<br />v_ $Q.e.~ lD4~rii2~~
<br />9. Upon any failure by the Aiertgagnt to comply with or perform any of the terms, cnven:nts nc conditions of this Mort.
<br />gage taquiring the payment of any zmount n( money by ehr MnrtFagnr, other than the principal amount n( the loan rvidenceJ by
<br />else Nate. interest wd other charges, a: provided in the Nutq the Mortgagee m.ey at its option make such payment. Every
<br />paymcot so made by the Mortgagee jinduding rcasntnble attorney's fees lowered thcrchy), with interest thrrrnn from the date
<br />of such payment, at the rate of six percent jo7o) per annum, ezuy>t any p.tynunt (ot n•iiich a Jificccnt utr of iutetest is
<br />speciticd herein, shalt br payable by the bortgagor ro the ASartg:Ree on Jemand .wd shall be secured by this Dfnrtgage, This
<br />tfortgage with respect to any sash amount anJ ehr interest thereon, shall mnHinrte a lien nn the mortgaged property prior [o
<br />aay other lien attaching nr actruing wrhscgacnt to the lien of this bfm tgagr.
<br />10. The Mortgageq by any of its agents or rrpresrntativts, shat! have ehr right to inspect the mortgaged properly from Rime
<br />to time at aay reasonable hour of cite Jay. Should the murtgagcJ property, nr any part Ihcrmf, at any time require inspection,
<br />repair, care or attention of anq kinJ of nature not pmsideJ by this DinrtgaRe as determined by the htortgagec in its sole dis-
<br />cteeion, Cho Atortgagre nay, after n+stire to the btoctgagor, rnirr ar raasr entry to tK male tepee, ehr mortgaged property, and
<br />iasrrR, repair, protect, care fur or maiots:n such property, as the btortgarx~ may m its sole Jiscretipn deem necessary, and map
<br />p:y all amounts of money therefor, as the D{ortgagre may in its sole discreti~+n .Item necessary.
<br />ii. The pzintipal amount awing nn the Nate tng<thrr xith interc}t dmrcon and all other rharga, as therein provided,
<br />aced all other amounts of money „wing by Hrc hAutgagnr to the htortgagrr pursuant fo and secured or intended to be xNted
<br />by !$is 3+[ortgagy shall imr.,<Jiatdy become du< and payable without entire nr demanJ upon the appointment of a receiver of
<br />fiquidaor, whether vutuntary or ire<nluntary, for ehr bortgagor of any of the properly of the bfnrtgagor, or upon the filing of
<br />a peti[ioa by oc against the htartgagor under the provisions of any Jtair insnh~rney law, or under the provisions of the Batsl:-
<br />mptq AQ of 1898, as amended, nr upon the m:~king by the Mortgagor uF an assii;nment Enr the Fxnetit of the Mnrtgagoi t creditors.
<br />The Martgag<e is authorized to doctor, ai its nq+tion, all nr any part ++f such inJrhlcvlneu immeJistely due anJ payahlt upon the
<br />hsppenaag of anp of ahr~foliowing cvrntst
<br />(a) Failure io pay the amovmt of any instaibnrnt of principal :nd interest, nr other charges payable on the Nott. whiff shall
<br />love become due, prior to ehr due date of the ncY, such imtallmrnt;
<br />(h) Nunprdozraana hp the Lr+rtgagor of anp rovmant, agreement, term ar condition n! this Mortgage, or of the Nate
<br />(euept a oihcrwur nrcvidcJ in subdivision ja) hacoi) nr of any ntlrcr agreement heretofore, herewith or hereafter made
<br />6y the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee in connection rich sash indchtedncss;
<br />~r1 F ~.s of ts: 1'durirrs~raz to perla_rm any ravrnant ureemtn[, term ar cuadition in any instrumrnt cieatina a Ilea rtpaa
<br />the mortgaged properly, ar any part ihcrcaf, which shall have priuritq over the lira of this Mortgage;
<br />(dj The Mottgageci dismvnr ad 11u MnctgaR.u's failure in anp appli,atinn of Ihr Afortgagnt to the Mortgagee to,dixlOx
<br />any fact deemed $y tlr Mut lgagre iu >x auterial, or of ehr nuking therein w in anY of the agreements eattrtd into
<br />by ehr irtattgaRnr with the Mortgagee (inrlsrdutg, but nal limited tn, the Note and this Mortgage) of any misteprexn-
<br />utiaa by, oa behalf cf, nr fur flu lmt:iet sd, 31x Mortgagor; -
<br />(r) The sal:, Irax nr at$rr trarufn M sap kinJ nr nature a( the enortgaR.ii pmprrty, nr any part llterrn(, willtout the prior
<br />wriiSen eDaSeoi of 21at Moriga; tr;
<br />(f) T$r crurimcat osier zhc Jatr of this Mortgage of aay lav of the Stave nF Nrlsraska dnluctiog from the value Of
<br />t-r mortgaged prapniy far any part thereof), tan Ilse purpose ..f taaarion, any lirn titnentr, rsr changing in aay stay
<br />ib la><s for ibe untiaa o! i~.:,atltaget ar drhts srvured 6y mortgage for state or local purpose, or flee ramttc of mtl«-
<br />Sion of any seer! us, sa as to offer Wis Mxtgage, sad if afro carte rnactmrnr of tlsange the holder of the Nolt and this
<br />Mortgage giros writtrn nn:i:c to ehr lstorigagnr Jt,iar ing the Nnte aesd all other inalchtaioess serartd by this Mortgage
<br />to lsr due and paya?+lr. $ecaasc of aay aua.L enanmeset or change, imarcdiately upr,n the ezpiratiaa d thirty ('~) days
<br />afro: stuh notice.
<br />TSe Ie[aasgagae's laiiare to tzcrc+x say of its rig$n iurruader areal) wt srxtuitute a waiver thereof. AI! the cveata is this pus-
<br />geapb mtantcta.ted span EM happrseng sd sop rd rluc$ the 23oae stall beaux. ar may lx declared to be, immediately due ate
<br />payahlt, its is t$is Martgags aalltd "'rrcras of drfauli". ~ -
<br />f2- IM ?inttgagee may fraw r:rnr to xi-arc care each default under any rosmant or agrtrrxstt is any itutrumrnt r:dtittg a
<br />lien apw she _*aott;aged pmlurrF, a: any pars d,cressf, •rhic6 shall ha•e prituity ram "^_ lirn of this MarigaRe, to sorb exttat
<br />>a i$e ldwtgagtt may tstiasirely dettrmine, ate eacf+amount paid-. (iF aBgj by the MzMRsgr. to relic aay oti;$'de(aa}t shall be paid
<br />by the MnrigagM to the Morigagn; aaJ tltr Mnr(Ragrc sail also }uromr submgatcd to r'$atevn riRhta the $nlda of the prior
<br />Pies toigfti parr utrda snot iasltnraczrl-
<br />i3- (aj 8ftes >bt• bappeaiaR tr any drfaaix hcxe•nader, Bet Mortgagor sieaif upon dttaasrd of riot }iortgagee sarttnder goases-
<br />syoat Melee zeartgagrd yutspetty to flu M.uzgafire, aad ilrc Mortgagee may enter Bach prq}+ertY, sal fct the 7arne Pad tallest aG t$e
<br />teals tiasdram rjti3t are .her r+a to Yucwx Sat. oral apy,ly for sanrc, alter paymtsii ni all elurgca and eaptnars, tut atzount M
<br />t$e 7rrthy scrurad. a 1 all sar~it meta :nd ai! dosses ezisting at tirc time a( such default are fKreby assigned to the
<br />iKattga~ea• u ferrtbtz seearirp i.~r she R ventaf of ihr iadrbtedxss secured $rrrbp; and glee Mwtgagn may also dizpaszrs; by tht
<br />srs:+sl sumaarl• praxrediags, sac --. 3r#anitiag in ehr paymrnt M any rent m ehr Mortgage.
<br />(hj >a the tutor trtai the Malin;nr ..eca;,ir5 the mnrigagrd pngrcty m anp part dxrtnf, tlrc Mortgagor agrees to snrtertdrr
<br />pmsrssacaa ~ su:b prwptaiy in the fd.xxgagrr imnsecuttfy after arty sotto default hnnrsdrr, and i! the Mortgagor retnsint ip pos-
<br />atssirm a#in suede ,kiauh, sac} passrvira shall lY as . tssunt of !hr Mnrigaga ,aad the Mortgagor shall pay is ad•anrS uptm
<br />demard l+7 ibe ftt.artgagee, as a rrasuna'ulc +naatlay sra'si fav Ilu ptcmxsas <.ctupicd by the Mortgagor, as arnaunt at bast equiraltat
<br />to asae-taerlth ar the ayrnr;ate of t1u~ tsrelse mo-~*hPy iaualimenrs p_, ~idr m tfir cu:rrdt eaten-izt year, pins the actual amuuai of
<br />drc aaaw3 grituad rrol, ii any, *-ors. assres,arnts, rata rstcs, other ~uvrramcntal chargzt an.l insurance premiums paysbfe io
<br />e'snatrtiaa rich the mrutgagecl prnpeny durigg sw'b year. aad aprm the failure of t$r Mortgagor to pay sorb trwadtiy rental,
<br />riot fl8aaaggor taay ako k disynnsnxd by the ascot aramaeary proceedinFa applira$lt to trnaa2c. This cotenant shall bsctane
<br />tffeeiirt iseavediatrly agora for lupp«ritsg d any sorh drfaak, u dncrm;trd in the sole dpsreeli.m M rite Mortgagee, rlq stall
<br />give rsti:r M at;r$ dr#traiaatian to tix linrigagar; assd is ~r east M fsunlrmsre aad ttu apgaintraeoi M a rc4e;'sn M Ibe mats,
<br />t~ svisbio tts*smaat shall imuc to the #sracfit of such retei•er.
<br />t<. Tire Mvtgayee as any aavrm sa fozeriosr this 3dartpge dsatd be cntaird ru the appointment M s rttceiecr ritdwut notice,
<br />as a maifa td sight aad •rit$tarat regard 20 the •alrt stf tlx mortgaged prsq,ctty, ur the w1•cnsp nr insolvrncp at the Nortgsgar
<br />tr sm$et party ighfe far the payment of the Nate and other indcfstcdrrczs ..-rarr.t M t$i: Mortgage
<br />f}. 41te Nosigagar, within trn (10j daFS s:psxr rrgtzcA is petsaa at srit$in twtnty (yet) days upon «qusst $y mail, will
<br />foraiah prmyrfy a stttea ststrnsrat u form sati~xwty to tbt Mortgagee, signed by Else Mtartpgar aad duly arkewwltdged, of
<br />doe attrraaat Hasa oamEg an ifrc Neat :red atlter iadebtedatu seturtal by this -ftutgage, sod wheUtcr aay offxts or defenses
<br />aloe agauast atu~e irpen m aoy put rhrnaf.
<br />fb, T6e still Pe''rt' imtordiate aotios by regisMed e• certified mail la tAr Mortgagee M any Fitt, damage ar other
<br />uwaila affcaiigg i3e saaal;a~d pr~pHatp, of of aay tsa•eyaaeq eram(er or rhaag. in asrnrtsbip M sash PwpeNY. nr aay pan
<br />il. pfath'r sod ar reystst~a~ ke made se avsr•;ng and rosy be sewed in person or bl mail.
<br />lf6 to -tale d a- €osac#tsates sak d the mortgage) property it may lx said is oru pared.
<br />f!- The ~ still not asti;r,i the reo;r~, iF arty, is :hak as is pare, lroter tine mortgsged property, or any part thereof,
<br />s•idsaut she prior srrittm roaarnt M t$r Martgayst.
<br />
<br />