<br />'~srr ~~~.~~
<br />31-02-0286
<br />1l~I®RTGt~GE
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />~~# tian with mortgages insnred
<br />under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />t3ousing Aet.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 31St day of October ,A.D.
<br />t9 7g ,by and between pedro Escobar, Sr, and Franees H. Escobar, husband and wife
<br />of the County of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called
<br />ta!Marrgagor,and Mortgage Plus Incorporated ,
<br />acorpoeationorgsniudandecistinAuttdertheiawsof the United States of AtneriCa
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee,
<br />l~l`ITNESSETH: That the said 34fortgagor, for and in consideration of tht sum of Twenty Two Thousand Five
<br />Htmi3red ~ififty~a~td ~Oj~00 hs~ -__ DallarsiS~2 550.00 ),paedhytheMon-
<br />gtfget. the rtcupt of w rs re y ac now edge s Granted and Sold an ~ ese presents does Grant, Bar-
<br />gain, Sell, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the following-described
<br />real estate, situated in tht County of Hall , atfd Stan
<br />of Nebraska, x7 wi[_
<br />Lot Nine {9), in Block Twelve {12), in Bonnie Brae Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />also known as:
<br />1410 N,6V, Front, Grand island,NE 68801
<br />a~ thr Sictis 13ittcaFal Meridian, oorta::mtg is all City prt)per ty acrrs actrotding to Govern-
<br />ata:Ei ~ v-
<br />TL} }iAt'£ AND TO HOLD the premists above descnhYl, t<i!h all the appurunsacrs thereunto btranging and including
<br />~ t+r~, plnmtthfg and Iig~tisg fitttttits and rquipmant Haw or hereafter attached to or used in cantxction with said real estate
<br />useta tht ~t>ttgtfget, and tea its snctxssttrs and assigns, forever. The Mongagnr represents ta, and covetfants with, the Alortga-
<br />gae, ~ tht htoatga~Or has goad tight to scll amf txxfcxy said prtmists; that they are ftre from encumbrance; and [hat ihr
<br />w~l warrant and ddetui the same against tht tawiul claims of air persons wifomuxver; and the said Mortgagor htre-
<br />by all ri~k&LS of hmersttad. andail ttfartiai rights, eithrr of taw ar in e~uit}, and all otfttr contingent infttrsts of tht
<br />'A#,." ~ ~ ta# ter ~sv~~as~ p:risiscs, tbt in€cntian Y~ittg is caaveti= irneby ae ahwlutc cilia. in fer sitnpie, inciud-
<br />a£t rim of hamcsttad, atfd other ruts t~ interests as of vesaid.
<br />iaROVIDED AI-WADS, acrd [hest prtstMS err cxecwed and dthvered upatf the fallora:,9g ronditions, to a it:
<br />The llostgag~tr agrers to pay ra tht Mortg~e, ar cyder, rift ptittcipal sum of Twer_ty Two Thou sand Five
<br />~,t~n t?xi Fifty and i30/'1flOD"'l~sls 22,550.00 l,wtthiatrrestfmm
<br />dare>u the :~"3e V @'~ 7~l nne. 1 f prr retttttm t 11 . r~ 96i ptr amttun at
<br />~ balance uaN past- T~r ~ std amerest shalt be pagabk at the taf6ct a Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />~ Eng ietac>od , Colorado . tx at stx-h athcr piece as the holder of
<br />tisas+z my;~sir~u°rtiag.R,s=aathfy~`rv~tsaf Tt~ Ht:ndred Forty and 61/lOOths ____
<br />ikaltats t5 2 4 0 , 61 ), t ommtnding on the first day of
<br />~ . l9 ~ ~ and on the ftrst day of tarp month thacafttr until the principal and in-
<br />teres4 ace ft~y paid, tsce f~ia final payment of printipal anti intrrest, if rat sooner paid. shall be dot and
<br />~'~ °° ~ f>r~ day ~ Nt3~emi>er 1919 : atl according to the terms of a certain promis-
<br />sory ~ of even dart Aert+ txtcuttd by the said lfdartpsgor.
<br />The l;iartp~r ®ttrdtr tttare fttthr m pnnaact the security .~ this Mortgage. agues:
<br />t. Tiaat ife tii~ pay the itrss, as bn•ristaeforo provided. Peivikgt is rtserved iu pay the debt in wltoit, or in an
<br />mein atptal to ant tx mtt montlsiy payments as the pritrspal tfmt err tact duo an tht nuts, on the ftrst da} of any month
<br />priers ir+trug. Prtrssdz6. itvwcc°~, 3iut writeea ntuiset of an istantioo to exerctst such privilege is givtn at Itast thirty (3(1)
<br />Sys ~ pstpafypat~t.
<br />? Tlwt, toBcttxr vrisif, and ht addititta to, tht monthly payttttn€s of principal a~ interest pay obit under the terms of the
<br />note seared IAasby, the itttxtgagor pay to rite Altgtgagu, on tht first day of each month until the sail! Hatt is fully paid. the
<br />fe>petriatgsaas:
<br />{a) Raasnt atH'ttseot to pratvide t~ hahkr htroaf with ttrnds to pay the next mortgage itfsutattce premium if this
<br />hactrfatrtttft anti +dne sore aeraateaf hereby ar inrtnd, ~ a monthy charge tin lieu of a mongage uratrence pre-
<br />artoarr j if they are h~ by the Serntary of Hau~tg cad Urban Development, u follows:
<br />II? ff and w ~ u said rtofe of evrn date cad this inrrurnent are insured ar are reinsured under the pro-
<br />vir3ons of thr ldat}and Hotti,+ng Aet, an :tmouat sufficient to accumulate in the hands of the holder one
<br />t'+e~cn Eaarramars E~raaa» STATE OF VEBRASK 1
<br />FHA-Zra3M (10-77)
<br />