- Farm ltuD'No. 6238•Nrb. ~ `
<br />(Ste. 312 iou)
<br />- QQ - (Revised Adg. i97oj 77~~,~ ryt y^t ~
<br />Q1!„ss ~ 1rA ®~ Y \It ~ 7^
<br />27ris Mortgage made as of the First day of NQVtYttber !9 : 79, between
<br />-. f)orlene M. Schtxmm - (hereinafcer called, and if more than oat patty jointly and
<br />__ _ u+eratty hereiwlen alkd "Mortgagor'), realdirig ^t - 622 North Sycamore Hall County, !`!cb:aska
<br />-- -- - - - -sad-the ilnited States of Amnin (hereinafter called "Mortgagee"), acting by and through the Department of Housing and Urban
<br />Development having: Regions! Office at 911 North Walnut, Kansas City sad
<br />Seste of Missouri -
<br />Wf71VF.SSETH, that to secure the payment of an indebtedness .n the pr:ncipa! amount of SiR thous8nd, 'lglree
<br />13uttdred ~ ~~l~allan (f 6,300,00 ), with interest thereon, which shall be p:yabte in arcordancr with a
<br />«rtaia ante bearing even date herewith, a true and correct copy of which, exclusive o[ the signature of the Mortgagor, marked
<br />"Ss:hedule A° fs aratzad hereto and made a part hereof, sad all other indehtrdnrss which the Mortgagor is obligated to pay to
<br />the Afortgager pursuant to the provisions of the Notc and this btartgage, the hortgagor hereby gcants, conveys and mottgagu
<br />to the- flatdadKt -
<br />77re followi'na Jeut•bed property situate is Hall
<br />Coanty, Nrbr:ska.
<br />Lgorth Sv feet of I,ot One (I), Block Six (fi), Original Town, Now
<br />City of &raad Zsland, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />I?7iER, ~ :1l appaustnanrrs ,beasts wed sll !ht ante and riFbts of the Mortgagor in std ter snsh pmpeetr at jy
<br />asgariae aFpertstiaigg ebneto; sl! buiiditt~ sad ashn strurttraca tme ar he:eafeer rhrrrno nMtd or itnbltrd, sad all FittMea
<br />aai#-attidrs of pasoaal pcapr[ty rmx er hereafter attached ts. or lased ia, or is the oprntiau af, war such land, buitd~p or
<br />aasacturrs vrlfith are stsrruarr to ibe camplele asr std octarwacr of sorb buiMieyn er strsrtures for the purpose for srbiclr
<br />war rw ttx io br exeticd ~ ieaialkd, irsrfadiaaj, hat set limited fo a7l ,searing, l+iaxnbiag, bathroas4 !i ~.
<br />Yv1M1~sri+ag, reirigeraeittg, swiatratirr/r, sad ur`xsgditioaiag egaipmtwt sad #ssqurrs sad ~:: rrplacearab tiercvf sad additions
<br />tlttrrio. w~sther a sot rise arse sae oa ahafl be srtatlsed m sock lard, lsrildiaga rx structorxs is soy zraaort; -
<br />7i!aiE3}iEi, aril!, war and all awaads wear m hereafter made tav the taking d the paopcrtr arortgagsd hetebr, er ttt-
<br />ysrt thetaaf fixlsulitrj war rasemesst), br the e:erti:sr of for poa~ev rd rrpixai drumi0. ixtwiia~ as7 award Em cbstrye oI
<br />l~aota of lute statxt rg other msa+esr, a' ::cads are 3+erelr7 assrgard to the AioregaEre sad art sfrrraed a part of ibe prcpmtr
<br />krrsbr, sad the Idortgagrt as hsyebr arrthotiaed to miler, aasd rrcdve the perw<erds ref such awards, m 3isse
<br />-rseaipa• aaai ara}sii4acri thmefnr, acrd ra apply rite rams totrard fM payasrtst n[ the aadeber~ess ttetu~ this pt~r
<br />-waiitsnedruj tbt fas9 drat She a:mttttstst awinx thereon atst7r asot tlxn he due sad ~ + ~•
<br />payable; sad she Ma-ttatss' hetrbr asters, ttpoa
<br />tapers, .ae sank!, erteersae sad deliver war sad aU asaiygtm~ab sad otter, mstrurncsts sssftarieat for the ptrtgose of assiseias pxh
<br />mdt a*a+d so the ~tettsajee. fm, rlws sad diacltargesd cd atg encuarhraaces of aaY !tiled of aatore wlratsae+ea; rtgd
<br />3'tDGE3'7#17t, wig afl s'tgfrt, tithe and itatetsxt nd the Jlartsrtgasr in and to the land 1ylas ie tht urNMS sad roads is frost d
<br />astd arffeiaigg $c afar dacribrd faced fall ilex shout descrihtd lard, huil.lings, Mlrrr strutscrry fizhara, attidn aE pasoaa)
<br />pr~srrly, awrds wed oehar rights and iaterrsts bliss harautm mllMiis~c:y called the "mortaayxd prttptgtf")-
<br />7U 7fA1!E ADJB TO liOl.D Hse raartsajed peapenty sad evny part shrreef uaM she Mmtga(tCr, its iuKrsaeR std a
<br />Eaatrrrt fv t1e gsttgaaes sad stare hearers set !oath.
<br />dl':b ~rx rsxaaa fsatbm mvxa.nts sad ssra:a with the klortgagcr, as folbtn:
<br />7. 17st lslertgagar trill paemsptly par the principal ad sad imrrr-at nn si,- iaulcb#dtms ecideMtd br the Note, and all laths
<br />thsttics rmd p~wadrd rbtrrzia and "are this )1(ortsast, ri the time atM ..: the maener prorsded !a the Note cad io
<br />1~ ldosip~sr.
<br />2. TAe Altsrtsasm ss"ii par rises due, u lrrsrimfetx provided, all Ftouad ernes, i( anY, and at! ta:ttre assrssmarts, wad[
<br />carat sad office dal claarxrs., #iacs ace,! impsaitiovs, of every lissd aapl nature wfutsocvn, aov or bcrnher impOlad oa
<br />the ma~caa+d Wwc+er. m war part t7seaast, sad ara'li pry as~sea due carry arp aunt of indebtedness sccnrs+d br any ilea to sshjsh
<br />tie lira of dria bfmtsase a esrutas(r ssabiect.
<br />]. i'fins 7Mscytssr lard rite ]rime avtrx cacretrd sad drli:erad ter aecarc rnnruyY sdvatxed, or to bt advanced, by the Mortgssra
<br />u a sm actarrtt d a brut evilesscrd br t~ !'bei5 for the ptupose of Wanking afar improvemsats drscer`bed of cefnred to fo
<br />acs ~gatgtL tiaLrad dated Navem6er 6 , t9 ~~ , w u a tht
<br />rt#art~r(~d-lr-rt7raFgS s9d fore other pwrrftoat, !t nor. dexsiLs! et rd'errcd to therein, which improvarmaap sro hereafter totlaa
<br />~H! e•~ '•' 2lre ~ shaN seekr arc ease to he mads s!1 the ]mproeemtsfta, U the ronstructioa trt
<br />-~.-.*f--'dsr-~+aas shad sot-fit rssckd oN ~rlda.se~i,rerv~ir diligence. ate shall l>R diuoatiautd ek say time fw
<br />~T tearsna,~ striate ibeO ava7ata. hxfwsts, -ens of Dorf. (lrpa, !beds w ether similar csrasaophiey riots, wu nt iawrrectioa, the
<br />. ~eWales afsot rleo aatlpe 4 i6e }4 it r~(tiatizgal. {s) m etster ulaos tht ataonpsed prapartr sad employ aaY witch.
<br />^tae +~ 1saJaet tYe SpaFetrwp>pAgs jeans dcpnfstigaj a igjasr and ea pascrve sad prsptce web property. (b) to carry out nor
<br />.. - - oe affil ~R upillj Sssaltalal fattwreo Vie. Simgga sad tasT,r; earlier for the pwpwe of making sny of the ]mptovemeau.
<br />{r} sa tattlttt sad aster i#a tt'~-3 septratta au3 !wear t for the pnrporxr of compieriag ehr ]mprosemenu purrnant
<br />rP Ltts.rtitaus td-fie ~ lrecoeadac: (e bra. as<ms of'the Lf:rrtdasre w the )taregagot, sad (d) to par and diuhsrge
<br />