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<br />~8-- ~(3f~2~~'A <br />dl Jebts, obligations anJ liahilitics incurred by mason of soy attinn takers by the Afortgag«, as proridtd in this Pangraph, all <br />of mhich amounts so paid 6y the Mortgagee, with interest thereon from ehr date of ea:h such payment, al the rate of (hrce percent <br />(3%} per mnum, shalt be payable by the Afortgagor to the Mortgagee nn drmand and shall be secured by this Afortgag<. <br />~. No huilJing or other structure nr improvement, fixture nr personal property mortgaged herrbp shall be removed or <br />JemofisheJ without the prior writun consrrt of th^_ Afartgags :•. The Afortgagor wEll wit make, permit or suffer any alteration of <br />nr addition to any building or other svu,-ave nc improvement nna n which may hereaft<r b< uected or instatleJ upon the <br />mortgaged property, or ary part therrof, except tt~c improvemrnts rrquirrJ to he made pursuant io Paragraph 3 hereof, not <br />will the Mortgagor use, or prrmit ur suffer the asr ref, any of the nu,rrgaRs+t pm,pcrty for any purpose other than the purpose <br />or purpous for which the ssmr is now intcndeJ to be useJ. without the prior writ R•n consent of ttie Aortgagee. 1'he Afortgagor will <br />maintain the mortgage) ptop:rty in Racy condition ,aJ reset of repair and will n=.t suffn or permit any waste to trey part thereof, sad <br />will promptly comply with aII the raquiremertls of FeJeral, state and local gncerrments. nr of any deputmrnts, divisions Or <br />bureaus thereof, pcrtain;ng to such property or any part ehr. eof, <br />3. The Mortgagor milt not volanusily crcatr, nr prrmit nr coffer to hr create) nr M exist, on or against the mortgaged <br />proprrty, ar any part thuruf, any lien supersnr to the lien of this Aforrgsre, exclusive of the lien or liens, if zny, !o mhich <br />this Afortgage is expresslp subject, ax srt forth in the granting rtau« ~ shout, and mill keep and mainhin the tame Etee Item <br />the claims of all partis supplying lahnr or mxuritls mhich ~~itl enter into ehr amstruction nr installation of the improvements. <br />6. {a) The AtnrZRagnr sill ktrp all ba;ldings, athu struch,rrz and imprnvtm<nts, including rgniptnent, nom existing err <br />mhich may hrresfter be rrccted nr inaalfeJ sm the Ian) mnrtRagnl hrtchy, i note) against loss by Fire awl other haxatds, <br />casualties anJ cnntingctscin, in sorb a nnunts and nunncr, anJ far such periods, all a mzy be required From time to time 6y <br />tree Atortaagee. hntess othtzmisc required by the A(ottgtgec, all such insuran,~r sha^ h< tf(ec[<J by Standard Firc and Extended <br />Casrrrxge Isnunnct politics, in xmnunts rent less than nrcessary to rnmply ~•i:h ehr rninsurance louse pucentage of the valor <br />aFplirabie to the t cation and thsrartn ni the prnprrty to 6r .ov<;al. All nnh insuraare shall ht retried in companies appeoved <br />Ay else lfnngagtt and all Faticirs ihrcrfw shalt br in sod, form and sfra^ love attad,nl thrrctn Inns payable dauxs in favor of the <br />Mart¢xgre aaJ my other parties as shall be satisfa;tocp hs the Atortgagce. A^ ao+h p,dis it's and attxchmtnts thrreto shall. 6e delivered <br />promptly to ihr MortRsgrq unlrsa lhry arc rrquirrd to be delivemJ to rhr hcild<r of a lice of a mortgage or similar insitu- <br />meat to mhich this Mortgage is rzpresslr s_ubjrrt, in ssh;ch latter ecrnt rrrtifi,at_. therm[, satisfartnry io the A(ortgagte, shall be <br />delivr`ttd prnffia:i,. __ s!L_ ~r,,._ _ -~. s_~_r_:ttg_- _ a;2! .. ?;ea ds,e. -- fier-cina`.itr pro .ia'cd. and any and u3 <br />prrasiums na such imm~acr, ar.J in rutty cart in which paymcntr thrrrnf~ia~nnt n~sdc from the deposits therefor require) by this <br />Mat3;age, promptly subtnii to the Afnrtgagee for rzaminstion res riper or other ccidrnce of such payment as shall be satidactoq <br />to else Mortgagtr. The Mtutgaget may nhtaia and pay rhr premiorn nn (hut shall he under nn nbligatian to-do sa) curry kind of <br />insnraace regadted hereby if the amount nt such premium ha< tmt Mrn drpsiMd as uquireJ by this Mortgage, in mhich errnt <br />lase MoriRigar mill pay to the Mczigagee rren prrmium sn r,aid by the Atnstgagee. <br />fls) Ya tsac cant of lass ns Jasnage fo the rmsrtgagrJ property ehr Afortgagor will give to the Afnttgagrr immediate notice <br />ttsereaf by mail, sad the Marig,Ree rosy m_ke anJ file proof of loss i( rent madr atherwisc promptly 6y or nn 6rhalf a# the <br />M.uttaRar. Each iasunnre cc+mpaap issuing app such pnliry is hrrrhy ,s+tfiorired and directed to make papmrnt heieundtr far <br />szarh lass dimity to the Martr,grr, iastnJ of in the AYartgagnr -.,tx! tlx• Ainrtgagrc inintlr, anln< the amount of loss is pay- <br />abk firs) to Ebr bnldu of a lim under a rrsar;Rage or similar inatrumcnt to which this AinrtRage iy ezpreszly suhiecr and the <br />insutsnrt prascecds at say ;art thrrnsf i rrceivad by the Afnrtgsgee mac F,c applir,i by the Mortgagee, at lea nptia0. eiWcr <br />in redasctimf of fbc indehtrsltuzx hrcta~ xtorrd. nt to fhr rrsMntion ns repair of tl:e mortgaged prope:ty dammed. fa <br />the evrnt ad farednsarr of this MmtRagc, nr of any transirr of rule t , ihr sn.,rrgagrJ prnprrty in rxtinguish,arnt of such iadtbt- <br />z,drsnL all tight, zinc sad internt ,af the MartRaRor is sad to carry su,h imunnre policy thrn is force, subjrrt to the ;igbta <br />am? isurtrst rsf the holds of sat su.h prior tiers, shalt psis In the grantee acquitinR title to the mortgaged property tagrther with <br />snrY+ p,olit7 sad apptoF:iair aisiRnmr•+H of sorts right, title and intrravt which shall Isr crude by the Mnttgagar. <br />7- {a) la order mur faJh• to prnterx ihr setvriiy of this Mortgagr, tsx A{nrtgaRnr shall deposii with the Mortgagee to- <br />grtlxa verb, sad in addition to, t3,e pa rescue of principal and into: rst mnnihiy on account of the Notr secured hereby, wall! <br />the N. tr iz paid in fu7L an arnauat of n:otxs squat io the tall amount of {i1 Rs'+sund rrnts, iF an7, scat becoming dreg fir) ;)sc <br />ptztniuttu nezi becoming d-x sure rhr palicin of fire and all a3hcr haaatd insaran:e requ=rot s~y thn Mortgage with respttY to the <br />asmrttpgtd {raprtty, {ru} tarn, zasrssmeats, .water sirs easel ssiher g,=z•rrnmmtal rYsargn Drat htcnminR dot on the inattRajed <br />'N^Trrty fell ehr fattitninFt amouatz .s estimates by the AforiRagre and art forth is a written notice of sorb estitrutt by the <br />lEeatga}ee 3a the SSartRaletst ftaa timr to t:aul, Ir=a all xmnunts that mac alrrady ha.e hem paid therrtor, dirided by the atamber <br />,af ralewdar awusihs io eLspx hrfarr rmt calentar maaih print sn ehr daft mbrn snrh ground trnf:, Frtaaiums. fazes, aazcs- <br />arstaU, wirer rates sari aibn Razrtararntal c7aarRcs- rrspertivtly, mil! lurr;mc doe sad pay:hlc. ii any arnauat refrrred to is <br />damn {+) tluonRis till) krteaf is rrquzrtd to be dcpositrd by the Marttaenr sraJrr a mortgage w similar inztrumeat having <br />pranriy n+er itx fits of this YdnnRaFr. the Maritpgnr shall make flu Jrpnves r,.ya;rcJ by this Paragraph 7 only in ihr event of the <br />MrstaCnt,ion ssf such •abtigszizm aaJ<r ti+r prix ::nrtga{tt nr similar inatra+mrnt. 7'hr MnrtgaRnr shall girt prompt polite ca vril- <br />nit ~ she llnrtLaRee rsf ihr ocrurrrnY of rise last-mtatinmd tarot ±171 ss:.l, ,na,unts sn drpasitcd with Ilse Martgagtt dull be <br />kedd 17 11at A/artgmee, of say agrnt drsignated by it, is trust to 1,< usa.2 Holt ?.•r tl,c payment of such .Rresusd rents, prerriiums, <br />rusts, .assttsaunss, viler rates sad athn gavrrarmm~l tharRn. Nn interne shell lu pa}sblt fry the Mortgagee on any sum w <br />th) a#U amnssais err{sired to hr 3ep:+sited within She MaztpRre sm athtp in xrnrdaace vi[h Paragraph J{a) hereof, and the <br />sasoaat of prisacsFal sad iaierest to tx paid carts ram+tA ern serous[ 01 ehr Y,iatr. shall be a~f,lyd tngrrhrr, and the aggregate amotatzt <br />tlaceent zhaYl be Paid b'Y iL-r MnrsRaEx to ihr 33cWRagec ins single papmrnt to he applied by the Mortgagee on account of the <br />u+ddrhzeelnezs of zfu !{nrtgagar pursuant sa the Nate sad this MrutgaRr {to the ezrrnt that monies are arailablc from the <br />amnassr $ drpositad), is rhr mdu, say pravisisaa of the NWr to the reustrsry rest vithstandieg, as folfovs: <br />FlItST, sa the tau r}urgti., if oar. rrlcrre: to is rhr Near; <br />SECOND, to ehr aasouni of such rxasrad teats, ii say, ffre and athr. hu::~ iasuraate prrmivms, taus, assessmrnts, motet <br />rases awd otle[r pmerorsKatai rlurltrs rrgsurrd to l+e paid undo ehr proritinns d this Mortgage, in vhatevar srgveacc the <br />~+."2~a.¢r au7 tzc3mi'.ely alrteranirK; <br />TYIIRD, ao iatsest doe as ihr Tau; sad <br />P{N![i7L else teeuitadc, to ehr Frinripat doe on the Note. <br />Any dtfirisn3so zht •ttrouat M say sza3s xggrrgate mxaihly payment akaq. unless paid by the Atongagot prior to the due duet of <br />eke steer sssrh ,depmis {asyabYe, raastitute an avt<st of s{t(auft reads this Mar[Rage. <br />(s) A+y erfite #ttttda chat may Ise arcatwbied by reascrt ed the deposits ret{nirrd vodtr Pangnph J(a) hutof, ternainiag <br />aft Mytsmt d rise atoesaats drxrtbed is ctaa.x, (i), 'ii) .,,.{ fiis} !l,rrenf. shall A< rrnlitrJ to subsequent respective asonrhly <br />a<aamah a< the arse m4ee regnirrd eo be pail tiaeteorutrr. !f arc w<b aerw.nat shall t:cerd the euitnate tfserefnr, the Mortgagor <br />tEatt (at~t*+ydt py to ~ fteatgzRee ekr aanoasl d tnci deli, frosty uf'csn writtrn nrsti<r by the Mortgsgee of the asrsount thus{, <br />€siYure m eSa eta htiore the due date es snrh aarwnM shall be an rv..-• of dclault wader this Mortgage. tf [he mortgaged piop~ <br />rnT is ss3d tats~t #errdoaasrt ~ iz uiluxsrist ugnited by ihr Maftgagrc, nfrrr default by the Mortgagor, any remaining <br />balsece ff tkt +mmsda<saas uodn ParagnFh 7{a) hurts{, alsaFl be credited to the principal amount awing on the Note as of the <br />date ad aroammowast of tareclpsorr pracmliags lot tJst ranrtpged prnprrty, of as of the date [he rttortgagtd proprrty is <br />or6uwist ere ecpiyed. <br />i. T4 Isspto-saatran sad x17 pleas sad zprrifirations therefor shall eomptp with all applinble municipal ord;nanres, to;u~ <br />Ltrass, sat{ rnYta made or pramvidatrd lay 4vful avtbositp, and upon thr,r ,nmpfrtina shall comply rho emith. <br />