<br />79°'' flt1'7~1.'r
<br />L r..a s
<br />THIS A~?~~~*?=-td1' made anti entered into thisL.%;~~ d~~y ut
<br />i•?1 _, ___ 1974, by ;tr.~l bet.:ecn h013BRT .;. Fv11EELER and
<br />\.?1tiCY L<' (1ili:~ L':K, each in hi:, :Ind her o?~^7 : i1;17t and as spousz
<br />o[ cac:7 otiler. hereinafter e~I'_icci the "Lessor", and FR11NK A.
<br />t~'.,IGiiT and l::?it:?L ~?. l,1RIGH;', husban:l and x.iie, anti 1.lELVI2~l H.
<br />A'(~ t-iILCLt1R1~~ and 3t`A~I":? P< iil:'~'~.t~Rl:?~, ln:e.;~and and t;ifi, ail
<br />j~" jozntly ar:~? stt~~rail~•, ilurc_,<a1 t ;r caeca Che "Lessees'
<br />\~~ T11aC ii?~' .. ~`5:.: ~,? :i~~C~ I?. .~D'. ii:.... tii, SCt Li :Id l:.aa t' Ul?CC t11:.
<br />Liz St?:'_ C11~ ?i~~."..'.. 1?$` dl`s.: 1T~•. ,l 1?=i:: ~1Si_a tiitUatCd 1.:1 tl7e 4,iC,' Oi:
<br />' urnd ;-'?ta,s~. ;~3,.~ ~U:=E?j:i- ,_,i?I.~~; ..'__ ti?-!~";.t:
<br />fill ~~1`i:~ \jj .. i.U C:i ."all; ~~t) _., lrUltli'.'S t"iGC:Ltlt111
<br />CJ the . _::~~ ~.? (;r.I1d ?. l.an<i, 1±a1 i iounty, 1+c'uravl;a,
<br />:itl1 ~_ _~__dini; ;i.~I:. tnic'.c:i 'ler•__:1 .n ac.:or<?:~.~~~: ..ith the _,'_~.,,
<br />;3I7:j -:3i~i 1~i13t1.'.I i7S .'.l sl, 1'~>','E_'.1 i}4' L~JL11 (?7?rll c. .~, CJ tlli:i ~ Cu.:iC a=;'~--.
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<br />c~:,~ ~?lc_id 3n~, Ci.-.. 1c: SL ;;i~~'_=. -.?iii t:iT.CCC, t11iI1 C'l1t' p3Yt1C5 tD
<br />thi~, °=-~.r,,L ;, i .`~ 1 tl ., ~Er)~l'1~. date ~f this ie
<br />ill .,n4' .~i:11',~::1 i{a r_ 1 ~ .. ..1 .. _> }. d, .: ,, 1' ~,~i7 11:1. 3~ii; ~,1 c'i:ti th€11r F ~~;.-~ S
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<br />:ire iil?L)? lE"..._. 'l'•i:e ~I r7 _. ~;~.. _~}''r _:::1 ,.,.> ~.: i:il t='_,. t. _. :'C.Iltu' Lt., ...:_
<br />_;n.~Li ,'~Y aIL _ .s?_'r,,l a,y ~ .tr `c La:{~s I ~ t. t; ~711~ ?.. ~~tL alal:..:t
<br />'~l'il pxopc'rL~' 11t'3"i:... dLa~Yi.~'si:1 ter 't :I i'_ l"-'ar '_`) °) ;:nu as1 Viir5
<br />:-}ga,': [+.'-~S, ~. i.'I~ ti;I l~i':1~; t;1L' il: wlil C.11 Ch 15 1. L~:35{:. !'+:1L1`S Lll ~.' x-33 J: t'=:s t.~tl ttl..
<br />lyr~,r~xises w.t ~3sc.eit.:jned, Lcsst?r s!1a1~ Hari:?- tl._ Lf~ssci us tll;'
<br />zllzfount and the Lessee s1aall then pay such taxes. { In tlli cvenC
<br />That eithe.rttlae Lessor or the Lessen. desires io pretest the
<br />~~aluatians ~sr t.;e al~aurlt of tsl;es lz?vied anainst the prerniscs in
<br />a13y year, each party to Chic agreement sha11 fully cooperatc-
<br />.•ith the othex in registering; such protest or objection; however,
<br />tine protesting party shall pay the ea.penses to register such
<br />protest or objection.) In ac>clition ther~;Ca, the Lessee shall
<br />pvy all special ass=~ss!nents Levied aL.ain~~t the premises durinz; t11e
<br />tiuratic~rl of the lease.
<br />