<br />,.
<br />~- ;~ -
<br />~ ,~
<br />:~
<br />Rj •
<br />I ~'~'VV~V~r~
<br /> idle-n the h,~,i;er;irq of env f;re ar ~_- .• cust~ait:y l:hich
<br /> S!ta}! r,-G':'At?t thA LiSS":'. iiSi` ti_ ;dli! }£-uS:-:u
<br />~
<br /> premises in the conduct ef
<br />its Lusiress.
<br />h'AIVER. OF SUY,20tu1- ";. It is ago-e•~ that if the arenises si~a}} to cestrayed
<br />T; utisS in ~,~:?;a7e ar in tart by any cause ar ca.:ses cc:erud by standard
<br /> fire any ex;.er.c;Ad c,:cr~.:.~ insurance farr.,s, the Lessee she}1
<br /> not be ]idble for or respansihlA to Lesser ar any insurer er
<br /> insurers ~f Les~ar and the Lesser shall, not ~e liable >"ca' Gr
<br /> respansib;e to Lessee er ary ins+~rar or ir.surArs of the Lessee
<br /> far anj in respect of any suci? dac;aye ar destruction, and
<br /> Lessor her<<y specifical]y wives any ar,d all right of sui;ragaticn
<br /> k~hich the insurAr ar insurers ma;; have dgait;st Lessee fer such
<br /> losses, da~~ages ar destrwc~ion, and the lessee hereS; specifically
<br /> waives any and a31 right of subragatian w+lich the insurer cr
<br /> insurers nay have against the Loser foa° such losses, darlages
<br /> ar destruction, a}] notltiithstardi:la thL f~_t th3t thr =??~?
<br /> is cause+ in wholA or in part Ley ti?e neglect of Lessee or
<br /> at3y of his r~fficers, a9et?ts, cn7lioyees, invitees or atherwis2
<br /> or by, the nAlect er negligence cf Lesser ar any of its
<br /> effacers, agents, er-?a]oyces, invitees er otherwise. It is
<br /> further ~:~-derstnod and d,:reCd than in the Avent that this
<br /> c]ausA arc: ~.arac.rat?h shc.:id render any insurance caverace
<br /> nu31 ar:d ti=cjd, this clan>e cr ;:ara9raph shall f;AC:r~ ir,A#fcttive
<br /> ds bets.•een the harries hereto.
<br />"'+}1Ci _. ,i;,e;`~•~~~r in .°~?~ easeho}d agrcc,:cnt nctiae is to L_
<br /> Gitcn L:s__._ Less.: ar ?esar t:y Lrssr.e, s„ch no*.ice sh41;
<br /> Le ty , _rt-'j _•i - ; } ~? rc..tt d to the -~ re ar t3: Lesser' _ ...
<br /> notice s~ szn: she}} h~ ten~ic;erc•.1 as r.atic~ Lo t„ Le:sse~~
<br /> ar Lessor, as the c>-,e mt, be, arJ tarp ccr.~ ute:d fra:a rtcei;:.t
<br /> of SUi-^, :'~'? .~n CU't1 -rtjrjtd t{.t?nt- ~,r rr7iClal ~;r,S' of"i~^
<br /> riLari: t#ati~i:~ ?he ti!!x: of railitl
<br />.'
<br />~, hiti'1 "ra:ei,.t'~ Gi S~Ch notice
<br /> l
<br />.
<br />Mang y:tt?ne neret:? L$ recAl ~lt L%j till L. J. }'t3st iii ~~.
<br />i;~.F i7F Fr:~'i^tiNS 5. ?n ,.~ ~s~ or {~~:rsanai prcnuuns, t~?e r^as~lira,
<br />`
<br /> fc•iriinitit an~
<br />SiAilt2'r, thA SingUlur aTv chi plate], P+}'.ArAE'er
<br /> found in th's ~.re~:~ni, -ay be consjder~d interchanr~eah}e
<br /> to sui. L#le r~y~irer.~?ents cf th:: partitL]ar p?bass or clausA
<br /> in kr'1i7 Gh St: s:'1 prinnl.!) 'Y~`-'drS-
<br />:L'~%i2++L J. 't is r..utual}y zcvenantt?d ar,~ ani•eed Ly zed betwAAn
<br /> a7A parti~s hereto brat wl;is lea=_•e env all the ce•,•en;;nts anJ
<br /> rraV7$1~nS, it]"~iS and ~Gl:ditiC71S T,(rAin CCnt%inAd SPla}}
<br /> inure to the `'enAfit ^f and be bira;ng u;;an tiA successors
<br /> dnd aSSi~nS ~~? Aa~:.l1 Qf tni „attics hArAtG.
<br />C:~'7IL'~I ~. _-, ttlt ei'it3L t'1.,: tile' LASaCe fL]fj+ c:ti'l;iiCS With a}':
<br /> of the t::;le~ ?'~ abi7t;at'arS ilerilr set .;;YLh, the Les;ei :.~dtl
<br /> have `fkA a;~Lian tP pur:.ha<e Lt~e t'st'rc Ni'eTiSPS. ti':9 ~Ubjr°CL Cr
<br /> *_tlis ls<_st, far tre s
<br />~~ ci event? ~ar
<br />''3u:..ar;;;titie iEunur;~.;
<br /> [
<br />5
<br />Tlwwr~ty 31rC3 ..;]l'r5 1Y'~; .`.+i'.'.~'r!), rtiu`,rti%li"iii ??ir.~ -, f
<br />8 tt iC::tt :~
<br /> Cif the Gi?Sr~? ~1 iftf; iESSCA t0 aX!~-rCiSE' SJ'~It ~:?t iCin S':d11 ! C,
<br /> delivered in wr~tinQ tw the LASSar c l?'35t i'irlet`+' L:,r,'~ c`at's
<br /> prior to !ht date which the L;:~sAe desires t0 +?t CrGi:. C• ,JLh Cr Ll Gil
<br /> dnd in dny t;vent dS lEdSt ninety {~;.!~ days ~tY1Gr to t1:A CXp1r~'4ifist
<br /> of this }Rase. in the event that thA Les_e•: sha::]d enercisA
<br /> SVCh option, th2 Lf'SSOr aQrACS to CC'n've_V ~13rfetcble title to ::~uh
<br /> property free and clear of a}} er«urhranc~~s, except fer casetr;_nts,
<br /> conditit~ns and restrictions of record. It 1; specifically ~r,;;~r-
<br /> stond and agreed thai in thA event the }Anse is terminated pursuant to
<br /> Su~paragrdph 2 of the itutua] Covenants entitled ";cite} Gestrt.ctian
<br /> of Premises by Casualty", thAn this option shall not be available
<br /> to the Lessee.
<br />