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<br />79-- Eii3'718~s <br />(1) month pear to its due date thz annual mortgaee insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Reusing Act, as amenued, and applicable Regulations thrreundrr: or <br />{If) Ii and so long as said state o; euen date and this htstrwnent arz held by thz Secretary of Hauling and <br />Urban Development, a monthly' cheese Ihr lieu qJ a ntcrtgage iusurattcc premium) which shall be in an <br />a,noum equa# to one-twelfth {;?i 2) of ont half (li'3) per cennrm oC the average outstanding balance <br />due on the Here camputzd without t.!kineinto account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />(bt A sum equal Tv t}tr ground ants, #f an}. nest .#uc. plus the przmiunts that wul nest become due and payable on <br />po#icies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the moztgaged property. plus tapes and arsessntents next due <br />~.. thz martgaQ;d propeny tall as c_cr;rxarc^:i br• :he tf~~rr;•a;ee`! lzss all sums alreadc paid therefor divided 6y the <br />number of months t~- ziapse bzfote onz 'nonth ptter to thz date uhzn su:h srauttei ants. przsnsntns. lazes anal <br />assessments w+!1 become deliaquznt. such runts to 6c itrid by \iert~agez its trust to pay- said ground rents, pre- <br />=munrs, tares and specie! assesstncnrs: and <br />(cl .41# pacrarnts mznrioned in the two preczding suhsecnons of this paragraph and all pay!nrnts m be made undo[ <br />the note scewzd hzrebi shall be edded h,gethet, and the a~ragatr arm,un2 rhetzo[ shall 6c Held by the Morfgagor <br />_arh month in a smcle }>,2yment tt, bz apphed by the Atortgagze m the fn}lowing +zems m ti!r order set forth: <br />tlj emiurn ~hargrs under r?rr contrect z,f insurarce w uh t..e Srrretan' of k:,using artd I ! i,an Development. <br />4S ;nc?elhiy C:'.2r°_e ', r7 t.ftE .,' n„ i:'a.`c' in51fr311CE "rf`nirtDt.-; as the case r*.tav bc; <br />it; , ~ ;Had tents. fazes, ssss•:sr:tents' fire and :>title irara[d insurance }>remiums; <br />! i#tt :eta 5t r. t..c ~ ~_: srcare:: hrzbc: an.? <br />t#!`) e!*xrttaar=.,r:,,-thepsincipsi.??saidnotc. <br />.i•nv detacsen;}- tr: ti7r am,>unt .f any such a~i<tc~atc munt}:iy~ payment shall, unless ntadr good by thz \t i,tt <br />ga.;o: p ...,> sac due gate of the nett sacit pacnte~;t- c, r:n!tute an event ;,i .'.c.auit under this mortgage. The <br />Murrgagrc' rnav .Dare a "late .ha*.gr" oat to rs«•e.l tin:r rent; t~~l she rac~?; _]ellas (~ I 1 ofeach payment mute <br />than fiAitzen I? t} ;Lys to coal to corzr ~hr zeta ezp: ns, utva,ive•? m handiinc ;i~*iinyuent psymertt.. <br />-,- r;t~ ;f Wn=,~~ of ;:hY'r= ...,: z.»d~ ~ tft. \itu ,..;'., or pa - nt. " • .:d;ni -:'all ~.,emd <br />the xax>unt of payment- actually :r.sde by the \ion_a?ee fcer _nwnd n•nt-, taw .tndµa:~i•--moot: or insurance pre- <br />mium=. a< the ca a may be, weft ~~~o> if the !t><vrr iv current, at the option of the• '•icrtgagor, shah lx credited try <br />the tlortg;~ee an wb_:eyuent payment- to 've msde by t#re \fon_a_rer, c:r refunded to the 5iart_~xgor. }f, howt+ver, the <br />~,thly pavrtient: made by the Nottga~s>r undo[ : - • of paragraph ' prc•ccding shall not be sufficient to pay ground <br />rent" tapes and a ~es~tnettta or =:nwrance premiums. a= the came may t!e, uhen the =ame shall become due and pay- <br />a$le, then the >iangaeor eta#! pay to the \toriearee an} amount necessan to ma#se up the deficiency. on or before <br />the date when payment of such rmund rents. Ixae-. else-stnent~ ar insvr-attce pmmium~ :!tail be due. if at anti <br />lame the yiortgaEror ;itaf# tender fa the ltv>rtos~ee. in acrord..nce with the provi=ions of the note .secured heeby. <br />full payment of the entire it=tiebtedne== mpresented [hen 6v. the \Wrt~;ee she#i, .n computinE the amount of such <br />itta'1e~.a•#ness.:?ts'Iit re the amount of the '.uortgagar a#i pavmrn[s made under die procisitxrs of ~ .:: of paragraph , <br />hetcaf which the linrt~;aeee hss [mt become ubli_ated to pad to the ~ecretan of kousin xnd I'zbtut ihveiupment <br />cad wry balance tretaining in the ftmd= aecumulaled under the prod-ion- of =, of para^nph '? hetraf. #f there: <br />-.+ltai} be a default under env of iht• prv>visians of this martna:e rew#tin, in a public sale of the premi~r•~ covered <br />trerehy. ar if flee 1tort."xgee srgttire ti:e property atherwi~e after dt•far+it, the \iurta;`et• Jra!) apply, at the time of <br />the rt+atatenretaertt of wch prec•eedvns.+, or :u tltt' time the pnvpetty i, atherwi-r• aryuired- she. balance tfitert remain- <br />inp in alto funds sccusnu#ated tinder : ~ ] of par:~rxph =' pmredin,. aR a credit :s;<ain„t the amount of principal then <br />t€•msinin_ unpsid wider-:ail note. _utd ~}tafi ntnperly adju-2 a..y paymrnt~ whi;•h -hat? blue been arsde• under;: <br />of par:et~ph =. <br /><- ;ru? ism ?,h>;zgug.>; ,+ril [:ay enure rcni5. rya. _ssrs+mznt,, cater rotes, attd ati'wr ,:.>vr;nme:,tai ar municipal <br />.hargcs. t'trtrs.+x imposrtron.. f:*r uhi:h ^rov=lion has nr•i t,rzn made hzreiHk+rfore, and in drfauF ttserroi the \tarigagee may <br />pay thz st~,nr arts =. hat the \t.,r;:a,,gr;r » i17 p;. ~;2pt1y deliver tht ,+r,5:i.:i receipts thrrrit,r a+, the \tortcaeee. <br />t_ The 0.fs;{;~,x gill Fat ail t aces u bleb r=ay be ?edzYi u;+.,n the ~Iurtg3Ee.'- intrtr.[ in ~d real estate and im~'lratr~ <br />*_nrnt~, a".i= whtc` ,ta> i*e seared u;x3a this martgagr x the urbt secured hereby {but :+n1v ;~: flee relent that <uch is not prahittit- <br />ed bt law artd on:c tot fete extent t'nat w.h u iii oat tn31:r this i,,nn usunous+. ^ut raciudinc arm me+>mr tea. State or rederai. <br />mtp,~sae.,n 4f i'an~SSLYY_=i~ kr?tfik t4:e afi:~i rr:rtpt =.itcu i~ sach pa, runt w,th ttre'vtanCSgee_ t }x+n violation of thisunder- <br />t:.iirtg_ .-+r tf tht Mortgagee is Pr.•hir=ted bt any :~v. rou ;.s hrrr:rfitr rvistrng ;tom pay rng the u hvse ,+r sty }+l,rt3v?n of the aiare- <br />wid taut,, c>: utx*n 2ire renaenng .,f :.ny v. un or.'srt ,r. r.,hibinnc tlrr pay enrol Fv :ht '+l.,rtu:gor ,•r any curls teats. or if ouch law <br />sa dre-te Iu,,,vrde, shit env am.wm .,, ,sad by the 'vtongagor :ha€? tK .'trdncd .:r. ±hr mongagc azht. err \to[tgsgrr sh;d# have <br />ittr szgi,t ro .rut ntra•ty dry-~ wrrrtrr. notiv:r to the .>unrr ai tttr m,,rtg>,•<d p:rmi,r,. *equisrrg the payment .+f the mnngagz <br />.;t<Mr. }`>ur.~: na[u~e t+t ;aver,, the .aid debt ,nail !,z.,,me due. p»±~Ahie~nd c,vikcnbte ai the ra !rstton of ,zid rritxty day. <br />i+_ T'h:et shcuS>3 hr tail in ;v3v any sun or 4.erp soy Ci•v2R set pros rdrd for m thi, Ma*tg.rge, then [hr A{origagee. at its aP- <br />ai,+n. mss pay u~ prrfvarm 2ttr ssme. 3rn1 a}l , agcndiiurty so made .hall he .rddrd to [fee principal +um ,•u ing nn the .r#+e,+-e no[e. <br />~tA }x tccartad isrrrby _ nrft7 ~sha:i hear t,,tem.t .rt 2hr rote set ie,rth m the ~:nd nvxe. until ; as;j <br />`- That hr hereby a,>~crt.. u-an,fr~r~ :;nd ,its .n rr +,., ttrr \iv,ngaere. to tx apphrd te,u:ud the ray mein v,f the note and al! <br />su:_.s ;rcuzrv he:zrby sn ca:r .>f _ .._r_~'t ir, the pet#ar;n»rx .. ,ny .•f :ne terms ,in:i - Haitian, :ri this[tisge .,r *.hz ,aid <br />nott. a.1 the rent>, rrvrnurs sod incs,me to t+r drr!v~.: from the ntortgaFed ptrsn!.rs Burnt .uch =.rme a1 the m.>rteagr iedzhtrd- <br />russ >irall remain :repaid: and the ?vtc+rtcaert ;hell t•.ave fi•>uer t.> appoiri :sty agent or agent, it mat dairz f.,r the purpose of <br />rrt+astitxg rrxf ,?f coating iHe ,amt .atta ,.v,ircting the rent., avenues ;end !ncv~me, and it may pat osrt of said in- <br />a'xars .aft e+epeases ,>f rtpatrtrtg ,aid premises :end :Weer>sarv ccYmmissic+ats _.rni rapenses incurred in renting and managing flee <br />~rmr rsd v~ azti:rsti~ reats~rc ttie;eirtarn. ttx ~ rernintng. 1 sec- re tse applied toward the dischaee cd acid mangage <br />mdehirdnrs~i. <br />?;- "Thar let a,~t~ l, rlye smpr;s-ements r>t=w evast_iag cx hneaittr crzets'd „n t3se mortgaged prapert}, ensured as ma\ hr <br />rrquved fit>m titret to ttmr t*y [hr !v~lttrrg-ogee aeamst #.rss t,y err and athtr haz rd s. casua#tie: and contingencra in such <br />+R*s cad far auctt peru,ds ass tae} be rtspsirrd r+y tht Meutgagtt and will pay pct mptlt, wtren due, any pren!tums on such <br />uunratsce prenisicut far paytneut of which has ere>t teen made hrremhrf, re..~;5 insurance >hall Ix c3rrtrd in ~ompanirs ap- <br />#troa•ed by. ihr Ms+riga~re and the galitirs and rertrtitrts t}trrraf ,hall the held by the Mortgagor and hour attacfrrd thereto loss <br />payaldr rl~au>rs ;n fa war t>f and in farm acceptable to tht Mortgagee. in event of lass Mortgagor u iIi giv e rmrncdiate notice by <br />mad 9tt+ the M±'utca, r+•3a may tnakc }+n>ai of kn> >f rxx made p;ti>mptlj~ kp Mortgagor, and rai:h insurance company can- <br />eer~d is hereby auttitui7tti aced dirt:.ted to make pay mein ftxr ,uch lees. directly sa the ~'langagre instead of to the 4larigagor <br />and the MmtyGapee jainrly. grid She iastrratue proceeds. vx an_. part thereof. ma} f+e applied by fhe Afortg,ger at its option either <br />to the redt~on of the +r~iel+rtdaess her+<hy seiturd ar to the restxatiein ar repair of the prapeny damaged- #n event of forecia- <br />sute of t~s manor other itaaster taf title to she mortgaged gaperty in rxriri#tttistrment of the indehtednrss securzd herzhy. <br />aft righS, title alai imeresr of the Mortgagor in and to ant insurance policies then in fnnr chat! pass tc+ the purchaser ur grantee. <br />9, That as additional and cai#aterai secutiry for the payment of the note darri#?ed, sod a#i sums to trecome due under this <br />mortgage, the Nartgagor hereby assigns to tfte Mortgagee aft pre>fits, revenues. royalties. right; and hznefirs accruing to the <br />~>' t apy,atief a#1 oil artd gas #easrs an said premises, with the rigitr to receive and receipt far the same and apply <br />thrnr to said indebtedness as weH before as after defauti in the conditions of this mortgage, and thz Mctrtgagte ma;' demand, sue <br />far arul recauer any such payments when Bur and payab#e, hart shall oat hr rr:;utred ,o to do. Thi, assignment is to terminate <br />and fxcnme nail and vroid upon re#tase of this mnrtgag~e. <br />F'iq 2tAaM (10.7]) <br />