<br />
<br />10. That the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />upon said land, nor softer the said premises to he used for any unlawful purpose.
<br />1 i. That if the premises, or any part thereof, be rnndemned under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public
<br />use. the damages awarded. the proceeds for the taking of, or the consideration for such acquisition, to (fie extent of the full
<br />amount of indebtednes upon this mortgage and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the
<br />Mortgagor io the Mortgagee, and sha}I be paid Forthwith to said Mortga¢ee to he applied by the latter on account of the mxt
<br />matuciag installments of such indtbttdness.
<br />72. The Mortgagor further agrees that should this mortgage and the note secured hereby not be eligible for in-
<br />surance under the National Housing Act within 6 D days from the date hereof Iwritttn stattmen[ of any officer
<br />of the Department of Housing and Urban Qevelopment or authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br />Development dated subsequent to the 60 da~S time from the date of this mortgage, declining to insure said
<br />ttcue and this mortgage, hung deemed .enclust+•a proo of sucl: ineligibi}ityt, the Mnrtgagte or holder of the note
<br />tt,.ay, at its option, declaze al! sums recurred hereby immtdiateiy-due and payable.
<br />2 ~. That if the lforigagor fails to make any payments of money when the came become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />a~;mpty with any of the cenditinns or agreements contained in this mortgage. or the note which it secures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and at~:rued interest shat! at once bernme due and payable, at the election of the ',1lartgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />thereupon ht fareclosed immediately tar the whole of said money. interest. monthly payments, costs- ground rents, taxes and
<br />the cost of extending iht ahsir-act of title from the dart of this loan to the time . f commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea-
<br />sonah3t attorney's fee. all of which shall be included in the dtcree of ifereciosure: and [he contract emhviied in this mortgage
<br />and tht note secured hereby. shall in alt respects he go+erned, construed and adjudged by the laws of Net+raska, where ttre
<br />same is made-
<br />The covenants herein contained shall bind. and the benefits and advantagts shall insure to, the respective heirs, executors.
<br />administmtars, successors and assigns of the parties hrreto. R`hene+er ustd, she singular number shall include the plural, the
<br />plural dhe singular, and fht use of any' gender shall lie appticahlt to all genders.
<br />Tht fareguiag conditions, all and singular, being performeai according to their natural and legal impart, this conveyance
<br />shat) br void artd said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor; o[herw ire to t+e and remain in full ford and effect.
<br />It WITNE_~.S ~l'}fEREOF. the Mortgagor(s) ha hereunto set hand(s) ffie day and year first
<br />abo+e written.
<br />In presence af:
<br />r7
<br />~''.1rL~~` L nr~c:-~~a~ac. ..fir - [ SE.aI 1
<br />Pedro Escobar, Sr.
<br />~ j~ [SEAL[
<br />`~"--ems,; Gc.¢ -}d/. ~ .. Ec~ ~ [SEAL l
<br />Frances H. Escobar [SEAL[
<br />jSEAL;
<br />;, 0 3~t-tea
<br />ST ATE ()F \ESRASf{A.
<br />ss:
<br />(?(yt'ATt" CtF H311
<br />~ 31 ~s~ October
<br /># notary ~ub7.iC
<br />, A.D. i'i ~ ~tfore mt,
<br />in amf far said Cauntq, personally caste
<br />Bedra Escobar, Sr. and Frances S. Escobar, husband and wife
<br />. prrsanalty to nee kaawn
<br />~'~ t;rt a',en=:.s! paw>:;.a g w~,-~st ~ua~te 5 are -~xeu t~~ t9e afi:,.t and ftr~~
<br />ge~~ itssna»tai n idtx~gsrgnr. #sd they h~~>~ scknrnc kdged tix said insttumtnt and the
<br />txt~cistina thtrtaf m tit ,ttie it rafuntan- act end decd. fax the purpost> therein txpresstd.
<br />~ uestis~a-+ny a'~treof.lltavr~retanzosetm; hand anda6xedlsy my stela[ Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />ctin tie day ar,d daft last nbo+c rTittett. r1^ ~} / ~ • ~s
<br />LFtE'1*_: tr. f ld G ~: ~~, fI ~ . ~j~f'i s2.1~''ff-' ~?
<br />- --ta;s Stet. ,~ -~~k~^sta ~ ~_,~~', -~- - .r_ Notarv Public
<br />-#~ CS - j y.~.,,~~ J
<br />Fsird retard this day oft .A.D 14
<br />#t a' Hoek M., and entered in'vutnerical Index, and
<br />rs~;ura3ad ~ Sudt of Mortis., an
<br />P~ iff
<br />Register a# Deeds
<br />rfiA-21#3M {107 ~>
<br />