<br />+ _ ._
<br /><~ .
<br />,g.~l ' O+U'75i'
<br />~S ADD?Ti0\:\l. CONSiDEi:[~~'iC):; ~~rul ~_> addiCioral rental, the
<br />L,essea shall reimburse t:lle Lessor for the premiuis o2id on *ire
<br />and e::tended coverage insura::.c policies carried ozl the premises
<br />for th+, insurable value o the ir,provenlrnts thc~ con c:uiin~ the term
<br />oz tills ~_.ase a~recnl~nt c.*ith such insurance policy also including
<br />a SiS ~J? `<lOnttl$ JOSS UZ resat claust'.
<br />G[?';Ei+r1'.TJ t1. Ir.~ L't$S~t
<br />The Said L_SSG2, .n ddriition to the CoaendnCS hereinbeTOre
<br />contained, hereby covenants and ayrees to and a;ith the Lessor
<br />as fo'lows:
<br />::T3LITIES 1. The Lessee shall, at its o,vn expense, furnish all
<br />utilities used by it on the premises herein leased and shall
<br />nut pert~+it water tndr~E or' Sewer Ci3arsje5 tQ beCLmc? a lien
<br />against the pre+nises, it beiny specifically understood and
<br />agreed that t.!2c' use of cater, electricity and other utilities
<br />on aaid prerises shall be at the risk of the lessee.
<br />1q~,i;;Er:ANtE try Z. ;ht Lesse>' shall and will, durir,y said term, at its
<br />~i~~~--- o!an oos; arcs expt?;se, keep every ;:art and portion cf the
<br />prer~.ises in >lood order and repair and r.:ake all rcp;~irs to
<br />tha plurGing, wiring and heatine., air conditiGning and venti-
<br />la*_iny syst~?~s, providing, hcwcver, that ail repairs made
<br />necessary t< the buildir.-y itself, excep*_ing the furniture,
<br />fixtures are:i :gni~.~ent a;tr,ch may t,°~ o;:ncd by tf;e Lessee,
<br />which r.x;airs are made rectssarv by reason of the ha^rcnit
<br />of fire cr atner casualt.r, shall be cad+~~ by a;,d at tre
<br />expense 3i the ~c'ssor; '.hat at the tcr,;iindtiun Gf tris ic~se
<br />the lecstn ~aili Leliver- said crcrrises in as r-~~d a conditica
<br />as tn~ sa!=,= is .:ren eos~;es,icn is ak, by t~ e .cssee, rcascnable
<br />wear amd tear gnu ~a:r„3g~~ by fire an oti~er casualty cx;:cptei.
<br />it iS sFcClfical ly l+*, i~G+'SLQC•".r dR~ aQri-.ed fiat dii ~dk'ti'.G
<br />lot S;:r'a,:~5, sida':walks, GUrbS and C~i~£f CCnCrt.t~ 1tiCri: sh311
<br />~ maintdired by and at the expense cf the Lessee.
<br />n the event .iny givern~~n<al Grgbnizatiar~, t•ureau cr ec:r,cy
<br />torough lass., ordi»ance>, reaulatiars, codes or other enacL",~nts
<br />or di!_;.tives shauid rc~uire charre>, aiteraticns, improvercnts or
<br />repairs to the premises, it is urderstood and arreed that t!=e Lessee
<br />shall Lie rr.GUir-ed to perfor^? such ci;anges, alterations, ir..prove+rants
<br />or repairs at its exense.
<br />ii5t ~,r 1z~Et+llsES 3. T4~t Lessee wil', use grid occur) _.aid F.r_:^ises in a
<br /> car'erul, Sale and prover r;.anr;cr dr~~ will nit %~,;'""i'it Or $i;f•, Lr
<br /> any was~e thereon, and ~:ill c::e./ all of the ordinances of the
<br /> City of Grand Island :~itt; res~cc.t to th^_ said i,rc,ii',es
<br /> d^d wi ti, res,•cct to c',r~ni ng tht stuet„1~~> and y;r xi ng lots ,'
<br /> sn>$H, sleet aei ice a±.c: rev-*ovin_t all r~bbi~h that may dtcu~ulatt
<br /> on or about *_he premisLs.
<br />1~i51'EC;iI `t h2 Li55ci: 5?la;l art witi ~F!"!'lt the L=-SGr, :~r its
<br /> duly aut.horizLd ar~ents and s:Tployees to enter said preniscs
<br /> at all reasonaoie times to examine the Gonditicn of the sur~r2,
<br /> or if t±~e Lessor shall elect, fior r,!aking necessary repairs,
<br /> alterations or additiens to the demised premises.
<br />;~SSiG?~iFtiT 5. The Lessee will rot assir~n ar transfer this lease
<br /> or gay interest therein, nor sublet said premises with,;ut
<br /> the written consent of the Lessor; hokever, such consent
<br /> shall not be unreasonably tyithheid.
<br />li fiLp NyifitBt£SS 6. T`}e Lessee covenants and aryreFS tG hold and sdve
<br /> the Lessor harmless from any and ail liability by reason
<br />