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TM ~..:7:~:~,- <br />~r <br />•: <br />Fravided, however, that if sail rer3t or any chances <br />herein inctud~d as rent shall at any tir^::e re in arrears <br />and unpaid and shall regain unpaid for thirty ~~G) Eiays, <br />er if Lessee sha71 fail to co;raly i~iti; the conditions <br />if this le3sc, or shall not r:el aid truly perform <br />and fulfill each and every ccr~;nar.t and ac_reement herein <br />contdined o:~ the part of the Lnssee to Lie performed <br />and inept, and said defaul~ snail continue for thirty <br />~3~~ Cc;S, Or if-LeSSCC Shall R'ai\e an csSl~~nm~?7~ far the <br />benefit cf creditces, be ~c.vlared a bankrGpt, volur;tarily <br />or inva untarily, and said ass3yrrent sha11 not he revoked <br />cr said ban~_r:ptcg se' aside Ciithin Lhiriy (;C} days, thereafter, <br />ar said ~esse2 sh:.i1 abancoc or vacate ;aid premises caring <br />the tl'rT, i crcG' !`r if the interest cf ',he LC55^£' in Said <br />pra:nises sndl7 ce sold anr:ca~ eaeccti,:~n ar athar 1ega1 process, <br />the Lessor r,„~} e;;'_er in a'.' upo; sale: ar'e~ises and agai;; have, <br />repassess and o:ro;~ th,: see as ifi ti;is lease ;,.~.i rnt lee.a <br />made, ana ?her~eul?c~" this ,etise ar~.d e~~crythinn herein contained <br />an the '"i of the saii• Lessor tt) E^ i.C: 4:1c pc.rf01'r',2d, Shd11 <br />LCdSe, dc:tCST,ii!~2 3:1u t+~ attorly 1D':d, r~iti~.~,it pre~UdiCE, !10W1'Vc'r, <br />to the lies? rights ^f ?he lessor cn .° `i~:tures and e~u;pment <br />of the l2sst?e or to the giant of the _essor to r~COVL'r frv:n t,e <br />said LeSSee cr assiyars all rent uuc up to the tir;e of such <br />entr_;, and *_o r-wart to ar,-` atter legal remedies vailabte to <br />thia !essor c:n accoa;?t of f ~^t' default of the Less~c. <br />it`ai i~f~7niCT.N _. _ is rruiually covena;=led ar:d ?g,-eed .~~at : cr.rirg <br />i ~i+~!f15~Y-' tha tern, o{ this 1i:asa, the 3errisod ;:remises, or a;;y particn <br />: <br />~.~ ~. ~'-" thereof, is damaged by fire or atP;er casualt!, *_o such an <br />_ ex:ont as ±e render~ the dr?t~ised premises rahoiy r=nfittcd for <br /> occu;•a,^,cy, or if said pre+aises are so seriously dymaccd by <br /> fire or ,-'.nr :~sualty tha* it shall t.e ~mc~racticai or ur.- <br /> ~onnamical to rchuilc thL t:ui':diny, the;, a;d in that cvtnt <br /> ettner the Lessee or ti;e Lessor mdv Cancel this lEa>C '.`, <br /> givin5 notice ,n ~aritiny iD the athe+~ Harty ray certified <br /> rsail, such nati;:e to tie sent no later than thirty i~t;} ddys <br /> after the tia;~cts to said tiaii%iaigi shall hove accarred, <br /> t'tiieriut+Uri, t#il`±i~,'~-~y .lf paid FiU ti Ct L~ ~;iz' Vtii~''~C i- ~tart,f> tili3 <br /> lease shall terT:ir;ate and ail rigr•:ts and aWligaticns Cf <br /> the ?essor anJ Lessee herzunder sr,ali cease and detcrn~ine. <br />;'i,4; ?;YL PFS?~J~~T10n Ir tna t'~: r~ ; the t tr~3 c't:; i s,} _' Uror.:;es = r,e:; ; d !.c <br />~L~i~ S~ pfrtial ddi33-~~:~. t'y rirevr Uti~~C'" ;:r'~ati u3olE- Cr.SL'3i'`j' <br />~ <br />~n~,r- but n_~t '4o such ar, e.:,r.n, .._ tt~ ^ad:!_ it <br />i;°.ractiEa'r` or <br /> uneconv-i-:al tc i:c~r,;:letel} re5Li2d ar re;onstrucr. then <br /> an3 in t~31 ire;:;., it sr-•a'1 be tha d..t~r cf the _.e3~:r <br /> ts~ i,:£?::'i'-:L;?if :-i~C~2.^%.t -.~.` k1~... ~-rairln~ tl.-~ r:. i-ist, :: <br />~ <br /> ar,d *ha Ge~,.rscr <br />rrer^~se~;. ester"lit t=:e said ;.J,larr.•; <br /> {'rtr=?iSi's ti, a C;`i.:112i^;; ir~51-'' deui,".lblr ~iS '!:~t LifOt°:. <br /> ', tS dt S:rt. it~n b_,' t1F-2 .. U`i'i£!' CdSLIaIL~, ~I~C,~Ji ~`~~ <br />s <br /> h$Mie v'i'e, t;l3t t^. ,.r~r>>~Jt _ p~ri,~d =~J~"7-^< ~;~;i i-_ Zil f_' <br />f <br /> zre =fihaliy cr pwnsal?~ ;~ntena'I7.asie <br />r:ernised pr~is=~s <br /> ~y rfflSan of fire or other cdsualt~a, thf-re SIla11 .N°_ an <br /> abate^ent cif rental ir; pro}`.lion the ;:onion v; the <br /> demised premises rendered F,nter,antaaie for the purp;;se <br /> or Lessee's business durinv tine Feriad of Limo with <br /> SUS feg3irS C'i' roc anstr'a C.ti@(i ar"i, iri prQCC~S, arit"i <br /> provided further, that in the event of damage to the <br /> demised premises by fire and other cisualty, any portion <br /> of rent pairs in advance by the Lessee to the Lesso:•, <br /> and not earned t?y reason of Lessee's octupdncy, sha11 <br /> be refunded Ya the Lessee by the Lessar inurediately <br />