<br />' Form IttlD'No. 62}@.Neb.
<br />(sec. }l2 Loaa)
<br />(Revised Aug. 1976)
<br />80-~ Il~OItT~A~E
<br />'ibis Mortgage mode as of tht First dap of November 19 79 , beeaeea
<br />Leonard R. end Etmice J. McCarty (hereinafter called, and iE more than one patty jointly and
<br />atseapy hereinafter aAed "Mwtgagoi'), residing at 514 East 9th Street gall County, Nebraska
<br />^od- the United States of Amerin (hneinaiter called "Mortgagee'), acting 6p and through the Department of Housing and Urban
<br />Development having a Regiowl Office at 911 North Walnut, Ransas City ,gad
<br />State of Miasauri
<br />Wt7NESSti1'H, that to secure the payment of an indebtedness in thr principal amount of Four Thousand, 171ree
<br />Hundred And Ad0~100 Doltan (3 1F:3f)0. ~ ), with interest thereon, which shall be payable in accordance siW t
<br />certain note bearing turn date herewith, a true and mctect copy of which, csrlucive of the signatssre of the Mortgagor, mocked
<br />'Schednie A" iz atmated hereto and made a part hueof, rod al! other indehte.lncss which the Mortgagor is obligated to pay t0
<br />- ehc D{aztgagee purnuai to the provision of the Ncte at+d this Mortgage, the hortgagor htrebp grants, ranYeyx and mortgage
<br />to tkt Martgagtc:
<br />17te fdtosing~esc;ibtd property situate is gall ~ County, Atebaska.
<br />Lot Eight (8), Block Ten t10, Russell Wheeler's Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, gall Cotmty, State of Nebraska
<br />7'L)GE'[7i~#, soh aU appuexoseca thereto and all tke mate and ri>;hts of the Mnrtgager is gad fo surit prcputy or fa
<br />aaysiar appaain~ tituao; ail kpiidaga amt atha attitctam ens er hrrntttr tlwsaa errcted pr imri!led, and aU ftriares
<br />~ ats3[ip of peoami panperty mv: ar ha=•after attacked ~, rq used ia, nr 'tn the opcsatiass trig usy mch land, 6nildiags ttr
<br />strsrtmm arkirk sre as7tYSSary m lift tnap3ete tut and ncestlvacy d strc9t huildityes er stwrtnrez kst the ptacpoar for stkirh
<br />sssc m are ua he esected or iasta33ed, ioriudiagG but not timittt! m ail hcatiftg, I`lstmtntyt, huitrzsem, iagkting, cnokiag, Laadif,
<br />va~ataeg, tdtigetataag, "seaiacratarg, gad au~sutditiaaieg tyuigrr+ent gad Satnm anal a!l rcpiaremrtus ekereu( avd :dditieas
<br />thetsta. skg3tet a aux dte .sssae ace ar stall !x attatfsed to such lead, huiWiags ur wectarn itt any trtsnaer;
<br />~4 tt~k aaf sad aU asardz ens er kereafset made for t!rr takktg of the property mor~agtd Lerehy, of gay
<br />Y!att rhetod # gay easrratsti), hT the Kcrtisc at the po.n ad :minter dnmairt iatladiag gay sward for change
<br />of ssy street tx pt#er suadssq; sttici grads are heatky axsig~at tp tln lforrttagy+t aa1 ax tftemsd a put ~ properly
<br />aaoetiaAied hcrtiby. gad rite lttastFagae ix hereky sulkerixd ie cafiect aa:} :arrve tht protttds tsf sow asards, ro give praper
<br />strtayfs gad aogaituates tlterafnr, gad to apply the sane tnvacd ikt Payment of th! iad¢hl'ednesz SCCYred ky Ntis DtattJS~• got.
<br />siiltstaatrsttg tat fall tatd e-r aanatmi asia{g litrteos easy apt rhea l+e gut and pagaMt: sttd tlx Mortgagor Acteby agree; epee
<br />•~Adt. tb make, esectta gad drlivcr gay zed ttil assir .rants stud attrr insuamttsts suffitimt for tke ptsspose of aasigaiog ~
<br />mgt guard tp xtr ~, #sce~ char gad 3r -.nu;ed of say earamhrar«-s at gay kind ar ttarutz shaispes~er, smi
<br />Tt>~?3£3, sits aU rijbt, tick am(rasesest ~ t3r Y~tnrtga3tsx in and ro nc~ lard lying is the wefts gad reads in ftmit a(
<br />ad adiaiannf she abate described land {ail tfx above desaxlked ka,l, huiidrrtRs, other structtuett, factima, article of pertottal
<br />peaperly, ssards sad ac6er ri;fua sa3 in&sessa being ktreittaftatr tafirrtivtty .aUrl fir "aart;aZed Rr~ty"1- -
<br />Tt3 }iliVf d~ I'Q #3S?Ltt t4 amrytc*td qty gad :+~y .r~rt :h,~tnf ~e tie ~tarty,~tet. is sattesson :ad atsiyaa
<br />to:eaer fm the putpaes gad uses .rsein xt ftutk.
<br />AAti3 the r farther :nvvasxalt :pd agues sriM Nst ydortgagct, as fofiors;
<br />1, 3'be 3dOesgagot sciU prarpptly pay t~ Pr~A-i M gad ipteresi nn tht indckttdaess rridrnced by the Note, gad aU ot6ar
<br />>~r~tsad ~ =stavadtd therein gad is Skis Harsgag, st fix timer cad ip she magnet provided iq the Hatt and is
<br />t3r» K-
<br />3. 31rr i<Sprt~,#ar ~ par s}sa dae, as aestos{ttt is*asided. alt Around tenri, if gay, and atl lazes, assessments, llti<[
<br />rates gad tsthrr gpaerataesttai charges, tine gad imposiCtna; M every kind gad nature shatsprrer, nos to Aereaftet itttpaud ter
<br />the ~~ ~pPerg: a am7 pant tberod, sad viii Pty shtn dac evrrp amount of indebtedneu secartd by goy lien w srhick
<br />dse ihs d Nsis Jdoxtaza~g is x?Y~~! sukj~t.
<br />iG Tth`u iKatRaie ~ tkr TE+atr .ere tneatted sad tfeiivud m secure mnrrys adsaacpd, or to be advanced, ky iht btertgtgee
<br />a oe~-rte arawmt of : faaa cvidrpcod iq 3he 2dett, far tht purpttsc of nuking the iatptovemptri descr-bed of referred to io
<br />~1e ~ gaud lYovtttt~er b , ig 79 , to u oa the
<br />aRac~pgpd pesresgr, set ter scaly after pwpese, if say. depen'ited or referred to thexea skich impravetaasta are htresfter calltx
<br />£+ '~v 1'iat't ~ :sl±aR matte; ~ cseat_to ke.aude sit the 7mpeoecsmts, f) the conNrttttiaa or
<br />f7de ~ ~ h~.t s~ ke taxr3ed gat wLk tgaaafs+k diiiltettra. ar tdudl bs discoaNmsed at sap Gme for
<br />t~ ttesoR q~ar tbtq Acts. 1vrlntttR isR11 of Cstr~-fvM 8aeds ~ other :siaau7ar tattstrophies, riots. vrat or fasurreclioa, Nee
<br />lMae-atfsor dsr ntuide w t6d itdmtgngo` ~ tstaafil s~,ht to tatty trpaG tic atottpgtd property gad etttp{oy any satdt-
<br />awa se Pa'ahct'tke fatprpweeatets (mtit AgMadaiosl ra, itaary grad to presetveand protect such property, (It) to carry out any
<br />--~ *N ;tin asu9y~ corttiiets Itet.icea'Nx~ 3bnrtaptges apd aNter partie for the pwpase of making say of tlta. Improvements.
<br />(tj is mrkt gad eater iota additiaeai tauerstu-aaaj iAtgr trkGgatioas far tbt pnrpasa ttf completing tht Improremcats paesuaat
<br />~ ~ ~~~ Nk-?f~tpyox-~heCt ~ a~aet is eke rgme of tbR Idurtgaj;e or the Mortgagor, aed (d) to pay and discharge
<br />