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<br />79~' (}t~'751'~
<br />of personal injury to any person or persons and from all
<br />liability for damages or injury to any property of any
<br />person or persons an or ah3ot the premises, sidewalks
<br />adjacent thereto or parking lots adjacent therefia occasioned
<br />by any act or negligence an the part of the Lessee, its
<br />agents, servants and empia3"ees and agrees to carry indemnity
<br />insurance against liability for such injury and damages
<br />in an adeeuate amount with the Lessor nar.,ed s a principal
<br />named insured.
<br />iiEN 7, the Lessee further covenants and agrees with the
<br />-'- lessor that all ft+rniture, fixtures and equipme»t located
<br /> upon, said premises and awned by the lessee, or which may
<br /> hereafter be placed upon the premises by the Lessee or
<br /> its assigns, shall be, and they hcre6y are, made subject
<br /> to alien fen tha purpose of securing the faithful perfor-
<br /> mance rf each and every covenant and agreement of this
<br /> said lease and the same shall not be removed until all
<br /> of the tet-nis and conditions of this lease have been fully
<br /> and faithfully performed.
<br /> CflYEtvA.t~tS Of THE LESSOg
<br /> Tr;e lessor hereby covenants and agrees with the
<br /> said Lessee as f~ilaws:
<br />,ii7ER,3TI(tliS 1. The lo~see: r:k3y, with prior 1lrittfn aoproval cf
<br /> tl',e lessor of Lho plans and spfCificationS> zn,ake such
<br /> alterations or a.idi*_ians in ar to the prc^lises curing the
<br /> tr2m of this lease as are necessary for its occupancy,
<br /> pros°idze', hauever> such thant~os and alterations shall
<br /> be at the e~pe„s, of the lesser and shall not injure
<br /> or basi~a':ly fffeLL the structural parts of the building,
<br /> all wcrr: to oe done ir. a first-class wori:ranli{:c ,rur:r.or
<br /> and carply with all laws, rates a*;d regulations of tr.
<br /> Staff of Nebraska a'td the City Gf Grand lsiand covering
<br /> such -atLers_ it is further arced that the lessee racy
<br /> Ir+s tall lr L~L l rt~lsCi] t'r e`.tI1Je] .~h friiitYr-c> Ci~iJ i~rii~iii>
<br />`
<br /> +`1'~~ii57_`d n[t„4:t 5Clr~',
<br />s neivi n,, and attactirk refs as ~~j" U~
<br /> suitat+la or desirable fen the conduct of its business,
<br /> and the sa^~, 1n_l;;,iing such as rras ee tetn~;ararily aitathed
<br /> to the ? ~iidinY, azay, pravtded tine lee:{'f has co~:,:lied
<br /> wish 311 of the Lert;ts an; conditions of this lEeSE, be
<br /> rf~ved; rho lessee, however, to pa}• fca~ the rc;~air of any
<br /> dasnagz t~ the building eccasiuned by ssch removal, kny
<br /> alterations, tha;:~t~s cr addi}inns to tt~e bui`;diny, the
<br /> heatin: p7 ant, air t~.n_tir'3inc or ve^Liattnc syste;;
<br /> ar the ;lUi^!'ir~ or wirir~:j r.3de by th.e LE55EE Lo be~G~~e
<br /> and regain the prapertb" ,nf thf Lf SSOr.
<br />C~IIIiT kN,~'fl'tiEt4T 2. Tne Lessee upon paying the rents and perfor;-lr,rt
<br /> t9se covenants of this 1£ase on its part to bf p<rferr,;Ed>
<br /> shall fluiftiy occupy and enjoy, ~'~r#ng said term, the
<br /> leased premises without ar~ hindrance ar rwifstation by
<br /> or an the part of the Lessor.
<br /> FtUTU~11 CGYkt;~tiTS
<br /> Ii is further mutually agreed by and betwefn the
<br /> parties hereto as #allows:
<br />i3Efl+tiLT~ 1, It is understood and agrefd that any failure
<br /> of thf Lessor or Lessee to enforcf rights or seek remedies
<br /> upon any default of the a*.her p~rtp, with respect to rho
<br /> obligeti~ns of Each o`her Gt~ eitt_r trereunder, shall not
<br /> prejudicf or afffct thy, ri.,hts cr rtmpdies of each or
<br /> either of them, in the c:~rert of any s:~b,cuer,t default.
<br />