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i <br />-- '~ - Farm HUD"No. 6.38•Ncb. <br />(Sec. 3x2 Loan) <br />(((Rerisrd Aug. #970) ~~gg r~ ~~-x ,g ~-x <br />C?V~` ~~M~~ lfl ~ ~ l ~t t1 \it <br />This Mortgage msde u a( the 23rd ~ day of October 19 79, be¢sern <br />c18dyS E. Miller (hereinafter railed, and if more titan oee patty totally gad <br />sevtral3y haeisaher railed "Mortgagor'), residing at 424 North Taft H811 County, Nebraska <br />- - and the United States of Am«ira (hrrrin:free ralfesi "'~#attgagce"'), acting by :nd throagk @x LTrpartmmt of Housing-gad Urbae <br />Dndapeteent having a Ilegiam! Office :t 41I North Walnut, KanSflS City ,gad <br />Spt_ of KiSSQtiTi <br />1~7TN£SS£TH,~tlpurti io secure the paymrnt of an indebtedaeu in thr principal amount of Three ThOllsaIId, POUT <br />$t3idT8d ~ NO~1Htliia» (,{ 3,40Q. 00 ), with interest thrrrnn, which shall 6e payable in accordance wide t <br />certain note hearing cute date herewith, s true and correct copy of shi;h, cuiusize of the signature of the Mortgagor, aaarktd <br />"Sekedtilt A° is, amnted hereto gad madr a part hereof, aced all other indehtcdncss erhich the Mortgagor is obligated to pay to <br />thr Mortgajxe pursuant to the provisions of the Nate and this Marytage, the Itlortgagor hrreby grants, conveys gad trwrtgsgsr <br />to tkc Moefia#tee; <br />Tke foUowiag descrihed pcopecq situ:tc in $811 County, Nebraska. <br />.r <br />Lett One {1}, Fractional Lot Tw (2) in Block Seventeen (17), <br />Lttmbertes Addition, City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />7'OGEEHEH, sriLk alt apparrraaxtrrs tkereto gad ill the curie and riFfets o€ the Murtgagnt in and to suth property a 7n <br />.anywise appatauweg tkessto; aA huildiass and other stractum natr ~r haeaft« thereon ctened or installed, gad ill Fisea[aa <br />apd atiiclrs nr perstsaat pa~opertr ne=• ~ h«raftcr sttatind m, M ascd is ar in the apentiaas ol, gay sruh laced, bnildigp ttt <br />urrKtwet vrt eh are aieaatsasy ro IM caafptt:t sue anel ocxnpaney ad weft buil:lings ar servrturcs €oz riot pstrpns4 €or whicL ~iq~ <br />were ter art ro he atcMd ax iauilkd, tMtsdang, bar not Irmrttd to alI hratifltt plamb:ng, hathrooas, #ighhrta, coobpg, latatsdtP, <br />.truiLiing, rtfrigerctitq, m.~rariag, an.l air-crsaditionigg egeiprnent gad fizxurrs and alt rrpl-remeeru tlrveul aced additisaw <br />tkeseta, whctksx ar sot Ike same art or sluU lee sttrdwd to such land, lwi#~cings or rG-acturei in any tentless; <br />210GFtHEIt, title atg gad all ascsrds pow ar k«ta#m made ter the taking o€ thr pr;spetty awartgaµd kertbP, a aaq <br />faux xhrreo€ {itecistdiag ary asraieat), by tits sarrcire d ehe po.t-« of rminrot domain, iec#udirtg aa7 award fee sfiau~e of <br />#nade o3 any strcn at etk« rnadsa}•, shirk awards are kacky assigned m the ltiongar~cr gad are deeded a rnrF ~ tks prr <br />aaticd hasty, rasd Ace ftK is kccby sa~riaad ~ voile : atsd rrrriae eke putxceda of s:a3 avsrds, ~ gist P <br />zacriysts gad atsyaietaxerts th«efru, gad to apply rise rame xa.-ard the payment of ~ ~ sccerxd by dsis aaF <br />-wiaj der faR dot ekr asanumt owing rkerave rimy got tletxt he dur gad payaklc, and eke MotspgM kereky ags+txa, rgeoq <br />xe4aest, xa snake, eaesvte used dAircr gay aa3 :!! assi~ameats gad ath« instrumrnts safCicirM for the pserpore M asaigedsg tall <br />xrk award ro tke lli~tiaagte, ixet, chyr gad discksrsed at aq rn-ntttfiraac-s of sety kind ar sainre rrhahoeeer; and <br />TQGFT'fi£7L wi$ all rigkt, title ctrl iwmeu of eke It#ortgagor is and to thr Led fyiag ea tlx ursth gad leads is {real of <br />sad adjaiaiag tke akore dsurs~bad land jaU rise aia.e dacrihed land, l+uildiegs. outer uructures, fiztnres, artsda of ptesaarel <br />prapat;> awasda and alter rights and iareresu kr+q lecreiaah« tdirctiFrty called tlx "rtsortpged prop«ry°)- <br />TD F€AY£ AA11vt TC) FiQ!-D Ilse sssorEpttted property gad crrry part rhrreaf auto the Martgager. itr aucesao» gad asaiyes <br />- €asress far :Iw paspmn asd ears krreia set €tsrk- <br />AND xke ltdurtp8rsr €urtls« caseiuats sod ages situ the 1(ortgagre, :s folMss: <br />3. Ths M sill prasrgttly pay eke }uiscipal o€ nnri inmost an the indclstcdMss rridenced by the Note, and sil e~ <br />ekasgs sad iadcktedmr prvcidrd thtrc~ and in this Mortgage, a: the titees and in the magna prattled in the Nate ated im <br />_ tkis Marrjagc. <br />].. Thr #detigagar will pay .-lsess dsu, as htrs+aaher pmcided, all n-aund rrnts, if my, gad atJ taxes, assewaeata, Crater <br />ratrs gad otteer yestrnmtntal rxiargn;, hers a~ ideas, o€ errry kind rag natwe shatsoer«, >wzr oz h«nfret itttpared an <br />the mnrtgagd prnperq, assay pars tbrzeaf, and si#l pay when lac Bray am..uat rK indebtedatu atctirtd br any lien to thick <br />tfae lira of tkis 3tartgsR is rxPtnsty subtax- - <br />-- ~ 3. i`m~ Morgtr~ge sad Fae Wiese saett eatrated gad dclirrrd m sasrr mnntYs adsatued, nr to let ad+sMad, try the Mottgagx <br />as or na acrr,uset o€ a 'Lag tzi3cnztd ley the Edme, €w tke propose of making t}x iagero*einroq dearribed w rslcnrd to is <br />die 1-gaq~fs~nC , dated f3ctobeT 25 , i9 79 . to ar m eke <br />paaper3j, aetsi €or wn6 atksa peaxpeae, # seg. dacdbed ssr refene^d to therein, which impro•esoetsea are 6eteefxtr soUtc- <br />_ -tram ca#lad "~ipraASrnmh." 3'#~ ##orr,`rpit- aia~ swke ar asrae ~ lrs made atl tM lmproseaersb. !f the eanstructian or <br />- - - - -~xxdl~an-. af. the ii~saaxetaun- aliali wt_x Its snried aN ,trill tcasanahh- diliAmce, or shall h- diacenNered at any time far <br />say assasa+$, 9Lkst ~~xs. les'ksa#s, act of 1Sad. Eisen, fleada or ottaa simiLr ratastrophi», rieta. wu or iasutraction, dig <br />~_'~a iVa toxic; a-der !(etitSyptr is kiaaYP astliacimd:#a) to ent« Capon the tstoregaged Propene sod etgpioy any wattle. <br />~ ~: s6a lalps4aas6gb fwm itgsscdatraa. ss irt}ary~ and to peeserrr gad protect such property, (b) to arty out gay <br />_ ati#ittj awb7atia beiwms eke k4ort~3Sar and eit«. parriss for the purport of making aey of fhe lmpro.emeats, <br />- {c) fa asd sus -addit#aaaI rpaRractr sad ianx akt€p#ioas for the purposes e€ tompktiag dss lmprorrerteats pwreant <br />+4 Ae db~auams of tkr g+H-aecraader, eitkt: ie t4re ststae ~ ~ Martga~e or eke -torr;agxx, gad {d) to Pay aed diachasge <br />r <br />