<br />$ .,,. ~~~t, ~3~
<br />y-Vpon any failure by the biortga got to comply wi:h ar pcrfor^i any of the terms, covenants nr conditigns of this Mort•
<br />Batt ttaluiriag the paymrnt of cap amount of money by the Mortgagor, other than the principal amount of the loan evidtncrJ by
<br />the Note, intttert and other <ha rGCS, as provided iu the Natq the ifr,rtgagtt• m.,y at its option male such payment. Every
<br />paymrot so madt by the htortgagec (inau.ling rrasamble alMrnry's fees incurred dren•hy), with interest thereon from the date
<br />of such p:ymrnt, at the me of xis percent (b%t) per annum, except :my p.~ynxnt fur which a different rate of interest is
<br />aperificd Mrcin, shall be payable 6y the biottgagor so the Mortgagee on dcmanJ auJ shall be secured by this btortgagr. This
<br />b{ottgage with rezptct [o any such amount and the interest thucort, shalt mnsiih+tr a lirn nn the mcttgaged property prior to
<br />,ray other tirn attaching az accruing xuhscqucnt to tha• tiro of this Martgag<.
<br />19. The Mortgagee, by any of its agents or representatives, shall have nc~ right to inspect the mortgaged property from time
<br />io tfmt-ar aaq reasunablr hou: of the Jay. Sfwvid the mortgaged prapccty, ar .:nY Fart therea#, at any time require inspection,
<br />repair, tart at attention of any kind or naurr not provided by this hiartgage as determined hp the hicrtgagce in its sole dis•
<br />craion, the Dtor[gagee may, aftr, mrtite to the Mangagn r, ewer or cause entry fu he made upon, dc< mortgaged property, and
<br />iasrrct, repair, protect, ore iuz nr maintain such property, as the Mortgagee may m its so?c disrre!ian deem necessary, and may
<br />paq afl amounts of money Baczefac, as the 2.iongagce msp in its sole discrctinn deem netessxry.
<br />Il. 7ht Prinripai amount awing on the NMe together with interest the, eon znd ai! other charge:, a therein provided,
<br />aed all other amounts of money .•w-ing Sy the h{ortgagor to the Mortgagee pursuant to and srcurcJ or in[endeJ to be ucuttd
<br />by this Mongage, stall imnaediaselp become due a ~ payable without notice nr demand upon the appointment of a receirtr or
<br />liepuidatar, whether volurtarY or in.~aluntary, far .ae Mortgagor or any of the property of the hfnrigagvr, ar upon the filing of
<br />a petition by ar against the Aiurtgagor under the ptorisions of anp State insalrency law, ar under the Provisions of the Banit-
<br />rrsple7 Act of 3898, ss amraded, or upon the maaing by the Mortgagor of an assignment for the benefit of the Mortgagor's creditors.
<br />The ?larttatrc is authorizcaf to Jnlarr, ai its option, atI ar any part of such indchtnlncss iaamediattip due and payable upon the
<br />luppeoing ri any of~aSe•lollowing events:
<br />{s) Failure io pay the amount of any installmrnt of principal and interest, ar other charges payable an the Notr, which shat)
<br />hate become due, Friar to the due date of the arzt snc}s iastaltment;
<br />(b) Naaperforaurae hq the Mortgagor o: any ravrnant, agreement, rcrm ar condition of this Mortgagq ar a( the Note
<br />{ezeept as odcrrv.•ise Provided is suSsiivisiun (s) hrrc.:f) ur of any nthrr agreement heretofore, htrewith nt hetnftec rnadt
<br />by Uu Idonatgtar with the Mortgagee is rortaeriinn ss•ith such irs.tshitdncis;
<br />(e) Failure taf the M vzgagor [o perform any rovrnani, agreement, term ur condition in any instrument creating a lien upon
<br />tlae morttatrd pruptny, ar anq part tturrot, shah shat) have priruity over the Iien of this Mortgage;
<br />{at) The Morttagttis dtirnrrty of the h{ar:gagor•s failure in any aPFli.ation of the Mortgagor la the Mortgagoe to drsctoie
<br />anp fan darmrd by the Mo:tgagtr to Sr atuuzial, ar of the making therein or in ray of the agrcernrnts rntued into
<br />by s{ae ManKgnr aith Vtac Mortgagee (irattauiatat, but not Simitrd ta, 2tu Note anJ this Mortgage) of any miutpremr-
<br />t:tion by, an Dehilf of. nr for tlxi iuncfit :,#, the Mortgagor; -
<br />(e) The ate, Irasr ra other srans#rr of nay kind nr nature +af 1hr rrrc,rtgagn! pmpcrtq, ar nay part thtttoi, wrtbout the pyior
<br />artiiiea content at the Marrggte;
<br />(f) 73r raacimrat after the .tare of this \ksrtgagr of any taw of itu Sta;t of Nrbnska drductiag from tT.t valor of
<br />the raortta3td proFery far acv Fart thereof), for the purpoxr +d tazation, nay lien thtt<esn, M rhs ngiag fn nay sap
<br />;b laws fa S3+c tautioa of mm~tages or dr3ats srturcd by anorsgage far ;rate ar tarot purFnses, or the rnantarr of m11K-
<br />tiaa eat nay surer taz, sa az to affect th:: Ntasagate, cad i! after wrh rnanmrnt at change 2hr hotdtr of the Note and this
<br />giaatgagr gives wrinca aati,r sa xlar \fortgsgor rice lariag ilu Note and all other indcbtedorss stcrrted by this Montage
<br />to 6e due cad pagan?t, bc[auxr ref nay such rnactaxnt or thanat, immrJiately upon the tzpitatian of thirty (~) tb7i
<br />ones mt{r optics.
<br />1'Iae b~torttagrrs #salare to rznrist nay ffi is.:igMx tmtuadtr shat! trot :emuitute a soiree thereof. Ai! rise tvttrts in this Pata-
<br />Fa2'h cramerated span the haFFrning at any ai avhi..h ttu Note stall become, err may >x decl:ted to ix, imrnediattlY riot cad
<br />parable, nra• in this MMrgagr alirs? "rs~ots cf Jrisui[` -
<br />22. The Aiozt;ater may from iiarr to ;tau tvrr nch default undo nay tavroanr nr agteernrtst in any iastrumrnt aeatint a
<br />fora apron the tntatitated prapeny, ru arsy Fact timmf, which slssll have prioritp nest the lien of into MorttaK, ta~such ezkpt
<br />as the ldantatcr aaay szrlusivtiq determine, cad each amount paid (il arty) M tlu Ilaztgatce !o rate any inch ddaulF sin11 be paid
<br />by t}ar M'Ntbs~+ ro at r Mnndaate; an3 the Martgater snail alt=o isttatm• +ubr+,tated to vrharevrr rilxhts ihr holder a{ tM Prior
<br />.lien trsiti6 have undo suc{s irssizutrmt. -
<br />t?:. {:) Afxr"tlr iaxppeaiag of soy driaati bcrrvndcr, ihr lrfartttasor siafi upnp demassd sa# the ldtsrttatee surrender possei-
<br />sirsn M the mnrtgatsd prppeny an the Mwtgagrr, and the Mortgagee may enter sur#a F[nprrty, cad let the same cad ttdltct ell the
<br />teaus-ttaerdeesm shirk arc dear ar io Ixcoxtx Sat. and :ppiy tJx erne. aHer paymrnt ta{ ail a'larges cad espeaxx, on account M
<br />the esdtLtedaess tarreby secuttd, and ati sa::h treat and ail leases ezist.ing at the time ni sarclr dnftwff -xYe htiahy 'assigned to the
<br />iLeriKgct as fttsNaer teYSerity for for pa YSnrat u{ (fir indehtrdness sn'urrd hcrebp; and the Mort(ptttit a,ay also dispossess, by else
<br />tuua{ satotw ry ptactr: irtgs, cap irnaat .irfault=.aS is the pa;nusst of nay :rat to tiu Noritatee.
<br />(b) far else rmt that t:^.r Hmtgagnt ,,:~~vnirs the mortgaged Prcprrry car any p:n tltneni, the Mortgagor agrees to wrrerarkr
<br />passtaiaa asf sv.ls Frupettr t liar tdaartRagcc immn:iax?y aittr arsq such default htrrandtr, and if ihr Mangagor ttmains is pos-
<br />sr+siara a#tts such :kfsuit srcda p.ta:s:.siua stub !*r as ~ tz•._+aat rat rise Mtsngtgce. sod nc~ Macigagor sasall pay in advarrr, apse
<br />drsaastd tvp the M-ttigsttr, as a rraxanablr rtsana#rty t:zNai tut t1u ptrmixss cxtuFirJ by [ht Mc+nltaggr, an amount at Ins( rquirattat
<br />tw oeetwe#fth rst rite atgargsu of the xwtlve wsa~th7p iassali:.vats pea -hie in ihr rurrrnt tatrn.iar ycu, plus eke actual amauat of
<br />She aaapaa7 trauaJ rtpt, if act. taws, azsesuatsatz, carte rates, ;ricer gvvcrnmengl cbargrs cad iruuraace premiums payatsk in
<br />ronnertirtn with rtu Ru°rttt3 gad proprrxy durirag such year, and upm tkr failure of •hr Mortgagor to pay such mm[hly rea2a/,
<br />ihr ra may ahu 'x dfspauzseasrd bq the uatnl summary proses: loos apFiieahk to trnanta. This carenant s2rall becetor
<br />rffeciivc ittamcdiatcly span tiK tugprciag of nay sorts drfaalt, as drrrrn.~•aed in the sole dixaetinn of the Mortgagee, who shall
<br />tint caries tat suafi dttayntatulitm to tkr lRn,-tgagar; cad ixy tlx case o[ #arn k,<arc and tree appnineaunt of a reccivn of t}u rea[s,
<br />the striae cosecant s{aaTl ias:rr rn :hr beartit d Basch rntiver_
<br />Iy. The Motet in sop axsian to Fartclasr tkis Marttage stroll hr rntiticd to the appointment of a receiver witlurui notice,
<br />as a slaMet td tii4a any avittaput regard to ttx sai~ of ys~ a:.stltatrJ ; r;w:cr:y, car sits saivtn,y :r iosolvrncp u6 the Mortgagor
<br />rti s patty 3ialdt tai Ilse yaaysrtrY at the NrHx sqa) .aher iad:tstc+iarss u,urrJ kY [his Mor2gapr.
<br />L`. 79te stator', witfaia itn {inj ctsys u}+aap r oral is
<br />eq perwa to ritirla twraty {2t7) days upon request by mail, wilt
<br />lanutis prtassspil; a wtitkta Aatsmupt in form aatidactwy is il,r Mortgagor, xigaed by the Mvrttatot and duly acknuvitdted, a7
<br />ffiit amwnt tisea etr•int eta ~t Iti m a~ atLv indrbttdaesi strurtd by this MorttaK, cad whcUur nay o/(sets or defeasrs
<br />rrsieg arjaMp aircL iOdtbltdptss nr ±~ pxn ttserta#._ _
<br />i6„ T'~ 1llotits~or.~71 tics irrysi3iate naii[s by refiattrtd ~ rtriifitgl matt in eke Montages of any tire, damage ar other
<br />caaaalt} aNcaxipt ibe marttated _!'T, tx of nay taaaeyance, transfm or chant( is ownership of such prnperry, or any part
<br />tllaesaf.
<br />I?..Ns7~fc cad-drmatsti pr tegoeit ~ bt shade jp *'.r•;ng cad mat ~ served in penun or 6y mail.
<br />IL- l~ race of a faueciaiute soli of s1u• motttageJ pcoperry it trop br wid in one parcel.
<br />t9. T6t lHartpa;nt will awl assistr slat rsyts, if any, in wha~e of is part, from the mostgaged property, ar ant part thereof,
<br />witlsoor the prior wriuta.ronseni of the Hortgags+e.
<br />
<br />