>" gps. ~'~f.
<br />9. Vpon any Failure by the Isfor(gagor to comply with or perform any n( the terms, covenanb or conditions of this Morb
<br />gage requiring the payment of anp amount of monty by the Mortgagor, ,+;hrr d.an the yrincipal amount n( the loan cvidrnced by
<br />the Note, inirtest and other sharg<s, as pnsviJeJ itl the Nat<, tbt t,tortgagre msy at its option mak< such payrt,rnt. Everp
<br />- paymtat so made by the bfortgagcr (inauding rta>nnahte attorney's tees ins urrcd dicrchy), with intcrcxt thereon fran the date
<br />of such payment, at the rate of sit percent (670) per annum, eacrpt .my p~ynxut fur srhirh a different rde n( in[trrst iz
<br />specified 'Herein, dull 6e oayahte by the Mortgagor to the Dfottgagre on dcmanJ .,nd shall 6e securcd by this hfnrtgage. This
<br />Diorigage rich rapttt to any such amouni and the iutcrest thereon, shall cnnstinttr a lien nn the mortgaged property prior to
<br />aay other lien attaching oc xc<ruing cuhscquant m the tiro of this blutrgagr.
<br />10. Tttr Mortgagee, by soy a# its agents or rrprtsrntativts, shall bare the right to inspect the mortgaged properly from lime
<br />to time at any reasunablr hoot of the Jap. S}sonld the meuzgagrJ p: o+.rrty, ar any part thereof. st any time rcquirc inspeiiion,
<br />repair, care or attention aF any kin) or nature not provide) by this A{orttage at dctermintJ by the hfortgagtc in its sole dis-
<br />eretioa, Me bfortgager nuq, afar, curiae to the Mortgagor, enter or caucc entry h+ Lt made upon, the mortgage) property, arsd
<br />insptd, repair, protect, care for nr maintain such property, as the bfortgag~x~ may an its sole Jisaetion deem necessary, sod may
<br />pay a!I amounts of money tbcrefn:, as the htortgagre may in its snk dieartinn deem natssary.
<br />ft. The principal amount orinq an the Note togcthr: with interest !hereon and art niher thatgcs, as thvtin provided,
<br />and a13 other amounts of money awing by [he Mortgagor to the Murtgagac pursuant to and secured or intendrJ to be secured
<br />by this Isfonjagt, shall imr.+ediatrly brcarne dot and payable without notice nr demand upon the appointment of a receives or
<br />liquidator, rhet:ter voiunury or imatunfuy, [or the Diortgagar or any of the property of the Mortgagor, or upon the filing of
<br />a petition by or against iht Mortgagor under the provisions of any Start inmlvcncy law, ar under the provisions of the ]lattk-
<br />taptty AK of tg99, u amtadrd, ar ,pan the making 6y the Mortgagor of an assignment for the benefit of the D/ortgagoi s creditors.
<br />Tlu Mortgagee is autlwriznl io Jcttarc, at ib option, all-or cry part of such indcbtrdnrss immediatdy due anJ payable upon the
<br />bapprninq of any ofJthr following events-
<br />(a) Faflurt to pay the ammuni of any installment of priozipal and interest, nr other chugcs payable on the Notq which shall
<br />have brennne dot, p[inc to the due date o! the neat such inahllment;
<br />(b) Noaperfastnaorr by Une Mangagor w any covenant, agreement, term nr condition nE this hfoftgage, of of the NPle
<br />ieaeept as othrrrisr prnvi-JeJ m subdivision (a) htrrrf) ut of any other grrrn:rnt herctofurr, heztwith or bcreafter Rude
<br />icy the Mtsttjajtu rich the Idortjajte is t:anrte=tina with swh indrhtedncss;
<br />(e) Failure of the Mortgagor 1o perform aay covenant, agreemrnt, term or condition in any fnstrumrnt crating a lien upon
<br />the arortgajed property, or any part thereof, rhich shall hart priority over the lien sd this Mottjage;
<br />{d) T(k Mortjajec'a dixoretr of tbt Dinrt,Fagnr's failure in any appli,anon of the Mortgajnt 1o the Mortgagee to diaclnst
<br />aay fart Stressed by tlx Istartgagte to be auttriai, or of the making therein or in any of the agrctmrats mitred into
<br />by 2lst Marsgagnc ri7fi the Marigagte (iazlu.fitsq, but not limited an, the Note and this Mmtgage) of any misreprtsea-
<br />uitm by, on 6eitalf oi, rte tar the bezrcfsi af, the Mortgagor;
<br />Fe) 7ite nlr, ]case o: other trarnfrr of any kin.! ar nature rsf the mn;rgagrvl prrtptrty, or any part tleerenf, rithaut the prior
<br />seriuat canseat aF ihr Mortgages;
<br />{F) The rnattmeai after tt.r .late if this isftsrtgage of anp law of the State atf Nebraska deducting Erom L e nlue of
<br />tfx marFjagrd pralseny far any pan thereof), for the y>urpa,x ..( taxation, any tiro therttsa, nr changing in u+y ray
<br />it± Gwa lot the uxatiaa a nsnrtgagn ar drl+u se+vrrd by uxsrty;ajc for soft nr ]Drat purposes, or the manna of mllta
<br />tioa of aay such ua, sa as c,s afirct this MmtFagr, arcs] if aftw swh rnattmrnt ue raunge the holder of Ihr Nate and this
<br />hfarigaxr gi.rs rrittrn aati:r m t}x Atortgagar dnlariaj the Nate aa) all other indchtedaets secured by skis Mortjage
<br />W !ae due cad payable, #rc:ausr ai aay xua6 ewameat or change, imrnr,liate)y upssn the tapiration of thirty (30) days
<br />odic web Hurler.
<br />The iLlarijajre'a failure in ratrcisr cal of its ::Yhts hrtcvtndsc atoll cwt <nastilutc a rawer t}xtcof, All the events in this Pata-
<br />Jic+pr eaenmented opera tSr happening .~# aay d rhich the Note shalt bt<uax, or maY 1st Jnlared to 6r, immediately Due tad
<br />payable, ut is this Manjage .allN `events n£ Jcfaujt'-
<br />12. 2hr Morigajce may fran rime to time can rash default under anp covenant er agrsemmt fa any instrnmMt zttitinj a
<br />]leas np(ta the rrsotY,jajed property, nr aay part t#str<.~(, r#ticL s#u#l faavt y~riurity nxr ihr lien of this Mortjagt, ;a such et:trnt
<br />au the ]ianjajtr may ~clasiar#y drtamuw, cad each ataunnt paid ji{ aay) by xIx Mortgagee to <nrt any such ~~detaa}t shall be paid
<br />br theme,, Mtptgagur w the Mattjap,2t; as# the Afortjagcr shall a}set ltriamt aulsnagatrd iq rhauvcr rnjhts Ihr hnlda of the grjor
<br />flea +.y,<: 'hai•-Y' 3fadW aslPS' aiirll'uaXR:l
<br />13- fa) Afar she happaaiaR of any Jaaa}t tscrtuader, she Nartgajar sha#? apna demand of the Monjajrt surrender possts-
<br />sieo of the aaaajs;rd ysrapcrty m r#ar idartl;agtc, and Nu Mrsrigal;tr any snta atsclt property- cad Ire the vrae cad ea!)ect all six
<br />amts altnttfrava satait& are dose ra tc, krxvvst dot, aaJ apydy the sa+tx, steer paemrnt tsf al! t#nrjrs and caprnxts, m accotmt M
<br />the Asa lseas3y arts:rtsl, cad all srtls rcais sad all lrssca tristiae ar nc~ time of sorb drfauli ate iterelsy azzijncd to t!x
<br />3iattpjR a farWa atrocity frv r!se payrneut u# ihr istdrhlnlarsa secure.! hereby; and the Mgrtjagce may alw Jizposuss, by else
<br />aqua] lnasytsary l~acrc•#irya, anp trs. f Jriaukirsj is t#rt payment Of aay erne to the tiartgajee_
<br />Ibi !a ahc essat ;tan: the Hnrlga~~sr -xcsspi~s tfu taoztgaged pruprrh rsr cap pan thera,f, the tdortgajot agrm to snrrtadtt
<br />pt»seaina ad au.it prupe:ty fu the lJ•uigattMr isssmcdiat<ly after aay sash Jrfault hereandc r, and if the Mnngagor remains is pat-
<br />scasiaaa after smrh -?s:laubt, sx-k- , ..... -_.rm sAa;# !sr as .:> :cat cf ~a< AS~tgrycc. aa„ rlu Mortgagor sha## p:y in advance, upm
<br />drsaud hlr tlas >\farega,rse, as s aras.m..,talr taatsilJy rs+xtal frr the prrn,is+s >,rrup,rJ b7 tnse \{nngagnt au amouni at lest equivalent
<br />b swr-tscd#tA a{ iht ajgc<gatr at the twrlrc nsaath#y iema#lnscssts p-, -]sac ro tree iwrrat cairn lac year, p#us r#se anual amomt of
<br />Ne tazsual jxouasl rea±, if aay, taxe>, asstssmeara, rater rates, grew- ~uvcrarax~Mal atargn aoJ insuzaace premiums payable flt
<br />¢maxrtiott wit! the aottgagcd paepr<ty Svriatj swh year. oral upon the tailvre of the kinrtq:gor !a pay ¢uth asanthlY natal,
<br />Nsc IMtstja>;csr Has also sx .lisy.nsvr+srd isy xist asus3 fuatl~ry prs,-,etc#iag- s;+l~:;. -ts#e re ernants. 7lsis coxetuai shall become
<br />e£eati*r iinameoiatriy 's>x'st the ~s1sFt''rsinj ta{ aay such defacer, as drenms,stvi in Ilse sole .l,x.rKioa of the Mwtgaget, rho shat!
<br />j: r racier e/ zu[h Jrtanuaatim tc. trst ld„njagar; cad ie tbs tax aF Fwainsarr and rise appniatmrst of a receiver ssf the roots,
<br />also nitlai~ aeseaaat shall inure w *tu lsrecfit of web rnttiwr.
<br />N. Tlae ~*r!tiPPet is aay anvw sn f:ar_dozr t}su Mmijsjs shall hr cntittrJ In the appu:ntrm~nt t>f a tretiver rithrut aotfce,
<br />as x =ate sn ~ asd r,-,a''c.~t rrjard to she -><alscr of the atorrjajsal pn;prrtl, ar rise zaivrnsy nr itssaivency u# rise Mortgagor
<br />ar tlAet 1'nnr liable Fw the paPasa+t of slut Hatt and of#xer indetst<cinrss c+.nr<.: hr dais Mortgage
<br />I}. 7'be Id.v!luiWa riihis era tip) days ulsssn taqutst is prtx-su ev rithus Irrntr (20j days upon request bV mail, rill
<br />fanwsh pttnnpily a setitren atatewstaM m corm aatia{axtasry sa the Mortgagee, sijned by the Mretgajoa cad dolt a=knu.>tedjed, of
<br />flue' aaaennt t9nrs asstirlj ~, tAe Niue cad ctlser irsdchtsds+ns atrur<a! by this Mortgage, cad rhethcr soy affusn or dclrnset
<br />astisi atgarps sssth ~ isr spy j±ara ittttretd.
<br />iS. '$ia blaKgsgd atilt gist itnmrdiate tsatita bls rejattsri or ttrti£itd wait to the Mnrtgajre al any firq darosje or other
<br />. tifEsc'tsgj ~ naarljagd f'<oprstr. ~ d cnrr aoaseyaaxq tr:taster or rhang+ in orrsrrship of such property. ar aay part
<br />11-3t agd-deaassd ~ ata}aess ~p ha rnxde is =°r'~ and mar he za++rd in person nr by mai#.
<br />- fi. $ case- d a ltssarlowre tale cd t~ ttrortjajrJ properq it ouy be said "in oar parcel.
<br />34. 'd'1te 7Aortigor t'ij# trot askipn trine aoN4 if ~ ie rhalr w is past lrom the trattjajed property, nr any part thcr<ol,
<br />aritAout the prior t+rt)trea aoasnvit ed the Moutgajar.
<br />