina as ,•epair ref the inn:tgaltad property damaged. I• <br />text even! 3 farasiasert of this Mnngagc, ar of anp irxnsirr of talc to d,r mortgaged praprrty in eztinguishmrnt of mtb iadebt- <br />rd+srss, ali rig1aL title sad intr. rsi of i1u Mmtgagar in and to every surh inwnnre policy thin in force, subject to the sighb <br />aa3 interest of ehr hoid:r of am surh prise lien, sfsall pan to the grantee acquiring title to the mnrtgagtd prapcttp togNhtr with <br />surh ptaliry sod appropriate auignmsvit of snrl: right, litlt and interr<t which shall hr nude by the Mortgagor. <br />7. {a) in order xaarr fully to prntaY tine umritp of this hlortFagc. the Mar(gagrcr Shall deposit ar;W the Ma»sagee to- <br />gribrr +fh, and in additia~ io, the garment of priaripa! sad interest en+,nrhly a~ arrauat of the Note secured hereby, mtil <br />the Nm ix paid io full, an amount of ruaoty egos) to else tag] amanni of (i) grnand rrntx, if soy, next becoming due, (ii) the <br />pzteiuius rust bertsming dnc <m the poliria of fire at>d all Sather haraxd insuraaxe sxquirrd }ar +his '{ortgage with rtspect M the <br />avartgagrd property, (iii) assts, issesxatrnfs, wain rater grad othca f.,rnnmertal char;cs neat tset'aming dal on the mortgaged <br />prxy+nty {all the fwegaieg smoenta as estimated lay the Murtgagrr amt art forth in a written notice of such estimate 61 the <br />Mattgagte to the Mo:tpgnt tram time to time}, less alt amounts that nuy alsradr have 1+een paid therefor, divided Icy the number <br />of ca;xadar raonibs to elapse bda:e sat ralrafat tnxaath prim to ehr date a-hcn sorb granisd rests, premiums, tarts, :SyBa- <br />ma-mx, wtatre r.a4-s aa9 es2iatt graerramrnu! .:rasptx. resprxtiro~ely, sill brcc,nu ds.r seed payahje. If anp aemunt referred to io <br />datssts {i) dataa~ flit) bored is ztquatd to 1st deposited by test Martgagor under a mortgage or similar instrument hariag <br />praarity Deer ibe iiass of this Mortgage, the M:vtgzgm shall make the dcia>sitz ;syuirrd h'- this Paragraph i only in t3te treni d tlx <br />tectiairian of sorb alaligatum armlet the prior mnflgagc m similar instn:astnt. Thr Meztgagu shall give prompt aotec< is writ- <br />ialt sa the ldartgagae d tbt oc:-vntnre d the last-mr-atinaad event :111 surh amnontx as Jepusi2rd wins iht Maregnet shall bt <br />hdd l+t she Mwcigagar,.or•nny agaat desigaased by it, in trust e, far ux,l „n:t_ f,v tear patmmt rd such ground «nts, prrrsuuma, <br />teats, asaaaraenis, wa7~- sates sad arbor garemmraul charges. Na satrrrzt shall bt payable by ehr Mortgagee on an7 sum to <br />dr~mittd. <br />fb) All ansesan[s required m 1st dgasrtrd within ehr Mortgagee rnrnthly is arcvrdance rids Paragraph 1{a) htimf, and due <br />araauni rxf Princspt3 and iatetttt to bt paid tarp merit: an acznaxsi of the Nr>!r shalt f+e a.l.ini Mgether, ind the aggregate amoaat <br />thcyerd s1n:1 tar pai« b}~ the liartFaxar to tFe Mottgagsz is a sxgg:r paytrunt t,> br applz'rd by else Mnrtgagrr as atraunt t~ ~ <br />iadr3'irsltaess of ibr Mtv-egagex put>~~Ynt to the Nnlr and this MrMgapsr {to the ettent that monies are available From Wt <br />aratsasi ae deposited), is rkr xudr, any praviairaa d tfx Nair it ibe rnntru7 naiwithstaaiiag, as follows= <br />FIitST, to ebe late charges, if sap. rrfnrrd fa is the Nair; <br />SECQp4D, to for asmmtt oaf sack gratmd crests, ~ asy, fire sad aM.-. teased insuriace premii:ms, testa, asmsmmts, vwter <br />rates sad elf er gatrtrnmtotal charges rrrluirrd io Ise paid ender the prof:.-nos of Shis Mortgage. ie rhatsm xqurnct tbt <br />liarigagre >n+7 eulusi.ely riNermizte; <br />THUD, to iss~rst due rm the Nmt; quad <br />FOI7LZ'N, ibe swtsitsder, to else }vinrg+al Sur cu+ We Neer. <br />Aq d~ritary in Hsr araeuat of say sacb aggregate atsranthty payment shall. unless paid 6y the ldortgagm Prior to the due daft of <br />nbt runs sods degtoait pyadslt, -aoas>aitnte an <>•eat ref defasstt nt>dar this Moetgage. <br />{c) Atq atesss faad; Wet away be utxsawtlatod 6y reastm ref the deptssits ragnircd under Pa ragnph 7{a) hereof, rersuioiag <br />after payaaai d t1,e amemstz descn'bed in rlausn (i), {ii) and (iii) thermf, shall fat audited in subsequent rrspectivr estonWtp <br />aatwatwis d We Sasso aatart zcgnttest m be paid tbaeetxadrr, N aey Serb amasmt shall rzrted the euieute therefor, We Mortgagor <br />+iudl forWseirit Pay m 4be llortgagr~ for aanunt a( sM6 e}tfisieary upasn written natter leg t}se of flee amount thereof, <br />Fa~rue tg de las be#o:r z~ rMr date o! ~ smwsart Wa19 4 sus tvr. , d default undo Wis Mortgage. If the mortgaged Prop. <br />eery is soli netts ferrt9psare at is at6rrariat uquirtd by the Mortgagee, after default by the Mortgagor, any remainieg <br />Asi~tsce d We atxatotdatiatas "seder Pa*+traPh 7(a) beret]; .Semi] be credited to the principal amount awing on the Note as of the <br />dMt ~ coaesstaeet~M of ftuetlmare Prareedla0 for due moatgaged prapcrry, or as of the date the mortgaged property is <br />otlecnrist to xNsuaed. <br />L Tate' tageresemeats and aif plain sad apecifintinnz therefor shall comply with all applira6le municipal ordinances, ~rg~~ <br />ktmm,, aei rrrlea made or ptamaiCated by la'wfal auWariry, sled upon their rompirtion shall comply therewith. <br />