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<br />$~~ It7VVttWt7 ..; <br />cell Jebts, obligations and liabilities incurred by rnson of any action tskrn by the Mortgagee, as provided in chit Paragraph, all <br />of which amounts so paid by the Mortgagee, with interrat thereon from the J.rte of each Both payment, at the rate of three percent <br />(.7) per annum, shall be ; a}sb{e by the Dfortgggur to the Mortgagee en demand and shall be secured by Ibis Mortgage. <br />i. No building or other structure of improvement, fixture nr personal property mattgagcd hefebp shat( be removed o[ <br />demolisheJ without the print wr;ttcn tonsert of the ltortgagc _. .'he Mortgagor will u.:! make, permit+ar suffer any alteration of <br />ar addition to any building ar other structure or improvcmrnt now or w•hirh may hereafter bt everted or installed upon the <br />mortgaged p: operry, or am part tharrf, except the improvements rcqui«d to he made pursuant to Paragraph 3 hereof, no[ <br />will the Mortgagor use, or permB or suffer the use af, xnY of the mortgaged property for any purpax other than the purpox <br />or purpoxt for which the same is now intcndn! to be used, without the pricer a•riurn consent of the Mortgagre. The binrtgagor will <br />maintain the mortgaged pcaperiy m gaud nmdition and start of repair and will nut sufkr or permit soy waste to any part thttcof, and <br />will promptly comply with ail the ra{uirements of Fedval, state and local gm~ernmrnts, or of any departments, divisions or <br />bureaus thereof, pertaining to such prapgrty oc any part the; cof. <br />). The Mortgagor will ant vo?untm ily crntq nr Mrmit ar avEkr «+ h< created ar to exist. on or against the mortgaged <br />propc::y, or any part thereof, any ;ion suprnar to the Sitn of ti,is \tnn gage, ezdusire a! the lien oc liens, if any, to which <br />this Dfoctgagt is rzprmly subject, s: set forth in the granting +6usr ahm•<, xnJ will keep and maintain the same fttt from <br />the t}aims of all particz mpplying lahar ar materials which <-i 11 rn«r iota the cunstrurtion nr installation of the improvemeatz. <br />6. fa) The Isinngagnr will kxn s!) buildings, other atrurnsr<s and improvemrnts, including equipment, now• existing or <br />which may herufttr he erected n. tone-xlltd un the land mortgagal hrrrhy, inu,rrd against lots 6y fire and other hazards, <br />caavaltia an,! canr;rgcnrira, in such atnauatt sod manner, and tar ur,h perhwlt, all as may be required Erom time to time by <br />the Mongxgtt. lrnkss ntherwix required hp the Martgagec, all web imursnro .bait be effected by Standard Fire and Eztrnded <br />forerage Insuranrr Iv,ljcirs. Sn amn^^ta nit leas than necreaary to +umrly cc•rsh the coinsurance clause percentage o7 the value <br />applicable to tlae fotatinn and charaa Ser of She prnprrty rn he ,ocrrrd All u:,h ;nwnnrt ahatl be nrried in wmpanies approved <br />S+y the Isiartgagtt and all polirin tS<rcfor ,ball be ir, Berth farm and a};al! haa•e atta.6rd thereto loss payahk clauses in favor of the <br />htcw2gager and aay sd!Ser parties ac shat( Sm satisls:k>ry t.. rht Dlnrtgagrr Alt <u.h putieirs and :rtuhmenic [hereto shaft, be ddi+ertd <br />pzompily to the Mortgagre, unless they o« rtgni«d io bt drlivrrod :a the h~ldtr of a lira of a mortgage ar similar insuu- <br />meat to which this lion;age ii ~al~:raah• 3::blrrL m wh:_h laurr tarn[ rcrfid~ato. thrrn f, satidactnry to the Afnrtgagec, shall bt <br />delirerrd prampily to the ls{ortga Rte The lsiorigagnr w~;ll pay pmmptlr when .?ur, as hcreinaftrt provided, and any and all <br />premiums nn such inzuranrq aad in crrry cast in arhirh psymrnt thrrr•nf is not n• Pram the deposits therefor regvirhl by this <br />Martpge, promptly suba:it to ihr Afangagee for <:aminxian etc cipts nr other ca•idrnce n( such payment as shall be satisfactoq <br />So the lit+ttgsgtt. The MMgzgtt may rhtain aad pay the p«mium nn (hut chart I.e under na abligatian to do so) every kited Of <br />wwrance regai«d hereby if tlx arm+unt asf such premium has oat brrn drp.~si«d as required by tfiis Mangxgq ir. xhith event <br />tl+e Alartgagar rill pay is the ysfertgsgee rvrrq premium art paid by the hi,+rtgagtt. <br />fb) 1o the event of loss ar davsaSt to lbe mnrtngrd property the hinrtgagnr will give to the Mortgagtt irnmediatt notice <br />rhetrof !Sy ruail, and the Mortgagee may ,nakr and fik prrusf of lass if n^e made otherwise promptly by ar on behalf of the <br />Mr+ngagm. Each iszurarxr rtsaapaay isw:ng aay such policy is hrrrhy awhorirtrl and directed to make pnymrni htteaader for <br />srsrh lass directly in the Mortgagee, n<tra.l of tr She >fattgagat and t3v Marteagrc jaintlr, oaten else amount of loss is pay- <br />able first so tic hnldre asf a lien undet a rnactgagc ar ximilar iastrun-~rnt to n-bleb this Mortgage is ezptessly sublect; aad the <br />inxuraacr prasrrds or aay par! thcrruf is rtrrirrd hr the Mortgagee may fir applied by the Mortgagtt, al its option, eitber <br />in rtaiaczieuS of the indc)Stedatxs I,r:rhy xtarc.?, of to the rrstant;an ar repair rsf the mortgaged property datmged. In <br />the e+evK =d fnmiasvre of Etris Mnrtg:ge. nr tsf any tnnxfrr of t;;lr t^ tl+r m,.rtgagrd prap<rty is eztinguishmrnt of such itxlebt- <br />ednexs, all rigfiL rick and iaterssi -if the Marigag~ io and to voce? w.h insurance paltry then is foztt, salbjtct to the tights <br />aad iaterri of the balder str oar noels pricer lien, shall pas. m the grantee acquiring t;tle to She mortgaged pmpnry Mgethtt with <br />sue! policy aad apptrsp:iatr uaigamcisr tsf Both right tick :nd inten=t which shad he nude by the DSartgagot. <br />?. (a) fa isrder mart fakir So prntn-t tlrc snurity of tAis ).fr~tgngr, the Alartgagac sha11 deposit riih the Mortgagee to- <br />grthtr sixfr, aad is sddititws lo. the prweat of principal aad ialerra± tm+athly an arcaunf of the Nott secured hveby, nntit <br />r3e Mae is P+id in iwll, :a artsouat ai nsoaeF equal 3o tine stsral amount of (i) gravid rrnta, ii aay, neat becoming doe, (i%) ttte <br />lstaxsiarm ata3 1'~WC dose =us the p.~licies of fur aad all aMrt fiatmd inacrarve required by xh;s MortRagr wills «spttt m ihr <br />umt}Ft~trd yroperzy, fiiij razes, xssezsments, walrr rata :ad tsther c.+rrrnmrnul rh:rgrc M:t I+ecaming dru on the mortgaged <br />1'r=alsertl fall the faregniog :maaats as rseimated by ific hfartga.gtt and set f+mh is s writtrn ratite of srufi estirtutr by the <br />;`iart,~ger to the Mnrycagwu.frna, live xa time), less all amntatta that may already have htrn paid therefor, divided by the nnmba <br />rd talaodar atu+nths to elapse Ixfnrr artt alealac rnaagr print to the .lax whoa wch gcnuad mats, premiuau, rasa, atsw• <br />.~~. eats Batts sr:ti' aihr: gtsv=trn-rirat.l ihsr[tti. resprttivrly, viii hrc,~,me due aad payable. if any :taaunt refereed to is <br />rlasxs ii) ihrotgh flit) hereof is trsquired to br deposited b7 the Mortga car uadrr a reasrtgage ar similar instrument basing <br />pra+rary :n.rr rlsr li:m z3 this Mangagr, zhr Marigaivsr xhali as:kt the drpasita rrsloirrd fi7 this Puagtaph 7 Daly in tlse even! taf the <br />xratimtien d such obrliga[iam wader ibe prier astatgagt w similar insltuxaenr T!rc Mangagnr sfisil giro prampS notice in wril- <br />iaett to she ?tartpget of tlse ott,rrrracr of the Iasi-meatiantd cvtnt. All x,r€h snxsnata m deyutsited with the llpngagee shall bt <br />hel3 bt ifit -l3artgalne, nY any agrnt dr•=- ..sr3 by it, in trust la Yar nss.i +mlr f,•r the payment rd Berth gtauad «att, prrntittmy <br />vases, ssassrarms, .+atrr rates aad otaer gosxrrarrxnul rhargrs, Na iatrrn2 s}sa?I to pyah]e by the Martgagtt on any sum w <br />fit) AU aama®is trquirrd to bee 1rpnitld wids'xa the Mnrlgag[e aanthty is accardsate with Pangraph y(a} hereof, aad the <br />srnar~a asf psirAapat a•>ed iasezrsa to !.K pid rmA issat+xfi rsa actszuni of the Nair. shall l+e a•ldrd together, aad the aggregate aRAStat <br />slaert+d sfia11 be psid by the MrutF,agat m the ldartgagtt is a single pasmrnt Sn be applied by She Mattgagte nit attaoa! of the <br />rddriurdness ai the Mrsrxgaga: ;~urtwast to tfsr late and this Nangagc {to the nctrat clot ntoaits tee s:ailable from the <br />amorst its drpotattd)- i•„ ilae ~crt. aa, prarisirsa rd tlz; Nate to the cantrtry oat w-izbstartdiag, as (ollam: <br />FBST, to tAe lase clsatgts, if nor. <rfezicd to in ihr Nax; <br />SCCOds`D. to for aaaasuat of sssrfs ground rears. if aay. foe and r.2hcr hazadd insunace prrrniuass, tazeL aslrsstrseats, win <br />rats and sa~set gawermosental rka•grs trgnirr3 to iti (Sai=l wu4er zhe rra.•isiaas of this Mortgage, is wbaxrsr sequcrar the <br />lAtnigsgee +aa•! n=?asireiy dtterraiar, <br />T1URf?, to sttaest star m tlx Nsax; and <br />PillfR77f, the rtwainder, so :he psdzecipal dot oa for Nne. <br />Aaf dei"uieary is for amoaat td aay Basch aggrrgau auuatMy psyratat xhall. ualev pad by rise Mortgagor pricer to the due date of <br />tLt areas srcb deposit payable, rtmstitutt an crrM M default arsder this lfortgage. <br />(r) ~' arna (pads that Bony bt ursmalattd by mama pf the drpaaitx rtyuirrd wade Pusgr:ph y(r) htreo(, remaiaing <br />aflH ypytMtst asi The awopsab sltstribcd ins i-larases (i ), (ii) sad (iii) thrrtnf, also l! Ire rrrdited to subsequrnt respective monthly <br />sisapuasts it! the aaax asfistt ttga»ravl to ta[ paid tistreumltt. If any artcfi amavnt shall racecd the estimate tlsuetor, the Mortgagor <br />a1uU;sr~e pay ~ tits Mortgages the araoupt sJ sarh a!rlirirpcy uprm written rsntirr by the Fortgagee of ihr amount therm(. <br />Fa~anx ~ do sn helot the der dart ~ Bach aatount shall bt as .-w, , of delaah under this Mortgages Jf the mortgaged prop. <br />rely is soli Baader fotrcimur_ ai is oUmrwiu stgpittd by the Mortgagee, ai:er delsalt by the Mortgagor, aay remairting <br />balance of the atxamulatioot wader Psagaaph 7(a) hereof, siuit be credited to the principal amount owing ae the Note at o[ the <br />datte d commmetmoat of fomlos~e procetdittp for tbt mortgaged property, or a of the date hru mortgaged property is <br />ot6trsisC so sroQnirad. , <br />& The imprerenseats aad alt plxm aad aptcifiatitms aherefor shall comply with all applicable municipl ordinances, regu• <br />lstioaa, aad rubs rnade 4t ptonttslgatrd by lawfn! authatiq. and upon their rumplrtion shall comply therewith. <br />